
来源:互联网 发布:输出素数的c语言程序 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:53































IDE : Visual C++ 6.0







- 链表节点类型定义 node_t

typedef struct linkNode{  int num;  int score;  char name[16];  struct linkNode* next;} node_t;

- 包含 int 类型变量 num, 代表学生号码

- 包含 int 类型变量 score, 代表学生分数

- 包含 char 类型数组变量 name, 代表学生姓名

- 包含 结构体指针类型变量 next, 代表下个节点地址

- 链式线性表类型定义 linkTable_t

typedef struct linkTable{  node_t* head;  int nodeCount;  sortType_t sortType;} linkTable_t;

- 包含 链式表头节点 head 指针变量

- 包含 int 类型变量 nodeCount, 代表节点数量

- 包含 sortType_t 类型变量 sortType, 代表排序方式

- 链表信息类型定义 tableInfo_t

typedef struct linkInfo{  sortType_t sortType;  int nodeCount;} tableInfo_t;

- 包含 int 类型变量 nodeCount, 代表节点数量

- 包含 sortType_t 类型变量 sortType, 代表排序方式


- 初始化链表

- 参数0:需要初始化的链表的地址的地址

- 参数1:需要初始化的链表的链表信息



ASCEND_BY_NUM 代表按照号码升序排列

DESCEND_BY_NUM 代表按照号码降序排列

ASCEND_BY_SCORE 代表按照分数升序排列



- 返回值:初始化链表是否成功



- 逻辑:在主函数中声明链表指针变量,具体链表的空间分配由initLink函数来完成,将链表的全部信息初始化(比如节点数量、头节点地址、


/* * * @ function name- initLink  *  * @ brief- To initialize the link table  * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- tabInfolink table initialize informations *- sortType *- ASCEND_BY_NUM *- ASCEND_BY_SCORE *- DESCEND_BY_NUM *- DESCEND_BY_SCORE *- nodeCount * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t initLink( linkTable_t** tab, tableInfo_t tabInfo ){  if( NULL == (*tab = (linkTable_t *)malloc(sizeof(linkTable_t))) )  {printf(" Link Table intialize failed !\n");return FAILED;  }  (*tab)->head = NULL;  (*tab)->sortType = tabInfo.sortType;  (*tab)->nodeCount = tabInfo.nodeCount;  return SUCCESS;}

- 插入节点

- 参数0:需要进行操作的链表的地址的地址

- 参数1:需要插入节点的地址

- 返回值:插入节点是否成功



- 逻辑:在插入节点过程中,为了减少在排序时的复杂度,所以以用户所选择好的排序方式进行节点的插入。一共四种排序的方式:1.按照

号码升序排列 2.按照号码降序排列 3.按照分数升序排列 4.按照分数降序排列。这样处理的好处是在用户插入节点的时候,链表的顺序就已


/* * * @ function name- insertNode  *  * @ brief- To insert a node to a link table   * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- newNodenew node * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t insertNode( linkTable_t** tab, node_t *newNode ){  node_t *temp, *pTemp;  if( NULL == newNode )  {printf(" node create failed! \n ");return FAILED;  }  else  {// If the link table is emptyif( NULL == (*tab)->head ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = NULL;  return SUCCESS;}    pTemp = temp = (*tab)->head;(*tab)->nodeCount++;switch( (*tab)->sortType ){case ASCEND_BY_NUM:  while( temp->num <= newNode->num && temp->next != NULL )  { pTemp = temp;temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->num >= newNode->num )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }  break;case ASCEND_BY_SCORE:  while( temp->score <= newNode->score && temp->next != NULL )  {pTemp = temp;temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->score >= newNode->score )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }  break;case DESCEND_BY_NUM:  while( temp->num >= newNode->num && temp->next != NULL )  {    pTemp = temp;    temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->num <= newNode->num )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }  break;case DESCEND_BY_SCORE:  while( temp->score >= newNode->score && temp->next != NULL )  {pTemp = temp;temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->score <= newNode->score )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }default:  // Should never get here!  break;}return SUCCESS;  }}

