第四课:css3-圆角 | 文本属性(文本超出部分省略) | 过渡transition | 动画animation

来源:互联网 发布:线性规划的单纯形算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 02:39


a、border-radius: 百分比 | px;当大于或等于正方形盒子宽度的一半就变成了圆;
b、border-image: 兼容性不是很好,不做整理;

c、多行文本超出省略号:空格/缩进/换行 white-space: normal/pre==<pre></pre>==pre-wrap/pre-line(只保留换行,空格和缩进不执行)/nowrap(强制不换行);tab-size: 8(默认);
white-space: nowrap(强制不换行) | pre(保留所有空格/缩进/换行) | pre-line(保留所有换行);
text-overflow: normal | ellipsis;
d、单行文本超出省略号必须配合三个才能显示,缺一不可:white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;
e、多行文本超出省略号(只兼容谷歌chrome内核或者手机浏览器):display: -webkit-box;/*必须要*/-webkit-box-orient: vertical;/*控制文字竖直对齐*/-webkit-line-clamp: 2;/*显示几行*/overflow: hidden;注:应用时不需高度或者高度合理,只需要宽度

g、古文排版:direction: rtl;/*表现形式将文本整体右对齐*/ unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
h、文字阴影:text-shadow: x偏移量, y偏移量, 扩散程度, 阴影颜色 | x偏移量, y偏移量, 扩散程度, 阴影颜色(可使用多层阴影);
i、文字描边:-webkit-text-stroke: 1px #333;
j、文字(for english)转换:text-transform: uppercase | lowercase | capitalize


<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>  <head>    <title>your title name</title>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <meta name="Author" content="Wilson Xu">    <style type="text/css">      *{margin: 0;padding: 0;font-family: "Microsoft yahei";}      a{text-decoration: none;}      a img{display: block;border: none;}      li{list-style: none;}      .container{        width: 1200px;        padding: 20px;        margin: 10px auto;        border: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      .container h4{padding-bottom: 5px;}      .container ul{        width: 1200px;        overflow: hidden;      }      .container ul li{        float: left;        margin-right: 20px;      }      .container section:not(:nth-child(1)) h4{        margin-top: 20px;        border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      /*圆角处理-需要加前缀来兼容其他浏览器,使用时,请自行查看caniuse网站的兼容性列表*/      .container ul.radius li:nth-child(1){        width: 200px;        height: 100px;        border-radius: 50%;        background: #f00;      }      .container ul.radius li:nth-child(2){        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        border-radius: 50px;        background: #0f0;      }      .container ul.radius li:nth-child(3){        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        border-radius: 50px 20px;/*两个值时:左上右下,右上左下*/        background: #00f;      }      .container ul.radius li:nth-child(4){        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        border-radius: 50px 20px 5px;/*三个值时:左上,右上左下,右下*/        background: cyan;      }      .container ul.radius li:nth-child(5){        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        border-radius: 100px 0 0 0;/*四个值时:从左上到左下顺时针方向*/        border-top-left-radius: 100px;        border-top-right-radius: 0;        border-bottom-right-radius: 0;        border-bottom-right-radius: 0;        background: pink;      }      section p{        width: 400px;        font-size: 14px;        border: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      section p.txt{        white-space: nowrap;        text-overflow: ellipsis;        overflow: hidden;      }      /*多行超出隐藏-兼容Chrome*/      section p.txt-lines{        display: -webkit-box;        -webkit-box-orient: vertical;        -webkit-line-clamp: 2;        overflow: hidden;      }      /*多行超出隐藏兼容写法*/      section p#txt{        height: 40px;        position: relative;        line-height: 20px;        overflow: hidden;      }      section p.ellipsis:after{        content: '...';        height: 20px;        line-height: 20px;        position: absolute;        right: 4px;        bottom: 0;        background: #fff;      }      section label{        font-size: 14px;      }      /*古文排版*/      section p.rtl{        direction: rtl;/*表现形式将文本整体右对齐*/        unicode-bidi: bidi-override;      }      /*文本阴影*/      section p.shadow{        color: #fff;        text-shadow: 1px 0px 3px #000, 2px 0 3px #ccc;      }      section p.shadow1{        color: transparent;        text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #000;      }      /*文本描边*/      section p.stroke{        color: #fff;        font-size: 20px;        -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #333;      }      /*文字大小写及首字母大写转化*/      section p.uppercase{        text-transform: uppercase;      }      section p.lowercase{        text-transform: lowercase;      }      section p.capitalize{        text-transform: capitalize;      }    </style>  </head>  <body>    <div class="container">      <section>        <h4>1、border-radius: 百分比 | px/(1,2,3,4)个值</h4>        <ul class="radius">          <li></li>          <li></li>          <li></li>          <li></li>          <li></li>        </ul>      </section>      <section>        <h4>2、单行文本超出隐藏</h4>        <p class="txt">我的职业是web前端工程师+salesforce实施顾问,虽然我是小前端,但也有大梦想!</p>      </section>      <section>        <h4>3、多行文本超出隐藏(Chrome)</h4>        <p class="txt-lines">我的职业是web前端工程师+salesforce实施顾问,虽然我是小前端,但也有大梦想!我希望能找到一个体面的工作,并能够earn much money。</p>      </section>      <section>        <h4>4、多行文本超出隐藏(利用借助css和js实现的兼容写法)</h4>        <p id="txt">我的职业是web前端工程师+salesforce实施顾问,虽然我是小前端,但也有大梦想!我希望能找到一个体面的工作,并能够earn much money。</p>      </section>      <section>        <h4>5、文字的处理:文字的摆放形式、文字阴影、文字的大小写或首字母大写转化</h4>          <label>古文排版:</label><p class="rtl">丹青不知老将至,贫贱于我如浮云。——杜甫</p>          <label>text-shadow:</label>          <p class="shadow">穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下</p>          <p class="shadow1">穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下</p>          <label>文字描边:-webkit-text-stroke(Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE10+)</label><p class="stroke">百学须先立志</p>          <label>uppercase:</label><p class="uppercase">hello html5, I AM A NEWER IN THE FIELD.</p>          <label>lowercase:</label><p class="lowercase">hello html5, I AM A NEWER IN THE FIELD.</p>          <label>capitalize:</label><p class="capitalize">hello html5, I AM A NEWER IN THE FIELD.</p>      </section>    </div>  </body>  <script type="text/javascript">    var oTxt = document.getElementById('txt');    if(oTxt.scrollHeight > oTxt.clientHeight){//如果文本的高度>设置的区域宽度就为该区块增加一个lei名      oTxt.className += 'ellipsis';    }  </script></html>




