lucene5.1 fst源码分析(嵌入到lucene中的写入过程)

来源:互联网 发布:java电子商务网站源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 01:59

  • 1 说明
  • 2 写入数据
    • 2-1 调用栈
    • 2-2 源码分析
      • 2-2-1 write方法
      • 2-2-2 BlockTreeTermWriter的write方法
      • 2-2-3 BlockTreeTermWriter的pushterm方法
      • 2-2-3 BlockTreeTermWriter的writerblocks方法还没添加注释
      • 2-2-5 BlockTreeTermWriter的writeblock方法

.1 说明


.2 写入数据

.2-1 调用栈


.2-2 源码分析

.2-2-1 write方法

  public void write(Fields fields) throws IOException {    String lastField = null;    for(String field : fields) {//遍历每个字段      assert lastField == null || lastField.compareTo(field) < 0;      lastField = field;      Terms terms = fields.terms(field);      if (terms == null) {        continue;      }      TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);//生成该字段的term迭代器      TermsWriter termsWriter = new TermsWriter(fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field));      while (true) {        BytesRef term =;        if (term == null) {          break;        }        termsWriter.write(term, termsEnum);//写term相关的数据,可能会写索引,也可能不写,根据一定的条件进行判断      }      termsWriter.finish();    }  }

.2-2-2 BlockTreeTermWriter的write方法

    public void write(BytesRef text, TermsEnum termsEnum) throws IOException {      /*      if (DEBUG) {        int[] tmp = new int[lastTerm.length];        System.arraycopy(prefixStarts, 0, tmp, 0, tmp.length);        System.out.println("BTTW: write term=" + brToString(text) + " prefixStarts=" + Arrays.toString(tmp) + " pending.size()=" + pending.size());      }      */      BlockTermState state = postingsWriter.writeTerm(text, termsEnum, docsSeen);      if (state != null) {        assert state.docFreq != 0;        assert fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS || state.totalTermFreq >= state.docFreq: "postingsWriter=" + postingsWriter;        sumDocFreq += state.docFreq;        sumTotalTermFreq += state.totalTermFreq;        pushTerm(text);//最重要的方法,对term进行block切分,写入tim文件,并可能写入索引文件tip        PendingTerm term = new PendingTerm(text, state);        pending.add(term);//对之前的term处理完之后,再把该term添加到pending栈中        numTerms++;        if (firstPendingTerm == null) {          firstPendingTerm = term;        }        lastPendingTerm = term;      }    }

.2-2-3 BlockTreeTermWriter的pushterm方法

      int limit = Math.min(lastTerm.length(), text.length);      // Find common prefix between last term and current term:      //找到当前term和上一个term公共前缀的长度      int pos = 0;      while (pos < limit && lastTerm.byteAt(pos) == text.bytes[text.offset+pos]) {        pos++;      }      // if (DEBUG) System.out.println("  shared=" + pos + "  lastTerm.length=" + lastTerm.length);      // Close the "abandoned" suffix now:      //从公共前缀长度往前开始判断,例如第一次判断公共前缀abc,如果没有可写入到block的,则开始判断ab前缀的term数量是否满足写block,如果还没有,就找a为前缀的      for(int i=lastTerm.length()-1;i>=pos;i--) {        // How many items on top of the stack share the current suffix        // we are closing:        //假设pending的大小是5,前缀长度为3的term个数是4,(5-4)<2(minItemsInBlock),不满足;        //下来找前缀长度是2的term,假如个数是2,(6-2)>2,满足条件,开始写block。也就是说,共同前缀越短,        //越有可能被写block。例如abc,abdf,abdg,abdh四个term,abd前缀不会被写,而ab前缀会被写        int prefixTopSize = pending.size() - prefixStarts[i];        if (prefixTopSize >= minItemsInBlock) {          // if (DEBUG) System.out.println("pushTerm i=" + i + " prefixTopSize=" + prefixTopSize + " minItemsInBlock=" + minItemsInBlock);          writeBlocks(i+1, prefixTopSize);//写入blocks,因为可能会有多个term累积,所以可能生成多个block          prefixStarts[i] -= prefixTopSize-1;        }      }      if (prefixStarts.length < text.length) {        prefixStarts = ArrayUtil.grow(prefixStarts, text.length);      }      // Init new tail:      for(int i=pos;i<text.length;i++) {        prefixStarts[i] = pending.size();      }      lastTerm.copyBytes(text);

