
来源:互联网 发布:origin8怎么数据拟合 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 16:29


 #include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h>//相关操作:创建,清空,查空,插入,查询,排序typedef int ElemType;typedef struct Node{    ElemType data;    struct Node *next;}Node, *LinkedList;LinkedList InitList(void)   //主要要分配空间,{    Node *L; // 头指针    L = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(L == NULL)    {        printf("apply for memory failed!\n");    }    L->data = 0;    L->next = NULL;    return L;}bool ListEmpty(LinkedList L){    if (L->next == NULL)        return true;    else        return false;}void ClearList(LinkedList L){    LinkedList head = L;    while (L->next != NULL)    {        LinkedList L_next = L;        L = L_next->next;        free(L_next);    }    free(L);    head->data = 0;    head->next = NULL;}void  ListInsert(LinkedList L, ElemType element){    L->data += 1;    while (L->next != NULL)        L = L->next;    L->next = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));    L = L->next;    L->data = element;    L->next = NULL;}void GetElem(LinkedList L, int i, ElemType& e){    if (L->data < i)    {        printf("out of length\n");    }    else    {        while (i)        {            L = L->next;            i--;        }        e = L->data;    }}int LocateElem(LinkedList L, ElemType e){    int i = 0;    while (L->next != NULL)    {        L = L->next;        i++;        if (L->data == e)        {            return i;        }    }}void ListDelete(LinkedList L, ElemType e){    while (L->next != NULL)    {        LinkedList L_n = L->next;        if (L_n->data == e)        {            L->next = L_n->next;            free(L_n);            printf("Delete the element!\n");            return;        }        else        {            L = L_n;        }    }    printf("The element is not in the list!\n");}int main(int argc, char **argv){    LinkedList L1;    ElemType e1;    int location;    int result;    L1 = InitList();    result = ListEmpty(L1);    ListInsert(L1, 1);    ListInsert(L1, 3);    ListInsert(L1, 4);    ListInsert(L1, 5);    GetElem(L1, 2, e1);    location = LocateElem(L1, 3);    ListDelete(L1,3);    ClearList(L1);    return 0;}
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