transition-property: width | height | color |background-color...;
transition-duration: ms/s;//每一个属性值对应一个过渡运行时间
eg:transition-property: width, height;
    transition-duration: 1s,2s;
    transition-delay: 1s;延迟1s执行
    transition-timing-function: linear(匀速) | ease(默认值,慢快慢) | ease-in(匀加速) | ease-out(匀减速) | ease-in-out(快慢)
    ==transition: width 1s 1s,height 2s;//宽度过渡1s,延迟1s执行
  animation-name: sport;//调用sport动画
  animation-duration: 8s;//动画执行8s
  animation-delay: 800ms;//延迟800ms
  animation-timing-function: linear | ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out;
  ainmation-iteration-count: 2;//循环2次,其中无限循环是infinite
  animation-direction: alternate;//执行完之后反向再执行一次,一般和animation-iteration-count联合使用
  animation-play-state: running | paused;//一般通过按钮和js来控制动画播放
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;//保留最后一帧动画的状态,动画结束时不直接返回到最初状态,前提不是无限循环的时候


<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>  <head>    <title>your title name</title>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <meta name="Author" content="Wilson Xu">    <style type="text/css">      *{margin: 0;padding: 0;font-family: "Microsoft yahei";}      a{text-decoration: none;}      a img{display: block;border: none;}      li{list-style: none;}      hr{border: 0;border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;height: 0;outline: none;}      .container{        width: 1200px;        padding: 20px;        margin: 10px auto;        border: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      .container h4{padding-bottom: 5px;}      .container ul{        width: 1200px;        overflow: hidden;      }      .container ul li{        float: left;        margin-right: 20px;      }      .container section:not(:nth-child(1)) h4{        margin-top: 20px;        border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      section button{        padding: 2px 8px;        margin-bottom: 10px;        outline: none;        border: 1px solid #ccc;        border-radius: 4px;        background: #fff;      }      section button:focus{        background: #aaf;        border-color: #aaf;      }      section label{        font-size: 14px;      }      /*transition过渡效果*/      .container ul.transition li{        width: 300px;        height: 160px;        overflow: hidden;        border: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      .container ul.transition li:nth-child(1){        background: url(images/1.jpg) no-repeat center/300px auto;        transition: 1.2s;      }      .container ul.transition li:nth-child(1):hover{        background-size: 360px auto;      }      .container ul.transition li img{        display: block;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        transition: 1200ms;      }      .container ul.transition li img:hover{        transform: scale(1.2);      }      .container ul.transition li:nth-child(3){        background: #f00;        transition: width 1s 800ms, background-color 2s ease-in-out;      }      .container ul.transition li:nth-child(3):hover{        background: cyan;        width: 500px;      }      /*animation动画效果*/      .container section ul.animation,      .container section ul.fill-mode{        position: relative;        height: 100px;      }      .container section ul.animation li,      .container section ul.fill-mode li{        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        border-radius: 50%;        background: pink;        position: absolute;        left: 0;        top: 0;        animation: sport 8s 2s ease-in;/*前者是duration 后者是delay*/      }      .container section ul.animation li{        animation-iteration-count: infinite;/*循环执行动画*/        animation-direction: alternate;/*反向执行动画*/      }      .container section ul.animation li.click{        animation-play-state: paused;      }      .container section ul.fill-mode li{        animation-fill-mode: forwards;      }      @keyframes sport{/*@keyframes 动画名*/        /*from{left: 0;background: pink;}from等价于0%          to{left: 1000px;background: cyan;}to等价于100%*/        0%{left: 0;background: pink;}        25%{left: 600px;border-radius: 5%;}        50%{left: 400px;border-top-left-radius: 25%}        75%{left: 800px;border-bottom-right-radius: 25%}        100%{left: 1000px;border-radius: 50%;background: cyan;}      }    </style>  </head>  <body>    <div class="container">      <section>        <h4>1、transition过渡效果,一般配合事件使用</h4>        <ul class="transition">          <li></li>          <li><img