- 删除节点

- 参数0:需要进行操作的链表的地址的地址

- 参数1:查询方式

FIND_BY_NUM 根据号码删除


- 参数2:数据


- 返回值:删除节点是否成功



- 逻辑:根据用户的需求对用户所挑选的节点进行删除操作,当用户发现需要删除的节点在链表中有重复,则将重复的节点信息全部反馈给


/* * * @ function name- deleteNode  *  * @ brief- To delete a node from a table  * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- findTypedelete by *- FIND_BY_NUM *- FIND_BY_NAME * *- datathe data for query * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t deleteNode( linkTable_t** tab, findType_t findType, void *data ){  int *num;  char* name;  node_t *temp, *pTemp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  switch(findType)  {  case FIND_BY_NUMBER:num = (int *)(data);while( NULL != temp->next ){  if(temp->num == *num)  {    break;  }  pTemp = temp;  temp = temp->next;}if(temp == (*tab)->head){  (*tab)->head = (*tab)->head->next;  pTemp = temp;}if( NULL == temp->next ){  printf(" the number is not exist ! \n ");  return FAILED;}else{  pTemp->next = temp->next;  free(temp);}(void)name;break;  case FIND_BY_NAME:name = (char *)(data);while( NULL != temp->next ){  if( !strcmp(name, temp->name) )  {    break;  }  pTemp = temp;  temp = temp->next;}if(temp == (*tab)->head){  (*tab)->head = (*tab)->head->next;  pTemp = temp;}if( NULL == temp->next ){  printf(" the number is not exist ! \n ");  return FAILED;}else{  pTemp->next = temp->next;  free(temp);}    (void)num;break;  default:break;  }  (*tab)->nodeCount--;  return SUCCESS;}

- 插入节点逻辑实现

- 参数0:需要进行操作的链表的地址的地址

- 参数1:需要插入节点的地址

- 返回值:插入节点是否成功



- 逻辑:在插入节点过程中,不在insertNode函数里对新节点进行内存的空间分配而在上层插入节点逻辑实现函数中分配内存空间,这样做的


/* * * @ function name- insertFunction *  * @ brief- For insertion process   * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- newNodethe new node ready for insertion * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t insertFunction( linkTable_t** tab, node_t *newNode ){  newNode = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));  if( FAILED == getNodeInfo( tab, newNode ) )  {printf(" node create failed !\n ");return FAILED;  }  if( FAILED == insertNode( tab, newNode ) )  {    printf(" node insert failed ! \n ");return FAILED;  }  printf(" node insert successfully ! \n");  return SUCCESS;}

- 链表排序

- 参数0:需要进行操作的链表的地址的地址

- 返回值:链表排序是否成功



- 逻辑:根据链表的排序方式对链表进行排序,在这里,我的思路是将原节点遍历一一调出并将它们按照新的顺序一一插入到新的链式表中


/* * * @ function name- linkSort  *  * @ brief- Sequencing the link table * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t linkSort( linkTable_t** tab ){  linkTable_t *tabTemp, *freeTemp;  node_t *temp, *pTemp;  tableInfo_t tabInfo =   {(*tab)->sortType,    0,  };  if( NULL == (*tab)->head )return FAILED;  if( FAILED == initLink( &tabTemp, tabInfo ) )  {    return FAILED;  }  pTemp = temp = (*tab)->head;  while( NULL != temp )  {pTemp = pTemp->next;insertNode( &tabTemp, temp );temp = pTemp;  }  freeTemp = (*tab);  (*tab) = tabTemp;    free(freeTemp);  return SUCCESS;}

