来源:互联网 发布:vm数据区 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 21:50
import;import android.content.ContentResolver;import android.os.ServiceManager;import android.util.Log;public class ActionApplication extends Application {    private static final String TAG = "Action-Application";    private static final String ACTION_SERVICE = "iaction";    private static ContentResolver mContentResolver;    @Override    public void onCreate() {        super.onCreate();        mContentResolver = this.getContentResolver();        ServiceManager.addService(ACTION_SERVICE, new ActionService(this));        Utils.handleFirstBootIfNeed(this);        Log.i(TAG, "add service[" + ACTION_SERVICE + " sucesss ");    }    public static ContentResolver getAppContentResolver() {        return mContentResolver;    }}

import android.os.IBinder.DeathRecipient;import android.os.ServiceManager;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.util.Log;public class FingerServerNavigationLib implements DeathRecipient {    private static final String TAG = "ETS-FingerServerNavigationLib";    public static final int STATE_HAL_UNUSED         = 0;    public static final int STATE_HAL_USING          = 1;    public static final String NAVIGATION_SERVICE="navigation";    private INavigationService mService;    private boolean mEnableNotify = true;    public FingerServerNavigationLib(){        mService = INavigationService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(NAVIGATION_SERVICE));        if (mService == null) {            Log.e(TAG, "mService is null");            return;        }        try {            mService.asBinder().linkToDeath(this, 0);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    public int notifyFingerHalState(int halState){        if (mService == null) {            Log.i(TAG, "notifyFingerHalState, try to get Navigation service");            mService = INavigationService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(NAVIGATION_SERVICE));            if (mService == null) {                Log.e(TAG, "notifyFingerHalState, mService is null");                return -1;            }            try {                mService.asBinder().linkToDeath(this, 0);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        try {            if (mEnableNotify){                Log.d(TAG, "notifyFingerHalState()="+halState);                return mService.notifyFingerHalState(halState);            }            else{                Log.i(TAG, "disable notifyFingerHalState");                return 0;            }        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "notifyHalState() RemoteException:"+e.getMessage());            return -1;        }catch(Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "notifyHalState() Exception:"+e.getMessage());            return -1;        }    }    public void setEnableNotify(boolean enable){        Log.d(TAG, "setEnableNotify="+enable);        mEnableNotify = enable;    }    @Override    public void binderDied() {        Log.e(TAG, "binderDied");        mService = null;    }}

import android.os.Bundle;import java.util.List;interface IActionService {    void sendMessage(int keyCode);}

/* * This file is auto-generated.  DO NOT MODIFY. * Original file: E:\\Release_build\\p904\\ActionSettings\\src\\com\\mediatek\\action\\IActionService.aidl */package com.mediatek.action;public interface IActionService extends android.os.IInterface{/** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements com.mediatek.action.IActionService{private static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTOR = "com.mediatek.action.IActionService";/** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */public Stub(){this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);}/** * Cast an IBinder object into an com.mediatek.action.IActionService interface, * generating a proxy if needed. */public static com.mediatek.action.IActionService asInterface(android.os.IBinder obj){if ((obj==null)) {return null;}android.os.IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR);if (((iin!=null)&&(iin instanceof com.mediatek.action.IActionService))) {return ((com.mediatek.action.IActionService)iin);}return new com.mediatek.action.IActionService.Stub.Proxy(obj);}@Override public android.os.IBinder asBinder(){return this;}@Override public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags) throws android.os.RemoteException{switch (code){case INTERFACE_TRANSACTION:{reply.writeString(DESCRIPTOR);return true;}case TRANSACTION_sendMessage:{data.enforceInterface(DESCRIPTOR);int _arg0;_arg0 = data.readInt();this.sendMessage(_arg0);reply.writeNoException();return true;}}return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);}private static class Proxy implements com.mediatek.action.IActionService{private android.os.IBinder mRemote;Proxy(android.os.IBinder remote){mRemote = remote;}@Override public android.os.IBinder asBinder(){return mRemote;}public java.lang.String getInterfaceDescriptor(){return DESCRIPTOR;}@Override public void sendMessage(int keyCode) throws android.os.RemoteException{android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();try {_data.writeInterfaceToken(DESCRIPTOR);_data.writeInt(keyCode);mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_sendMessage, _data, _reply, 0);_reply.readException();}finally {_reply.recycle();_data.recycle();}}}static final int TRANSACTION_sendMessage = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0);}public void sendMessage(int keyCode) throws android.os.RemoteException;}

import android.os.IBinder.DeathRecipient;import android.os.ServiceManager;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.util.Log;public class ActionControlLib implements DeathRecipient {    private static final String TAG = "Action-ControlLib";    private static final String ACTION_SERVICE = "iaction";    private IActionService mService;    public ActionControlLib(){        mService = IActionService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(ACTION_SERVICE));        if (mService == null) {            Log.e(TAG, "mService is null");            return;        }        try {            mService.asBinder().linkToDeath(this, 0);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    public int sendMessageToAction(int keyCode){        if (mService == null) {            Log.i(TAG, "sendMessageToAction, try to get Action service");            mService = IActionService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(ACTION_SERVICE));            if (mService == null) {                Log.e(TAG, "sendMessageToAction, mService is null");                return -1;            }            try {                mService.asBinder().linkToDeath(this, 0);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        try {            Log.d(TAG, "sendMessageToAction " + keyCode);            mService.sendMessage(keyCode);            return 0;        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "sendMessageToAction RemoteException: " + e.getMessage());            return -1;        } catch(Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "sendMessageToAction Exception: "+ e.getMessage());            return -1;        }    }    @Override    public void binderDied() {        Log.e(TAG, "binderDied");        mService = null;    }}

if (mActionLib == null) {                mActionLib = new ActionControlLib();            }            if (mActionLib == null) {                android.util.Log.i(TAG,"ActionControlLib is null.");            } else {                android.util.Log.i(TAG,"sendMessageToAction keyCode: " + keyCode);                mActionLib.sendMessageToAction(keyCode);            }

package;import;import;import;import;import;import;import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;import android.content.ComponentName;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import android.content.IntentFilter;import android.content.ContentResolver;import android.content.SharedPreferences;import android.database.ContentObserver;import android.database.Cursor;import;import;import;import;import android.hardware.Sensor;import android.hardware.SensorEvent;import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;import android.hardware.SensorManager;import;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.IBinder;import android.os.Message;import android.os.PowerManager;import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.os.SystemClock;import android.os.UserHandle;import android.provider.Settings;import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener;import android.telecom.TelecomManager;import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;import android.util.Log;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.View;import android.view.WindowManager;import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams;import android.view.LayoutInflater;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.view.WindowManagerGlobal;import android.widget.TextView;import android.view.Gravity;import;import com.mediatek.action.IActionService;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.List;public class ActionService extends IActionService.Stub {    private String TAG = "Action-Service";    public static final String EXTRA_SLOT_ID = "";    private static final String ACTION_CALL_SECURE_CAMERA = "com.sagereal.actions.call_secure_camera";    private static final int UNUSED = 0x00000000;    private static final int PICKANDDIAL = 0x00000001;    private static final int ROTATEMUTE = 0x00000002;    private static final int PICKANDRECEIVE = 0x00000003;    private static final int PSSWITCH = 0x00000004;    private static final int WAVEANDRECEIVE = 0x00000005;    private static final int PICKANDDIALTRY = 0x00000006;    private static final int PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_NEAR = 1;    private static final int PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_FAR = 2;    private static final int PSENSOR_ACTION_WAVE = 3;    private static final int GSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_VERTICAL = 1;// shu    private static final int GSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_HORIZONTAL = 2;// heng    private static final int GSENSOR_ACTION_PICK = 3;    private static final int GSENSOR_ACTION_ROTATE = 4;    private static final int GSENSOR_VERTICAL = 1;// shu    private static final int GSENSOR_HORIZONTAL = 2;// heng    private static final int GSENSOR_ROTATE = 3;    private static final int MSG_REMOVE_GESTURE_PALY = 110;    private static final int MSG_REMOVE_TOAST = 111;    private static final int MSG_GESTURE_KEYCODE = 112;    private KeyguardManager keyguardManager;    private TelephonyManager telephonyMgr;    private SensorManager sensorMgr;    private AudioManager