
来源:互联网 发布:sql的触发器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 10:03













/*题目描述输入某二叉树的前序遍历和中序遍历的结果,请重建出该二叉树。假设输入的前序遍历和中序遍历的结果中都不含重复的数字。例如输入前序遍历序列{1,2,4,7,3,5,6,8}和中序遍历序列{4,7,2,1,5,3,8,6},则重建二叉树并返回。*//*思路:先序遍历的第一个元素为根节点,在中序遍历中找到这个根节点,从而可以将中序遍历分为左右两个部分,左边部分为左子树的中序遍历,右边部分为右子树的中序遍历,进而也可以将先序遍历除第一个元素以外的剩余部分分为两个部分,第一个部分为左子树的先序遍历,第二个部分为右子树的先序遍历。由上述分析结果,可以递归调用构建函数,根据左子树、右子树的先序、中序遍历重建左、右子树。*//*Time:2016年9月9日11:57:07Author:CodingMengmeng*//*方式一:    数组+递归*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;//树结点结构体struct BinaryTreeNode{    int                    m_nValue;    BinaryTreeNode*        m_pLeft;    BinaryTreeNode*        m_pRight;};//打印树结点void PrintTreeNode(BinaryTreeNode *pNode){    if (pNode != NULL)    {        printf("value of this node is : %d\n", pNode->m_nValue);        if (pNode->m_pLeft != NULL)            printf("value of its left child is: %d.\n", pNode->m_pLeft->m_nValue);        else            printf("left child is null.\n");        if (pNode->m_pRight != NULL)            printf("value of its right childe is : %d.\n", pNode->m_pRight->m_nValue);        else            printf("right child is null.\n");    }    else    {        printf("this node is null.\n");    }    printf("\n");}void PrintTree(BinaryTreeNode *pRoot){    PrintTreeNode(pRoot);    //       if (pRoot != NULL)    {        if (pRoot->m_pLeft != NULL)            PrintTree(pRoot->m_pLeft);        if (pRoot->m_pRight != NULL)            PrintTree(pRoot->m_pRight);    }}/*preorder 前序遍历inorder 中序遍历*/BinaryTreeNode* ConstructCore(int* startPreorder, int* endPreorder, int* startInorder, int* endInorder);BinaryTreeNode *Construct(int *preorder, int *inorder, int length)//输入前序序列,中序序列和序列长度{    if (preorder == NULL || inorder == NULL || length <= 0)        return NULL;    return ConstructCore(preorder, preorder + length - 1, inorder, inorder + length - 1);}// startPreorder 前序遍历的第一个节点  // endPreorder   前序遍历的最后后一个节点  // startInorder  中序遍历的第一个节点  // startInorder  中序遍历的最后一个节点  BinaryTreeNode* ConstructCore(int* startPreorder, int* endPreorder, int* startInorder, int* endInorder){    // 前序遍历序列的第一个数字是根结点的值      int rootValue = startPreorder[0];    BinaryTreeNode *root = new BinaryTreeNode();    root->m_nValue = rootValue;    root->m_pLeft = root->m_pRight = NULL;        // 只有一个结点    if (startPreorder == endPreorder)    {        if (startInorder == endInorder && *startPreorder == *startInorder)            return root;        else            throw std::exception("Invalid input.");    }    //有多个结点    // 在中序遍历中找到根结点的值      int *rootInorder = startInorder;    while (rootInorder <= endInorder && *rootInorder != rootValue)        ++rootInorder;    if (rootInorder == endInorder && *rootInorder != rootValue)        throw std::exception("Invalid input");    //      int leftLength = rootInorder - startInorder;    //中序序列的左子树序列长度    int *leftPreorderEnd = startPreorder + leftLength;    //左子树前序序列的最后一个结点    if (leftLength > 0)    {        // 构建左子树          root->m_pLeft = ConstructCore(startPreorder + 1, leftPreorderEnd, startInorder, rootInorder - 1);    }    if (leftLength < endPreorder - startPreorder)    //(中序序列)若还有左子树,则左子树序列长度应等于当前前序序列的长度        //若小于,说明已无左子树,此时建立右子树    {        // 构建右子树          root->m_pRight = ConstructCore(leftPreorderEnd + 1, endPreorder, rootInorder + 1, endInorder);    }    //      return root;}// 测试代码  void Test(char *testName, int *preorder, int *inorder, int length){    if (testName != NULL)        printf("%s Begins:\n", testName);    printf("The preorder sequence is: ");    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)        printf("%d ", preorder[i]);    printf("\n");    printf("The inorder sequence is:");    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)        printf("%d ", inorder[i]);    printf("\n");    try    {        BinaryTreeNode *root = Construct(preorder, inorder, length);        PrintTree(root);    }    catch (std::exception &expection)    {        printf("Invalid Input.