poj-3083-Children of the Candy Corn-DFS+BFS

来源:互联网 发布:丝丽隆鼻 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 19:06

一直靠左边走 :
朝向 顺序
上 3 0 1 2
右 0 1 2 3
下 1 2 3 0
左 2 3 0 1

#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <memory.h>using namespace std;struct point {int x;int y;int step;}Q[45*45];char Map[45][45];int vis[45][45];int dx[]={-1,0,1,0};int dy[]={0,1,0,-1};int  h,w,sx,sy;int ans1,ans2,ans3,flagL,flagR,flag;bool check(int x,int y){    if (Map[x][y]!='#'&&x>=1&&x<=h&&y>=1&&y<=w&&!vis[x][y])    return true;    return false;}void init(){    memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));    flag=0;    flagR=0;    flagL=0;    ans1=1;    ans2=1;    ans3=0;}void DFSL(int x,int y,int tmp){    if (flagL) return;    if (Map[x][y]=='E') {flagL=1;return ;}    // vis[x][y]=1;不能标记。。。    ans1++;    switch(tmp)    {    case 0:        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSL(x,y-1,3);        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSL(x-1,y,0);        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSL(x,y+1,1);        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSL(x+1,y,2);        break;    case 1:        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSL(x-1,y,0);        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSL(x,y+1,1);        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSL(x+1,y,2);        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSL(x,y-1,3);        break;    case 2:        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSL(x,y+1,1);        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSL(x+1,y,2);        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSL(x,y-1,3);        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSL(x-1,y,0);        break;    case 3:        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSL(x+1,y,2);        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSL(x,y-1,3);        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSL(x-1,y,0);        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSL(x,y+1,1);        break;    }}void DFSR (int x,int y,int tmp){    if (flagR) return ;    if (Map[x][y]=='E') {flagR=1;return;}  //  vis[x][y]=1;这里不能标记啊,深搜要搜到底【一条路走到黑】,走到头了,要回来。。    ans2++;    switch(tmp)    {    case 0:        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSR(x,y+1,1);        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSR(x-1,y,0);        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSR(x,y-1,3);        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSR(x+1,y,2);    case 1:        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSR(x+1,y,2);        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSR(x,y+1,1);        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSR(x-1,y,0);        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSR(x,y-1,3);    case 2:        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSR(x,y-1,3);        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSR(x+1,y,2);        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSR(x,y+1,1);        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSR(x-1,y,0);    case 3:        if (check(x-1,y)) DFSR(x-1,y,0);        if (check(x,y-1)) DFSR(x,y-1,3);        if (check(x+1,y)) DFSR(x+1,y,2);        if (check(x,y+1)) DFSR(x,y+1,1);    }}void BFS (){    int head=0,hail=0;    Q[head].x=sx;    Q[head].y=sy;    Q[head].step=1;    while (head<=hail)    {        for (int i=0;i<4;i++)        {            int new_x=Q[head].x+dx[i];            int new_y=Q[head].y+dy[i];            if (check(new_x,new_y))            {                Q[++hail].x=new_x;                Q[hail].y=new_y;                Q[hail].step=Q[head].step+1;                vis[new_x][new_y]=1;            }            if (Map[new_x][new_y]=='E')            {                ans3=Q[hail].step;                flag=1;                break;            }        }        if (flag) break;        head++;    }}int main(){    int T;    scanf("%d",&T);    while (T--)    {        init();        scanf("%d %d",&w,&h);        getchar();        for (int j=1;j<=h;j++){            for (int k=1;k<=w;k++)        {            scanf("%c",&Map[j][k]);            if (Map[j][k]=='S'){sx=j,sy=k;}        }        getchar();        }        DFSL(sx,sy,0);        DFSR(sx,sy,0);        BFS();        cout<<ans1<<" "<<ans2<<" "<<ans3<<endl;    }}
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