audioMgr;    private PowerManager mPowerManager;    private SensorEventListener gsensorListener;    private SensorEventListener psensorListener;    private PhoneCallListener phoneListener;    private Context mContext;    private boolean ringing = false;    private boolean is_action_active = false;    private boolean is_rotate_mute_enable = false;    private boolean is_double_click_enable = false;    private boolean is_quick_launch_enable = false;    private boolean is_pick_and_dial_enable = false;    private boolean is_pick_and_receive_enable = false;    private boolean is_ps_switch_enable = false;    private boolean is_wave_and_receive_enable = false;    private boolean is_pick_and_dial_sim1 = true;    private boolean is_pick_and_dial_sim2 = false;    private ActionServiceReceiver actionservicereceiver;    private int ActionState = UNUSED;    private float gsensor_horizontal_x = 0;    private float gsensor_horizontal_y = 0;    private float gsensor_horizontal_z = 10;    private boolean is_gsensor_first_roll = true;    private boolean is_psensor_first_roll = true;    private float gsensor_diff_x = 0;    private float gsensor_diff_y = 0;    private float gsensor_diff_z = 0;    private String sendnumber = null;    private boolean is_dialed = false;    private boolean is_rotated_mute_finish = false;    private boolean gsensor_is_allow_to_dial = false;    private boolean psensor_is_allow_to_dial = false;    private DialThread dialthread = null;    private boolean is_need_gsensor = false;    private boolean is_need_psensor = false;    private int MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_X = 5;    private int MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_Y = 50;    private int MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_Z = 1;    private float gsensor_record_history_x[] = new float[MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_X];// unused    private float gsensor_record_history_y[] = new float[MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_Y];// 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟叫讹拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷    private float gsensor_record_history_z[] = new float[MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_Z];// 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟叫断凤拷转    private float psensor_record_history[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};// default ps far new float[MAX_RECORD_HISTORY_COUNT_X];    private float psensor_record_last_history_x = -1;// use to judge ps first state    private float psensor_record_curr_history_x = -1;// use to judge ps first state    private float psensor_record_action_change_count = 0;// use to judge ps first state    private int ring_mode_backup = -1;    private int defaultVolume = -1;    private boolean is_psensor_rotate = false;    private View mMyStyleToast;    private int mCallState = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE;    public ActionService(Context context) {        init(context);    }    private void init(Context context) {        mContext = context;        getActionSettingPref();        keyguardManager = (KeyguardManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);        mPowerManager = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);        telephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);        sensorMgr = (SensorManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);        audioMgr = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);        phoneListener = new PhoneCallListener();        telephonyMgr.listen(phoneListener, PhoneCallListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);        actionservicereceiver = new ActionServiceReceiver();        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();        filter.addAction("com.sagereal.intent.action.pickanddial");        filter.addAction("com.sagereal.intent.action.setings.changed");        filter.addAction("com.sagereal.intent.action.pickanddial.try");        filter.addAction("android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF");        filter.addAction("com.sagereal.action.gesture.keycode");        filter.addAction("com.transsion.countrylist.COUNTRY_SETUP_FINISHED");        mContext.registerReceiver(actionservicereceiver, filter);        //bindKeyGuardService();        mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(                Settings.System.getUriFor("animation_disappear"), false, mDissmissAnimationObserver);    }    private void wakeUp() {        Log.v(TAG,"wakeUp...");        acquireWakeLock();        //mPowerManager.wakeUp(SystemClock.uptimeMillis());        /*PowerManager.WakeLock wl = mPowerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP |                PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "action");          wl.acquire();          wl.release();*/    }    private float[] insertGsToQueue(float insert_obj, float arry[]) {        float[] temp = new float[arry.length];        for (int i = 1; i < (arry.length - 1); i++) {            temp[i] = arry[i - 1];        }        temp[0] = insert_obj;        return temp;    }    private float[] insertPsToQueue(float insert_obj, float arry[]) {        float[] temp = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};        for (int i = 1; i < (arry.length - 1); i++) {            temp[i] = arry[i - 1];        }        temp[0] = insert_obj;        return temp;    }    private void getActionSettingPref() {        SharedPreferences settings = mContext.getSharedPreferences(                Utils.ACTION_SETTINGS_SHAREDPREFERENCE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);        if (settings != null) {            is_action_active = settings.getBoolean("action_active", true);            if (is_action_active) {                is_pick_and_dial_enable = settings.getBoolean("pick_and_dial",                        false);                is_rotate_mute_enable = settings                        .getBoolean("rotate_mute", true);                is_double_click_enable = settings                        .getBoolean(Utils.DOUBLE_CLICK_WAKE_SWITCH, true);                is_quick_launch_enable = settings                        .getBoolean(Utils.QUICK_LAUNCH_SWITCH, true);                is_pick_and_receive_enable = settings.getBoolean(                        "pick_and_receive", false);                is_ps_switch_enable = settings.getBoolean("ps_switch", false);                is_wave_and_receive_enable = settings.getBoolean(                        "wave_receive", false);                is_pick_and_dial_sim1 = settings.getBoolean(                        "action_pick_and_dial_pref_sim1", true);                is_pick_and_dial_sim2 = settings.getBoolean(                        "action_pick_and_dial_pref_sim2", false);            } else {                is_pick_and_dial_enable = false;                is_rotate_mute_enable = false;                is_pick_and_receive_enable = false;                is_ps_switch_enable = false;                is_wave_and_receive_enable = false;                is_pick_and_dial_sim1 = false;                is_pick_and_dial_sim2 = false;            }        } else {            Log.i(TAG, "getSharedPreferences(com.sagereal.actions_preferences) error");        }    }    private void unregisterSensor() {        if (sensorMgr != null) {            sensorMgr.unregisterListener(gsensorListener);            sensorMgr.unregisterListener(psensorListener);            // sensorMgr = null;            is_psensor_rotate = false;        }    }    private void openGsensor() {        Log.v(TAG,"openGsensor sensorMgr = "+sensorMgr);        is_gsensor_first_roll = true;        if (sensorMgr != null) {            Sensor orientation = null;            is_psensor_rotate = false;            gsensorListener = new GSensorListener();            orientation = sensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);            if (orientation != null && sensorMgr != null) {                sensorMgr.registerListener(gsensorListener, orientation,                        SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);            }        }    }    private void openPsensor() {        Log.v(TAG,"openPsensor sensorMgr = "+sensorMgr);        psensor_record_last_history_x = -1;        psensor_record_curr_history_x = -1;        psensor_record_action_change_count = 0;        if (sensorMgr != null) {            Sensor orientation = null;            psensorListener = new PSensorListener();            orientation = sensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY);            if (orientation != null && sensorMgr != null) {                sensorMgr.registerListener(psensorListener, orientation,                        SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);            }        }    }    private int getGsensorRealTimeState() {        Log.v(TAG,"openPsensor sensorMgr = "+sensorMgr);        float x = gsensor_record_history_x[0];        float y = gsensor_record_history_y[0];        float z = gsensor_record_history_z[0];        gsensor_diff_x = x - gsensor_horizontal_x;        gsensor_diff_y = y - gsensor_horizontal_y;        gsensor_diff_z = z - gsensor_horizontal_z;        if ((y > 6) && (z < 3)) {            return GSENSOR_VERTICAL;        }        if ((y < 3) && (z > 7)) {            return GSENSOR_HORIZONTAL;        }        return 0;    }    private int getPsensorActionState() {        if (psensor_record_history[0] == 1) {            return PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_FAR;        } else if (psensor_record_history[0] == 0) {            return PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_NEAR;        }        return 0;    }    private boolean isPsensorWaveAction() {        if (psensor_record_action_change_count == 3) {            // psensor_record_action_change_count =0;            return true;        }        return false;    }    private int getGsensorActionState() {        boolean VerticalIsExsit = false;        boolean HorizontalIsExsit = false;        for (int i = 0; i < gsensor_record_history_y.length; i++) {            if (gsensor_record_history_y[i] < 4) {                HorizontalIsExsit = true;                continue;            }            if (gsensor_record_history_y[i] > 7) {                VerticalIsExsit = true;                continue;            }        }        if (HorizontalIsExsit && VerticalIsExsit                && (GSENSOR_VERTICAL == getGsensorRealTimeState())) {            return GSENSOR_ACTION_PICK;//        }        return 0;    }    private void doCallReceive() {        if (!is_pick_and_receive_enable && !is_wave_and_receive_enable) {            unregisterSensor();            return;        }        Log.e(TAG, "doCallReceive");        try {            ITelephony iTelephony = PhoneUtils.getITelephony(telephonyMgr);            iTelephony.answerRingingCall();//            // iTelephony.endCall();//        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "[callReceive]Exception=" + e.getMessage(), e);        } finally {            unregisterSensor();        }    }    private void doEndCall() {        Log.e(TAG, "doCallReceive");        try {            ITelephony iTelephony = PhoneUtils.getITelephony(telephonyMgr);            iTelephony.endCall();            // iTelephony.endCall();        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "[endCall]Exception=" + e.getMessage(), e);        } finally {            unregisterSensor();        }    }    private void doOutGoingCall() {        // if(!is_pick_and_dial_enable) {        // unregisterSensor();        // return;        // }        //        // int slot=-1;        // List<SimInfoRecord> mSimInfoList= new ArrayList<SimInfoRecord>();;        // int mSimNum;        // final long defaultSim = Settings.System.getLong(mContext.getContentResolver(),        // Settings.System.VOICE_CALL_SIM_SETTING,        // Settings.System.DEFAULT_SIM_SETTING_ALWAYS_ASK);        //        // mSimInfoList = SimInfoManager.getInsertedSimInfoList(this);        // mSimNum = mSimInfoList.size();        // if((defaultSim ==Settings.System.DEFAULT_SIM_SETTING_ALWAYS_ASK) &&        // (mSimNum >=2) ) //SIM manager is always ask,and sim number >=2        // {        // if(is_pick_and_dial_sim1)        // {        // slot = 0;        // }else if(is_pick_and_dial_sim2)        // {        // slot = 1;        // }        // }        //        // Intent dialintent =new        // Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL,Uri.parse("tel:"+sendnumber));        // dialintent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);        // Log.v(TAG,"slot == "+slot);        // if(slot != -1)        // {        // dialintent.putExtra(EXTRA_SLOT_ID,slot);        // }        // mContext.startActivity(dialintent);        // unregisterSensor();    }    private void doMute() {        int ringerMode = AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT;        if (audioMgr != null) {            getTelecommService().silenceRinger();            is_rotated_mute_finish = true;            if (sensorMgr != null) {                sensorMgr.unregisterListener(gsensorListener);            }        }    }    /**     * get TelecomManager server     *     * @return     */    private TelecomManager getTelecommService() {        return (TelecomManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);    }    private int getCallState() {        try {            ITelephony iTelephony = PhoneUtils.getITelephony(telephonyMgr);            return iTelephony.getCallState();            // iTelephony.endCall();        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "[callReceive]Exception=" + e.getMessage(), e);        }        return 0;    }    private class PhoneCallListener extends PhoneStateListener {        @Override        public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {            super.onCallStateChanged(state, incomingNumber);            Log.v(TAG, "onCallStateChanged state == " + state);            Log.v(TAG, "onCallStateChanged incomingNumber == " + incomingNumber);            switch (state) {                case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:                    mCallState = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE;                    ringing = false;                    if (is_rotated_mute_finish = false) {                    // didn't use rotate mute, caller end or reject directly happen                        if (sensorMgr != null) {                            sensorMgr.unregisterListener(gsensorListener);                        }                    } else if (ActionState == ROTATEMUTE) {                        Log.v(TAG, "CALL_STATE_IDLE ring_mode_backup == "                                + ring_mode_backup);                        if (ring_mode_backup != -1) {                            // audioMgr.setRingerMode(ring_mode_backup);                        }                    }                    break;                case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:                    mCallState = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK;                    ringing = false;                    if (is_rotated_mute_finish = false)// didn't use rotate mute ,                    // user accept directly                    {                        if (sensorMgr != null) {                            sensorMgr.unregisterListener(gsensorListener);                        }                    }                    break;                case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:                    mCallState = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING;                    ActionState = UNUSED;                    is_need_gsensor = false;                    is_need_psensor = false;                    is_rotated_mute_finish = false;                    ringing = true;                    if (is_rotate_mute_enable) {                        ActionState = ROTATEMUTE;                        is_need_gsensor = true;                        is_psensor_rotate = false;                        ring_mode_backup = audioMgr.getRingerMode();                    }                    if (is_pick_and_receive_enable) {                        ActionState = ActionState | PICKANDRECEIVE;                        is_need_gsensor = true;                        is_need_psensor = true;                    }                    if (is_wave_and_receive_enable) {                        ActionState = ActionState | WAVEANDRECEIVE;                        is_need_psensor = true;                    }                    if (is_need_psensor) {                        openPsensor();                    }                    if (is_need_gsensor) {                        openGsensor();                    }                    break;                default:                    break;            }        }    }    class GSensorListener implements SensorEventListener {        @Override        public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {        }        @Override        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {            Log.v(TAG, "onSensorChanged ActionState == " + ActionState);// ActionState            if (ActionState == UNUSED) {                return;            }            {                gsensor_record_history_x = insertGsToQueue(event.values[0],                        gsensor_record_history_x);                gsensor_record_history_y = insertGsToQueue(event.values[1],                        gsensor_record_history_y);                gsensor_record_history_z = insertGsToQueue(event.values[2],                        gsensor_record_history_z);            }            if (event.values[2] > -5 && event.values[2] < 5) {                is_psensor_rotate = true;            }            if ((ActionState & ROTATEMUTE) != 0) {                // Log.v(TAG,"onCallStateChanged ringing == "+ringing);                if (is_psensor_rotate && event.values[0] < 10                        && event.values[0] > -10 && event.values[1] < 5                        && event.values[1] > -5 && event.values[2] < -9                        && event.values[2] > -10 && ringing) {                    doMute();                } else {                    if (audioMgr != null) {                        // audioMgr.setRingerMode(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL);                    }                }            }        }    }    public class PSensorListener implements SensorEventListener {        @Override        public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {            Log.v(TAG,"PSensorListener onAccuracyChanged  accuracy= "+accuracy);        }        @Override        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {            psensor_record_history = insertPsToQueue(event.values[0],                    psensor_record_history);            if ((psensor_record_last_history_x == -1)                    || (psensor_record_curr_history_x == -1))// first time            {                psensor_record_last_history_x = event.values[0];                psensor_record_curr_history_x = event.values[0];            } else {                psensor_record_last_history_x = psensor_record_curr_history_x;                psensor_record_curr_history_x = event.values[0];            }            if (psensor_record_curr_history_x != psensor_record_last_history_x) {                psensor_record_action_change_count = psensor_record_action_change_count + 1;            }            if (ActionState == PICKANDDIAL) {                if (sendnumber != null                        && (PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_NEAR == getPsensorActionState())                        && (GSENSOR_ACTION_PICK == getGsensorActionState())) {                    // psensor_is_allow_to_dial =true;                    doOutGoingCall();                } else {                    // psensor_is_allow_to_dial=false;                }            } else if (ActionState == PICKANDDIALTRY) {                Log.v(TAG, "ActionState == PICKANDDIALTRY ");                if ((PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_NEAR == getPsensorActionState())                        && (GSENSOR_ACTION_PICK == getGsensorActionState())) {                    Intent myintent = new Intent();                    myintent.setAction("com.sagereal.intent.action.pickanddial.try.changed");                    mContext.sendBroadcast(myintent);                    unregisterSensor();                }            } else {                if ((ActionState & WAVEANDRECEIVE) != 0) {                    Log.v(TAG, "getPsensorActionState() == "                            + getPsensorActionState());                    if (isPsensorWaveAction()                            && (GSENSOR_HORIZONTAL == getGsensorRealTimeState())) {                        // doCallReceive();                        doCallReceive();                        return;                    }                }                if ((ActionState & PICKANDRECEIVE) != 0) {                    Log.v(TAG, "getGsensorActionState() == "                            + getGsensorActionState());                    if ((PSENSOR_ACTION_ALWAYS_NEAR == getPsensorActionState())                            && (GSENSOR_VERTICAL == getGsensorRealTimeState())) {                        // doCallReceive();                        doCallReceive();                        return;                    }                }            }        }    }    public class ActionServiceReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {        @Override        