
来源:互联网 发布:网络信号无线传输器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 13:57





#include <ntddk.h>#include <windef.h>#include <ntstrsafe.h>//输入\\??\\c:-->\\device\\\harddiskvolume1//LinkTarget.Buffer注意要释放NTSTATUS QuerySymbolicLink(            IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolicLinkName,            OUT PUNICODE_STRING LinkTarget            )                                  {    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES   oa      = {0};    NTSTATUS            status  = 0;    HANDLE              handle  = NULL;    InitializeObjectAttributes(                            &oa,                             SymbolicLinkName,                            OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,                            0,                             0);    status = ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject(&handle, GENERIC_READ, &oa);    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))    {        return status;    }    LinkTarget->MaximumLength = MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR);    LinkTarget->Length = 0;    LinkTarget->Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, LinkTarget->MaximumLength,'SOD');    if (!LinkTarget->Buffer)    {        ZwClose(handle);        return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;    }    RtlZeroMemory(LinkTarget->Buffer, LinkTarget->MaximumLength);    status = ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject(handle, LinkTarget, NULL);    ZwClose(handle);    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))    {        ExFreePool(LinkTarget->Buffer);    }    return status;}//输入\\Device\\harddiskvolume1//输出C://DosName.Buffer的内存记得释放NTSTATUSMyRtlVolumeDeviceToDosName(                        IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName,                        OUT PUNICODE_STRING DosName                        )/*++Routine Description:This routine returns a valid DOS path for the given device object.This caller of this routine must call ExFreePool on DosName->Bufferwhen it is no longer needed.Arguments:VolumeDeviceObject - Supplies the volume device object.DosName - Returns the DOS name for the volumeReturn Value:NTSTATUS--*/{    NTSTATUS                status                  = 0;    UNICODE_STRING          driveLetterName         = {0};    WCHAR                   driveLetterNameBuf[128] = {0};    WCHAR                   c                       = L'\0';    WCHAR                   DriLetter[3]            = {0};    UNICODE_STRING          linkTarget              = {0};    for (c = L'A'; c <= L'Z'; c++)    {        RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&driveLetterName,driveLetterNameBuf,sizeof(driveLetterNameBuf));        RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&driveLetterName, L"\\??\\");        DriLetter[0] = c;        DriLetter[1] = L':';        DriLetter[2] = 0;        RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&driveLetterName,DriLetter);        status = QuerySymbolicLink(&driveLetterName, &linkTarget);        if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))        {            continue;        }        if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&linkTarget, DeviceName, TRUE))        {            ExFreePool(linkTarget.Buffer);            break;        }        ExFreePool(linkTarget.Buffer);    }    if (c <= L'Z')    {        DosName->Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, 3*sizeof(WCHAR), 'SOD');        if (!DosName->Buffer)        {            return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;        }        DosName->MaximumLength = 6;        DosName->Length   = 4;        *DosName->Buffer  = c;        *(DosName->Buffer+ 1) = ':';        *(DosName->Buffer+ 2) = 0;        return STATUS_SUCCESS;    }    return status;} //c:\\windows\\hi.txt<--\\device\\harddiskvolume1\\windows\\hi.txtBOOL NTAPI GetNTLinkName(WCHAR *wszNTName, WCHAR *wszFileName){    UNICODE_STRING      ustrFileName = {0};    UNICODE_STRING      ustrDosName = {0};    UNICODE_STRING      ustrDeviceName = {0};    WCHAR               *pPath = NULL;    ULONG               i = 0;    ULONG               ulSepNum = 0;    if (wszFileName == NULL ||        wszNTName == NULL ||        _wcsnicmp(wszNTName, L"\\device\\harddiskvolume", wcslen(L"\\device\\harddiskvolume"))!