jzoj 5113 【usaco2017_Mar Platinum】COWBASIC

来源:互联网 发布:金牛软件官网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 08:01


You are given a COWBASIC program at most 100 lines long, with each line being at most 350 characters long. A COWBASIC program is a list of statements.
There are three types of statements:
< variable > = < expression >
< literal> MOO {
< list of statements>
RETURN < variable>
There are three types of expressions:
< literal>
< variable>
( < expression> ) + ( < expression> )
A literal is a positive integer at most 100,000.
A variable is a string of at most 10 lowercase English letters.
It is guaranteed that no variable will be used or RETURNed before it is defined. It is guaranteed that RETURN will happen exactly once, on the last line of the program.





a = b + 1 //这时a的系数为{0,1,0} -> {1,0,1}
b= a //这时c的系数为{0,1,0} -> {1,0,1},将当前a的系数代入而不是直接将a这个地方设为1。


#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cstring>#define maxn 110#define mo 1000000007lltypedef long long ll;typedef ll Expre[maxn];typedef ll Mat[maxn][maxn];using namespace std;char s[500];char t[20];char vars[maxn][11];ll mi[maxn];Mat f[maxn];ll point,tot,len,vtot;void getName(char *name) {    memset(name,0,11);    ll lent=0;    while (s[point]!=' ')         name[++lent]=s[point++];}ll getNum() {    ll ret=0;    while (s[point]!=' ') ret=ret*10+s[point++]-'0';    return ret;}ll getVar(const char *name) {    for (ll i=1; i<=vtot; i++) {        ll suc=1;        for (ll j=1; j<=10; j++)             if (name[j]!=vars[i][j]) {suc=0;break;}        if (suc) return i;    }    return 0;}char t2[20];void getExpre(Expre c) {    for (; point<len;) {        while (( s[point]==' ' || s[point]=='(' || s[point]==')' || s[point]=='+' || s[point]=='=') && point<len) point++;        if (point==len) break;        if (isdigit( s[point] )) c[0]=( c[0]+getNum() )%mo; else {            getName(t2);            ll k=getVar(t2);            for (ll i=0; i<=vtot; i++) c[i]=(c[i]+f[tot][i][k])%mo;        }    }}void set(ll k,Expre ex) {    for (ll i=0; i<=vtot; i++) f[tot][i][k]=ex[i];}Mat rez2;void mult(const Mat a,const Mat b) {    memset(rez2,0,sizeof rez2);    for (ll i=0; i<=vtot; i++)         for (ll j=0; j<=vtot; j++)             for (ll z=0; z<=vtot; z++) {                rez2[i][j]=(rez2[i][j]+a[i][z]*b[z][j])%mo;            }}Mat rez;void quickPower(const Mat a,ll y) {    if (y==1) {        memcpy(rez,a,sizeof rez);        return;    }    quickPower(a,y/2);    mult(rez,rez);    memcpy(rez,rez2,sizeof rez);    if (y&1==1) {        mult(rez,a);        memcpy(rez,rez2,sizeof rez);    }}ll readStr() {    memset(s,0,sizeof s);    char c; point=0;    while (scanf("%c",&c),c!='\n') s[++point]=c;    len=point;    return 0;}Expre e;int main() {    //freopen("cowbasic.in","r",stdin);    freopen("cb.in","r",stdin);    //freopen("cowbasic.out","w",stdout);    tot=0;    f[0][0][0]=1;    while (readStr()==0) {        point=1;        while (s[point]==' ') point++;        s[++len]=' ';        if (s[point]=='R') {            point+=7; getName(t);            //printf("%d\n",getVar(t));            printf("%d\n",f[tot][0][getVar(t)]);            return 0;        }        if (s[point]>='a' && s[point]<='z') {            getName(t);            memset(e,0,sizeof e);  getExpre(e);            ll k=getVar(t);            if (k==0)  {                //printf("%lld %s\n",vtot+1,t+1);                memcpy(vars[++vtot],t,11);                for (int i=0; i<tot; i++) f[i][vtot][vtot]=1;                set(vtot,e);            } else set(k,e);            continue;        }        if (isdigit(s[point])) { //MOO BEGIN             mi[++tot]=getNum();            memset(f[tot],0,sizeof f[tot]);            for (ll i=0; i<=vtot; i++) f[tot][i][i]=1;            continue;        }        if (s[point]=='}') { //MOO EN            quickPower(f[tot],mi[tot]);            memcpy(f[tot],rez,sizeof rez);            mult(f[tot-1],f[tot]);            memcpy(f[tot-1],rez2,sizeof f[tot-1]);            tot--;        }    }}
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