.2-2-3 BlockTreeTermWriter的writerblocks方法(还没添加注释)

 void writeBlocks(int prefixLength, int count) throws IOException {      assert count > 0;      /*      if (DEBUG) {        BytesRef br = new BytesRef(lastTerm.bytes);        br.offset = lastTerm.offset;        br.length = prefixLength;        System.out.println("writeBlocks: " + br.utf8ToString() + " count=" + count);      }      */      // Root block better write all remaining pending entries:      assert prefixLength > 0 || count == pending.size();      int lastSuffixLeadLabel = -1;      // True if we saw at least one term in this block (we record if a block      // only points to sub-blocks in the terms index so we can avoid seeking      // to it when we are looking for a term):      boolean hasTerms = false;      boolean hasSubBlocks = false;      int start = pending.size()-count;//pending里的并不是所有都写,所以要计算起始地址和结束地址      int end = pending.size();      int nextBlockStart = start;      int nextFloorLeadLabel = -1;      for (int i=start; i<end; i++) {        PendingEntry ent = pending.get(i);        int suffixLeadLabel;        if (ent.isTerm) {          PendingTerm term = (PendingTerm) ent;          if (term.termBytes.length == prefixLength) {            // Suffix is 0, i.e. prefix 'foo' and term is            // 'foo' so the term has empty string suffix            // in this block            assert lastSuffixLeadLabel == -1;            suffixLeadLabel = -1;          } else {            suffixLeadLabel = term.termBytes[prefixLength] & 0xff;          }        } else {          PendingBlock block = (PendingBlock) ent;          assert block.prefix.length > prefixLength;          suffixLeadLabel = block.prefix.bytes[block.prefix.offset + prefixLength] & 0xff;//更新后缀        }        // if (DEBUG) System.out.println("  i=" + i + " ent=" + ent + " suffixLeadLabel=" + suffixLeadLabel);        if (suffixLeadLabel != lastSuffixLeadLabel) {          int itemsInBlock = i - nextBlockStart;          //写block要满足两个条件,1.要写入block的term数,是否大于minItemsInBlock;          //2.本次剩余要写入的term总数是否大于maxItemsInBlock          if (itemsInBlock >= minItemsInBlock && end-nextBlockStart > maxItemsInBlock) {            // The count is too large for one block, so we must break it into "floor" blocks, where we record            // the leading label of the suffix of the first term in each floor block, so at search time we can            // jump to the right floor block.  We just use a naive greedy segmenter here: make a new floor            // block as soon as we have at least minItemsInBlock.  This is not always best: it often produces            // a too-small block as the final block:            boolean isFloor = itemsInBlock < count;//这个isfloor的判断还不懂            newBlocks.add(writeBlock(prefixLength, isFloor, nextFloorLeadLabel, nextBlockStart, i, hasTerms, hasSubBlocks));//写入一批term,并生成一个block            hasTerms = false;            hasSubBlocks = false;            nextFloorLeadLabel = suffixLeadLabel;            nextBlockStart = i;          }          lastSuffixLeadLabel = suffixLeadLabel;        }        if (ent.isTerm) {          hasTerms = true;        } else {          hasSubBlocks = true;        }      }      // Write last block, if any:      //写最后一期term组成的block,这个block可能不存在,因为可能在上边的循环中,所有的term都被写成了block      if (nextBlockStart < end) {        int itemsInBlock = end - nextBlockStart;        boolean isFloor = itemsInBlock < count;        newBlocks.add(writeBlock(prefixLength, isFloor, nextFloorLeadLabel, nextBlockStart, end, hasTerms, hasSubBlocks));      }      assert newBlocks.isEmpty() == false;      PendingBlock firstBlock = newBlocks.get(0);      assert firstBlock.isFloor || newBlocks.size() == 1;       //fst索引的生成,是以第一个block领衔的,写入后,只有第一个block的index会被更新      firstBlock.compileIndex(newBlocks, scratchBytes, scratchIntsRef);      // Remove slice from the top of the pending stack, that we just wrote:      //从栈pending中删除已经写成block的term或者block,请把新生成的block添加到栈顶      pending.subList(pending.size()-count, pending.size()).clear();      // Append new block      pending.add(firstBlock);      newBlocks.clear();    }

