
来源:互联网 发布:数据开发工程师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 04:25




public class BinaryTreeNode {    public int value;    public BinaryTreeNode leftNode;    public BinaryTreeNode rightNode;    public BinaryTreeNode(int value) {        //搜索二叉树是否平衡与元素的插入顺序是有关的        this.value = value;        leftNode = null;        rightNode = null;    }    public static BinaryTreeNode getLowestCommonAncestor(BinaryTreeNode rootParent, BinaryTreeNode root, BinaryTreeNode node1, BinaryTreeNode node2) {        if (root == null || node1 == null || node2 == null) {            return null;        }        if ((root.value - node1.value) * (root.value - node2.value) < 0) {            return root;        } else if ((root.value - node1.value) * (root.value - node2.value) > 0) {            BinaryTreeNode newRoot = ((root.value > node1.value) && (root.value > node2.value)) ? root.leftNode : root.rightNode;            return getLowestCommonAncestor(root, newRoot, node1, node2);        } else {            return rootParent;        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        BinaryTreeNode A = new BinaryTreeNode(4);        BinaryTreeNode B = new BinaryTreeNode(2);        BinaryTreeNode C = new BinaryTreeNode(6);        BinaryTreeNode D = new BinaryTreeNode(1);        BinaryTreeNode E = new BinaryTreeNode(3);        BinaryTreeNode F = new BinaryTreeNode(5);        BinaryTreeNode G = new BinaryTreeNode(7);        A.leftNode = B;        A.rightNode = C;        B.leftNode = D;        B.rightNode = E;        C.leftNode = F;        C.rightNode = G;        BinaryTreeNode res1 = getLowestCommonAncestor(null, A, E, F);        BinaryTreeNode res2 = getLowestCommonAncestor(null, A, D, E);        BinaryTreeNode res3 = getLowestCommonAncestor(null, A, B, D);        System.out.println("The lowest common ancestor of 3 and 5 is " + res1.value);        System.out.println("The lowest common ancestor of 1 and 3 is " + res2.value);        System.out.println("The lowest common ancestor of 1 and 2 is " + res3.value);    }}






public class NewBinaryTreeNode {    public int value;    public NewBinaryTreeNode parentNode;    public NewBinaryTreeNode leftNode;    public NewBinaryTreeNode rightNode;    public NewBinaryTreeNode(int value) {        this.value = value;        parentNode = null;        leftNode = null;        rightNode = null;    }    public static NewBinaryTreeNode getLowestCommonAncestor1(NewBinaryTreeNode root, NewBinaryTreeNode node1, NewBinaryTreeNode node2) {        if (root == null || node1 == null || node2 == null) {            return null;        }        int depth1 = findTheDepthOfTheNode(root, node1, node2);        if (depth1 == -1) {            return node2.parentNode;        }        int depth2 = findTheDepthOfTheNode(root, node2, node1);        if (depth2 == -1) {            return node1.parentNode;        }        //p指向较深的节点q指向较浅的节点        NewBinaryTreeNode p = depth1 > depth2 ? node1 : node2;        NewBinaryTreeNode q = depth1 > depth2 ? node2 : node1;        int depth = Math.abs(depth1 - depth2);        while (depth > 0) {            p = p.parentNode;            depth--;        }        while (p != q) {            p = p.parentNode;            q = q.parentNode;        }        return p;    }    //求node1的深度,如果node1和node2在一条路径上,则返回-1,否则返回node1的深度    public static int findTheDepthOfTheNode(NewBinaryTreeNode root, NewBinaryTreeNode node1, NewBinaryTreeNode node2) {        int depth = 0;        while (node1.parentNode != null) {            node1 = node1.parentNode;            depth++;            if (node1 == node2) {                return -1;            }        }        return depth;    }}



//转换成为求两个链表的最后公共结点问题public class CommonBinaryNode {    //BinaryTreeNode是同包中的public类,可以直接使用其数据结构    public static BinaryTreeNode getLowestCommonAncestor2(BinaryTreeNode root, BinaryTreeNode node1, BinaryTreeNode node2){        if(root == null || node1 == null || node2 == null){            return null;        }        Stack<BinaryTreeNode> path1 = new Stack<BinaryTreeNode>();        boolean flag1 = getThePathOfTheNode(root, node1,path1);        if(!flag1){//树上没有node1节点            return null;        }        Stack<BinaryTreeNode> path2 = new Stack<BinaryTreeNode>();        boolean flag2 = getThePathOfTheNode(root, node2,path2);        if(!flag2){//树上没有node2节点            return null;        }        if(path1.size() > path2.size()){ //让两个路径等长            while(path1.size() !=  path2.size()){                path1.pop();            }        }else{            while(path1.size() !=  path2.size()){                path2.pop();            }        }        if(path1.equals(path2)){//当两个节点在一条路径上时            path1.pop();            return path1.pop();        }else{            BinaryTreeNode p = path1.pop();            BinaryTreeNode q = path2.pop();            while(q != p){                p = path1.pop();                q = path2.pop();            }            return p;        }    }    //获得根节点到node节点的路径    public static boolean getThePathOfTheNode(BinaryTreeNode root,BinaryTreeNode node,Stack<BinaryTreeNode> path){        path.push(root);        if(root == node){            return true;        }        boolean found = false;        //前序遍历整棵树        if(root.leftNode != null){            found = getThePathOfTheNode(root.leftNode, node, path);        }        if(!found && root.rightNode != null){            found = getThePathOfTheNode(root.rightNode, node, path);        }        if(!found){            path.pop();        }        return found;    }}
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