elasticsearch5 源码 索引过程

来源:互联网 发布:h3c 3600端口acl 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:37



client.index(indexRequest, new RestStatusToXContentListener<>(channel, r -> r.getLocation(indexRequest.routing())));



        ClusterState state = clusterService.state();
        if (shouldAutoCreate(request, state)) {     //是否自动创建索引

        } else {
            innerExecute(task, request, listener);




public void execute() throws Exception {        final String activeShardCountFailure = checkActiveShardCount();        final ShardRouting primaryRouting = primary.routingEntry();        final ShardId primaryId = primaryRouting.shardId();        if (activeShardCountFailure != null) {            finishAsFailed(new UnavailableShardsException(primaryId,                "{} Timeout: [{}], request: [{}]", activeShardCountFailure, request.timeout(), request));            return;        }        totalShards.incrementAndGet();        pendingActions.incrementAndGet();        primaryResult = primary.perform(request);   //主分片索引        final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest = primaryResult.replicaRequest();        assert replicaRequest.primaryTerm() > 0 : "replicaRequest doesn't have a primary term";        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {            logger.trace("[{}] op [{}] completed on primary for request [{}]", primaryId, opType, request);        }        // we have to get a new state after successfully indexing into the primary in order to honour recovery semantics.        // we have to make sure that every operation indexed into the primary after recovery start will also be replicated        // to the recovery target. If we use an old cluster state, we may miss a relocation that has started since then.        ClusterState clusterState = clusterStateSupplier.get();        final List<ShardRouting> shards = getShards(primaryId, clusterState);        Set<String> inSyncAllocationIds = getInSyncAllocationIds(primaryId, clusterState);        markUnavailableShardsAsStale(replicaRequest, inSyncAllocationIds, shards);  //标记不可用副本分片        performOnReplicas(replicaRequest, shards);   //副本  和主分片相同入库到内存并标记Translog        successfulShards.incrementAndGet();        decPendingAndFinishIfNeeded();    }


public static WriteResult<IndexResponse> executeIndexRequestOnPrimary(IndexRequest request, IndexShard indexShard,            MappingUpdatedAction mappingUpdatedAction) throws Exception {        Engine.Index operation = prepareIndexOperationOnPrimary(request, indexShard);   //模板合并等操作并封装Engine.Index        Mapping update = operation.parsedDoc().dynamicMappingsUpdate();        final ShardId shardId = indexShard.shardId();        if (update != null) {            mappingUpdatedAction.updateMappingOnMaster(shardId.getIndex(), request.type(), update);      //master模板修改            operation = prepareIndexOperationOnPrimary(request, indexShard);            update = operation.parsedDoc().dynamicMappingsUpdate();            if (update != null) {                throw new ReplicationOperation.RetryOnPrimaryException(shardId,                    "Dynamic mappings are not available on the node that holds the primary yet");            }        }        indexShard.index(operation);     //索引入内存并添加Translog        // update the version on request so it will happen on the replicas        final long version = operation.version();        request.version(version);        request.versionType(request.versionType().versionTypeForReplicationAndRecovery());        assert request.versionType().validateVersionForWrites(request.version());        IndexResponse response = new IndexResponse(shardId, request.type(), request.id(), request.version(), operation.isCreated());        return new WriteResult<>(response, operation.getTranslogLocation());    }

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