- 打印链表

- 参数0:需要进行操作的链表的地址的地址

- 返回值:无

- 逻辑:遍历链式表并将链式表中的节点打印出来

/* * * @ function name- linkPrint  *  * @ brief- For printout the link table * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * * @ return- none * */void linkPrint( linkTable_t **tab ){  node_t *temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if( NULL == temp )  {    printf(" you can not print an empty table ! \n");return;  }  printf(" \n ------------------------------------ \n");  printf("    the total count of nodes is : %d \n", (*tab)->nodeCount + 1);  printf(" ------------------------------------ \n");  printf(" NUMBER:    NAME:    SCORE: \n");  while( NULL != temp )  {    printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);temp = temp->next;  }}

- 查找某特定节点

- 参数0:需要进行操作的链表的地址的地址

- 参数1:查找方式




- 返回值:无

- 逻辑:遍历链式表并将符合条件的链式表中的节点打印出来

/* * * @ function name- printSelected  *  * @ brief- For printout the selected elements in link table * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- findTypequery method *- FIND_BY_NUMBER *- FIND_BY_NAME *- FIND_BY_SCORE * *- data * * @ return- none * */void printSelected( linkTable_t **tab, findType_t findType, void *data ){  int *num;  char* name;  node_t *temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if( NULL == temp )  {    printf(" you can not print an empty table ! \n");return;  }  printf(" \n ------------------------------------ \n");  printf("     The selected nodes are:\n");  printf(" ------------------------------------ \n");  printf(" NUMBER:    NAME:    SCORE: \n");  if( FIND_BY_NUMBER == findType || FIND_BY_SCORE == findType )  {    num = (int *)data;while( NULL != temp ){  if( FIND_BY_NUMBER == findType )  {    if( *num == temp->num ){    printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);}  }  else  {    if( *num == temp->score ){    printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);}  }  temp = temp->next;}(void)name;  }  else  {    name = (char *)data;while( NULL != temp ){  if( !strcmp(name, temp->name) )  {printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);  }  temp = temp->next;}(void)num;  }}

- 获取用户主菜单输入信息

/* * * @ function name- getOperation  *  * @ brief- get the current user operation * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- none * * @ return- operationType_twhich operation does user choose *- INSERTNODE *- DELETENODE *- SEQUENCING *- SELECT *- SHOWTAB *- EXIT * */operationType_t getOperation(){  operationType_t ops;  scanf("%d", &ops);  return ops > 4 ? 5 : ops;}

- 得到链表内重名学生的个数
/* * * @ function name- getSameNameCount  *  * @ brief- get the duplicated nodes by same name * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tabthe link table * *- namethe name * * @ return- intthe count of the duplicated nodes * */int getSameNameCount( linkTable_t** tab, char *name ){  int count = 0;  node_t* temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if(NULL == temp)return 0;  while(NULL != temp)  {    if( !strcmp(temp->name, name) )  count++;temp = temp->next;  }  return count;}

- 判断节点是否存在
static existStatus_t getNodeExistStatus( linkTable_t** tab, int num ){  existStatus_t status = NOTEXIST;  node_t* temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if(NULL == temp)return NOTEXIST;  while(NULL != temp)  {    if( temp->num == num )  return EXIST;temp = temp->next;  }  return NOTEXIST;}

- 从用户输入得到节点信息
static bStatus_t getNodeInfo( linkTable_t **tab, node_t* newNode ){  // Input the information  if( NULL == newNode )return FAILED;  else  {printf(" please input the information of the node that you'd insert! \n");printf(" the node number(greater than 0): ");scanf("%d", &(newNode->num));while(newNode->num < 1 || (EXIST == getNodeExistStatus( tab, newNode->num )) ){  printf(" your input data is invalid, please retry! \n the node number(greater than 0): ");  scanf("%d", &(newNode->num));  } printf(" the node name: ");scanf("%s", newNode->name);while(newNode->name == NULL){  printf(" your input data is invalid, please retry! \n the node name: ");  scanf("%d", newNode->name);  }printf(" the node score(greater than 0 and less than 100): ");scanf("%d", &(newNode->score));while(newNode->score < SCORE_MIN || newNode->score > SCORE_MAX){  printf(" your input data is invalid, please retry! \n the node score(greater than 0 and less than 100): ");  scanf("%d", &(newNode->score));}return SUCCESS;  }}