\n");    }}// 普通二叉树  //              1  //           /     \  //          2       3    //         /       / \  //        4       5   6  //         \         /  //          7       8  void Test1(){    const int length = 8;    int preorder[length] = { 1, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 6, 8 };    int inorder[length] = { 4, 7, 2, 1, 5, 3, 8, 6 };    Test("Test1", preorder, inorder, length);}int main(){    Test1();      system("pause");    return 0;}/*输出结果:----------------------------------------------------------------Test1 Begins:The preorder sequence is: 1 2 4 7 3 5 6 8The inorder sequence is:4 7 2 1 5 3 8 6value of this node is : 1value of its left child is: 2.value of its right childe is : 3.value of this node is : 2value of its left child is: 4.right child is null.value of this node is : 4left child is null.value of its right childe is : 7.value of this node is : 7left child is null.right child is null.value of this node is : 3value of its left child is: 5.value of its right childe is : 6.value of this node is : 5left child is null.right child is null.value of this node is : 6value of its left child is: 8.right child is null.value of this node is : 8left child is null.right child is null.请按任意键继续. . .----------------------------------------------------------------*//*方式二:容器+递归*/#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;// Definition for binary treestruct TreeNode {     int val;     TreeNode *left;     TreeNode *right;     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} };/* 先序遍历第一个位置肯定是根节点node,中序遍历的根节点位置在中间p,在p左边的肯定是node的左子树的中序数组,p右边的肯定是node的右子树的中序数组另一方面,先序遍历的第二个位置到p,也是node左子树的先序子数组,剩下p右边的就是node的右子树的先序子数组把四个数组找出来,分左右递归调用即可*/class Solution {public:    struct TreeNode* reConstructBinaryTree(vector<int> pre, vector<int> in) {        int in_size = in.size();//获得序列的长度        if (in_size == 0)            return NULL;        //分别存储先序序列的左子树,先序序列的右子树,中序序列的左子树,中序序列的右子树        vector<int> pre_left, pre_right, in_left, in_right;        int val = pre[0];//先序遍历第一个位置肯定是根节点node,取其值        //新建一个树结点,并传入结点值        TreeNode* node = new TreeNode(val);//root node is the first element in pre        //p用于存储中序序列中根结点的位置        int p = 0;        for (p; p < in_size; ++p){            if (in[p] == val) //Find the root position in in                 break;        //找到即跳出for循环        }        for (int i = 0; i < in_size; ++i){            if (i < p){                //建立中序序列的左子树和前序序列的左子树                in_left.push_back(in[i]);//Construct the left pre and in                 pre_left.push_back(pre[i + 1]);//前序第一个为根节点,+1从下一个开始记录            }            else if (i > p){                //建立中序序列的右子树和前序序列的左子树                in_right.push_back(in[i]);//Construct the right pre and in                 pre_right.push_back(pre[i]);            }        }        //取出前序和中序遍历根节点左边和右边的子树        //递归,再对其进行上述所有步骤,即再区分子树的左、右子子数,直到叶节点        node->left = reConstructBinaryTree(pre_left, in_left);        node->right = reConstructBinaryTree(pre_right, in_right);        return node;    }};
    #include <stdlib.h>     #include <stdio.h>          typedef struct TNode     {         int value;         TNode* lchild;         TNode* rchild;     }TNode,*BTree;           //根据先序遍历、中序遍历构建二叉树     BTree rebuild(int preOrder[],int startPre,int endPre,int inOrder[],int startIn,int endIn)     {         //先序遍历和中序遍历长度应相等         if (endPre - startPre != endIn - startIn) return NULL;         //起始位置不应大于末尾位置         if (startPre > endPre) return NULL;         //先序遍历的第一个元素为根节点         BTree tree = (BTree)malloc(sizeof(TNode));         tree->value = preOrder[startPre];         tree->lchild = NULL;         tree->rchild = NULL;         //先序遍历和中序遍历只有一个元素时,返回该节点         if (startPre == endPre) return tree;         //在中序遍历中找到根节点         int index,length;         for (index=startIn;index<=endIn;index++)         {             if (inOrder[index] == preOrder[startPre]) break;         }         //若未找到,返回空         if (index > endIn) return NULL;         //有左子树,递归调用构建左子树         if (index > startIn)          {             length = index-startIn;             tree->lchild = rebuild(preOrder,startPre+1,startPre+1+length-1,inOrder,startIn,startIn+length-1);         }         //有右子树,递归调用构建右子树         if (index < endIn)          {             length = endIn - index;             tree->rchild = rebuild(preOrder,endPre-length+1,endPre,inOrder,endIn-length+1,endIn);         }         return tree;     }          //后序遍历二叉树     void postTraverse(BTree tree)     {         if (tree->lchild != NULL) postTraverse(tree->lchild);         if (tree->rchild != NULL) postTraverse(tree->rchild);         printf("%d ",tree->value);     }          int main()     {         int preOrder[] = {1,2,4,5,3,6};         int inOrder[] = {4,2,5,1,6,3};         BTree tree = rebuild(preOrder,0,5,inOrder,0,5);         postTraverse(tree);         printf("\n");         return 0;     } 
