PostgreSQL 百亿级数据范围查询, 分组排序窗口取值 极致优化 case

来源:互联网 发布:测试性能的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 20:17




有一张数据表,结构:   CREATE TABLE target_position ( target_id varchar(80), time bigint, content text ); 数据量是 100 亿条左右   target_id 大约 20 万个   数据库使用的是 PostgreSQL 9.4    需求:   查询每个目标指定时间段的最新一条数据,要求1秒内返回数据。  时间段不确定     现在是使用窗口函数来实现,如下:   select target_id,time,content from (select *,row_number() over (partition by target_id order by time desc) rid from target_position where time>开始时间 and time<=结束时间) as t where rid=1; 效果很差。  


postgres=# create unlogged table t1(id int, crt_time timestamp);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create unlogged table t2(id int primary key);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t1 select trunc(random()*200000),clock_timestamp() from generate_series(1,100000000);INSERT 0 100000000postgres=# create index idx_t1_1 on t1(id,crt_time desc);CREATE INDEXpostgres=# select * from t1 limit 10;   id   |          crt_time          --------+----------------------------  49092 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.88595    947 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887553 179124 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887562 197308 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887564  93558 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566 127133 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887568 163507 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887569 110546 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887571  65363 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887573 122666 | 2016-05-06 16:50:29.887575(10 rows)postgres=# insert into t2 select generate_series(1,200000);INSERT 0 200000


postgres=# explain analyze select * from (select *,row_number() over(partition by id order by crt_time desc) rn from t1 where crt_time between '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') t where rn=1;                                                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                                                    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on t  (cost=0.57..1819615.87 rows=2500 width=20) (actual time=0.083..15301.915 rows=200000 loops=1)   Filter: (t.rn = 1)   Rows Removed by Filter: 4320229   ->  WindowAgg  (cost=0.57..1813365.87 rows=500000 width=12) (actual time=0.078..14012.867 rows=4520229 loops=1)         ->  Index Only Scan using idx_t1_1 on t1  (cost=0.57..1804615.87 rows=500000 width=12) (actual time=0.066..10603.161 rows=4520229 loops=1)               Index Cond: ((crt_time >= '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566'::timestamp without time zone) AND (crt_time <= '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566'::timestamp without time zone))               Heap Fetches: 4520229 Planning time: 0.202 ms Execution time: 15356.066 ms(9 rows)


通过online code循环,性能提升到了秒级。

postgres=# do language plpgsql $$  declarex int;begin  for x in select id from t2 loop    perform * from t1 where id=x and crt_time between '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566' order by crt_time desc limit 1;  end loop;end;$$;DOTime: 2311.081 ms


postgres=# create or replace function f(start_time timestamp, end_time timestamp) returns setof t1 as $$declare  x int;begin  for x in select id from t2 loop    return query select * from t1 where id=x and crt_time between '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-06 16:50:32.887566' order by crt_time desc limit 1;  end loop;  return;end;$$ language plpgsql strict;CREATE FUNCTIONpostgres=# explain analyze select * from f('2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566', '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566');                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Scan on f  (cost=0.25..10.25 rows=1000 width=12) (actual time=2802.565..2850.445 rows=199999 loops=1) Planning time: 0.036 ms Execution time: 2885.924 ms(3 rows)Time: 2886.314 mspostgres=# select * from f('2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566', '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') limit 10; id |          crt_time          ----+----------------------------  1 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.507124  2 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.774655  3 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.48621  4 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.874258  5 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.677812  6 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.091517  7 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.724287  8 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.669251  9 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.815634 10 | 2016-05-06 16:50:32.812239(10 rows)Time: 3108.222 ms


