100道动态规划——40 CSUOJ 1889 Copying DNA 记忆化搜索 DP的感觉

来源:互联网 发布:大麦户源码安装教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/28 15:35


Evolution is a seemingly random process which works in a way which resembles certain approaches we use to get approximate solutions to hard combinatorial problems. You are now to do something completely different.
Given a DNA string S from the alphabet {A,C,G,T}, find the minimal number of copy operations needed to create another string T. You may reverse the strings you copy, and copy both from S and the pieces of your partial T. You may put these pieces together at any time. You may only copy contiguous parts of your partial T, and all copied strings must be used in your final T. Example: From S = “ACTG” create T = “GTACTATTATA”

  1. Get GT......... by copying and reversing “TG” from S.
  2. Get GTAC....... by copying “AC” from S.
  3. Get GTAC...TA.. by copying “TA” from the partial T.
  4. Get GTAC...TAAT by copying and reversing “TA” from the partial T.
  5. Get GTACAATTAAT by copying “AAT” from the partial T.


The first line of input gives a single integer, 1<=t<=100, the number of test cases. Then follow, for each test case, a line with the string S of length 1<=m<=18, and a line with the string T of length 1<=n<=18.


Output for each test case the number of copy operations needed to create T from S, or “impossible” if it cannot be done.

Sample Input


Sample Output




2007 Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest


This problem can not be solved greedily or with dynamic programming. You must test every order of building the parts of the target string. However, you can get a big speed-up from memoising the optimal answers to partial solutions, as many branches in the bruteforce search will end up in the same state. Also, when trying to build a part of the target string starting at a given position, it will always pay off to build as large a portion of the string as possible.




这道题或许没有平常的动态规划的转移方程吧,但是我感觉其骨子里还是有动态规划的。毕竟动态规划的英文是dynamic programming,这里的programming指的是一种表格法,不是编程。也就是开一张表来存储答案,然后以较低的时间复杂度来查询最优解。这里用到了这个原始的概念。






#include <algorithm>#include <cstdio>using namespace std;const int INF = 1 << 28;const int MAX_m = 20;const int MAX_n = 20;int memo[1 << MAX_n];char S[MAX_m+1];char Sr[MAX_m+1];char T[MAX_n+1];int m, n;/* * Find the longest match for T[i..i+g] in A of length e */int match(int i, int g, char* A, int e) {    int longest = 0;    for (int k = 0; k < e; k++) {        int h = 0;        while (h < g && k+h < e && A[k+h] == T[i+h]) h++;        longest = max(longest, h);    }    return longest;}/* * found is a bitmask giving which symbols have already been copied. */int solve(unsigned int found) {    if (memo[found] != -1) {        return memo[found];    }    // Let U be the string found so far,    // and Ur its reverse    char U[MAX_n+1];    char Ur[MAX_n+1];    fill(U,  U +n, 0);    fill(Ur, Ur+n, 0);    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        if (found & 1 << i) U[i] = T[i];    }    reverse_copy(U, U+n, Ur);    int best = INF; // The number of copy operations needed    int last_h = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        int g = 0; // The length of the missing piece starting at T[i..]        while (i + g < n && !(found & 1 << i+g)) g++;        if (g == 0) {            last_h = 0;            continue;        }        int h = 0; // The longest match for T[i..i+g]        h = max(h, match(i, g, S,  m)); // copied from S        h = max(h, match(i, g, Sr, m)); // reversed from S        h = max(h, match(i, g, U,  n)); // copying from T        h = max(h, match(i, g, Ur, n)); // reversed from T        if (h == 0) return INF; // Nothing matches T[i..] at all        if (h > last_h - 1) { // If not, we cannot improve            // Set bits from i+h downto i            int newfound = found | (1 << i+h)-1 ^ (1 << i)-1;            best = min(best, 1 + solve(newfound));        }         if (best == INF) break; // Nothing can be filled in here        last_h = h;    }    memo[found] = best;    return best;}int main() {    int t;    scanf("%d", &t);    for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {        scanf("%s", S);        m = strlen(S);        reverse_copy(S, S+m, Sr);        scanf("%s", T);        n = strlen(T);         fill(memo, memo + (1 << MAX_n), -1);        memo[(1 << n) - 1] = 0;        int s = solve(0);        if (s == INF) printf("impossible\n");        else          printf("%d\n", s);    }}


顺便说一下,它那个set bits from i+h downto i 是一个位运算的小技巧了,可以尝试学习一下

#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <bitset>using namespace std;const int maxm=20;int memo[1<<maxm],n,m,times,match(int i,int g,char* str,int e),solve(int found);char s[maxm],sr[maxm],t[maxm];int main(){    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);    cin>>times;    while(times--){        cin>>s>>t;        m=strlen(s),n=strlen(t);        reverse_copy(s,s+m,sr);        memset(memo,-1,sizeof(int)*(1<<n));        memo[(1<<n)-1]=0;        if(solve(0)==0x3f3f3f3f)            cout<<"impossible\n";        else            cout<<solve(0)<<endl;    }    return 0;}int match(int i, int g, char* str, int e){    int longest=0;    for(int k=0,h=0;k<e;++k,h=0){        while(h<g&&k+h<e&&str[k+h]==t[i+h])++h;        longest=max(h,longest);    }    return longest;}int solve(int found){    if(memo[found]!=-1)        return memo[found];    char u[maxm]{},ur[maxm]{};    int best=0x3f3f3f3f,last_h=0;    for(int i=0;i<n;++i)    if(found&(1<<i))u[i]=t[i];    reverse_copy(u,u+n,ur);    for(int i=0,g=0,h=0;i<n;++i,g=h=0){        while(i+g<n&&!(found&(1<<i+g)))++g;        if(g==0)            last_h=0;        else{            h=max(max(match(i,g,sr,m),match(i,g,s,m)),max(match(i,g,u,n),match(i,g,ur,n)));            if(h==0)return 0x3f3f3f3f;            if(h>last_h-1)                best=min(best,1+solve(found|((1<<i+h)-1)^((1<<i)-1)));            if(best==0x3f3f3f3f)                break;            last_h=h;        }    }    return memo[found]=best;}

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