
来源:互联网 发布:女生脱毛知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 20:28

出自  http://www.cnblogs.com/dingchao823/p/4794442.html

PullToRefresh Demo 浅析:自定义刷新(refreshview)样式



public abstract class LoadingLayout extends FrameLayout implements ILoadingLayout {


switch (scrollDirection) {            case HORIZONTAL:                LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.pull_to_refresh_header_horizontal, this);                break;            case VERTICAL:            default:                LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.pull_to_refresh_header_vertical, this);                break;        }




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources>  <declare-styleable name="PullToRefresh">    <!-- A drawable to use as the background of the Refreshable View -->    <!-- 设置整个刷新列表的背景色 -->    <attr name="ptrRefreshableViewBackground" format="reference|color" />    <!-- A drawable to use as the background of the Header and Footer Loading Views -->    <!--  设置下拉Header或者上拉Footer的背景色 -->    <attr name="ptrHeaderBackground" format="reference|color" />    <!-- Text Color of the Header and Footer Loading Views -->    <!-- 用于设置Header与Footer中文本的颜色 -->    <attr name="ptrHeaderTextColor" format="reference|color" />    <!-- Text Color of the Header and Footer Loading Views Sub Header -->    <!-- 用于设置Header与Footer中上次刷新时间的颜色 -->    <attr name="ptrHeaderSubTextColor" format="reference|color" />    <!-- Mode of Pull-to-Refresh that should be used -->    <attr name="ptrMode">      <flag name="disabled" value="0x0" /><!-- 禁用下拉刷新 -->      <flag name="pullFromStart" value="0x1" /><!-- 仅支持下拉刷新 -->      <flag name="pullFromEnd" value="0x2" /><!-- 仅支持上拉刷新 -->      <flag name="both" value="0x3" /><!-- 上拉刷新和下拉刷新都支持 -->      <flag name="manualOnly" value="0x4" /><!-- 只允许手动触发 -->      <!-- These last two are depreacted -->      <flag name="pullDownFromTop" value="0x1" />      <flag name="pullUpFromBottom" value="0x2" />    </attr>    <!-- Whether the Indicator overlay(s) should be used -->    <!-- 如果为true会在mPullRefreshListView中出现icon,右上角和右下角,挺有意思的 -->    <attr name="ptrShowIndicator" format="reference|boolean" />    <!-- Drawable to use as Loading Indicator. Changes both Header and Footer. -->    <!-- 同时改变头部和底部的图标 -->    <attr name="ptrDrawable" format="reference" />    <!-- Drawable to use as Loading Indicator in the Header View. Overrides value set in ptrDrawable. -->    <!-- 头部视图的图标-->    <attr name="ptrDrawableStart" format="reference" />    <!-- Drawable to use as Loading Indicator in the Footer View. Overrides value set in ptrDrawable. -->    <!-- 底部视图的图标 -->    <attr name="ptrDrawableEnd" format="reference" />    <!-- Whether Android's built-in Over Scroll should be utilised for Pull-to-Refresh. -->    <attr name="ptrOverScroll" format="reference|boolean" />    <!-- Base text color, typeface, size, and style for Header and Footer Loading Views -->     <!-- 分别设置拉Header或者上拉Footer中字体的类型颜色等等 -->    <attr name="ptrHeaderTextAppearance" format="reference" />    <!-- Base text color, typeface, size, and style for Header and Footer Loading Views Sub Header -->    <attr name="ptrSubHeaderTextAppearance" format="reference" />    <!-- Style of Animation should be used displayed when pulling. -->    <attr name="ptrAnimationStyle">      <flag name="rotate" value="0x0" /><!-- flip(翻转动画), rotate(旋转动画)  -->      <flag name="flip" value="0x1" />    </attr>    <!-- Whether the user can scroll while the View is Refreshing -->    <!-- 刷新的时候,是否允许ListView或GridView滚动 -->    <attr name="ptrScrollingWhileRefreshingEnabled" format="reference|boolean" />    <!--      Whether PullToRefreshListView has it's extras enabled. This allows the user to be       able to scroll while refreshing, and behaves better. It acheives this by adding      Header and/or Footer Views to the ListView.    -->    <!-- 决定了Header,Footer以何种方式加入mPullRefreshListView,true为headView方式加入,就是滚动时刷新头部会一起滚动 -->    <attr name="ptrListViewExtrasEnabled" format="reference|boolean" />    <!--      Whether the Drawable should be continually rotated as you pull. This only      takes effect when using the 'Rotate' Animation Style.    -->    <attr name="ptrRotateDrawableWhilePulling" format="reference|boolean" />    <!-- BELOW HERE ARE DEPRECEATED. DO NOT USE. -->    <attr name="ptrAdapterViewBackground" format="reference|color" />    <attr name="ptrDrawableTop" format="reference" />    <attr name="ptrDrawableBottom" format="reference" />  </declare-styleable></resources>