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {            String action = intent.getAction();            if (action.equals("com.sagereal.intent.action.pickanddial")) {                if (!is_pick_and_dial_enable) {                    return;                }                Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();                String number = bundle.getString("sendnumber");                String[] numberarray = bundle.getStringArray("sendnumberarray");                String activitystate = bundle.getString("activitystate");                if (number == null                        && ((numberarray != null) && (numberarray[0] != null))) {                    sendnumber = numberarray[0];                } else if (number != null) {                    sendnumber = number;                }                if (activitystate.equals("in") && (sendnumber != null)) {                    Log.v(TAG, " PickAndDialReceiver activitystate == in");                    ActionState = UNUSED;                    ActionState = PICKANDDIAL;                    is_dialed = false;                    is_gsensor_first_roll = true;                    psensor_is_allow_to_dial = false;                    gsensor_is_allow_to_dial = false;                    openGsensor();                    openPsensor();                    // dialthread = new DialThread();                    // dialthread.start();                } else {                    // out                    ActionState = UNUSED;                    sendnumber = null;                    unregisterSensor();                }            } else if (action.equals("com.sagereal.intent.action.setings.changed")) {                getActionSettingPref();            } else if (action.equals("com.sagereal.intent.action.pickanddial.try")) {                ActionState = UNUSED;                ActionState = PICKANDDIALTRY;                openGsensor();                openPsensor();            } else if (action.equals("android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF")) {                unregisterSensor();            } else if ("com.sagereal.action.gesture.keycode".equals(action)) {                Log.d(TAG, "Receiver : " + action + ", isFirstClick" + isFirstClick);                /*if (isFirstClick) {                    wakeUp();                    isFirstClick = false;                } else {                    isFirstClick = true;                }                int keycode = intent.getIntExtra("keycode", 0);                Log.d(TAG, "Receiver : " + action + ", isFirstClick" + isFirstClick + ", keycode" + keycode);                if (Settings.Global.getInt(context.getContentResolver(), "country_setup_finished", 0) == 0) {                    Log.i(TAG, "should return by country_setup_finished !!!");                    // if setupwizard not finish ,not handle the code                    return;                }                if (ActivityManager.isUserAMonkey()) {                    Log.d(TAG, "ignoring monkey's attempt to start application");                } else {                    gestureKeyCodeHandle(keycode);                }*/            }        }    }    private static boolean isFirstClick = false;    private void acquireWakeLock() {        Log.i(TAG, "acquireWakeLock");        PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);        WakeLock m_wake = (WakeLock) pm.newWakeLock(                PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP                        | PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK                        | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE, "action");        m_wake.acquire();        //m_wake.acquire(5000);        m_wake.release();//    }    private void gestureKeyCodeHandle(int keycode) {        Log.i(TAG, "gestureKeyCodeHandle keycode: " + keycode);        if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null) {            return;        }        switch (keycode) {            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_C:// C                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_C).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_E:// e                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_E).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_M:// m                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_M).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_O:// o                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_O).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_V:// v                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_V).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_S:// s                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_S).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_W:// w                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_W).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_Z:// z                mGesturePlayingFloatView = showGesturePlayFloatView(null);                new GestureThread(Utils.INDEX_Z).start();                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_DOWN:// down                // reserved                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_UP:// up                // reserved                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GESTURE_DCLICK:// dclick                // do nothing ,because the key had setted to wake state in keyboard configuration                wakeUp();                break;        }    }    public ComponentName getShortCutAppComponent(int index) {        String[] indexString = new String[1];        indexString[0] = index + "";        ComponentName result = null;        ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver();        Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(Utils.CONTENT_URI, null, "_id=?",                indexString, null);        if ((cursor != null) && (cursor.getCount() != 0)                && cursor.moveToFirst()) {            String packagename = cursor.getString(cursor                    .getColumnIndex("packagename"));            String activityname = cursor.getString(cursor                    .getColumnIndex("activityname"));            if (packagename.equals("") || activityname.equals("")) {            } else {                result = new ComponentName(packagename, activityname);            }        }        if (cursor != null)            cursor.close();        // for empty        return result;    }    private void dismissKeyGuard() {        try {            WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowManagerService().dismissKeyguard();        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    private boolean isAllowStartUnderSuperPower(ComponentName componentname) {        boolean result = false;        for (int i = 0; i < Utils.supperpowerpackageList.length; i++) {            if (componentname.getPackageName().equals(                    Utils.supperpowerpackageList[i])) {                result = true;            }        }        return result;    }    public boolean isSpecialDoingNow() {        ActivityManager myManager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        ArrayList<RunningServiceInfo> runningService = (ArrayList<RunningServiceInfo>) myManager                .getRunningServices(50);        for (int i = 0; i < runningService.size(); i++) {            if (runningService.get(i).service.getClassName().toString()                    .equals("")) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    private boolean isSpecialAppInTopActivity() {        ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        List<RunningTaskInfo> runningTaskInfos = manager.getRunningTasks(1);        if (runningTaskInfos != null) {            if ((runningTaskInfos.get(0).topActivity.getClassName()                    .equals(""))                    || (runningTaskInfos.get(0).topActivity.getClassName()                    .equals(""))) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    private boolean isSpecialAppInTopActivityOnLocked() {        ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        List<RunningTaskInfo> runningTaskInfos = manager.getRunningTasks(1);        if (runningTaskInfos != null) {            if (runningTaskInfos.get(0).topActivity.getPackageName().equals(                    "")                    || (runningTaskInfos.get(0).topActivity.getPackageName()                    .equals(""))) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    private String getTopActivity() {        ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        List<RunningTaskInfo> runningTaskInfos = manager.getRunningTasks(1);        if (runningTaskInfos != null) {            return runningTaskInfos.get(0).topActivity.getClassName();        }        return "";    }    private String getTopPackageName() {        ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        List<RunningTaskInfo> runningTaskInfos = manager.getRunningTasks(1);        if (runningTaskInfos != null) {            return runningTaskInfos.get(0).topActivity.getPackageName();        }        return "";    }    private boolean isNeedSendIntent(ComponentName componentname) {        if ((getTopActivity().equals("")                && componentname != null && componentname.getPackageName()                .equals("com.mediatek.videoplayer"))                || (getTopPackageName().equals("")                && componentname != null && componentname                .getPackageName().equals(""))) {            return false;        }        return true;    }    private boolean tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(ComponentName componentname) {        if (componentname != null && Settings.System.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), "superpower", 0) == 1                && !isAllowStartUnderSuperPower(componentname)) {            toastStyle(R.string.action_quick_not_allow_tip_for_superpower);            return true;        }        if (mCallState != TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE) {            toastStyle(R.string.action_quick_not_allow_tip_for_incall);            return true;        }        return false;    }    private void toastStyle(int strid) {        if (mMyStyleToast != null) {            return;        }        if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null                && (mGesturePlayingFloatView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE)) {            mGesturePlayingFloatView.setVisibility(View.GONE);// remove the old show if need        }        {            View mpreView = null;            WindowManager mWindowManager = (WindowManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);            WindowManager.LayoutParams wmParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();            wmParams.height = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; //modify by wanpeng for bug 42414            wmParams.width = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;            wmParams.windowAnimations =;            wmParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR;            wmParams.format = PixelFormat.RGBA_8888;            mpreView = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(          , null);            mpreView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);            TextView tv = (TextView) mpreView                    .findViewById(;            tv.