slide window(滑窗)MATLAB代码

来源:互联网 发布:linux发行版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:24

  上一篇博客,我讲了如何利用BOW(bag of words)词袋模型进行图片或者物体的归类,并给出了MATLAB的代码。但是代码只能识别整张图片,无法识别图片里面的特定区域,所以今天我准备分享一种直观实用的方法——滑窗(slide window)法。



function BoundingBox = SlideWindowDetector( I ,Template) %输入: I                 -待处理图片%       Template          -模板图片%%输出: BoundingBox       -滑窗坐标矩阵,为 N x 4 的矩阵,每行储存滑框四个顶点的坐标, N 代表有N个滑窗。[n, m] = size(I);left = 0;right = 0;upper = 0;bottom = 0;% wid_step = 100;% ht_step = n/;BoundingBox = [];ratio = numel(I)/(Template(2)*Template(1));for scale = .35 :.15 : .65  % 滑窗尺寸在这里设置%     winWidth = round(Template(2)*scale); % 滑窗尺寸可以根据自身尺寸调整,也可以根据样本尺寸调整。%     winHeight = round(Template(1)*scale);    winWidth = round(m*scale); % 滑窗的宽度(整数)    winHeight = round(n*scale); % 滑窗的高度(整数)    disp(['scanning windows of scale ' num2str(scale)])    if n>m  % 判断图片I的长宽比,以调整横向与纵向滑窗步进步长,当然你可以直接设置步长为一个定值。        wid_step = round(winWidth/4);        ht_step = round(winHeight/6);    else        wid_step = round(winWidth/6);        ht_step = round(winHeight/4);    end        for i = 1 : ht_step : (n-winHeight),%         if ( (i + winHeight - 1) > n ), %             continue;%         end                for j = 1 : wid_step : (m-winWidth),%             if ( (j + winWidth - 1) > m ),%                 continue;%             end                        tmp_img = I(i:i+winHeight-1, j:j+winWidth-1, :); % 获得当前滑框内的图像                                    if (tmp_img ==  Template), %判断滑框跟模板是否相等,相等则录入滑框信息;                left = j;                right = j+winWidth-1;                upper = i;                bottom = i+winHeight-1;                BoundingBox_tmp = [left, right, upper, bottom];                BoundingBox = [BoundingBox;BoundingBox_tmp];            end        end    endendend

function VisualizeBox( I, Box )%VisualizeBox Visualize detection results by overlaying the bounding box on%the image.%   I: the original image%   Box: the bounding box, [left, right, upper, bottom]%   left/right: the leftmost/rightmost index%   upper/bottom: the upper/bottom index%%if size(Box,1)~=0    figure,    imshow(I);    hold on;    for i=1:size(Box,1)        line([Box(i,1), Box(i,1), Box(i,2), Box(i,2), Box(i,1)], [Box(i,3), Box(i,4), Box(i,4), Box(i,3), Box(i,3)], 'linewidth', 3, 'color', 'r');    end    hold off;else    disp('没有检测到人脸! ');endend

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