UE4 如何写插件

来源:互联网 发布:虹云网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:35



然后添加一个CPP放在插件的Private下,命名为:插件名+PricatePCH.h文件  这里的插件名为Test,以下以Test为示例讲解:


#include "Test.h"
把#include “Test.h” 替换成#include "TestPrivatePCH.h" 这样一部分就好了

然后新建自己的代码.h放入Public文件夹里,.cpp放进Private里 这里以TestBPLibrary为例

接下来就和普通的Actor C++代码差不多写法了,只要记得在cpp里添加PCH.h就可以了


// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.#pragma once#include "Engine.h"#include "TestBPLibrary.generated.h"/* *Function library class.*Each function in it is expected to be static and represents blueprint node that can be called in any blueprint.**When declaring function you can define metadata for the node. Key function specifiers will be BlueprintPure and BlueprintCallable.*BlueprintPure - means the function does not affect the owning object in any way and thus creates a node without Exec pins.*BlueprintCallable - makes a function which can be executed in Blueprints - Thus it has Exec pins.*DisplayName - full name of the node, shown when you mouse over the node and in the blueprint drop down menu.*Its lets you name the node using characters not allowed in C++ function names.*CompactNodeTitle - the word(s) that appear on the node.*Keywords -the list of keywords that helps you to find node when you search for it using Blueprint drop-down menu. *Good example is "Print String" node which you can find also by using keyword "log".*Category -the category your node will be under in the Blueprint drop-down menu.**For more info on custom blueprint nodes visit documentation:*https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Custom_Blueprint_Node_Creation*/UCLASS()class UTestBPLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary{GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY()UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (DisplayName = "Execute Sample function nimei ", Keywords = "Test sample test testing"), Category = "TestPlugins")static float TestSampleFunction(float Param);UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "TestPlugins") //测试staticint32 Ttest(int32 a);};

// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.#include "TestPrivatePCH.h"#include "TestBPLibrary.h"UTestBPLibrary::UTestBPLibrary(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer): Super(ObjectInitializer){}float UTestBPLibrary::TestSampleFunction(float Param){return -1;}int32 UTestBPLibrary::Ttest(int32 a) //测试{return -1;}


手先找到引擎目录下例如:D:\Epic Games\UE_4.15\Engine\Plugins\Developer 下面的UObjectPlugin,复制整个文件夹到插件目录下,需要在插件Bulid.cs下"Engine"


#include "IUObjectPlugin.h"#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"//这行看你要做什么Object 这里做的是Actor#include "Engine.h"#include "CoreUObject.h"
把MyPluginObject.h的#include "CoreMinimal.h"注释掉
把IUObjectPlugin.h的#include "CoreMinimal.h"和"Modules/ModuleInterface.h"注释掉
把UObjectPlugin.cpp的全部注释掉并加上#include "UObjectPluginPrivatePCH.h"

把MyPluginObject.cpp加上#include "UObjectPluginPrivatePCH.h"和#include "ObjectTools.h"

下面同样添加自己的代码  这里我命名为ZZActor


#pragma once#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"#include "ZZActor.generated.h"UCLASS()class AZZActor : public AActor{GENERATED_BODY()public:// Sets default values for this actor's propertiesAZZActor();UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "objectPlugins") //测试int32 testzz(int32 a);};

#include "UObjectPluginPrivatePCH.h"#include "ZZActor.h"AZZActor::AZZActor():Super(){}int32 AZZActor::testzz(int32 a) //测试{return -1;}




public BBB(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target){PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[] {"BBB/Public"// ... add public include paths required here ...});}