- 主函数
/*====== * MAIN =======*/int main( int argc, char** argv ){  /* Setup */  linkTable_t* myTable;  node_t* newNode = NULL;  findType_t findType = FIND_BY_NUMBER;  tableInfo_t defaultInfo =   {    ASCEND_BY_NUM,0,  };  static char queryName[16];  int queryNum = 0;  char command = 0;  int count = 0;  operationType_t myOperation;  if( FAILED == initLink( &myTable, defaultInfo ) )  {printf(" link table did not create successfully !\n");return 0;  }    /* Loop */  while(1)  {HINT();myOperation = getOperation();/* Excution */switch(myOperation){case INSERTNODE:  while(1)  {    insertFunction( &myTable, newNode );linkPrint( &myTable );printf(" continue to insert the node ? (y/n) \n");getchar();command = getchar();if( command == 'N' || command == 'n' )  break;  }  break;case DELETENODE:  while(1)  {if( NULL == myTable->head ){      printf(" Can not operate ! Please at least insert one node into the list fisrt ! \n");  break;}else{  linkPrint( &myTable );  printf(" Which way would u like to delete your specific node ? \n");  printf(" 0.BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 1.BY NAME \n");  printf(" 2.CANCEL \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == '0' )  {    printf(" Please input the node number u'd delete : \n");scanf("%d", &queryNum);deleteNode( &myTable, FIND_BY_NUMBER, &queryNum );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if( command == '1' )  {    printf(" Please input the node name u'd delete : \n");scanf("%s", queryName);    count = getSameNameCount( &myTable, queryName );if( count == 0 ){  printf(" There is no such node in the link table ! \n");      linkPrint( &myTable );}else if( count == 1 ){  deleteNode( &myTable, FIND_BY_NAME, queryName );  linkPrint( &myTable );}else{  printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_NAME, queryName );  printf(" There is duplicated nodes in the table , Please select the specific node by node number : \n");  scanf("%d", &queryNum);    deleteNode( &myTable, FIND_BY_NUMBER, &queryNum );      linkPrint( &myTable );}  }  else  {    break;  }  printf(" continue to delete the node ? (y/n) \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == 'N' || command == 'n' )    break;}  }  break;case SEQUENCING:  while(1)  {    if( NULL == myTable->head ){      printf(" Can not operate ! Please at least insert one node into the list fisrt ! \n");  break;}else{  linkPrint( &myTable );  printf(" Which way would u like to sort ur table ? \n");  printf(" 0.ASCEND BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 1.ASCEND BY SCORE \n");  printf(" 2.DESCEND BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 3.DESCEND BY SCORE \n");  printf(" 4.CANCEL \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if(command == '0')  {    myTable->sortType = ASCEND_BY_NUM;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if(command == '1')  {    myTable->sortType = ASCEND_BY_SCORE;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if(command == '2')  {    myTable->sortType = DESCEND_BY_NUM;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if(command == '3')  {    myTable->sortType = DESCEND_BY_SCORE;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else  {    break;  }  printf(" continue to sequencing ? (y/n) \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == 'N' || command == 'n' )    break;}  }  break;case SELECT:  while(1)  {    if( NULL == myTable->head ){      printf(" Can not operate ! Please at least insert one node into the list fisrt ! \n");  break;}else{  linkPrint( &myTable );  printf(" Which way would u like to find your specific data ? \n");  printf(" 0.FIND BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 1.FIND BY NAME \n");  printf(" 2.FIND BY SCORE \n");  printf(" 3.CANCEL \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == '0' )  {    printf(" Please input the number u'd search :\n");scanf("%d", &queryNum);printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_NUMBER, &queryNum );break;  }  else if( command == '1' )  {    printf(" Please input the name u'd search :\n");scanf("%s", queryName);printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_NAME, queryName );break;  }  else if( command == '2' )  {    printf(" Please input the score u'd search :\n");scanf("%d", &queryNum);printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_SCORE, &queryNum );break;  }  else  {    break;  }}  }  break;case SHOWTAB:  linkPrint( &myTable );  break;case EXIT:  return 0;  break;default:  // Should never get here !  break;}  }  return 0;}




