
来源:互联网 发布:安卓python编程软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 16:53




  • 创建邮编维度表zip_code_dim。
  • 初始装载邮编相关数据。
  • 基于zip_code_dim表创建v_customer_zip_code_dim和v_shipping_zip_code_dim视图。
  • 在sales_order_fact表上增加customer_zip_code_sk和shipping_zip_code_sk列。
  • 基于已有的客户邮编和送货邮编初始装载两个邮编代理键。
  • 在customer_dim表上删除客户和送货邮编及其它们的城市和州列。
  • 在pa_customer_dim上删除客户的城市、州和邮编列。
set search_path=tds; -- 建立邮编维度表    create table zip_code_dim ( zip_code_sk serial,     zip_code int,     city varchar(30),     state varchar(2));  comment on table zip_code_dim is '邮编维度表';      comment on column zip_code_dim.zip_code_sk is '邮编维度代理键';      comment on column zip_code_dim.zip_code is '邮编';      comment on column zip_code_dim.city is '城市';   comment on column zip_code_dim.state is '省份';      -- 初始装载邮编相关数据insert into zip_code_dim (zip_code, city, state)select distinct *   from (select customer_zip_code, customer_city, customer_state          from customer_dim         where customer_zip_code is not null         union all         select shipping_zip_code, shipping_city, shipping_state           from customer_dim         where shipping_zip_code is not null) t1; -- 创建视图    create view v_customer_zip_code_dim (customer_zip_code_sk, customer_zip_code, customer_city, customer_state) as    select * from zip_code_dim;        create view v_shipping_zip_code_dim (shipping_zip_code_sk, shipping_zip_code, shipping_city, shipping_state) as    select * from zip_code_dim;-- 添加邮编代理键alter table sales_order_fact add column customer_zip_code_sk int default null;alter table sales_order_fact add column shipping_zip_code_sk int default null;comment on column sales_order_fact.customer_zip_code_sk is '客户邮编代理键';    comment on column sales_order_fact.shipping_zip_code_sk is '送货邮编代理键';        -- 初始装载两个邮编代理键 create table sales_order_fact_bak as select * from sales_order_fact;truncate table sales_order_fact;insert into sales_order_factselect t1.order_number,       t1.customer_sk,       t1.product_sk,       t1.order_date_sk,       t1.year_month,       t1.order_amount,       t1.order_quantity,       t1.request_delivery_date_sk,       t1.sales_order_attribute_sk,       t2.customer_zip_code_sk,       t3.shipping_zip_code_sk     from sales_order_fact_bak t1  left join   (select a.order_number order_number,c.customer_zip_code_sk customer_zip_code_sk      from sales_order_fact_bak a,           customer_dim b,           v_customer_zip_code_dim c     where a.customer_sk = b.customer_sk       and b.customer_zip_code = c.customer_zip_code) t2 on t1.order_number = t2.order_number  left join  (select a.order_number order_number,c.shipping_zip_code_sk shipping_zip_code_sk      from sales_order_fact_bak a,           customer_dim b,           v_shipping_zip_code_dim c     where a.customer_sk = b.customer_sk       and b.shipping_zip_code = c.shipping_zip_code) t3 on t1.order_number = t3.order_number;   drop table sales_order_fact_bak; -- 在customer_dim表上删除客户和送货邮编及其它们的城市和州列。alter table customer_dim drop column customer_zip_code cascade;alter table customer_dim drop column customer_city;alter table customer_dim drop column customer_state;alter table customer_dim drop column shipping_zip_code;alter table customer_dim drop column shipping_city;alter table customer_dim drop column shipping_state; alter table pa_customer_dim drop column customer_zip_code;alter table pa_customer_dim drop column customer_city;alter table pa_customer_dim drop column customer_state;alter table pa_customer_dim drop column shipping_zip_code;alter table pa_customer_dim drop column shipping_city;alter table pa_customer_dim drop column shipping_state;  -- 重建相关视图create or replace view v_customer_dim_latest as   select customer_sk,         customer_number,          customer_name,         customer_street_address,         version,         effective_date,       shipping_address     from (select distinct on (customer_number) customer_number,                  customer_sk,                   customer_name,                 customer_street_address,                isdelete,                  version,                 effective_date,               shipping_address             from customer_dim           order by customer_number, customer_sk desc) as latest     where isdelete is false;  create or replace view v_customer_dim_his as   select *, date(lead(effective_date,1,date '2200-01-01') over (partition by customer_number order by effective_date)) expiry_date     from customer_dim;  create or replace view v_pa_customer_dim_latest as   select customer_sk,         customer_number,          customer_name,         customer_street_address,         version,         effective_date,       shipping_address     from (select distinct on (customer_number) customer_number,                  customer_sk,                   customer_name,                 customer_street_address,                isdelete,                  version,                 effective_date,               shipping_address             from pa_customer_dim           order by customer_number, customer_sk desc) as latest     where isdelete is false;  create or replace view v_pa_customer_dim_his as   select *, date(lead(effective_date,1,date '2200-01-01') over (partition by customer_number order by effective_date)) expiry_date     from pa_customer_dim;  