=0)    {        return FALSE;    }    ustrFileName.Buffer = wszFileName;    ustrFileName.Length = 0;    ustrFileName.MaximumLength = sizeof(WCHAR)*MAX_PATH;    while(wszNTName[i]!=L'\0')    {        if (wszNTName[i] == L'\0')        {            break;        }        if (wszNTName[i] == L'\\')        {            ulSepNum++;        }        if (ulSepNum == 3)        {            wszNTName[i] = UNICODE_NULL;            pPath = &wszNTName[i+1];            break;        }        i++;    }    if (pPath == NULL)    {        return FALSE;    }    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrDeviceName, wszNTName);    if (!NT_SUCCESS(MyRtlVolumeDeviceToDosName(&ustrDeviceName, &ustrDosName)))    {        return FALSE;    }    RtlCopyUnicodeString(&ustrFileName, &ustrDosName);    RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&ustrFileName, L"\\");    RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&ustrFileName, pPath);    ExFreePool(ustrDosName.Buffer);    return TRUE;}BOOL QueryVolumeName(WCHAR ch, WCHAR * name, USHORT size){    WCHAR szVolume[7] = L"\\??\\C:";    UNICODE_STRING LinkName;    UNICODE_STRING VolName;    UNICODE_STRING ustrTarget;    NTSTATUS ntStatus = 0;    RtlInitUnicodeString(&LinkName, szVolume);    szVolume[4] = ch;    ustrTarget.Buffer = name;    ustrTarget.Length = 0;    ustrTarget.MaximumLength = size;    ntStatus = QuerySymbolicLink(&LinkName, &VolName);    if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus))    {        RtlCopyUnicodeString(&ustrTarget, &VolName);        ExFreePool(VolName.Buffer);    }    return NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus);}//\\??\\c:\\windows\\hi.txt-->\\device\\harddiskvolume1\\windows\\hi.txtBOOL NTAPI GetNtDeviceName(WCHAR * filename, WCHAR * ntname){    UNICODE_STRING uVolName = {0,0,0};    WCHAR volName[MAX_PATH] = L"";    WCHAR tmpName[MAX_PATH] = L"";    WCHAR chVol = L'\0';    WCHAR * pPath = NULL;    int i = 0;    RtlStringCbCopyW(tmpName, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR), filename);    for(i = 1; i < MAX_PATH - 1; i++)    {        if(tmpName[i] == L':')        {            pPath = &tmpName[(i + 1) % MAX_PATH];            chVol = tmpName[i - 1];            break;        }    }    if(pPath == NULL)    {        return FALSE;    }    if(chVol == L'?')    {        uVolName.Length = 0;        uVolName.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);        uVolName.Buffer = ntname;        RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&uVolName, L"\\Device\\HarddiskVolume?");        RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&uVolName, pPath);        return TRUE;    }    else if(QueryVolumeName(chVol, volName, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)))    {        uVolName.Length = 0;        uVolName.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);        uVolName.Buffer = ntname;        RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&uVolName, volName);        RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&uVolName, pPath);        return TRUE;    }    return FALSE;}VOID DriverUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject){    DbgPrint("Goodbye!\n");}NTSTATUS DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING pRegPath){    UNICODE_STRING      ustrDeviceName          = {0};    UNICODE_STRING      ustrLinkName            = {0};    WCHAR               *wszDeviceName          = L"\\Device\\harddiskvolume1";    NTSTATUS            ntStatus                = 0;    WCHAR           DeviceName[MAX_PATH]        = L"\\Device\\harddiskvolume1\\windows\\hi.txt";    WCHAR           FileName[MAX_PATH]      = {0};    WCHAR           szDeviceName[MAX_PATH]  = {0};    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrDeviceName, wszDeviceName);    ntStatus = MyRtlVolumeDeviceToDosName(&ustrDeviceName, &ustrLinkName);    if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus))    {        DbgPrint("linkname:%wZ\n", &ustrLinkName);        if (ustrLinkName.Buffer)        {            ExFreePool(ustrLinkName.Buffer);        }    }    if (GetNTLinkName(DeviceName, FileName))    {        DbgPrint("FileName:%ws\n", FileName);        GetNtDeviceName(FileName, szDeviceName);        DbgPrint("szDeviceName:%ws", szDeviceName);    }    pDriverObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload;    return STATUS_SUCCESS;}


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