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER);            if (tv != null) {                tv.setText(mContext.getString(strid));            }            mWindowManager.addView(mpreView, wmParams);            new ToastTimerThread().start();            mMyStyleToast = mpreView;        }    }    private class ToastTimerThread extends Thread {        ToastTimerThread() {        }        public void run() {            try {                Thread.sleep(2000);            } catch (InterruptedException e) {            }            Message message = new Message();            message.what = MSG_REMOVE_TOAST;            myHandler.sendMessage(message);        }    }    private class disableAndEnableLockThread extends Thread {        disableAndEnableLockThread() {        }        public void run() {            // mKeyguardLock.disableKeyguard();            // hasDisableLock = true;            try {                Thread.sleep(3000);            } catch (InterruptedException e) {            }            // mKeyguardLock.reenableKeyguard();            // hasDisableLock = false;        }    }    private boolean launcherSecureCameraIfNeed(ComponentName componentname) {        boolean result = false;        if (componentname != null                && componentname.getPackageName().equals(                "")                && componentname.getClassName().equals(                "")) {            if (keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure()) {                Log.i(TAG, "launcherSecureCameraIfNeed keyguardManager.isSecure()");                launchCamera();                result = true;            }        }        return result;    }    private static final String ACTION_DISMISS_NOTIFICATION_PANEL_VIEW = "com.sagereal.actions.dismiss_notificationPanelView";    private static boolean isSecureCamera = false;    private static boolean isCamera = false;    private void sendBrocastForDismissNitificationPanelViews(ComponentName componentname) {        if (keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure()) {            Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_DISMISS_NOTIFICATION_PANEL_VIEW);            mContext.sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT,                    null, null, null, 0, null, null);            if (componentname != null                    && componentname.getPackageName().equals(                    "")                    && componentname.getClassName().equals(                    "")) {                //isSecureCamera = true;            } else {                //isSecureCamera = false;            }        }        dismissKeyGuard();    }    private void launchCameras() {        //startActivity(SECURE_CAMERA_INTENT);        Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_CALL_SECURE_CAMERA);        mContext.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, null);    }    private boolean sendBrocastForDismissNitificationPanelView(ComponentName componentname) {        Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), "animation_disappear", 1);        Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), LAUNCHER_CAMERA, 0);        if (componentname != null                && componentname.getPackageName().equals(                "")                && componentname.getClassName().equals(                "")) {            if (keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure()) {                launchCamera();                isSecureCamera = true;                isCamera = false;            } else {                isSecureCamera = false;                isCamera = true;            }        } else {            isSecureCamera = false;            isCamera = false;            Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), DISSMISS_STATUS_BAR, 1);            dismissKeyGuard();        }        Log.i(TAG, "sendBrocast LAUNCHER_CAMERA = " + Settings.System.getInt(                mContext.getContentResolver(), LAUNCHER_CAMERA, 0));        return isSecureCamera;    }    private static final String LAUNCHER_CAMERA = "launcher_camera_for_actionsettings";    private static final String DISSMISS_STATUS_BAR = "dissmiss_status_bar_for_actionsettings";    private void launchCamera() {        Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), LAUNCHER_CAMERA, 1);        Log.i(TAG, "launchCamera LAUNCHER_CAMERA = " + Settings.System.getInt(                mContext.getContentResolver(), DISSMISS_STATUS_BAR, 0));    }    private boolean launcherMusicInSecureLocked(ComponentName componentname) {        boolean result = false;        if (componentname != null                && componentname.getPackageName().equals("")                && componentname.getClassName().equals(                "")) {            if (keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure()) {                android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(                        mContext.getContentResolver(), "fromsecurekeyguard", 1);                Intent intent = new Intent();                intent.setComponent(componentname);                intent.putExtra("fromsecurekeyguard", true);                intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);                mContext.startActivity(intent);                result = true;            } else {                android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(                        mContext.getContentResolver(), "fromsecurekeyguard", 0);            }        }        return result;    }    public void removeTaskIfNeed(Context context, ComponentName componentname) {        if (!componentname.getPackageName().equals("")                || getTopPackageName().equals("")) {            return;        } else {            ActivityManager localActivityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity");            Iterator localIterator = localActivityManager.getRecentTasks(50, 2)                    .iterator();            while (localIterator.hasNext()) {                ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo localRecentTaskInfo = (ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo) localIterator                        .next();                String str = localRecentTaskInfo.baseIntent.getComponent()                        .getPackageName();                if (str.equals("")) {                    Log.d(TAG, "removeTaskIfNeed componentname == "                            + componentname);                    // localActivityManager.removeTask(localRecentTaskInfo.persistentId, 1);                    localActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses(str);                }            }        }    }    private View mGesturePlayingFloatView;    private boolean gestureIsplaying = false;    private int mLevel = -1;    private ImageView mGesturePlayingDrawable;    private TextView mGestureTextTip;    Handler myHandler = new Handler() {        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            Log.d(TAG, "myHandler handleMessage mLevel = " + mLevel);            if (mLevel == 1) {                wakeUp();            }            switch (msg.what) {                case Utils.INDEX_C:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_C);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_c.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_c[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_M:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_M);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_m.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_m[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_W:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_W);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_w.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_w[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_E:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_E);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_e.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_e[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_O:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_O);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_o.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_o[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_V:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_V);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_v.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_v[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_Z:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_Z);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_z.