  • 邮编维度的初始数据是从客户维度表中来,这只是为了演示数据装载的过程。客户的邮编信息很可能覆盖不到所有邮编,所以更好的方法是装载一个完整的邮编信息表。由于客户地址和送货地址可能存在交叉的情况,因此使用distinct去重。送货地址的三个字段是后加的,在此之前数据的送货地址为空,邮编维度表中不能含有NULL值,所以要加上where shipping_zip_code is not null过滤条件去除邮编信息为NULL的数据行。
  • 基于邮编维度表创建客户邮编和送货邮编视图,分别用作两个地理信息的角色扮演维度。
  • 把数据备份表sales_order_fact_bak中的数据装载回销售订单事实表,同时需要关联两个邮编角色维度视图,查询出两个代理键,装载到事实表中。注意老的事实表与新的邮编维度表是通过客户维度表关联起来的,所以在子查询中需要三表连接,然后用两个左外连接查询出所有原事实表数据,装载到新的增加了邮编维度代理键的事实表中。
  • 在customer_dim表上删除列时,需要使用cascade子句同时删除依赖它的视图,之后重建相关视图。


  •  删除客户维度装载里所有邮编信息相关的列,因为客户维度里不再有客户邮编和送货邮编相关信息。
  •  在事实表中引用客户邮编视图和送货邮编视图中的代理键。
  •  修改pa_customer_dim装载,因为需要从销售订单事实表的customer_zip_code_sk获取客户邮编。
create or replace function fn_regular_load ()              returns void as              $$              declare                  -- 设置scd的生效时间                v_cur_date date := current_date;                    v_pre_date date := current_date - 1;                v_last_load date;            begin                -- 分析外部表                analyze ext.customer;                analyze ext.product;                analyze ext.sales_order;                            -- 将外部表数据装载到原始数据表                truncate table rds.customer;                  truncate table rds.product;                             insert into rds.customer select * from ext.customer;                 insert into rds.product select * from ext.product;                insert into rds.sales_order           select order_number,                 customer_number,                 product_code,                 order_date,                 entry_date,                 order_amount,                 order_quantity,                 request_delivery_date,             verification_ind,             credit_check_flag,             new_customer_ind,             web_order_flag        from ext.sales_order;                                -- 分析rds模式的表                analyze rds.customer;                analyze rds.product;                analyze rds.sales_order;                            -- 设置cdc的上限时间                select last_load into v_last_load from rds.cdc_time;                truncate table rds.cdc_time;                insert into rds.cdc_time select v_last_load, v_cur_date;                            -- 装载客户维度                insert into tds.customer_dim                (customer_number,                 customer_name,                 customer_street_address,                 shipping_address,                isdelete,                 version,                 effective_date)                select case flag                             when 'D' then a_customer_number                            else b_customer_number                        end customer_number,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_customer_name                            else b_customer_name                        end customer_name,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_customer_street_address                            else b_customer_street_address                        end customer_street_address,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_shipping_address                            else b_shipping_address                        end shipping_address,                     case flag                             when 'D' then true                            else false                        end isdelete,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_version                            when 'I' then 1                            else a_version + 1                        end v,                       v_pre_date                  from (select a.customer_number a_customer_number,                               a.customer_name a_customer_name,                               a.customer_street_address a_customer_street_address,                               a.shipping_address a_shipping_address,                               a.version a_version,                               b.customer_number b_customer_number,                               b.customer_name b_customer_name,                               b.customer_street_address b_customer_street_address,                               b.shipping_address b_shipping_address,                               case when a.customer_number is null then 'I'                                    when