/*============================== * * name- exercise1  *  * projectname- 链式表例子   * * date- 2017.5.16 * * author- Eric Huang * ===============================*//*========== * INCLUDES ===========*/#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"#include "string.h"/*======== * MACROS =========*/#define SCORE_MAX100#define SCORE_MIN0#define HINT()do\{\  printf(" Please select your operation : \n");\  printf(" 0 - Insert a node to the current link table\n");\  printf(" 1 - Delete a node from the link table \n");\  printf(" 2 - Sequencing the link table \n");\  printf(" 3 - Select the specific nodes \n");\  printf(" 4 - Show the link table \n");\  printf(" 5 - Exit \n");\} while(0)\/*================ * GLOBAL VARIBLES =================*//*=========== * ENUM TYPES ============*/typedef enum b_status{  SUCCESS,  FAILED,} bStatus_t;typedef enum exist_status{  EXIST,  NOTEXIST,} existStatus_t;typedef enum sort_type{  ASCEND_BY_NUM,  ASCEND_BY_SCORE,  DESCEND_BY_NUM,  DESCEND_BY_SCORE,} sortType_t;typedef enum find_type{  FIND_BY_NUMBER,  FIND_BY_NAME,  FIND_BY_SCORE,} findType_t;typedef enum operation_type{  INSERTNODE,  DELETENODE,  SEQUENCING,  SELECT,  SHOWTAB,  EXIT,} operationType_t;/*============= * TYPE DEFINES ==============*/typedef struct linkNode{  int num;  int score;  char name[16];  struct linkNode* next;} node_t;typedef struct linkTable{  node_t* head;  int nodeCount;  sortType_t sortType;} linkTable_t;typedef struct linkInfo{  sortType_t sortType;  int nodeCount;} tableInfo_t;/*================ * FUNCTION DECLARATION =================*/int getSameNameCount( linkTable_t** tab, char *name );void printSelected( linkTable_t **tab, findType_t findType, void *data );void linkPrint( linkTable_t **tab );operationType_t getOperation();bStatus_t linkSort( linkTable_t** tab );bStatus_t insertFunction( linkTable_t** tab, node_t *newNode );bStatus_t deleteNode( linkTable_t** tab, findType_t findType, void *data );bStatus_t insertNode( linkTable_t** tab, node_t *newNode );bStatus_t initLink( linkTable_t** tab, tableInfo_t tabInfo );/*=================== * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ====================*/static existStatus_t getNodeExistStatus( linkTable_t** tab, int num ){  existStatus_t status = NOTEXIST;  node_t* temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if(NULL == temp)return NOTEXIST;  while(NULL != temp)  {    if( temp->num == num )  return EXIST;temp = temp->next;  }  return NOTEXIST;}static bStatus_t getNodeInfo( linkTable_t **tab, node_t* newNode ){  // Input the information  if( NULL == newNode )return FAILED;  else  {printf(" please input the information of the node that you'd insert! \n");printf(" the node number(greater than 0): ");scanf("%d", &(newNode->num));while(newNode->num < 1 || (EXIST == getNodeExistStatus( tab, newNode->num )) ){  printf(" your input data is invalid, please retry! \n the node number(greater than 0): ");  scanf("%d", &(newNode->num));  } printf(" the node name: ");scanf("%s", newNode->name);while(newNode->name == NULL){  printf(" your input data is invalid, please retry! \n the node name: ");  scanf("%d", newNode->name);  }printf(" the node score(greater than 0 and less than 100): ");scanf("%d", &(newNode->score));while(newNode->score < SCORE_MIN || newNode->score > SCORE_MAX){  printf(" your input data is invalid, please retry! \n the node score(greater than 0 and less than 100): ");  scanf("%d", &(newNode->score));}return SUCCESS;  }}/*================= * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ==================*//* * * @ function name- initLink  *  * @ brief- To initialize the link table  * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- tabInfolink table initialize informations *- sortType *- ASCEND_BY_NUM *- ASCEND_BY_SCORE *- DESCEND_BY_NUM *- DESCEND_BY_SCORE *- nodeCount * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t initLink( linkTable_t** tab, tableInfo_t tabInfo ){  if( NULL == (*tab = (linkTable_t *)malloc(sizeof(linkTable_t))) )  {printf(" Link Table intialize failed !