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_z[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case Utils.INDEX_S:                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null && gestureIsplaying) {                        ComponentName componentname = null;                        componentname = getShortCutAppComponent(Utils.INDEX_S);                        if (tipForSpecialDoingNowIfNeed(componentname)) {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            mLevel = 0xFF;                        } else if (mLevel < Utils.resid_s.length) {                            mGesturePlayingDrawable                                    .setImageResource(Utils.resid_s[mLevel]);                            mLevel++;                        } else {                            gestureIsplaying = false;                            startActivityByName(componentname);                        }                    }                    break;                case MSG_REMOVE_GESTURE_PALY:                    //if(keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure() && isSecureCamera){                    if (isSecureCamera || isCamera) {                        isSecureCamera = false;                        if (isCamera) {                            Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), DISSMISS_STATUS_BAR, 1);                            dismissKeyGuard();                        }                        isCamera = false;                        mGesturePlayingDrawable.setImageDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.BLACK));                        myHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_REMOVE_GESTURE_PALY, 2000);                        return;                    }                    if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null) {                        mGesturePlayingFloatView.setVisibility(View.GONE);                        mGesturePlayingFloatView = null;                    }                    break;                case MSG_REMOVE_TOAST:                    mMyStyleToast.setVisibility(View.GONE);                    mMyStyleToast = null;                    break;                case MSG_GESTURE_KEYCODE:                    gestureKeyCodeHandle((Integer) msg.obj);                    break;            }            super.handleMessage(msg);        }    };    private void startActivityByName(ComponentName componentname) {        if (componentname != null) {            if (!sendBrocastForDismissNitificationPanelView(componentname)) {                if (isNeedSendIntent(componentname)) {                    removeTaskIfNeed(mContext, componentname);                    Intent intent = new Intent();                    intent.setComponent(componentname);                    intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK                            | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP);                    mContext.startActivity(intent);                }            }        }    }    class GestureThread extends Thread {        int mindex;        GestureThread(int index) {            Log.i(TAG, "GestureThread index:" + index);            mindex = index;            gestureIsplaying = true;            mLevel = 0;        }        public void run() {            while (gestureIsplaying) {                Message message = new Message();                message.what = mindex;                myHandler.sendMessage(message);                try {                    if (mindex == Utils.INDEX_C) {                        Thread.sleep(100);                    } else {                        Thread.sleep(150);                    }                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }            if (gestureIsplaying == false) {                try {                    Thread.sleep(500);                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }                Message message = new Message();                message.what = MSG_REMOVE_GESTURE_PALY;                myHandler.sendMessage(message);            }        }    }    private ContentObserver mDissmissAnimationObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) {        public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {            if (Settings.System.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), "animation_disappear", 0) == 0) {                Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), DISSMISS_STATUS_BAR, 1);                dismissKeyGuard();                if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null) {                    mGesturePlayingFloatView.setVisibility(View.GONE);                    mGesturePlayingFloatView = null;                }            }        }    };    private View showGesturePlayFloatView(String text_tip) {        if (mGesturePlayingFloatView != null                && (mGesturePlayingFloatView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE)) {            // mGesturePlayingFloatView.setVisibility(View.GONE);//remove the old show if need            return mGesturePlayingFloatView;        }        View mpreView = null;        WindowManager mWindowManager = (WindowManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);        WindowManager.LayoutParams wmParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();        //wmParams.systemUiVisibility |= View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.INVISIBLE | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN;        //wmParams.systemUiVisibility = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN;        //wmParams.systemUiVisibility = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.INVISIBLE;        //wmParams.systemUiVisibility = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN;        //wmParams.systemUiVisibility = View.INVISIBLE;        wmParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY;//TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL;        int rotation = mWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();        wmParams.screenOrientation =;        Log.v(TAG, "showGesturePlayFloatView rotation: " + rotation + ", params: " + wmParams.screenOrientation);        //wmParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR;        wmParams.width = 800;        wmParams.height = 1440;        wmParams.format = PixelFormat.RGBA_8888;        //wmParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN;        wmParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_IGNORE_CHEEK_PRESSES                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS;        mpreView = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.gesture_play, null);        mpreView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        mGesturePlayingDrawable = ((ImageView) mpreView.findViewById(;        mGestureTextTip = ((TextView) mpreView.findViewById(;        if (text_tip != null) {            mGesturePlayingDrawable.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE);            mGestureTextTip.setText(text_tip);        }        mGesturePlayingDrawable.setEnabled(false);        mWindowManager.addView(mpreView, wmParams);        return mpreView;    }    class DialThread extends Thread {        DialThread() {        }        public void run() {            while (ActionState == PICKANDDIAL) {                Log.v(TAG, "DialThread == psensor_is_allow_to_dial == "                        + psensor_is_allow_to_dial);                Log.v(TAG, "DialThread == gsensor_is_allow_to_dial == "                        + gsensor_is_allow_to_dial);                if (psensor_is_allow_to_dial && gsensor_is_allow_to_dial) {                    Intent dialintent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL,                            Uri.parse("tel:" + sendnumber));                    dialintent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);                    mContext.startActivity(dialintent);                    is_dialed = true;                    psensor_is_allow_to_dial = false;                    gsensor_is_allow_to_dial = false;                    break;                }            }        }    }    public boolean isServiceRunning(Context context, String className) {        boolean isRunning = false;        ActivityManager activityManager =                (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        List<ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo> serviceList                = activityManager.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE);        if (!(serviceList.size() > 0)) {            return false;        }        for (int i = 0; i < serviceList.size(); i++) {            if (serviceList.get(i).service.getClassName().equals(className) == true) {                isRunning = true;                break;            }        }        Log.i(TAG, "service is running ?= " + isRunning);        return isRunning;    }    @Override    public void sendMessage(int keyCode) throws RemoteException {        Log.i(TAG, "sendMessage: " + keyCode);        handleGestureKeycode(keyCode);    }    private void handleGestureKeycode(int keyCode) {        if (isFirstClick) {            //wakeUp();            isFirstClick = false;        } else {            isFirstClick = true;            return;        }        Log.d(TAG, "handleGestureKeycode isFirstClick" + isFirstClick + ", keycode" + keyCode);        if (Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), "country_setup_finished", 0) == 0) {            Log.i(TAG, "should return by country_setup_finished !!!");            // if setupwizard not finish ,not handle the code            wakeUp();            return;        }        if (ActivityManager.isUserAMonkey()) {            Log.d(TAG, "ignoring monkey's attempt to start application");        } else {            Message msg = new Message();            msg.what = MSG_GESTURE_KEYCODE;            msg.obj = keyCode;            myHandler.sendMessage(msg);        }    }}

package;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;import java.util.concurrent.Executors;import egistec.ets.api.EtsLib;import egistec.ets.api.FingerprintReceiver;import egistec.ets.api.FpResDef;import;import;import;import;import;import;import android.content.ComponentName;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.IBinder;import android.os.Message;import android.os.PowerManager;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.os.SystemClock;import android.os.SystemProperties;import android.os.UserHandle;import android.provider.MediaStore;import android.provider.Settings;import android.telecom.TelecomManager;import android.util.Log;import android.util.SparseArray;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.MotionEvent;public class NavigationService extends INavigationService.Stub {    private static final String TAG = "Navigation-Service";    private static final String ACTION_SCREEN_SHOT =            "android.intent.action.action_screen_shot";    private static final int START_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT = 400;    private static final int LONG_TOUCH_DURATION = 400;    /**     * Defines the duration in milliseconds between the first tap's up event and     * the second tap's down event for an interaction to be considered a     * double-tap.     */    private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT = 600;    /**     * Defines the minimum duration in milliseconds between the first tap's up event and     * the second tap's down event for an interaction to be considered a     * double-tap.     */    private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_MIN_TIME = 100;    private static final int MSG_DO_NAVIGATION = 0;    private static final int MSG_CLICK_EVENT = 1000;    private static final int DEFAULT_MOVE_STEPS = 30;    private static final int DEFAULT_FAST_MOVE_STEPS = 15;    private static final int DEFAULT_DOUBLE_MOVE_STEPS = DEFAULT_FAST_MOVE_STEPS;    private static final int DEFAULT_LOCATION_X = 545;//175    private static final int DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y = 480;//600    private static final int DEFAULT_MOVE_DISTANCE = 200;    private static final int DEFAULT_FAST_MOVE_DISTANCE = 300;    private static final int DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_ANSWER_CALL = 0;    private static final int DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_TAKE_PHOTO = 1;    private static final int DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_SWIP_NORMAL = 1;    private long lastNaviEventTime = 0L;    public static ExecutorService mPools = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();    public static final String[] mNavigationWhitelist = {        "",        ""    };    private enum NavigationState {        NAVI_IDLE, NAVI_CONNECTING, NAVI_RUNNING    }    private Context mContext;    private EtsLib mEtsLib;    private NavigationState mNavigationState = NavigationState.NAVI_IDLE;    private boolean mIsLocking = false;    private boolean mEnableAutoNavigation = true;    private int mCallingThreadID;    private SparseArray<INavigationServiceCallback> mFPClientCallbackMap =            new SparseArray<INavigationServiceCallback>();    /** jmt101 et310 */    private static boolean sIsETSSupported =            SystemProperties.get("persist.fingerprint").contains("et");    private ArrayList<Boolean> mEnableNaviList = new ArrayList<Boolean>();    private Handler mHandlerTime = new Handler();    private final Runnable timerRun = new Runnable() {        @Override        public void run() {            if (mNavigationState == NavigationState.NAVI_RUNNING) {                Log.i(TAG, "Navigation is running");                return;            }            mNavigationState = NavigationState.NAVI_CONNECTING;            int ret = mEtsLib.startNavigation(LONG_TOUCH_DURATION);            Log.d(TAG, "startNavigation ret=" + ret);            if (ret == FpResDef.RESULT_OK) {                mNavigationState = NavigationState.NAVI_RUNNING;                return;            }            Log.d(TAG, "try post delay navigation again");            mHandlerTime.postDelayed(this, START_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT);        }    };    public NavigationService(Context context) {        Log.i(TAG, "on create SystemProperties:" + SystemProperties.get("persist.fingerprint"));        Log.i(TAG, "mEnableAutoNavigation is " + mEnableAutoNavigation + ", sIsETSSupported =" + sIsETSSupported);        mContext = context;        mEtsLib = EtsLib.getInstance();        mEtsLib.startListening(new FingerprintReceiver() {            @Override            public void onFingerprintEvent(int eventId, int value1, int value2,                    Object eventObj) {                switch (eventId) {                case FpResDef.EVENT_NAVIGATION:                    Log.d(TAG, "EVENT_NAVIGATION id=" + mCallingThreadID + ",value=" + value1);                    if (!isScreenOnAndNotLocked(mContext)) {                        Log.d(TAG, "EVENT_NAVIGATION interrupt screen off !");                        return;                    }                    // Global events                    /*if (value1 == FpResDef.NAVIGATION_CLICK) {                        interceptEventBeforeQueueing(eventId, value1, value2);                        break;                    }*/                    if (mCallingThreadID > 0) {                        // Global events                        if (value1 == FpResDef.NAVIGATION_LONG_CLICK) {                            doNaviEvent(value1, value2);                        }                        sendMsgToClient(mCallingThreadID, eventId, value1,                                value2, new byte[0]);                        return;                    }                    if (mEnableAutoNavigation) {                        doNaviEvent(value1, value2);                    }                    break;                default:                    Log.e(TAG, "onFingerprintEvent eventId=" + eventId + " v1="                            + value1 + " v2=" + value2);                }            }        });        if (mEnableAutoNavigation) {            int ret = mEtsLib.startNavigation(LONG_TOUCH_DURATION);            Log.d(TAG, "startNavigation ret=" + ret);        }    }    private void interceptEventBeforeQueueing(int eventId, int keyCode, int value2) {        long currentEventTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        if ((currentEventTime - lastNaviEventTime) < DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT &&                (currentEventTime - lastNaviEventTime) >= DOUBLE_TAP_MIN_TIME) {            Log.i(TAG, "double click detected between " + (currentEventTime - lastNaviEventTime) + "ms.");            myHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CLICK_EVENT);            lastNaviEventTime = 0L;//lastNaviEventTime = currentEventTime;            // Global events            doNaviEvent(FpResDef.NAVIGATION_DB_CLICK, value2);            if (mCallingThreadID > 0) {                sendMsgToClient(mCallingThreadID, eventId, FpResDef.NAVIGATION_DB_CLICK,                        value2, new byte[0]);            }        } else {            lastNaviEventTime = currentEventTime;            Message msg = myHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CLICK_EVENT, eventId, value2, null);            myHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT);        }    }    /**     * @return true if the screen is on and not locked; false otherwise, in which case tests that     * send key events will fail.     */    public boolean isScreenOnAndNotLocked(Context context) {        PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);        if (!pm.isInteractive()) {            return false;        }        return true;    }    public boolean isScreenLocked() {        // if support keyguard detect        KeyguardManager km = (KeyguardManager) mContext                .getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);        if (km.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()) {            return true;        }        return false;    }    /**     * method to check fingerprint Settings     * @return true if user has enable the function; false otherwise     */    private boolean isFingerprintSettingEnabled() {        return Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),                Settings.Global.FINGERPRINT_ANSWER_CALL,                DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_ANSWER_CALL) != 0;    }    /**     * method to check fingerprint Settings     * @return true if user has enable the function; false otherwise     */    private boolean isFingerprintCameraEnabled() {        return Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),                Settings.Global.FINGERPRINT_TAKE_PHOTO,                DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_TAKE_PHOTO) != 0;    }    /**     * method to check fingerprint Settings     * @return true if user has enable the function; false otherwise     */    private boolean isFingerprintSwipEnabled() {        return Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),                Settings.Global.FINGERPRINT_SWIP_NORMAL,                DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_SWIP_NORMAL) != 0;    }    /**     * method to check if is available by {@link # mNavigationWhitelist}     * @return true if in white list, or return false;     */    private boolean inWhitelist() {        try {            ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) mContext                    .getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);            ComponentName cn = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity;            Log.d(TAG, "inWhitelist cn" + cn.toShortString());            for (String item : mNavigationWhitelist) {                if (cn != null && item.equals(cn.getClassName())) {                    return true;                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return false;    }    private void sendMsgToClient(int clientId, int eventId, int value1,            int value2, byte[] obj) {        Log.d(TAG, "sendMsgToClient() event:" + value1);        INavigationServiceCallback cb = mFPClientCallbackMap.get(clientId);        if (cb == null) {            Log.e(TAG,                    "NavigationServiceCallback instance is null at CallingThreadID="                            + mCallingThreadID);            return;        }        try {            cb.postMessage(eventId, value1, value2, new byte[0]);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    TelecomManager getTelecommService() {        return (TelecomManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);    }    private void answerCall() {        if (!isFingerprintSettingEnabled()) {            return;        }        TelecomManager telecomManager = getTelecommService();        try {            Log.i(TAG, "ringing: answerCall() ring:" + telecomManager.isRinging());            if (telecomManager != null) {                if (telecomManager.isRinging()) {                    Log.i(TAG, "ringing: Answer the call!");                    telecomManager.acceptRingingCall();                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    private void execActionKey(final int keyCode, final int action) {        Log.d(TAG, "actionKey keycode=" + keyCode + " action=" + action);        mPools.execute(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                try {                    Instrumentation inst = new Instrumentation();                    inst.sendKeySync(new KeyEvent(action, keyCode));                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        });    }    private void execActionKeyDownUp(final int keyCode) {        Log.d(TAG, "actionKeyDownUp =" + keyCode);        mPools.execute(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                try {                    Instrumentation inst = new Instrumentation();                    inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(keyCode);                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        });    }    private void handleActionSwipe(final int distance, boolean isFast) {        if (inWhitelist() || isScreenLocked()) return;        long currentEventTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        if ((currentEventTime - lastNaviEventTime) < DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT) {            handleActionDoubleSwipe(distance, currentEventTime - lastNaviEventTime);            lastNaviEventTime = currentEventTime;            return;        }        Log.d(TAG, "handleActionSwipe distance =" + distance + ", time:" + (currentEventTime - lastNaviEventTime));        lastNaviEventTime = currentEventTime;        final long time = isFast ? 