postgres=# explain analyze select * from (select *,row_number() over(partition by id order by crt_time desc) rn from t1 where crt_time between '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-06 16:51:19.887566') t where rn=1;                                                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                                                    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on t  (cost=0.57..1819615.87 rows=2500 width=20) (actual time=0.042..103886.966 rows=200000 loops=1)   Filter: (t.rn = 1)   Rows Removed by Filter: 46031611   ->  WindowAgg  (cost=0.57..1813365.87 rows=500000 width=12) (actual time=0.037..92722.913 rows=46231611 loops=1)         ->  Index Only Scan using idx_t1_1 on t1  (cost=0.57..1804615.87 rows=500000 width=12) (actual time=0.030..62673.221 rows=46231611 loops=1)               Index Cond: ((crt_time >= '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566'::timestamp without time zone) AND (crt_time <= '2016-05-06 16:51:19.887566'::timestamp without time zone))               Heap Fetches: 46231611 Planning time: 0.119 ms Execution time: 103950.955 ms(9 rows)Time: 103951.638 ms


postgres=# explain analyze select * from f('2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566', '2016-05-06 16:51:19.887566');                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Scan on f  (cost=0.25..10.25 rows=1000 width=12) (actual time=2809.562..2858.468 rows=199999 loops=1) Planning time: 0.037 ms Execution time: 2894.181 ms(3 rows)Time: 2894.605 ms



postgres=# create or replace function f1(int, timestamp, timestamp) returns t1 as $$  select * from t1 where id=$1 and crt_time between $2 and $3 order by crt_time desc limit 1;$$ language sql strict;CREATE FUNCTIONTime: 0.564 ms


postgres=# explain analyze select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from t2;                                                 QUERY PLAN                                                  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..59560.50 rows=225675 width=4) (actual time=0.206..2213.069 rows=200000 loops=1) Planning time: 0.121 ms Execution time: 2261.185 ms(3 rows)Time: 2261.740 mspostgres=# select count(*) from (select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from t2)t; count  -------- 200000(1 row)Time: 2359.005 ms


postgres=# select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from t2 limit 10;                f1                 ----------------------------------- (1,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.818639") (2,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.874603") (3,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.741072") (4,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.727868") (5,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.507418") (6,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.715711") (7,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.817961") (8,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.786087") (9,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.76778") (10,"2016-05-06 16:50:34.836663")(10 rows)Time: 0.771 ms



postgres=# select count(*) from (select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from (select * from t2 limit 10000) t) t; count ------- 10000(1 row)Time: 115.690 ms

目前还不支持数据库层的并行,将来PG 9.6会支持。
这里不得不提一下PG的黑科技,shared export snapshot,允许会话间共享事务快照,所有的事务看到的状态是一致的,这个黑科技已经应用在并行备份中。
现在,应用层如果有跨会话的一致性视角要求,也能使用这个黑科技哦, 例如 :

postgres=# begin transaction isolation level repeatable read;BEGINTime: 0.173 mspostgres=# select pg_export_snapshot(); pg_export_snapshot -------------------- 0FC9C2A3-1(1 row)

开启会话2, 并导入快照

postgres=# begin transaction isolation level repeatable read;BEGINpostgres=# SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT '0FC9C2A3-1';SET

开启会话3, 并导入快照

postgres=# begin transaction isolation level repeatable read;BEGINpostgres=# SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT '0FC9C2A3-1';SET


postgres=# select count(*) from (select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from (select * from t2 order by id limit 70000 offset 0) t) t; count ------- 70000(1 row)Time: 775.071 mspostgres=# select count(*) from (select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from (select * from t2 order by id limit 70000 offset 70000) t) t; count ------- 70000(1 row)Time: 763.747 mspostgres=# select count(*) from (select f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566') from (select * from t2 order by id limit 70000 offset 140000) t) t; count ------- 60000(1 row)Time: 665.743 ms




优化到这里就结束了吗? 当然还没有,因为前面的优化是把ID抽象出来了的,所以不管你要取值的范围是多大,都需要扫描所有的ID,虽然都走索引,但是还有提升的空间。
(假设需要扫描的时间字段是有流式属性的,既自增,那么可以使用PostgreSQL的黑科技brin索引来提速,如果不是流式的,那就要用传统的btree索引走index only scan了 on(crt_time,id))

postgres=# create index idx_t2_1 on t1 using brin(crt_time);CREATE INDEX


postgres=# insert into t1 select trunc(random()*100),clock_timestamp() from generate_series(1,1000000);INSERT 0 1000000Time: 4065.084 mspostgres=# select now();             now              ------------------------------ 2016-05-07 11:32:12.93416+08(1 row)Time: 0.346 ms