src="images/2.jpg" alt=""></li>          <li></li>        </ul>      </section>      <section>        <h4>2、animation动画效果</h4>        <p><button type="button" name="running" id="run">running</button>  <button type="button" name="paused" id="pause">paused</button></p>        <ul class="animation">          <li id='object'></li>        </ul>        <hr/>        <ul class="fill-mode">          <li></li>        </ul>      </section>    </div>  </body>  <script type="text/javascript">    var oRun = document.getElementById('run');    var oPause = document.getElementById('pause');    var object = document.getElementById('object');    oRun.onclick = function(){      object.className = '';    }    oPause.onclick = function(){      object.className = 'click';    }  </script></html>


三、项目实战(旋转的八卦图 | 闪闪发光的文字)


<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>  <head>    <title>your title name</title>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <meta name="Author" content="Wilson Xu">    <style type="text/css">      *{margin: 0;padding: 0;font-family: "Microsoft yahei";}      a{text-decoration: none;}      a img{display: block;border: none;}      li{list-style: none;}      hr{border: 0;border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;height: 0;outline: none;}      .container{        width: 1200px;        padding: 20px;        margin: 10px auto;        border: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      .container h4{padding-bottom: 5px;}      .container ul{        width: 1200px;        overflow: hidden;      }      .container ul li{        float: left;        margin-right: 20px;      }      .container section:not(:nth-child(1)) h4{        margin-top: 20px;        border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;      }      section label{        font-size: 14px;      }      /*1、旋转的八卦图*/      #box{        width: 200px;        height: 200px;        border: 1px solid #000;        border-radius: 100%;        overflow: hidden;        animation: rotate 4s linear infinite;      }      @keyframes rotate {        from{transform: rotate(0deg);}        to{transform: rotate(360deg);}      }      #box .black{        width: 200px;        height: 100px;        background: #000;        position: relative;      }      #box .black::before{        content: '';        display: block;        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        position: absolute;        background: #fff;        border-radius: 100%;        left: 0;        top: 50px;      }      #box .black::after{        content: '';        display: block;        width: 20px;        height: 20px;        position: absolute;        background: #fff;        border-radius: 100%;        right: 40px;        top: 90px;        z-index: 1;      }      #box .white{        width: 200px;        height: 100px;        background: #fff;        position: relative;      }      #box .white::before{        content: '';        display: block;        width: 100px;        height: 100px;        position: absolute;        background: #000;        border-radius: 100%;        right: 0;        bottom: 50px;      }      #box .white::after{        content: '';        display: block;        width: 20px;        height: 20px;        position: absolute;        background: #000;        border-radius: 100%;        left: 40px;        bottom: 90px;        z-index: 1;      }       /*2、闪闪发光的文字*/       .blink{         font-size: 30px;         color: #74e718;         animation: blink 2s linear infinite;       }       @keyframes blink {         0%{text-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;}         20%{text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e91870;}         40%{text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #67183a;}         60%{text-shadow: 1px 1px 6px #b72362;}         80%{text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #67183a;}         100%{text-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;color: #3cf005;}       }    </style>  </head>  <body>    <div class="container">      <section>        <h4>1、旋转的八卦图(animation | transform | ::before & ::after)</h4>        <div id="box">          <div class="black"></div>          <div class="white"></div>        </div>      </section>      <section>        <h4>2、闪闪发光的文字(animation | text-shadow)</h4>        <p class="blink">人生贵知心,定交无暮早 —— 袁中道</p>      </section>    </div>  </body></html>


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