\n");return FAILED;  }  (*tab)->head = NULL;  (*tab)->sortType = tabInfo.sortType;  (*tab)->nodeCount = tabInfo.nodeCount;  return SUCCESS;}/* * * @ function name- insertNode  *  * @ brief- To insert a node to a link table   * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- newNodenew node * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t insertNode( linkTable_t** tab, node_t *newNode ){  node_t *temp, *pTemp;  if( NULL == newNode )  {printf(" node create failed! \n ");return FAILED;  }  else  {// If the link table is emptyif( NULL == (*tab)->head ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = NULL;  return SUCCESS;}    pTemp = temp = (*tab)->head;(*tab)->nodeCount++;switch( (*tab)->sortType ){case ASCEND_BY_NUM:  while( temp->num <= newNode->num && temp->next != NULL )  { pTemp = temp;temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->num >= newNode->num )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }  break;case ASCEND_BY_SCORE:  while( temp->score <= newNode->score && temp->next != NULL )  {pTemp = temp;temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->score >= newNode->score )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }  break;case DESCEND_BY_NUM:  while( temp->num >= newNode->num && temp->next != NULL )  {    pTemp = temp;    temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->num <= newNode->num )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }  break;case DESCEND_BY_SCORE:  while( temp->score >= newNode->score && temp->next != NULL )  {pTemp = temp;temp = temp->next;  }  if( temp->score <= newNode->score )  {if( (*tab)->head == temp ){  (*tab)->head = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}else{  pTemp->next = newNode;  newNode->next = temp;}  }  else  {temp->next = newNode;newNode->next = NULL;  }default:  // Should never get here!  break;}return SUCCESS;  }}/* * * @ function name- deleteNode  *  * @ brief- To delete a node from a table  * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- findTypedelete by *- FIND_BY_NUM *- FIND_BY_NAME * *- datathe data for query * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t deleteNode( linkTable_t** tab, findType_t findType, void *data ){  int *num;  char* name;  node_t *temp, *pTemp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  switch(findType)  {  case FIND_BY_NUMBER:num = (int *)(data);while( NULL != temp->next ){  if(temp->num == *num)  {    break;  }  pTemp = temp;  temp = temp->next;}if(temp == (*tab)->head){  (*tab)->head = (*tab)->head->next;  pTemp = temp;}if( NULL == temp->next ){  printf(" the number is not exist ! \n ");  return FAILED;}else{  pTemp->next = temp->next;  free(temp);}(void)name;break;  case FIND_BY_NAME:name = (char *)(data);while( NULL != temp->next ){  if( !strcmp(name, temp->name) )  {    break;  }  pTemp = temp;  temp = temp->next;}if(temp == (*tab)->head){  (*tab)->head = (*tab)->head->next;  pTemp = temp;}if( NULL == temp->next ){  printf(" the number is not exist ! \n ");  return FAILED;}else{  pTemp->next = temp->next;  free(temp);}    (void)num;break;  default:break;  }  (*tab)->nodeCount--;  return SUCCESS;}/* * * @ function name- insertFunction *  * @ brief- For insertion process   * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- newNodethe new node ready for insertion * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t insertFunction( linkTable_t** tab, node_t *newNode ){  newNode = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));  if( FAILED == getNodeInfo( tab, newNode ) )  {printf(" node create failed !