Mysql 常用sql语句汇总

来源:互联网 发布:软件兼容性测试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 11:19

按年汇总,统计:select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from table group by date_format(col, '%Y');按月汇总,统计: select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from table group by date_format(col, '%Y-%m');按季度汇总,统计: select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from table group by concat(date_format(col, '%Y'),FLOOR((date_format(col, '%m')+2)/3)); select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from table group by concat(date_format(col, '%Y'),FLOOR((date_format(col, '%m')+2)/3));按小时: select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from table group by date_format(col, '%Y-%m-%d %H ');查询 本年度的数据:SELECT * FROM table WHERE year(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = year(curdate())查询数据附带季度数:SELECT id, quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) FROM table;查询 本季度的数据:SELECT * FROM table WHERE quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = quarter(curdate());本月统计:select * from table where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and year(my_time2) = year(curdate())本周统计:select * from table where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and week(my_time2) = week(curdate())N天内记录:WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(时间字段)<=N --给分期表创建唯一约束alter table A add unique index unique_sltId_loanNo (SLT_ACCOUNT_ID, LOAN_PERIOD_NO);--创建普通索引alter table A add index  FK_FK_INSTALLMENT_INFO_SLT_ACCOUNT_ID (SLT_ACCOUNT_ID); alter table A add index  IDX (SLT_ACCOUNT_ID,REPAY_STATUS); <!-- 查询30以内的下一期记录--><select id="sqlId" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Long">select * from tableNamewhere sid = 88888888and status=1 and DATE_FORMAT(date_add(now(),interval 1 month),'%Y-%m-%d') >= DATE_FORMAT(duDate,'%Y-%m-%d')  and now() < duDate</select>
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