Php Overrview

来源:互联网 发布:智能电网通信网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 04:28

Php is more simple script language for developing server.

The base refer:

s   Maybe you need to learn base data type , class , simple programmer(the programmer with like to javaScript) , but as server develop language , more important is learn that the build server , just like sql , secrity , redis ..

Below list some base programmer with compare to js:

.1 const.

//true is tag php detect  lower case and capital default value is true.js const a = 1;  = php ->   define('a',1,true);  

.2 php base data type:

php have seven base data type:


.3 php String
you can use “.” stitching many String .

.4 php super global variable that can use anywhere.


.5 PHP ::
In php use :: call static variable or static method.

.6 Php OOP
php oop as same as java , class , abstract class , extend …

.7 $request
requestcancollectthecontentof_GET or POSTor_COOKIE

.8 php ajax
php ajax use xhrHttpRequest , you can use jq ajax replace it .

* .4 this>name *
maybe because php use “.” add String , so when you wanna use some attribute from Object you need by “->”.

In summary:

Php is more simple than java web , and logic as same as javaWeb servelet , if you have developed webserver , you php will be easy for you . Good luck and wish you will enjoy.

The programmer is use all kind of api that operate data , so any language all common .

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