FZU 2215 Simple Polynomial Problem 多项式模拟 表达式树

来源:互联网 发布:python 元组 分数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 18:01
Problem 2215 Simple Polynomial Problem

Time Limit: 1000 mSec    Memory Limit : 32768 KB

Problem Description

You are given an polynomial of x consisting of only addition marks, multiplication marks, brackets, single digit numbers, and of course the letter x. For example, a valid polynomial would be: (1+x)*(1+x*x+x+5)+1*x*x.

You are required to write the polynomial into it's minimal form by combining the equal terms.

For example, (1+x)*(1+x) would be written as x^2+2*x+1.

Also, (1+x)*(1+x*x+x+5)+1*x*x would be written as x^3+3*x^2+7*x+6.


The first line contains an integer T, meaning the number of the cases. 1 <= T <= 50.

For each test case, there will be one polynomial which it's length would be not larger than 1000.

It is guaranteed that every input polynomial is valid, and every number would be a single digit.


For each polynomial, output it's minimal form. If the polynomial's minimal form has n terms, output n space-separated integers.

You only have to output each term's corresponding constant (from highest to lowest). In case the constant gets too big, output the remainder of dividing the answer by 1000000007 (1e9 + 7).

Sample Input


Sample Output
1 2 1
1 3 7 6 0

2 0 0




#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;const int mod=1000000007;const int MAXN=2005;//#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")int max(int x,int y){    return x>y?x:y;}struct Node{    int len,s[MAXN];    int &operator[](int i)    {        return s[i];    }    const int &operator[](int i)const    {        return s[i];    }    Node operator+ (const Node &P)const    {        int i;        Node ret;        memset(ret.s,0,sizeof(ret.s));        ret.len=max(len,P.len);        for(i=0;i<=ret.len;i++)            ret[i]=((long long)s[i]+P[i])%mod;        return ret;    }    Node operator* (const Node &P)const    {        int i,j;        Node ret;        memset(ret.s,0,sizeof(ret.s));        ret.len=len+P.len;        for(i=0;i<=len;i++)            for(j=0;j<=P.len;j++)                ret[i+j]=(ret[i+j]+(long long)s[i]*P[j])%mod;        while(ret.len&&!ret[ret.len])            ret.len--;        return ret;    }    void print()    {        int i;        for(i=len;i>0;i--)            cout<<s[i]<<" ";        cout<<s[0]<<endl;    }};Node a[MAXN];char op[MAXN];int lch[MAXN],rch[MAXN],sz;int build(char *S,int L,int R){    int c[]={-1,-1},p=0,u;    int i;    if(L==R)    {        sz++;        u=sz;        op[u]='.';        memset(a[u].s,0,sizeof(a[u].s));        if(S[L]=='x')        {            a[u].len=1;            a[u][1]=1;        }        else        {            a[u].len=0;            a[u][0]=S[L]-'0';        }        return u;    }    for(i=L;i<=R;i++)    {        switch(S[i])        {            case '(':p++;break;            case ')':p--;break;            case '+':                if(!p)                    c[0]=i;                break;            case '*':                if(!p)                    c[1]=i;                break;        }    }    if(c[0]<0)        c[0]=c[1];    if(c[0]<0)        u=build(S,L+1,R-1);    else    {        sz++;        u=sz;        op[u]=S[c[0]];        lch[u]=build(S,L,c[0]-1);        rch[u]=build(S,c[0]+1,R);    }    return u;}Node solve(int u){    if(op[u]=='.')        return a[u];    Node al=solve(lch[u]),ar=solve(rch[u]);    switch(op[u])    {        case '+':return al+ar;        case '*':return al*ar;    }}char str[MAXN];int main(){    int Size = 10240000;    char *p = (char *)malloc(Size) + Size;    __asm__("movl %0, %%esp\n" :: "r"(p));    int T;    scanf("%d",&T);    while(T--)    {        sz=0;        scanf("%s",str);        int n=strlen(str);        int rt=build(str,0,n-1);        Node ret=solve(rt);        ret.print();    }    return 0;}

1 0