b.customer_number is null then 'D'                                    else 'U'                                 end flag                          from v_customer_dim_latest a                           full join rds.customer b on a.customer_number = b.customer_number                          where a.customer_number is null -- 新增                            or b.customer_number is null -- 删除                            or (a.customer_number = b.customer_number                                 and not                                        (coalesce(a.customer_name,'') = coalesce(b.customer_name,'')                                     and coalesce(a.customer_street_address,'') = coalesce(b.customer_street_address,'')                                     and coalesce(a.shipping_address,'') = coalesce(b.shipping_address,'')                                     ))) t                         order by coalesce(a_customer_number, 999999999999), b_customer_number limit 999999999999;                         -- 装载产品维度                insert into tds.product_dim                (product_code,                 product_name,                 product_category,                      isdelete,                 version,                 effective_date)                select case flag                             when 'D' then a_product_code                            else b_product_code                        end product_code,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_product_name                            else b_product_name                        end product_name,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_product_category                            else b_product_category                        end product_category,                       case flag                             when 'D' then true                            else false                        end isdelete,                       case flag                             when 'D' then a_version                            when 'I' then 1                            else a_version + 1                        end v,                       v_pre_date                  from (select a.product_code a_product_code,                               a.product_name a_product_name,                               a.product_category a_product_category,                               a.version a_version,                               b.product_code b_product_code,                               b.product_name b_product_name,                               b.product_category b_product_category,                                              case when a.product_code is null then 'I'                                    when b.product_code is null then 'D'                                    else 'U'                                 end flag                          from v_product_dim_latest a                           full join rds.product b on a.product_code = b.product_code                          where a.product_code is null -- 新增                            or b.product_code is null -- 删除                            or (a.product_code = b.product_code                                 and not                                        (a.product_name = b.product_name                                     and a.product_category = b.product_category))) t                         order by coalesce(a_product_code, 999999999999), b_product_code limit 999999999999;                    -- 装载销售订单事实表                  insert into sales_order_fact                  select a.order_number,                         customer_sk,                         product_sk,              e.date_sk,                       e.year * 100 + e.month,                            order_amount,                     order_quantity,                 f.date_sk,             g.sales_order_attribute_sk,           h.customer_zip_code_sk,               i.shipping_zip_code_sk      from rds.sales_order a,                        v_customer_dim_his c,                         v_product_dim_his d,                         date_dim e,                  date_dim f,               sales_order_attribute_dim g,            v_customer_zip_code_dim h,               v_shipping_zip_code_dim i,               rds.customer j,           rds.cdc_time k       where a.customer_number = c.customer_number                     and a.order_date >= c.effective_date                   and a.order_date < c.expiry_date                      and a.product_code = d.product_code                     and a.order_date >= d.effective_date                   and a.order_date < d.expiry_date                      and date(a.order_date) = e.date               and date(a.request_delivery_date) = f.date         and a.verification_ind = g.verification_ind             and a.credit_check_flag = g.credit_check_flag             and a.new_customer_ind = g.new_customer_ind             and a.web_order_flag = g.web_order_flag        and a.customer_number = j.customer_number           and j.customer_zip_code = h.customer_zip_code       and j.shipping_zip_code = i.shipping_zip_code        and a.entry_date >= k.last_load and a.entry_date < k.current_load;                                  -- 重载PA客户维度              truncate table pa_customer_dim;                insert into pa_customer_dim                select distinct a.