.2-2-5 BlockTreeTermWriter的writeblock方法

/** Writes the specified slice (start is inclusive, end is exclusive)     *  from pending stack as a new block.  If isFloor is true, there     *  were too many (more than maxItemsInBlock) entries sharing the     *  same prefix, and so we broke it into multiple floor blocks where     *  we record the starting label of the suffix of each floor block. */    private PendingBlock writeBlock(int prefixLength, boolean isFloor, int floorLeadLabel, int start, int end, boolean hasTerms, boolean hasSubBlocks) throws IOException {      assert end > start;      long startFP = termsOut.getFilePointer();      boolean hasFloorLeadLabel = isFloor && floorLeadLabel != -1;      final BytesRef prefix = new BytesRef(prefixLength + (hasFloorLeadLabel ? 1 : 0));      System.arraycopy(lastTerm.get().bytes, 0, prefix.bytes, 0, prefixLength);      prefix.length = prefixLength;      // Write block header:      int numEntries = end - start;      int code = numEntries << 1;      if (end == pending.size()) {        // Last block:        code |= 1;      }      termsOut.writeVInt(code);      /*      if (DEBUG) {        System.out.println("  writeBlock " + (isFloor ? "(floor) " : "") + "seg=" + segment + " pending.size()=" + pending.size() + " prefixLength=" + prefixLength + " indexPrefix=" + brToString(prefix) + " entCount=" + (end-start+1) + " startFP=" + startFP + (isFloor ? (" floorLeadLabel=" + Integer.toHexString(floorLeadLabel)) : ""));      }      */      // 1st pass: pack term suffix bytes into byte[] blob      // TODO: cutover to bulk int codec... simple64?      // We optimize the leaf block case (block has only terms), writing a more      // compact format in this case:      boolean isLeafBlock = hasSubBlocks == false;      final List<FST<BytesRef>> subIndices;      boolean absolute = true;      if (isLeafBlock) {        // Only terms:        subIndices = null;        for (int i=start;i<end;i++) {          PendingEntry ent = pending.get(i);          assert ent.isTerm: "i=" + i;          PendingTerm term = (PendingTerm) ent;          assert StringHelper.startsWith(term.termBytes, prefix): "term.term=" + term.termBytes + " prefix=" + prefix;          BlockTermState state = term.state;          final int suffix = term.termBytes.length - prefixLength;          /*          if (DEBUG) {            BytesRef suffixBytes = new BytesRef(suffix);            System.arraycopy(term.termBytes, prefixLength, suffixBytes.bytes, 0, suffix);            suffixBytes.length = suffix;            System.out.println("    write term suffix=" + brToString(suffixBytes));          }          */          // For leaf block we write suffix straight          suffixWriter.writeVInt(suffix);          suffixWriter.writeBytes(term.termBytes, prefixLength, suffix);          assert floorLeadLabel == -1 || (term.termBytes[prefixLength] & 0xff) >= floorLeadLabel;          // Write term stats, to separate byte[] blob:          statsWriter.writeVInt(state.docFreq);          if (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS) {            assert state.totalTermFreq >= state.docFreq: state.totalTermFreq + " vs " + state.docFreq;            statsWriter.writeVLong(state.totalTermFreq - state.docFreq);          }          // Write term meta data          postingsWriter.encodeTerm(longs, bytesWriter, fieldInfo, state, absolute);          for (int pos = 0; pos < longsSize; pos++) {            assert longs[pos] >= 0;            metaWriter.writeVLong(longs[pos]);          }          bytesWriter.writeTo(metaWriter);          bytesWriter.reset();          absolute = false;        }      } else {        // Mixed terms and sub-blocks:        subIndices = new ArrayList<>();        for (int i=start;i<end;i++) {          PendingEntry ent = pending.get(i);          if (ent.isTerm) {            PendingTerm term = (PendingTerm) ent;            assert StringHelper.startsWith(term.termBytes, prefix): "term.term=" + term.termBytes + " prefix=" + prefix;            BlockTermState state = term.state;            final int