来源:互联网 发布:数据化人生txt下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:03
-ERESTARTSYS is connected to the concept of a restartable system call. A restartable system call is one that can be transparently re-executed by the kernel when there is some interruption.
For instance the user space process which is sleeping in a system call can get a signal, execute a handler, and then when the handler returns, it appears to go back into the kernel and keeps sleeping on the original system call.
Using the sigaction API, processes can arrange the restart behavior associated with signals. This is all part of POSIX. Look up sigaction.
In the Linux kernel, when a driver or other module blocking in the context of a system call detects that a task has been woken because of a signal, it can return -EINTR. But -EINTR will bubble up to user space and cause the system call to return -1 with errno set to EINTR.
If you return -ERESTARTSYS instead, it means that your system call is restartable. The ERESTARTSYS code will not be seen in user space. It either gets translated to a -1 return and errno set to EINTR, or it is translated into a system call restart behavior, which means that your syscall is called again with the same arguments (by no action on part of the user space process: the kernel does this by stashing the info in a special restart block).
Note the obvious problem: some system calls can't be restarted with the same parameters! For instance, suppose there is a sleep call like nanosleep, for 5.3 seconds. It gets interrupted after 5 seconds. If it restarts naively, it will sleep for another 5.3 seconds. It has to pass new parameters to the restarted call to sleep for only the remaining 0.3 seconds; i.e. alter the contents of the restart block. There is a way to do that: you stuff different arguments into the task's restart block and use the -ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK return value.
To address the second question: what's the difference? Why not just write the read routine without checking the return value and returning -ERESTARTSYS? Well, because that is incorrect in the case that the wakeup is due to a signal! Do you want a read to return 0 bytes read whenever a signal arrives? That could be misinterpreted by user space as end of data. This kind of problem won't show up in test cases that don't use signals.
经常我们在睡眠的代码中 会看到这样的例子:
    if (signal_pending(current)) {
     ret = -ERESTARTSYS;
     return ret;
    关于 -ERESTARTSYS 到底是什么意思? 
这个过程,不必深究,你就知道上层的库函数 ,当收到 -ERESTARTSYS这个返回值后,对于Linux来讲,会自动的重新调用这个调用就可以了。
signal_pending( current )―――》检查当前进程是否有信号处理,返回不为0表示有信号需要处理。
static inline int signal_pending(struct task_struct *p)
    return unlikely(test_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_SIGPENDING));