*                    from customer_dim a,             sales_order_fact b,             v_customer_zip_code_dim c          where c.customer_state = 'pa'          and b.customer_zip_code_sk = c.customer_zip_code_sk         and a.customer_sk = b.customer_sk;       -- 分析tds模式的表                analyze customer_dim;                analyze product_dim;                analyze sales_order_fact;     analyze pa_customer_dim;                -- 更新时间戳表的last_load字段                  truncate table rds.cdc_time;                insert into rds.cdc_time select v_cur_date, v_cur_date;                        end;              $$              language plpgsql;


  1. 对源数据的客户邮编相关信息做一些修改。
  2. 装载新的客户数据前,查询最后的客户和送货邮编,后面可以用改变后的信息和此查询的输出作对比。
  3. 新增销售订单源数据。
  4. 执行定期装载。
  5. 查询客户维度表、售订单事实表和PA子维度表,确认数据已经正确装载。
update source.customer      set customer_street_address = '9999 louise dr.',         customer_zip_code = 17055,          customer_city = 'pittsburgh',         shipping_address = '9999 louise dr.',         shipping_zip_code = 17055,         shipping_city = 'pittsburgh'   where customer_number = 4;    insert into source.customer   values(15, 'super stores', '1000 woodland st.', 17055, 'pittsburgh', 'pa', '1000 woodland st.', 17055, 'pittsburgh', 'pa');    commit;
select order_date_sk odsk,         customer_number cn,         customer_zip_code czc,         shipping_zip_code szc    from v_customer_zip_code_dim a,         v_shipping_zip_code_dim b,         sales_order_fact c,         customer_dim d   where a.customer_zip_code_sk = c.customer_zip_code_sk     and b.shipping_zip_code_sk = c.shipping_zip_code_sk     and d.customer_sk = c.customer_sk;  order by odsk;
set @order_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-05-30 00:00:01') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-05-30 12:00:00') - unix_timestamp('2017-05-30 00:00:01')));  set @request_delivery_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(date_add(current_date, interval 5 day)) + rand() * 86400);       set @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000);       set @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90);    insert into source.sales_order values    (null, 4, 3, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'n',  @order_date, @request_delivery_date,          @order_date, @amount, @quantity);            set @order_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-05-30 12:00:00') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-05-31 00:00:00') - unix_timestamp('2017-05-30 12:00:00')));        set @request_delivery_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(date_add(current_date, interval 5 day)) + rand() * 86400);set @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000);       set @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90);      insert into source.sales_order values    (null, 15, 4, 'y', 'n', 'y', 'n', @order_date, @request_delivery_date,         @order_date, @amount, @quantity);  commit;
select customer_sk csk,         customer_number cnum,         customer_name cnam,         customer_street_address csd,         shipping_address sd,         version,         effective_date,         expiry_date    from v_customer_dim_his    where customer_number in (4, 15);

select a.order_number onum,         e.customer_number cnum,         b.customer_zip_code czc,         c.shipping_zip_code szc,         f.product_code pc,         d.order_date od,         a.order_amount,         a.order_quantity    from sales_order_fact a,         v_customer_zip_code_dim b,         v_shipping_zip_code_dim c,         v_order_date_dim d,         customer_dim e,         product_dim f   where a.customer_sk = e.customer_sk     and a.product_sk = f.product_sk     and a.customer_zip_code_sk = b.customer_zip_code_sk     and a.shipping_zip_code_sk = c.shipping_zip_code_sk     and a.order_date_sk = d.order_date_sk   order by a.order_number desc  limit 2;  

select customer_sk csk,         customer_number cnum,         customer_name cnam,         customer_street_address csa,         shipping_address sad,         version,         effective_date,         expiry_date    from v_pa_customer_dim_his order by customer_sk;
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