suffix = term.termBytes.length - prefixLength;            /*            if (DEBUG) {              BytesRef suffixBytes = new BytesRef(suffix);              System.arraycopy(term.termBytes, prefixLength, suffixBytes.bytes, 0, suffix);              suffixBytes.length = suffix;              System.out.println("    write term suffix=" + brToString(suffixBytes));            }            */            // For non-leaf block we borrow 1 bit to record            // if entry is term or sub-block            suffixWriter.writeVInt(suffix<<1);            suffixWriter.writeBytes(term.termBytes, prefixLength, suffix);            assert floorLeadLabel == -1 || (term.termBytes[prefixLength] & 0xff) >= floorLeadLabel;            // Write term stats, to separate byte[] blob:            statsWriter.writeVInt(state.docFreq);            if (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS) {              assert state.totalTermFreq >= state.docFreq;              statsWriter.writeVLong(state.totalTermFreq - state.docFreq);            }            // TODO: now that terms dict "sees" these longs,            // we can explore better column-stride encodings            // to encode all long[0]s for this block at            // once, all long[1]s, etc., e.g. using            // Simple64.  Alternatively, we could interleave            // stats + meta ... no reason to have them            // separate anymore:            // Write term meta data            postingsWriter.encodeTerm(longs, bytesWriter, fieldInfo, state, absolute);            for (int pos = 0; pos < longsSize; pos++) {              assert longs[pos] >= 0;              metaWriter.writeVLong(longs[pos]);            }            bytesWriter.writeTo(metaWriter);            bytesWriter.reset();            absolute = false;          } else {            PendingBlock block = (PendingBlock) ent;            assert StringHelper.startsWith(block.prefix, prefix);            final int suffix = block.prefix.length - prefixLength;            assert suffix > 0;            // For non-leaf block we borrow 1 bit to record            // if entry is term or sub-block            suffixWriter.writeVInt((suffix<<1)|1);            suffixWriter.writeBytes(block.prefix.bytes, prefixLength, suffix);            assert floorLeadLabel == -1 || (block.prefix.bytes[prefixLength] & 0xff) >= floorLeadLabel;            assert block.fp < startFP;            /*            if (DEBUG) {              BytesRef suffixBytes = new BytesRef(suffix);              System.arraycopy(block.prefix.bytes, prefixLength, suffixBytes.bytes, 0, suffix);              suffixBytes.length = suffix;              System.out.println("    write sub-block suffix=" + brToString(suffixBytes) + " subFP=" + block.fp + " subCode=" + (startFP-block.fp) + " floor=" + block.isFloor);            }            */            suffixWriter.writeVLong(startFP - block.fp);            subIndices.add(block.index);          }        }        assert subIndices.size() != 0;      }      // TODO: we could block-write the term suffix pointers;      // this would take more space but would enable binary      // search on lookup      // Write suffixes byte[] blob to terms dict output:      termsOut.writeVInt((int) (suffixWriter.getFilePointer() << 1) | (isLeafBlock ? 1:0));      suffixWriter.writeTo(termsOut);      suffixWriter.reset();      // Write term stats byte[] blob      termsOut.writeVInt((int) statsWriter.getFilePointer());      statsWriter.writeTo(termsOut);      statsWriter.reset();      // Write term meta data byte[] blob      termsOut.writeVInt((int) metaWriter.getFilePointer());      metaWriter.writeTo(termsOut);      metaWriter.reset();      // if (DEBUG) {      //   System.out.println("      fpEnd=" + out.getFilePointer());      // }      if (hasFloorLeadLabel) {        // We already allocated to length+1 above:        prefix.bytes[prefix.length++] = (byte) floorLeadLabel;      }      return new PendingBlock(prefix, startFP, hasTerms, isFloor, floorLeadLabel, subIndices);    }
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