
来源:互联网 发布:西南大学网络与继续教育学院 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:47



  1. SLAM benchmarking. http://kaspar.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~slamEvaluation/datasets.php
  2. KITTI SLAM dataset. http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_odometry.php. 包括 单目视觉 ,双目视觉, velodyne, POS 轨迹
  3. OpenSLAM .https://www.openslam.org/links.html
  4. CMU Visual Localization Data Set: Dataset collected using the Navlab 11 equipped with IMU, GPS, Lidars and cameras.
  5. NYU RGB-D Dataset: Indoor dataset captured with a Microsoft Kinect that provides semantic labels.
  6. TUM RGB-D Dataset: Indoor dataset captured with Microsoft Kinect and high-accuracy motion capturing.
  7. New College Dataset: 30 GB of data for 6 D.O.F. navigation and mapping (metric or topological) using vision and/or laser.
  8. The Rawseeds Project: Indoor and outdoor datasets with GPS, odometry, stereo, omnicam and laser measurements for visual, laser-based, omnidirectional, sonar and multi-sensor SLAM evaluation.
  9. Victoria Park Sequence: Widely used sequence for evaluating laser-based SLAM. Trees serve as landmarks, detection code is included.
  10. Malaga Dataset 2009 and Malaga Dataset 2013: Dataset with GPS, Cameras and 3D laser information, recorded in the city of Malaga, Spain.
  11. Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Dataset: Dataset collected by a Ford F-250 pickup, equipped with IMU, Velodyne and Ladybug.


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