Pro SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 不休眠 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:53
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SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 is the latest version of the reporting technology from Microsoft, providing the means to design, author, render, and deploy business reports to users, customers, and employees, via the web or the company intranet. The reporting engine is built in to the SQL Server 2005 database (and provided as a free add-on with SQL Server 2000) and the report manager is integrated with Visual Studio 2003, providing an effective and familiar environment for all SQL Server and .NET developers.

The book was written in parallel with a migration project, moving some 200 professional healthcare reports from various reporting architectures to SQL Server Reporting Services, and so is steeped in the day-to-day challenges, discoveries, and successes involved in delivering a successful reporting solution with this technology. In this book, you will find step-by-step guides, best practices, and real code examples that cover all of the common Reporting Services tasks.