
来源:互联网 发布:开淘宝的经验分享 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:52



The Switch Manager class contains most of the code involved with
dealing with switches. The Switch manager keeps track of the switches
known to the controller,their status, and any important information
about the switch lifecycle. The Switch Manager also provides the
switch service, which allows other modules to hook in switch listeners
and get basic access to switch information.

大致意思就是:Switch Manager的代码主要涉及与交互机的交互,它能够管理连接到Controller交换机的状态以及生命周期的信息。同时提供一些对其它模块的服务,使其它模块也能够获取交换机的信息.

@Override    public void startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {        startUpBase(context);        bootstrapNetty();    }

1.Switch Manager首先作为模块在模块加载的时候启动

在startUp方法中,Switch Manager调用了bootstrapNetty()方法,启动了服务器端,bootstrapNetty方法:

 public void bootstrapNetty() {        try {            bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(bossThreads);            workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(workerThreads);            ServerBootstrap bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap()                    .group(bossGroup, workerGroup)                    .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)                    .option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true)                    .option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true)                    .option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true)                    .option(ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, tcpSendBufferSize)                    .option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, connectionTimeoutMsec)                    .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, connectionBacklog);            OFChannelInitializer initializer = new OFChannelInitializer(                    this,                     this,                     debugCounterService,                     timer,                     ofBitmaps,                     defaultFactory,                     keyStore,                     keyStorePassword);            bootstrap.childHandler(initializer);            cg = new DefaultChannelGroup(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE);            Set<InetSocketAddress> addrs = new HashSet<InetSocketAddress>();            if (openFlowAddresses.isEmpty()) {                cg.add(bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(IPv4Address.NONE.getBytes()), openFlowPort.getPort())).channel());            } else {                for (IPv4Address ip : openFlowAddresses) {                    addrs.add(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(ip.getBytes()), openFlowPort.getPort()));                }            }            for (InetSocketAddress sa : addrs) {                cg.add(bootstrap.bind(sa).channel());                log.debug("Listening for switch connections on {}", sa);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new RuntimeException(e);        }    }

借用《Netty权威指南 第二版》中的图来说明下:

pipeline.addLast(PipelineHandler.OF_MESSAGE_DECODER,                new OFMessageDecoder());pipeline.addLast(PipelineHandler.OF_MESSAGE_ENCODER,                new OFMessageEncoder());pipeline.addLast(PipelineHandler.MAIN_IDLE,                new IdleStateHandler(PipelineIdleReadTimeout.MAIN,                        PipelineIdleWriteTimeout.MAIN,                        0));pipeline.addLast(PipelineHandler.READ_TIMEOUT, new ReadTimeoutHandler(30));pipeline.addLast(PipelineHandler.CHANNEL_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT,                new HandshakeTimeoutHandler(                        handler,                        timer,                        PipelineHandshakeTimeout.CHANNEL));pipeline.addLast(PipelineHandler.CHANNEL_HANDLER, handler);


class OFChannelHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Iterable<OFMessage>> {    @Override    public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {        log.debug("channelConnected on OFChannelHandler {}", String.format("%08x", System.identityHashCode(this)));        counters.switchConnected.increment();        channel =;"New switch connection from {}", channel.remoteAddress());        setState(new WaitHelloState());    }    class WaitHelloState extends OFChannelState {        WaitHelloState() {            super(false);        }        @Override        void processOFHello(OFHello m) throws IOException {            OFVersion theirVersion = m.getVersion();            OFVersion commonVersion = null;            /* First, check if there's a version bitmap supplied. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE a controller-provided version bitmap. */            if (theirVersion.compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) >= 0 && !m.getElements().isEmpty()) {                List<U32> bitmaps = new ArrayList<U32>();                List<OFHelloElem> elements = m.getElements();                /* Grab all bitmaps supplied */                for (OFHelloElem e : elements) {                    if (e instanceof OFHelloElemVersionbitmap) {                        bitmaps.addAll(((OFHelloElemVersionbitmap) e).getBitmaps());                    } else {                        log.warn("Unhandled OFHelloElem {}", e);                    }                }                /* Lookup highest, common supported OpenFlow version */                commonVersion = computeOFVersionFromBitmap(bitmaps);                if (commonVersion == null) {                    log.error("Could not negotiate common OpenFlow version for {} with greatest version bitmap algorithm.", channel.remoteAddress());                    channel.disconnect();                    return;                } else {          "Negotiated OpenFlow version of {} for {} with greatest version bitmap algorithm.", commonVersion.toString(), channel.remoteAddress());                    factory = OFFactories.getFactory(commonVersion);                    OFMessageDecoder decoder = pipeline.get(OFMessageDecoder.class);                    decoder.setVersion(commonVersion);                }            }            /* If there's not a bitmap present, choose the lower of the two supported versions. */            else if (theirVersion.compareTo(factory.getVersion()) < 0) {      "Negotiated down to switch OpenFlow version of {} for {} using lesser hello header algorithm.", theirVersion.toString(), channel.remoteAddress());                factory = OFFactories.getFactory(theirVersion);                OFMessageDecoder decoder = pipeline.get(OFMessageDecoder.class);                decoder.setVersion(theirVersion);            } /* else The controller's version is < or = the switch's, so keep original controller factory. */            else if (theirVersion.equals(factory.getVersion())) {      "Negotiated equal OpenFlow version of {} for {} using lesser hello header algorithm.", factory.getVersion().toString(), channel.remoteAddress());            }            else {      "Negotiated down to controller OpenFlow version of {} for {} using lesser hello header algorithm.", factory.getVersion().toString(), channel.remoteAddress());            }            setState(new WaitFeaturesReplyState());        }        @Override        void enterState() throws IOException {            sendHelloMessage();        }    }    class WaitFeaturesReplyState extends OFChannelState {        WaitFeaturesReplyState() {            super(false);        }        @Override        void processOFFeaturesReply(OFFeaturesReply  m)                throws IOException {            featuresReply = m;            featuresLatency = (System.currentTimeMillis() - featuresLatency) / 2;            // Mark handshake as completed            setState(new CompleteState());        }        @Override        void processOFHello(OFHello m) throws IOException {            /*             * Brocade switches send a second hello after             * the controller responds with its hello. This             * might be to confirm the protocol version used,             * but isn't defined in the OF specification.             *              * We will ignore such hello messages assuming             * the version of the hello is correct according             * to the algorithm in the spec.             *              * TODO Brocade also sets the XID of this second             * hello as the same XID the controller used.             * Checking for this might help to assure we're             * really dealing with the situation we think             * we are.             */            if (m.getVersion().equals(factory.getVersion())) {                log.warn("Ignoring second hello from {} in state {}. Might be a Brocade.", channel.remoteAddress(), state.toString());            } else {                super.processOFHello(m); /* Versions don't match as they should; abort */            }        }        @Override        void processOFPortStatus(OFPortStatus m) {            log.warn("Ignoring PORT_STATUS message from {} during OpenFlow channel establishment. Ports will be explicitly queried in a later state.", channel.remoteAddress());        }        @Override        void enterState() throws IOException {            sendFeaturesRequest();            featuresLatency = System.currentTimeMillis();        }        @Override        void processOFMessage(OFMessage m) throws IOException {            if (m.getType().equals(OFType.PACKET_IN)) {                log.warn("Ignoring PACKET_IN message from {} during OpenFlow channel establishment.", channel.remoteAddress());            } else {                super.processOFMessage(m);            }        }    };    class CompleteState extends OFChannelState{        CompleteState() {            super(true);        }        @Override        void enterState() throws IOException{            setSwitchHandshakeTimeout();            // Handle non 1.3 connections            if (featuresReply.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) < 0){                connection = new OFConnection(featuresReply.getDatapathId(), factory, channel, OFAuxId.MAIN, debugCounters, timer);            }            // Handle 1.3 connections            else {                connection = new OFConnection(featuresReply.getDatapathId(), factory, channel, featuresReply.getAuxiliaryId(), debugCounters, timer);                // If this is an aux connection, we set a longer echo idle time                if (!featuresReply.getAuxiliaryId().equals(OFAuxId.MAIN)) {                    setAuxChannelIdle();                }            }            connection.updateLatency(U64.of(featuresLatency));            echoSendTime = 0;            // Notify the connection broker            notifyConnectionOpened(connection);        }    };    @Override    public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Iterable<OFMessage> msgList) throws Exception {        for (OFMessage ofm : msgList) {            try {                // Do the actual packet processing                state.processOFMessage(ofm);            }            catch (Exception ex) {                // We are the last handler in the stream, so run the                // exception through the channel again by passing in                // ctx.getChannel().                ctx.fireExceptionCaught(ex);            }        }    }    private void sendFeaturesRequest() throws IOException {        // Send initial Features Request        OFFeaturesRequest m = factory.buildFeaturesRequest()                .setXid(handshakeTransactionIds--)                .build();        write(m);    }    private void sendHelloMessage() throws IOException {        // Send initial hello message        OFHello.Builder builder = factory.buildHello();        /* Our highest-configured OFVersion does support version bitmaps, so include it */        if (factory.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) >= 0) {            List<OFHelloElem> he = new ArrayList<OFHelloElem>();            he.add(factory.buildHelloElemVersionbitmap()                    .setBitmaps(ofBitmaps)                    .build());            builder.setElements(he);        }        OFHello m = builder.setXid(handshakeTransactionIds--)                .build();        write(m);        log.debug("Send hello: {}", m);     }}


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