Lab 3

来源:互联网 发布:以色列 科技 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/05 16:10
/* *//** *  SListNode is a class used internally by the SList class.  An SList object *  is a singly-linked list, and an SListNode is a node of a singly-linked *  list.  Each SListNode has two references:  one to an object, and one to *  the next node in the list. * *  @author Kathy Yelick and Jonathan Shewchuk */class SListNode {    Object item;    SListNode next;/** *  SListNode() (with one parameter) constructs a list node referencing the *  item "obj". */       public SListNode(Object obj) {        item = obj;        next = null;    }  /**   *  SListNode() (with two parameters) constructs a list node referencing the   *  item "obj", whose next list node is to be "next".   */    public SListNode(Object obj, SListNode next) {        item = obj; = next;    }}/* */ /**  *  This class is based on code from Arnow/Dexter/Weiss.  Its verify() method  *  exits with an error message if an invariant fails to hold true.  *  *  The purpose of this class is to provide a shorthand for writing and testing  *  invariants in any program.  **/class TestHelper {  /**   *  verify() checks an invariant and prints an error message if it fails.   *  If invariant is true, this method does nothing.  If invariant is false,   *  the message is printed, followed by a dump of the program call stack.   *   *  @param invariant  the condition to be verified   *  @param message  the error message to be printed if the invariant fails to   *                  hold true.   **/    static void verify(boolean invariant, String message) {        if (!invariant) {            System.out.println("*** ERROR:  " + message);            Thread.dumpStack();        }    }}/* *//** *  The SList class is a singly-linked implementation of the linked list *  abstraction.  SLists are mutable data structures, which can grow at either *  end. * *  @author Kathy Yelick and Jonathan Shewchuk **/public class SList {      private SListNode head;      private SListNode tail;      private int size;      /**       *  SList() constructs an empty list.       **/      public SList() {        size = 0;        head = null;        tail = null;      }      /**       *  isEmpty() indicates whether the list is empty.       *  @return true if the list is empty, false otherwise.       **/      public boolean isEmpty() {          return size == 0;      }      /**       *  length() returns the length of this list.       *  @return the length of this list.       **/      public int length() {          return size;      }      /**       *  insertFront() inserts item "obj" at the beginning of this list.       *  @param obj the item to be inserted.       **/      public void insertFront(Object obj) {          head = new SListNode(obj, head);          if(size == 0){              tail = head;          }          size++;      }      /**       *  insertEnd() inserts item "obj" at the end of this list.       *  @param obj the item to be inserted.       **/      public void insertEnd(Object obj){          if(size == 0){              tail = new SListNode(obj);              head = tail;          }else{     = new SListNode(obj);              tail =;           }          size++;      }      /**       *  nth() returns the item at the specified position.  If position < 1 or       *  position > this.length(), null is returned.  Otherwise, the item at       *  position "position" is returned.  The list does not change.       *  @param position the desired position, from 1 to length(), in the list.       *  @return the item at the given position in the list.       **/      public Object nth(int position) {          SListNode currentNode;          if ((position < 1) || (head == null)) {              return null;          } else {              currentNode = head;              while (position > 1) {                  currentNode =;                  if (currentNode == null) {                      return null;                  }                  position--;              }              return currentNode.item;          }      }       /**       *  toString() converts the list to a String.       *  @return a String representation of the list.       **/      public String toString() {          int i;          Object obj;          String result = "[  ";          SListNode cur = head;          while (cur != null) {              obj = cur.item;              result = result + obj.toString() + "  ";              cur =;          }          result = result + "]";          return result;      }      /**       *  main() runs test cases on the SList class.  Prints summary       *  information on basic operations and halts with an error (and a stack       *  trace) if any of the tests fail.       **/      public static void main (String[] args) {        // Fill in your solution for Part I here.        SList ls = new SList();        ls.insertFront(new Integer(12));        ls.insertFront(new Integer(9));        ls.insertFront(new Integer(6));        System.out.println("Here is a list after construction : " + ls.toString());        ls.insertFront(new Integer(3));        ls.insertEnd(new Integer(15));        System.out.println();        System.out.println("Here is a list after changing the list : " + ls.toString());        testEmpty();        testAfterInsertFront();        testAfterInsertEnd();      }      /**       *  testEmpty() tests toString(), isEmpty(), length(), insertFront(), and       *  insertEnd() on an empty list.  Prints summary information of the tests       *  and halts the program if errors are detected.       **/      private static void testEmpty() {        SList lst1 = new SList();        SList lst2 = new SList();        System.out.println();        System.out.println("Here is a list after construction: "                   + lst1.toString());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.toString().equals("[  ]"),                  "toString on newly constructed list failed");        System.out.println("isEmpty() should be true. It is: " +                   lst1.isEmpty());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.isEmpty() == true,                  "isEmpty() on newly constructed list failed");            System.out.println("length() should be 0. It is: " +                   lst1.length());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.length() == 0,                   "length on newly constructed list failed");            lst1.insertFront(new Integer(3));        System.out.println("Here is a list after insertFront(3) to an empty list: "                   + lst1.toString());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.toString().equals("[  3  ]"),                  "InsertFront on empty list failed");        lst2.insertEnd(new Integer(5));        System.out.println("Here is a list after insertEnd(5) on an empty list: "                   + lst2.toString());        TestHelper.verify(lst2.toString().equals("[  5  ]"),                  "insertEnd on empty list failed");      }      /**       *  testAfterInsertFront() tests toString(), isEmpty(), length(),       *  insertFront(), and insertEnd() after insertFront().  Prints summary       *  information of the tests and halts the program if errors are detected.       **/      private static void testAfterInsertFront() {        SList lst1 = new SList();        lst1.insertFront(new Integer(3));        lst1.insertFront(new Integer(2));        lst1.insertFront(new Integer(1));        System.out.println();        System.out.println("Here is a list after insertFront 3, 2, 1: "                   + lst1.toString());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.toString().equals("[  1  2  3  ]"),                  "InsertFronts on non-empty list failed");        System.out.println("isEmpty() should be false. It is: " +                   lst1.isEmpty());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.isEmpty() == false,                  "isEmpty() after insertFront failed");            System.out.println("length() should be 3. It is: " +                   lst1.length());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.length() == 3,                   "length() after insertFront failed");        lst1.insertEnd(new Integer(4));        System.out.println("Here is the same list after insertEnd(4): "                   + lst1.toString());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.toString().equals("[  1  2  3  4  ]"),                  "insertEnd on non-empty list failed");      }      /**       *  testAfterInsertEnd() tests toString(), isEmpty(), length(),       *  insertFront(), and insertEnd() after insertEnd().  Prints summary       *  information of the tests and halts the program if errors are detected.       **/      private static void testAfterInsertEnd() {        SList lst1 = new SList();        lst1.insertEnd(new Integer(6));        lst1.insertEnd(new Integer(7));        System.out.println();        System.out.println("Here is a list after insertEnd 6, 7: "                   + lst1.toString());        System.out.println("isEmpty() should be false. It is: " +                   lst1.isEmpty());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.isEmpty() == false,                  "isEmpty() after insertEnd failed");            System.out.println("length() should be 2. It is: " +                   lst1.length());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.length() == 2,                   "length() after insertEndfailed");        lst1.insertFront(new Integer(5));        System.out.println("Here is the same list after insertFront(5): "                   + lst1.toString());        TestHelper.verify(lst1.toString().equals("[  5  6  7  ]"),                  "insertFront after insertEnd failed");      } }
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