100 : 200;        final int step = isFast ? DEFAULT_FAST_MOVE_STEPS : DEFAULT_MOVE_STEPS;        final int gap = distance / step;        final long elapsedTime = time / step;        mPools.execute(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                try {                    Instrumentation inst = new Instrumentation();                    long downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();                    // ACTION_DOWN                    MotionEvent downEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime,                            downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, DEFAULT_LOCATION_X,                            DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y, 0);                    inst.sendPointerSync(downEvent);                    // ACTION_MOVE                    for (int i = 1; i <= step; i++) {                        downTime += elapsedTime;                        MotionEvent moveEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime,                                downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, DEFAULT_LOCATION_X,                                DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y + gap * i, 0);                        inst.sendPointerSync(moveEvent);                        downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();                    }                    // ACTION_UP                    MotionEvent upEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime,                            downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, DEFAULT_LOCATION_X,                            distance + DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y, 0);                    inst.sendPointerSync(upEvent);                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        });    }    private void handleActionDoubleSwipe(final int distance, long tag) {        Log.d(TAG, "handleActionDoubleSwipe distance =" + distance + ",time:" + tag);        if (inWhitelist() || isScreenLocked()) return;        final long time = 80;        final int gap = distance / DEFAULT_DOUBLE_MOVE_STEPS;        final long elapsedTime = time / DEFAULT_DOUBLE_MOVE_STEPS;        mPools.execute(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                try {                    Instrumentation inst = new Instrumentation();                    long downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();                    // ACTION_DOWN                    MotionEvent downEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime,                            downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, DEFAULT_LOCATION_X,                            DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y, 0);                    inst.sendPointerSync(downEvent);                    // ACTION_MOVE                    for (int i = 1; i <= DEFAULT_DOUBLE_MOVE_STEPS; i++) {                        downTime += elapsedTime;                        MotionEvent moveEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime,                                downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, DEFAULT_LOCATION_X,                                DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y + gap * i, 0);                        downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();                        inst.sendPointerSync(moveEvent);                    }                    // ACTION_UP                    downTime += time;                    MotionEvent upEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime,                            downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, DEFAULT_LOCATION_X,                            distance + DEFAULT_LOCATION_Y, 0);                    inst.sendPointerSync(upEvent);                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        });    }    private void doNaviEvent(int value1, int value2) {        switch (value1) {        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_CLICK:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_CLICK");            // execActionKeyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK);            break;        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_DB_CLICK:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_DB_CLICK");            //mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(new Intent(ACTION_SCREEN_SHOT), UserHandle.ALL);            break;        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_LONG_CLICK:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_LONG_CLICK enable-" + isFingerprintCameraEnabled());            if (isFingerprintCameraEnabled() && inWhitelist()) {                execActionKeyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA);            }            answerCall();            // execActionKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN);            break;        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_HORI_MOVENT_PLUS:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_SWIPE_LEFT enable-" + isFingerprintSwipEnabled());            if (isFingerprintSwipEnabled()) {                handleActionSwipe(-1 * DEFAULT_MOVE_DISTANCE, false);            }            break;        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_HORI_MOVENT_MINNUS:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_SWIPE_RIGHT enable-" + isFingerprintSwipEnabled());            if (isFingerprintSwipEnabled()) {                handleActionSwipe(DEFAULT_MOVE_DISTANCE, false);            }            break;        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_FAST_MOVENT_PLUS:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_FAST_SWIPE_LEFT enable-" + isFingerprintSwipEnabled());            if (isFingerprintSwipEnabled()) {                handleActionSwipe(-1 * DEFAULT_FAST_MOVE_DISTANCE, true);            }            break;        case FpResDef.NAVIGATION_FAST_MOVENT_MINNUS:            Log.i(TAG, "NAVIGATION_FAST_SWIPE_RIGHT enable-" + isFingerprintSwipEnabled());            if (isFingerprintSwipEnabled()) {                handleActionSwipe(DEFAULT_FAST_MOVE_DISTANCE, true);            }            break;        default:            Log.e(TAG, "doNaviEvent v1=" + value1 + " v2=" + value2);        }    }    private final class Callback implements IBinder.DeathRecipient {        @Override        public void binderDied() {            Log.i(TAG, "binderDied enter");            mCallingThreadID = 0;            /*             * int pid = getCallingPid(); Log.d(TAG, "calling pid = "+pid);             * mFPClientCallbackMap.remove(pid); if (mCallingThreadID == pid)             * mCallingThreadID = 0;             */        }    }    private void startNavigation() {        Log.i(TAG, "start Navigation");        if (mNavigationState != NavigationState.NAVI_IDLE) {            Log.e(TAG, "Already Navigation State");            return;        }        mHandlerTime.removeCallbacks(timerRun);        mHandlerTime.postDelayed(timerRun, START_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT);    }    private void removeNavigationListen() {        Log.i(TAG, "remove navigation listen");        mHandlerTime.removeCallbacks(timerRun);        mNavigationState = NavigationState.NAVI_IDLE;    }    @Override    public int notifyFingerHalState(int halState) throws RemoteException {        Log.d(TAG, "notifyHalState halState=" + halState);        if (halState == FingerServerNavigationLib.STATE_HAL_USING) {            if (mCallingThreadID > 0) {                sendMsgToClient(mCallingThreadID, FpResDef.EVENT_NAVIGATION,                        FpResDef.NAVIGATION_STOP, 0, new byte[0]);                mCallingThreadID = 0;            }        }        if (!mEnableAutoNavigation) {            return 0;        }        mEnableNaviList                .add(halState == FingerServerNavigationLib.STATE_HAL_UNUSED);        myHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_DO_NAVIGATION, 0, 0, null).sendToTarget();        return 0;    }    Handler myHandler = new Handler() {        @Override        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            switch (msg.what) {            case MSG_DO_NAVIGATION:                Log.d(TAG, "MSG_DO_NAVIGATION");                if (mIsLocking) {                    Log.d(TAG, "MSG_DO_NAVIGATION locking");                    return;                }                mIsLocking = true;                Log.d(TAG, "handle mEnableNaviList");                while (!mEnableNaviList.isEmpty()) {                    if (mEnableNaviList.get(0)) {                        startNavigation();                    } else {                        removeNavigationListen();                    }                    mEnableNaviList.remove(0);                }                Log.d(TAG, "end handle mEnableNaviList");                mIsLocking = false;                break;            case MSG_CLICK_EVENT:                if (mCallingThreadID > 0) {                    sendMsgToClient(mCallingThreadID, (int)msg.arg1, FpResDef.NAVIGATION_CLICK,                            (int)msg.arg2, new byte[0]);                    return;                }                if (mEnableAutoNavigation) {                    doNaviEvent((int)msg.arg1, (int)msg.arg2);                }                break;            default:                break;            }        }    };    @Override    public void registerCallback(INavigationServiceCallback callback)            throws RemoteException {        Log.i(TAG, "registerCallback()");        if (callback == null) {            Log.e(TAG, "NavigationServiceCallback instance is null");            return;        }        IBinder binder = callback.asBinder();        if (binder == null) {            Log.e(TAG, "callback's binder is null");            return;        }        binder.linkToDeath(new Callback(), 0);        int pid = getCallingPid();        Log.d(TAG, "calling pid = " + pid);        mFPClientCallbackMap.put(pid, callback);    }    @Override    public int doNavigation() throws RemoteException {        mCallingThreadID = getCallingPid();        int ret = mEtsLib.startNavigation(LONG_TOUCH_DURATION);        Log.d(TAG, "startNavigation ret=" + ret);        if (ret == FpResDef.RESULT_OK) {            mNavigationState = NavigationState.NAVI_RUNNING;            return ret;        }        if ((ret == FpResDef.RESULT_THREAD_BUSY)                && (mNavigationState == NavigationState.NAVI_RUNNING)) {            Log.d(TAG, "Navigation is running");            return FpResDef.RESULT_OK;        }        return ret;    }    @Override    public void unregisterCallback(INavigationServiceCallback arg0)            throws RemoteException {        Log.i(TAG, "unregisterCallback()");        int pid = getCallingPid();        Log.d(TAG, "calling pid = " + pid);        mFPClientCallbackMap.remove(pid);        if (mCallingThreadID == pid)            mCallingThreadID = 0;    }}

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