
来源:互联网 发布:李玖哲 解脱 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 22:48



第一步:安装pydotplus。在cmd命令窗口输入:pip install pydotplus
第二步:安装Graphviz-2.38。在页面中下载Graphviz安装包,并完成安装(例如安装目录:C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin/);右击“此电脑”打开“属性”,进入系统变量,添加C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin/到path中。


(1)打开caffe的根目录下python/caffe/draw.py文件,修改get_layer_label函数中的elif layer.type == 'Pooling':以下的内容,修改如下:

def get_layer_label(layer, rankdir):    """Define node label based on layer type.    Parameters    ----------    layer : ?    rankdir : {'LR', 'RL', 'TB', 'BT'}        Direction of graph layout.    Returns    -------    string :        A label for the current layer    """    if rankdir in ('TB', 'BT'):        # If graph orientation is vertical, horizontal space is free and        # vertical space is not; separate words with spaces        separator = ' '    else:        # If graph orientation is horizontal, vertical space is free and        # horizontal space is not; separate words with newlines        separator = '\\n'    if layer.type == 'Convolution' or layer.type == 'Deconvolution':        # Outer double quotes needed or else colon characters don't parse        # properly        node_label = '"%s%s(%s)%skernel size: %d%sstride: %d%spad: %d"' %\                     (,                      separator,                      layer.type,                      separator,                      layer.convolution_param.kernel_size[0] if len(layer.convolution_param.kernel_size._values) else 1,                      separator,                      layer.convolution_param.stride[0] if len(layer.convolution_param.stride._values) else 1,                      separator,                      layer.convolution_param.pad[0] if len(layer.convolution_param.pad._values) else 0)    elif layer.type == 'Pooling':        pooling_types_dict = get_pooling_types_dict()        node_label = '"%s%s(%s %s)%skernel size: %d%sstride: %d%spad: %d"' %\                     (,                      separator,                      pooling_types_dict[layer.pooling_param.pool],                      layer.type,                      separator,                      layer.pooling_param.kernel_size,                      separator,                      layer.pooling_param.stride,                      separator,                      layer.pooling_param.pad)    else:        node_label = '"%s%s(%s)"' % (, separator, layer.type)    return node_label


def main():    """    input_net_proto_file: input network prototxt file.    output_image_file: output image file    phase: Which network phase to draw: can be TRAIN, TEST, or ALL. Default=ALL.           If ALL, then all layers are drawn regardless of phase.    rankdir: One of TB (top-bottom, i.e., vertical)、BT(bottom-top, i.e., vertical),              LR (left-right, i.e., horizontal), RL (right-left, i.e., horizontal);    """    # the file of the net prototxt    input_net_proto_path = '../examples/mnist/'    input_net_proto_name = 'lenet_train_test.prototxt'    input_net_proto_file = input_net_proto_path + input_net_proto_name    net = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()    text_format.Merge(open(input_net_proto_file).read(), net)    rankdir = 'LR'    # draw the TRAIN or TEST phase network    phase = "ALL"    if phase == "TRAIN":        phase = caffe.TRAIN    elif phase == "TEST":        phase = caffe.TEST    elif phase == "ALL":        phase = None    # the path to a file where the networks visualization will be stored    output_net_proto_path = '../examples/mnist/'    output_net_proto_file = output_net_proto_path + 'Lenet_' + str(phase) + '.jpg'    draw.draw_net_to_file(net, output_net_proto_file, rankdir, phase)


输入命令:python ./python/ ./examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxt lenet.jpg
也可以指定图片的保存位置:python ./python/ ./examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxt ./examples/mnist/lenet.jpg,图片保存在examples/mnist/目录下。

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