CS 231A CV(winter 2014) problem set 3第一题第三小题(给定关键点及边框寻找最优边框)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝在哪里看未认证 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:04




Now given an object in an image, we want to explore how to find the same object in another image by matching the keypoints across these two images.

(i) A keypoint is specified by its coordinates, scale and orientaion (u,v,s,θ). Suppose that you have matched a keypoint in the bounding box of an object in the first image to a keypoint in a second image, as shown in Figure 3. Given the keypoint pair and the red bounding box in Image 1, which is specified by its center coordinates, width and height (x 1 ,y 1 ,w 1 ,h 1 ), find the predicted green bounding box of the same object in Image 2. Define the center position, width, height and relative orientation (x 2 ,y 2 ,w 2 ,h 2 ,o 2 ) of the predicted bounding box. Assume that the relation between a bounding box and a keypoint in it holds across rotation, translation and scale.
(ii) Once you have defined the five features of the new bounding box in terms of the two keypoint features and the original bounding box, briefly describe how you would utilize the Hough transform to determine the best bounding box in Image 2 given n correspondences.
(e) Implement the function getObjectRegion.m to recover the position, scale, and orientation of the objects (via calculating the bounding boxes) in the test images. You can use a coarse Hough transform by setting the number of bins for each dimension equal to 4. Your Hough space should be four dimensional.


function [cx, cy, w, h, orient, count] = getObjectRegion(keypt1, keypt2, matches, objbox, thresh)% Get the center x-y (cx,cy), width and height (w,h), and orientation% (orient) for each predicted object bounding box in the image.% Find parameters for object bounding boxobjx = mean(objbox([1 3])); % x-centerobjy = mean(objbox([2 4])); % y-centerobjw = objbox(3)-objbox(1);objh = objbox(4)-objbox(2);% YOUR CODE HERE% Find parameters for keypoints in image 1s1 = 0;o1 = 0;x1 = 0;y1 = 0;matchkeypt1=keypt1(:,matches(1,:));%关键点1(带重复)x1 = matchkeypt1(1,:);y1 = matchkeypt1(2,:);s1 = matchkeypt1(3,:);o1 = matchkeypt1(4,:);% Find parameters for keypoints in image 2s2 = 0;o2 = 0;x2 = 0;y2 = 0;matchkeypt2=keypt2(:,matches(2,:));%关键点2(与关键点1对应)x2 = matchkeypt2(1,:);y2 = matchkeypt2(2,:);s2 = matchkeypt2(3,:);o2 = matchkeypt2(4,:);% Use four uniform bins for each dimension, vote from each keypoint and% store all the bounding boxes whose votes is larger than thresh.cx = []; cy = []; w = []; h = []; orient = []; count = [];s = s2./s1;%关键点缩放倍数w = objw.*s;%结果矩形框大小等于关键点缩放倍数跟给定矩形框之间的简单乘法h = objh.*s;%同上l = sqrt((x1-objx).^2+(y1-objy).^2).*s;%l为关键点到给定矩形框中心的距离乘上缩放倍数,即结果矩形框中心到对应特征点距离d_theta = atan2(y1-objy,x1-objx)-o1;%直线l跟X轴的夹角cx = l.*cos(d_theta+o2)+x2;%利用已知夹角求结果矩形框重点位置(横坐标)cy = l.*sin(d_theta+o2)+y2;%利用已知夹角求结果矩形框重点位置(纵坐标)orient = o2-o1;%结果矩形框与给定矩形框之间的夹角nb = 4;%因为有x 2 ,y 2 ,w 2 ,h 2 这四个待确定的参数所以选择迭代次数为4(理论上可以增加o 2 ,但是没有必要)bmq = ones(1,4);%编码器,我给每个维度设定了一个编码器,方便后续工作。只有编码器全为1的时候这个模型才是一个好的拟合,不然就舍去p = cell(1,4);%把数据归类成4份c = zeros(4,nb);%求得每份里面数据的个数p{1} = assign2bins(cx, nb);%例如输入数据[2 2 3 5 4 1 9 6],结果为[1 1 1 2 2 1 4 3]p{2} = assign2bins(cy, nb);p{3} = assign2bins(w, nb);p{4} = assign2bins(h, nb);for i =1:nb    c(i,:) = histc(p{i},1:nb);%计算1:4出现的次数,例如输入[1 1 1 2 2 1 4 3],结果为[4 2 1 1]endfor i = 1:nb    for j =1:nb        if c(i,j)<thresh            bmq(1,j) = 0;%历遍1x4空间如果有任何一个小块里面的数据个数少于阈值(这里是5)的话对应编码器就变为0        end    endendcount = 0;%计数器,纪录数据点的最大值for i =1:nb    summ = 0;    if bmq(i)==1%判断编码器是否为1,是则进行以下步骤        summ = sum(c(:,i));%纪录当下小块的数据点总个数        if summ>count%如果总个数大于已知最大值那么纪录下当前的边框信息作为最优解            count = summ;            o_min = min(c(:,i));            if i==1                cx = sum(cx(1:c(1,1)))/c(1,i);%结果边框的中心坐标我用平均值取代                cy = sum(cy(1:c(2,1)))/c(2,i);%这里大家可以用其他方法来获得结果边框的信息                w = sum(w(1:c(3,1)))/c(3,i);%比如可以从候选边框里面选出最接近平均值的边框                h = sum(h(1:c(4,1)))/c(4,i);                orient = sum(orient(1:o_min))/o_min;            else                o_min = min(c(:,i));                cx = sum(cx(sum(c(1:i-1)):sum(c(1:i))))/c(1,i);                cy = sum(cx(sum(c(1:i-1)):sum(c(1:i))))/c(2,i);                w = sum(cx(sum(c(1:i-1)):sum(c(1:i))))/c(3,i);                h = sum(cx(sum(c(1:i-1)):sum(c(1:i))))/c(4,i);                orient = sum(orient(sum(c(1:i-1)):sum(c(1:i))))/o_min;            end        end    endend% Potentially useful function:% creates nb uniform bins within range of x and assigns each x to a bin% example usage:% myhistogram = assign2bins(data_vector, number_of_bins)% myhistogram is now an array of the same length as data_vector, in which% all entries now correspond to their bin index.function b = assign2bins(x, nb)b = min(max(ceil((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))*nb), 1), nb);%nb=4;









图片4( SIFT拟合






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