Shooting Digital: Pro Tips for Taking Great Pictures with Your Digital Camera

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝运营团队 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 01:47
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A digital camera is functionally identical to a traditional film camera in all respects except image storage, right? Not at all, and Mikkel Aaland shows exactly why in his excellent Shooting Digital. He shows why digital cameras--the point-and-shoot variety as well as fancier models meant for professional photographers--are overall neither better nor worse than cameras of older design, and goes on to show you how to take advantage of their special traits. He shows how to compensate for their shortcomings, too, notably shutter lag (for which he documents a useful testing procedure) and color fringing. Though there's some coverage of creating animated GIFs, this book generally sticks to shooting time and leaves editing to other volumes.

Aaland never forgets that digital cameras should be more cameras than digital, and his book serves as an excellent photography text for hobbyists and aspiring professionals. The author's advice in this area is both technical (how to light a still life and how to best a strobe to eliminate shadows) and artistic (why kids should be encouraged to photograph other kids, and how you can use perspective to create weird effects). He's an accomplished photographer who obviously loves his work, and his enthusiasm for making art with a camera--and, for that matter, just playing with one--come through brilliantly.