\n ");return FAILED;  }  if( FAILED == insertNode( tab, newNode ) )  {    printf(" node insert failed ! \n ");return FAILED;  }  printf(" node insert successfully ! \n");  return SUCCESS;}/* * * @ function name- linkSort  *  * @ brief- Sequencing the link table * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * * @ return- bStatus_twhether the operation is success *- SUCCESS *- FAILED * */bStatus_t linkSort( linkTable_t** tab ){  linkTable_t *tabTemp, *freeTemp;  node_t *temp, *pTemp;  tableInfo_t tabInfo =   {(*tab)->sortType,    0,  };  if( NULL == (*tab)->head )return FAILED;  if( FAILED == initLink( &tabTemp, tabInfo ) )  {    return FAILED;  }  pTemp = temp = (*tab)->head;  while( NULL != temp )  {pTemp = pTemp->next;insertNode( &tabTemp, temp );temp = pTemp;  }  freeTemp = (*tab);  (*tab) = tabTemp;    free(freeTemp);  return SUCCESS;}/* * * @ function name- linkPrint  *  * @ brief- For printout the link table * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * * @ return- none * */void linkPrint( linkTable_t **tab ){  node_t *temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if( NULL == temp )  {    printf(" you can not print an empty table ! \n");return;  }  printf(" \n ------------------------------------ \n");  printf("    the total count of nodes is : %d \n", (*tab)->nodeCount + 1);  printf(" ------------------------------------ \n");  printf(" NUMBER:    NAME:    SCORE: \n");  while( NULL != temp )  {    printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);temp = temp->next;  }}/* * * @ function name- printSelected  *  * @ brief- For printout the selected elements in link table * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tablink table * *- findTypequery method *- FIND_BY_NUMBER *- FIND_BY_NAME *- FIND_BY_SCORE * *- data * * @ return- none * */void printSelected( linkTable_t **tab, findType_t findType, void *data ){  int *num;  char* name;  node_t *temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if( NULL == temp )  {    printf(" you can not print an empty table ! \n");return;  }  printf(" \n ------------------------------------ \n");  printf("     The selected nodes are:\n");  printf(" ------------------------------------ \n");  printf(" NUMBER:    NAME:    SCORE: \n");  if( FIND_BY_NUMBER == findType || FIND_BY_SCORE == findType )  {    num = (int *)data;while( NULL != temp ){  if( FIND_BY_NUMBER == findType )  {    if( *num == temp->num ){    printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);}  }  else  {    if( *num == temp->score ){    printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);}  }  temp = temp->next;}(void)name;  }  else  {    name = (char *)data;while( NULL != temp ){  if( !strcmp(name, temp->name) )  {printf("%8d %8s %8d \n", temp->num, temp->name, temp->score);  }  temp = temp->next;}(void)num;  }}/* * * @ function name- getOperation  *  * @ brief- get the current user operation * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- none * * @ return- operationType_twhich operation does user choose *- INSERTNODE *- DELETENODE *- SEQUENCING *- SELECT *- SHOWTAB *- EXIT * */operationType_t getOperation(){  operationType_t ops;  scanf("%d", &ops);  return ops > 4 ? 5 : ops;}/* * * @ function name- getSameNameCount  *  * @ brief- get the duplicated nodes by same name * * @ date- 2017.5.16 * * @ author- Eric Huang * * @ param- tabthe link table * *- namethe name * * @ return- intthe count of the duplicated nodes * */int getSameNameCount( linkTable_t** tab, char *name ){  int count = 0;  node_t* temp;  temp = (*tab)->head;  if(NULL == temp)return 0;  while(NULL != temp)  {    if( !strcmp(temp->name, name) )  count++;temp = temp->next;  }  return count;}/*====== * MAIN =======*/int main( int argc, char** argv ){  /* Setup */  linkTable_t* myTable;  node_t* newNode = NULL;  findType_t findType = FIND_BY_NUMBER;  tableInfo_t defaultInfo =   {    ASCEND_BY_NUM,0,  };  static char queryName[16];  int queryNum = 0;  char command = 0;  int count = 0;  operationType_t myOperation;  if( FAILED == initLink( &myTable, defaultInfo ) )  {printf(" link table did not create successfully !