【C#】获取"我的电脑"的名字,如This PC、这台计算机

来源:互联网 发布:多益网络帐号注册 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 04:18


要获取的是This PC这个字符串。


机器的名字可以通过系统属性查看,叫做Computer Name,如下图:



 public static class ShellAPI    {        public const int MAX_PATH = 260;        public const uint CMD_FIRST = 1;        public const uint CMD_LAST = 30000;        public const int S_OK = 0, S_FALSE = 1;        public const int DRAGDROP_S_DROP = 0x00040100;        public const int DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL = 0x00040101;        public const int DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS = 0x00040102;        public static int cbFileInfo = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHFILEINFO));        // Retrieves information about an object in the file system,        // such as a file, a folder, a directory, or a drive root.        [DllImport("shell32",            EntryPoint = "SHGetFileInfo",            ExactSpelling = false,            CharSet = CharSet.Auto,            SetLastError = true)]        public static extern IntPtr SHGetFileInfo(            IntPtr ppidl,            FILE_ATTRIBUTE dwFileAttributes,            ref SHFILEINFO sfi,            int cbFileInfo,            SHGFI uFlags);        [DllImport("Shell32",            EntryPoint = "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation",            ExactSpelling = true,            CharSet = CharSet.Ansi,            SetLastError = true)]        public static extern Int32 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(            IntPtr hwndOwner,            CSIDL nFolder,            out IntPtr ppidl);        // This function takes the fully-qualified pointer to an item        // identifier list (PIDL) of a namespace object, and returns a specified        // interface pointer on the parent object.        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]        public struct SHFILEINFO        {            public IntPtr hIcon;            public int iIcon;            public SFGAO dwAttributes;            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MAX_PATH)]            public string szDisplayName;            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 80)]            public string szTypeName;        }        // Flags that specify the file information to retrieve with SHGetFileInfo        [Flags]        public enum FILE_ATTRIBUTE        {            READONLY = 0x00000001,            HIDDEN = 0x00000002,            SYSTEM = 0x00000004,            DIRECTORY = 0x00000010,            ARCHIVE = 0x00000020,            DEVICE = 0x00000040,            NORMAL = 0x00000080,            TEMPORARY = 0x00000100,            SPARSE_FILE = 0x00000200,            REPARSE_POINT = 0x00000400,            COMPRESSED = 0x00000800,            OFFLINE = 0x00001000,            NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED = 0x00002000,            ENCRYPTED = 0x00004000        }        // The attributes that the caller is requesting, when calling IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf        [Flags]        public enum SFGAO : uint        {            BROWSABLE = 0x8000000,            CANCOPY = 1,            CANDELETE = 0x20,            CANLINK = 4,            CANMONIKER = 0x400000,            CANMOVE = 2,            CANRENAME = 0x10,            CAPABILITYMASK = 0x177,            COMPRESSED = 0x4000000,            CONTENTSMASK = 0x80000000,            DISPLAYATTRMASK = 0xfc000,            DROPTARGET = 0x100,            ENCRYPTED = 0x2000,            FILESYSANCESTOR = 0x10000000,            FILESYSTEM = 0x40000000,            FOLDER = 0x20000000,            GHOSTED = 0x8000,            HASPROPSHEET = 0x40,            HASSTORAGE = 0x400000,            HASSUBFOLDER = 0x80000000,            HIDDEN = 0x80000,            ISSLOW = 0x4000,            LINK = 0x10000,            NEWCONTENT = 0x200000,            NONENUMERATED = 0x100000,            READONLY = 0x40000,            REMOVABLE = 0x2000000,            SHARE = 0x20000,            STORAGE = 8,            STORAGEANCESTOR = 0x800000,            STORAGECAPMASK = 0x70c50008,            STREAM = 0x400000,            VALIDATE = 0x1000000        }        // Used to retrieve directory paths to system special folders        public enum CSIDL        {            ADMINTOOLS = 0x30,            ALTSTARTUP = 0x1d,            APPDATA = 0x1a,            BITBUCKET = 10,            CDBURN_AREA = 0x3b,            COMMON_ADMINTOOLS = 0x2f,            COMMON_ALTSTARTUP = 30,            COMMON_APPDATA = 0x23,            COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x19,            COMMON_DOCUMENTS = 0x2e,            COMMON_FAVORITES = 0x1f,            COMMON_MUSIC = 0x35,            COMMON_PICTURES = 0x36,            COMMON_PROGRAMS = 0x17,            COMMON_STARTMENU = 0x16,            COMMON_STARTUP = 0x18,            COMMON_TEMPLATES = 0x2d,            COMMON_VIDEO = 0x37,            CONTROLS = 3,            COOKIES = 0x21,            DESKTOP = 0,            DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x10,            DRIVES = 0x11,            FAVORITES = 6,            FLAG_CREATE = 0x8000,            FONTS = 20,            HISTORY = 0x22,            INTERNET = 1,            INTERNET_CACHE = 0x20,            LOCAL_APPDATA = 0x1c,            MYDOCUMENTS = 12,            MYMUSIC = 13,            MYPICTURES = 0x27,            MYVIDEO = 14,            NETHOOD = 0x13,            NETWORK = 0x12,            PERSONAL = 5,            PRINTERS = 4,            PRINTHOOD = 0x1b,            PROFILE = 40,            PROFILES = 0x3e,            PROGRAM_FILES = 0x26,            PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON = 0x2b,            PROGRAMS = 2,            RECENT = 8,            SENDTO = 9,            STARTMENU = 11,            STARTUP = 7,            SYSTEM = 0x25,            TEMPLATES = 0x15,            WINDOWS = 0x24        }        // Defines the values used with the IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and IShellFolder::SetNameOf         // methods to specify the type of file or folder names used by those methods        // Flags that specify the file information to retrieve with SHGetFileInfo        [Flags]        public enum SHGFI : uint        {            ADDOVERLAYS = 0x20,            ATTR_SPECIFIED = 0x20000,            ATTRIBUTES = 0x800,            DISPLAYNAME = 0x200,            EXETYPE = 0x2000,            ICON = 0x100,            ICONLOCATION = 0x1000,            LARGEICON = 0,            LINKOVERLAY = 0x8000,            OPENICON = 2,            OVERLAYINDEX = 0x40,            PIDL = 8,            SELECTED = 0x10000,            SHELLICONSIZE = 4,            SMALLICON = 1,            SYSICONINDEX = 0x4000,            TYPENAME = 0x400,            USEFILEATTRIBUTES = 0x10        }    }


 static void Main(string[] args)        {            IntPtr tempPidl;            ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO info;                        //My Computer            info = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO();            tempPidl = IntPtr.Zero;            ShellAPI.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(IntPtr.Zero, ShellAPI.CSIDL.DRIVES, out tempPidl);            ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(tempPidl, 0, ref info, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo,                ShellAPI.SHGFI.PIDL | ShellAPI.SHGFI.DISPLAYNAME | ShellAPI.SHGFI.TYPENAME);            string sysfolderName = info.szTypeName;            string mycompName = info.szDisplayName;            Console.WriteLine(sysfolderName + "------" + mycompName);            Console.WriteLine(Environment.MachineName);            Console.Read();        }


3.再介绍一个用winform编写的功能很强大的文件管理器。与自带的差不多,调用了系统的Shell api,可以获取到特殊路径的名称,对于没有权限操作的文件会进行动态请求。如图:




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