
来源:互联网 发布:二端电阻网络的无源性 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 20:27

Component extends Directive

what it does

Marks a class as an Angular component and collects component configuration

how to use

import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({    changeDetection?: ChangeDetectionStrategy,    viewProviders?: Provider[],    moduleId?: string,    templateUrl?: string,    template?: string,    styleUrls?: string[],    styles?: string[],    animations?: AnimationEntryMetadata[],    encapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation,    interpolation?: [string, string],    entryComponents?: Array<Type<any> | any[]>})export class MyComponent{}


A component must belong to an NgModule in order for it to be usable by another component or application. To specify that a component is a member of an NgModule

you should list it in the declarations field of that NgModule.

metadata properties

animations - list of animations of this component

changeDetection - change detection strategy used by this component

encapsulation - style encapsulation strategy used by this component

entryComponents - list of components that are dynamically inserted into the view of this component

exportAs - name under which the component instance is exported in a template

host - map of class property to host element bindings for events, properties and attributes

inputs - list of class property names to data-bind as component inputs

interpolation - custom interpolation markers used in this component’s template

moduleId - ES/CommonJS module id of the file in which this component is defined

outputs - list of class property names that expose output events that others can subscribe to

providers - list of providers available to this component and its children

queries - configure queries that can be injected into the component

selector - css selector that identifies this component in a template

styleUrls - list of urls to stylesheets to be applied to this component’s view

styles - inline-defined styles to be applied to this component’s view

template - inline-defined template for the view

templateUrl - url to an external file containing a template for the view

viewProviders - list of providers available to this component and its view children


The changeDetection property defines, whether the change detection will be checked every time or only when the component tells it to do so.



Overrides the default encapsulation start and end delimiters (respectively {{ and }})



Defines the set of injectable objects that are visible to its view DOM children.



Needed to be able to resolve relative urls for templates and styles.

In CommonJS, this can always be set to, similarly SystemJS exposes __moduleName variable within each module.

  @Directive({    selector: 'someDir',    moduleId:  })  class SomeDir {  }


Only one of templateUrl or template can be defined per View.


Only one of templateUrl or template can be defined per Component.


Specifies stylesheet URLs for an Angular component.


Specifies inline stylesheets for an Angular component.


Defines the components that should be compiled as well when this component is defined. For each components listed here, Angular will create a {@link ComponentFactory} and store it in the {@link ComponentFactoryResolver}.


Specifies how the template and the styles should be encapsulated:

  • {@link ViewEncapsulation#Native ViewEncapsulation.Native} to use shadow roots ,only works if natively available on the platform,

  • {@link ViewEncapsulation#Emulated ViewEncapsulation.Emulated} to use shimmed CSS that emulates the native behavior,

  • {@link ViewEncapsulation#None ViewEncapsulation.None} to use global CSS without any encapsulation.

When no encapsulation is defined for the component, the default value from the {@link CompilerConfig} is used. The default is ViewEncapsulation.Emulated. Provide a new CompilerConfig to override this value.

If the encapsulation is set to ViewEncapsulation.Emulated and the component has no styles nor styleUrls the encapsulation will automatically be switched to ViewEncapsulation.None.


DSL Animation Functions

  • {@link trigger trigger()}
  • {@link state state()}
  • {@link transition transition()}
  • {@link group group()}
  • {@link sequence sequence()}
  • {@link style style()}
  • {@link animate animate()}
  • {@link keyframes keyframes()}

For animations to be available for use, animation state changes are placed within {@link trigger animation triggers} which are housed inside of the animations annotation metadata. Within a trigger both {@link state state} and {@link transition transition} entries can be placed.

  @Component({    selector: 'animation-cmp',    templateUrl: 'animation-cmp.html',    animations: [      // this here is our animation trigger that      // will contain our state change animations.      trigger('myTriggerName', [        // the styles defined for the `on` and `off`        // states declared below are persisted on the        // element once the animation completes.        state('on', style({ opacity: 1 }),        state('off', style({ opacity: 0 }),        // this here is our animation that kicks off when        // this state change jump is true        transition('on => off', [          animate("1s")        ])      ])    ]  })

When a trigger is created then it can be bound onto an element within the component’s template via a property prefixed by an @ symbol followed by trigger name and an expression that is used to determine the state value for that trigger.

<div @myTriggerName="expression">...</div>

Animation Example



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