\n");return 0;  }    /* Loop */  while(1)  {HINT();myOperation = getOperation();/* Excution */switch(myOperation){case INSERTNODE:  while(1)  {    insertFunction( &myTable, newNode );linkPrint( &myTable );printf(" continue to insert the node ? (y/n) \n");getchar();command = getchar();if( command == 'N' || command == 'n' )  break;  }  break;case DELETENODE:  while(1)  {if( NULL == myTable->head ){      printf(" Can not operate ! Please at least insert one node into the list fisrt ! \n");  break;}else{  linkPrint( &myTable );  printf(" Which way would u like to delete your specific node ? \n");  printf(" 0.BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 1.BY NAME \n");  printf(" 2.CANCEL \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == '0' )  {    printf(" Please input the node number u'd delete : \n");scanf("%d", &queryNum);deleteNode( &myTable, FIND_BY_NUMBER, &queryNum );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if( command == '1' )  {    printf(" Please input the node name u'd delete : \n");scanf("%s", queryName);    count = getSameNameCount( &myTable, queryName );if( count == 0 ){  printf(" There is no such node in the link table ! \n");      linkPrint( &myTable );}else if( count == 1 ){  deleteNode( &myTable, FIND_BY_NAME, queryName );  linkPrint( &myTable );}else{  printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_NAME, queryName );  printf(" There is duplicated nodes in the table , Please select the specific node by node number : \n");  scanf("%d", &queryNum);    deleteNode( &myTable, FIND_BY_NUMBER, &queryNum );      linkPrint( &myTable );}  }  else  {    break;  }  printf(" continue to delete the node ? (y/n) \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == 'N' || command == 'n' )    break;}  }  break;case SEQUENCING:  while(1)  {    if( NULL == myTable->head ){      printf(" Can not operate ! Please at least insert one node into the list fisrt ! \n");  break;}else{  linkPrint( &myTable );  printf(" Which way would u like to sort ur table ? \n");  printf(" 0.ASCEND BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 1.ASCEND BY SCORE \n");  printf(" 2.DESCEND BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 3.DESCEND BY SCORE \n");  printf(" 4.CANCEL \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if(command == '0')  {    myTable->sortType = ASCEND_BY_NUM;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if(command == '1')  {    myTable->sortType = ASCEND_BY_SCORE;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if(command == '2')  {    myTable->sortType = DESCEND_BY_NUM;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else if(command == '3')  {    myTable->sortType = DESCEND_BY_SCORE;linkSort( &myTable );    linkPrint( &myTable );  }  else  {    break;  }  printf(" continue to sequencing ? (y/n) \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == 'N' || command == 'n' )    break;}  }  break;case SELECT:  while(1)  {    if( NULL == myTable->head ){      printf(" Can not operate ! Please at least insert one node into the list fisrt ! \n");  break;}else{  linkPrint( &myTable );  printf(" Which way would u like to find your specific data ? \n");  printf(" 0.FIND BY NUMBER \n");  printf(" 1.FIND BY NAME \n");  printf(" 2.FIND BY SCORE \n");  printf(" 3.CANCEL \n");  getchar();  command = getchar();  if( command == '0' )  {    printf(" Please input the number u'd search :\n");scanf("%d", &queryNum);printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_NUMBER, &queryNum );break;  }  else if( command == '1' )  {    printf(" Please input the name u'd search :\n");scanf("%s", queryName);printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_NAME, queryName );break;  }  else if( command == '2' )  {    printf(" Please input the score u'd search :\n");scanf("%d", &queryNum);printSelected( &myTable, FIND_BY_SCORE, &queryNum );break;  }  else  {    break;  }}  }  break;case SHOWTAB:  linkPrint( &myTable );  break;case EXIT:  return 0;  break;default:  // Should never get here !  break;}  }  return 0;}
