caffe添加Layer,复现Feature Learning based Deep Supervidsed Hashing with PL

来源:互联网 发布:app软件开发流程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:40

前一段时间在搞图像哈希。因为南京大学这个文章很不错,但是源代码是matconvertnet写的。 无法实用。
因此,用caffe复现。c++调用API即可。 测试的 mAP=0.7459 稍好于论文中的结果(0.713)。

/*************************************************************************     File Name: deep_feature_hash_layer.cpp     Author:     Mail:     Created Time: Fri 03 Mar 2017 11:23:12 AM CST ************************************************************************/#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include "caffe/layers/deep_feature_hash_layer.hpp"#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"namespace caffe {    template <typename Dtype>    void DeepFeatureHashLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(        const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top){            LossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(bottom,top);            CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->height(),1);            CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->width(),1);            CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->height(),1);            CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->width(),1);            const int batchSize = bottom[0]->num();            const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();            forward_data_.Reshape(1,channels,1,1);      //allocate memory ,shape:[1,code_length,1,1]            diff_.Reshape(1,channels,1,1);            ALPHA_.Reshape(batchSize,batchSize,1,1);    //upper case ALPHA_ (matrix : batchSize* batchSize)            U_.Reshape(channels,batchSize,1,1);                reg_Termfactor = this->layer_param().deep_hash_param().reg_factor();        }    template <typename Dtype>    void DeepFeatureHashLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(        const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,        const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top){            const int batchSize = bottom[0]->num();            const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();            Dtype * bout = bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();            Dtype hash_loss(0.0);            Dtype theta_ij(0.0);            Dtype sim_term(0.0);                  Dtype regular_term(0.0);            bool simliarity_ij(0);            Dtype* alpha = ALPHA_.mutable_cpu_data();            caffe_set(channels* batchSize,Dtype(0),bout);            Dtype* pu = U_.mutable_cpu_data();            for(int i = 0; i<  channels; ++i){          //transpose bottom data[features] ==> U_                 for(int j = 0; j< batchSize; ++j){                    *(pu+ i*batchSize+j) = *(bottom[0]->cpu_data()+j*channels+i);                    //std::cout << *(pu+ i*batchSize+j)<< " ";                }            //std::cout <<std::endl;            }            for(int i  = 0;i < batchSize; i++){                for(int j= 0;j<batchSize;j++){                    //1-compute theta_ij                    theta_ij = caffe_cpu_dot(channels,                                             bottom[0]->cpu_data()+(i*channels),                                             bottom[0]->cpu_data()+(j*channels));                   // std::cout << "theta_ij "<< theta_ij <<std::endl;                    theta_ij *= 0.5;   // theta_ij has been compute already                    simliarity_ij = (static_cast<int>(bottom[1]->cpu_data()[i]) ==                                     static_cast<int>(bottom[1]->cpu_data()[j]));                    sim_term += simliarity_ij * theta_ij - log(1+exp(theta_ij)); // end of loss of first term                    // compute diff for backward                     *((alpha + i *batchSize)+j) = (1/(1+exp(-theta_ij)) - simliarity_ij) ;   //ALPHA_[i][j] assignment                    /* for debug */                }                       // compute bi                 Dtype* tmp_data = forward_data_.mutable_cpu_data();                for(int k = 0; k<12; ++k){                    *tmp_data = elemswise_sign(*(bottom[0]->cpu_data()+(i*channels)+k));                    tmp_data++;                    //std::cout << *(bottom[0]->cpu_data()+(i*channels)+k)<< ":";                    //std::cout << forward_data_.cpu_data()[k] << "  ";                }   // bi has been computed                //std::cout << std::endl;                    // compute bi - ui                caffe_sub(channels,                         forward_data_.cpu_data(),                //bi                          bottom[0]->cpu_data()+(i*channels),       //net output binary code(ui)                          diff_.mutable_cpu_data());                //bi - ui                 //for(int k = 0;k<12; ++k){                //    std::cout <<*(diff_.cpu_data()+k)<< " ";                //}                //std::cout << std::endl;                //std::cout << caffe_cpu_dot(channels,diff_.cpu_data(),diff_.cpu_data()) << std::endl;                regular_term += caffe_cpu_dot(channels,diff_.cpu_data(),diff_.cpu_data());                caffe_cpu_axpby(                    channels,                    (-2* reg_Termfactor) / (batchSize ),                     diff_.cpu_data(),               //bi - ui                    Dtype(1.0),                    bout + (i*channels)            //dj/du                    );            /*        for(int ki = 0; ki<12;ki++){                        std::cout << *(bout + (i*channels)+ki) << " ";                    }                    std::cout << std::endl;*/                //if(i%40 ==0){std::cout << sim_term <<std::endl;}            }        /*for(int nx=0; nx<batchSize; ++nx){            std::cout << *(ALPHA_.cpu_data()+nx) << std::endl;        }*/        for(int chi = 0; chi< batchSize; ++chi){            for(int chk = 0; chk <channels; ++chk){                *(bout+chi*channels+chk) += caffe_cpu_dot(batchSize,                                                          ALPHA_.cpu_data()+(chi*batchSize),                                                          U_.cpu_data()+(chk * batchSize))/(batchSize*(batchSize-1));                //std::cout << (*(bout+chi*channels+chk))<<std::endl;            }        }            sim_term /= batchSize * (batchSize);            regular_term /= batchSize;            //std::cout << "sim_term "     << sim_term << std::endl;            //std::cout << "regular_term " << regular_term << std::endl << std::endl;            hash_loss = reg_Termfactor * regular_term - sim_term;  //TODO: eita            top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = hash_loss;        }template <typename Dtype>void DeepFeatureHashLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top, const vector<bool>& propagate_down,const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom){        if(propagate_down[1]){            LOG(FATAL) << this->type()            << "Layer can not backpropagate to lable inputs.";        }         /*        Dtype* bout = bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();        const int batchSize = bottom[0]->num();        const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();*/    }#ifdef CPU_ONLYSTUB_GPU(DeepFeatureHashLayer);#endifINSTANTIATE_CLASS(DeepFeatureHashLayer);REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(DeepFeatureHash);}// namespace caffe 


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