create or replace function f2(int,timestamp,timestamp) returns t1 as $$  select * from t1 where id is not null and id>$1 and crt_time between $2 and $3 order by id,crt_time desc limit 1;$$ language sql strict set enable_sort=off;


create or replace function f3(start_time timestamp, end_time timestamp) returns setof t1 as $$declaremaxid int;begin  select max(id) into maxid from t1 where crt_time between start_time and end_time;  return query with recursive skip as (  (    select id,crt_time from t1 where crt_time between start_time and end_time order by id,crt_time desc limit 1  )  union all  (    select (f2(, start_time, end_time)).* from skip s1 where <> maxid and is not null  ) ) select * from skip;end;$$ language plpgsql strict;postgres=# select * from f3('2016-05-07 09:50:29.887566','2016-05-07 16:50:29.987566'); id |          crt_time          ----+----------------------------  0 | 2016-05-07 11:32:00.983203  1 | 2016-05-07 11:32:00.982906... 97 | 2016-05-07 11:32:00.983281 98 | 2016-05-07 11:32:00.983206 99 | 2016-05-07 11:32:00.983107(100 rows)Time: 177.203 ms



select count(*) from (select * from (select (f1(id,'2016-05-07 09:50:29.887566','2016-05-07 16:50:29.987566')).* from t2) t where t.* is not null) t; count -------   100(1 row)Time: 3153.508 ms

请看 :

postgres=# select count(*) from f3('2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566'); count  -------- 200000(1 row)Time: 13344.261 ms


postgres=#  select count(*) from (select * from (select (f1(id,'2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566','2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566')).* from t2) t where t.* is not null) t; count  -------- 200000(1 row)Time: 3846.156 ms



CREATE FUNCTION count_estimate(query text) RETURNS INTEGER AS$func$DECLARE    rec   record;    ROWS  INTEGER;BEGIN    FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP        ROWS := SUBSTRING(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)');        EXIT WHEN ROWS IS NOT NULL;    END LOOP;    RETURN ROWS;END$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;postgres=# explain select distinct id from t1 where crt_time between '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566';                                                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                                                    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate  (cost=672240.13..672329.49 rows=8936 width=4)   Group Key: id   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on t1  (cost=46663.05..660864.26 rows=4550347 width=4)         Recheck Cond: ((crt_time >= '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566'::timestamp without time zone) AND (crt_time <= '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566'::timestamp without time zone))         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_t2_1  (cost=0.00..45525.47 rows=4550347 width=0)               Index Cond: ((crt_time >= '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566'::timestamp without time zone) AND (crt_time <= '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566'::timestamp without time zone))(6 rows)Time: 0.645 mspostgres=# explain select distinct id from t1 where crt_time between '2016-05-07 09:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-07 16:50:29.987566';                                                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                                                    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate  (cost=23.12..23.13 rows=1 width=4)   Group Key: id   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on t1  (cost=22.00..23.12 rows=1 width=4)         Recheck Cond: ((crt_time >= '2016-05-07 09:50:29.887566'::timestamp without time zone) AND (crt_time <= '2016-05-07 16:50:29.987566'::timestamp without time zone))         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_t2_1  (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1 width=0)               Index Cond: ((crt_time >= '2016-05-07 09:50:29.887566'::timestamp without time zone) AND (crt_time <= '2016-05-07 16:50:29.987566'::timestamp without time zone))(6 rows)Time: 0.641 mspostgres=# select count_estimate($$select distinct id from t1 where crt_time between '2016-05-06 16:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-06 16:50:34.887566'$$); count_estimate ----------------           8936(1 row)Time: 1.139 mspostgres=# select count_estimate($$select distinct id from t1 where crt_time between '2016-05-07 09:50:29.887566' and '2016-05-07 16:50:29.987566'$$); count_estimate ----------------              1(1 row)Time: 0.706 ms


另外再奉上count(distinct xx) 以及 distinct xx的优化,也是极为变态的。
