
来源:互联网 发布:pc淘宝首页尺寸大小 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 17:21





set search_path=tds;create view product_launch_date_dim   (product_launch_date_sk,    product_launch_date,    month_name,    month,    quarter,    year)   as    select distinct           date_sk,           date,           month_name,           month,           quarter,           year   from product_dim a, date_dim b     where a.effective_date = b.date   and a.version = 1;        create table product_count_fact (        product_sk int,        product_launch_date_sk int);
  • 与之前创建的很多日期角色扮演维度不同,产品发布日期视图只获取产品生效日期,而不是日期维度里的所有记录。因此在定义视图的查询语句中关联了产品维度和日期维度两个表。product_launch_date_dim维度是日期维度表的子集。
  • 从字段定义上看,产品维度表中的生效日期明显就是新产品的发布日期。
  • version = 1 过滤掉由于SCD2新增的产品版本记录。


insert into product_count_fact   select a.product_sk product_sk, b.date_sk date_sk  from product_dim a,date_dim b   where a.effective_date = b.date and a.version = 1; 
select product_sk,product_launch_date_sk   from tds.product_count_fact  order by product_sk;


create or replace function fn_regular_load ()                  returns void as                  $$                  declare                      -- 设置scd的生效时间                    v_cur_date date := current_date;                        v_pre_date date := current_date - 1;                    v_last_load date;                begin                    -- 分析外部表                    analyze ext.customer;                    analyze ext.product;                    analyze ext.sales_order;                                    -- 将外部表数据装载到原始数据表                    truncate table rds.customer;                      truncate table rds.product;                                     insert into rds.customer select * from ext.customer;                     insert into rds.product select * from ext.product;                    insert into rds.sales_order               select order_number,                     customer_number,                     product_code,                     status_date,                     entry_date,                     order_amount,                     quantity,                     request_delivery_date,                 verification_ind,                 credit_check_flag,                 new_customer_ind,                 web_order_flag,             order_status                from ext.sales_order;                                        -- 分析rds模式的表                    analyze rds.customer;                    analyze rds.product;                    analyze rds.sales_order;                                    -- 设置cdc的上限时间                    select last_load into v_last_load from rds.cdc_time;                    truncate table rds.cdc_time;                    insert into rds.cdc_time select v_last_load, v_cur_date;                                    -- 装载客户维度                    insert into tds.customer_dim                    (customer_number,                     customer_name,                     customer_street_address,                     shipping_address,                    isdelete,                     version,                     effective_date)                    select case flag                                 when 'D' then a_customer_number                                else b_customer_number                            end customer_number,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_customer_name                                else b_customer_name                            end customer_name,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_customer_street_address                                else b_customer_street_address                            end customer_street_address,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_shipping_address                                else b_shipping_address                            end shipping_address,                         case flag                                 when 'D' then true                                else false                            end isdelete,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_version                                when 'I' then 1                                else a_version + 1                            end v,                           v_pre_date                      from (select a.customer_number a_customer_number,                                   a.customer_name a_customer_name,                                   a.customer_street_address a_customer_street_address,                                   a.shipping_address a_shipping_address,                                   a.version a_version,                                   b.customer_number b_customer_number,                                   b.customer_name b_customer_name,                                   b.customer_street_address b_customer_street_address,                                   b.shipping_address b_shipping_address,                                   case when a.customer_number is null then 'I'                                        when b.customer_number is null then 'D'                                        else 'U'                                     end flag                              from v_customer_dim_latest a                               full join rds.customer b on a.customer_number = b.customer_number                              where a.customer_number is null -- 新增                                or b.customer_number is null -- 删除                                or (a.customer_number = b.customer_number                                     and not                                            (coalesce(a.customer_name,'') = coalesce(b.customer_name,'')                                         and coalesce(a.customer_street_address,'') = coalesce(b.customer_street_address,'')                                         and coalesce(a.shipping_address,'') = coalesce(b.shipping_address,'')                                         ))) t                             order by coalesce(a_customer_number, 999999999999), b_customer_number limit 999999999999;                                 -- 装载产品维度                    insert into tds.product_dim                    (product_code,                     product_name,                     product_category,                          isdelete,                     version,                     effective_date)                    select case flag                                 when 'D' then a_product_code                                else b_product_code                            end product_code,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_product_name                                else b_product_name                            end product_name,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_product_category                                else b_product_category                            end product_category,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then true                                else false                            end isdelete,                           case flag                                 when 'D' then a_version                                when 'I' then 1                                else a_version + 1                            end v,                           v_pre_date                      from (select a.product_code a_product_code,                                   a.product_name a_product_name,                                   a.product_category a_product_category,                                   a.version a_version,                                   b.product_code b_product_code,                                   b.product_name b_product_name,                                   b.product_category b_product_category,                                                  case when a.product_code is null then 'I'                                        when b.product_code is null then 'D'                                        else 'U'                                     end flag                              from v_product_dim_latest a                               full join rds.product b on a.product_code = b.product_code                              where a.product_code is null -- 新增                                or b.product_code is null -- 删除                                or (a.product_code = b.product_code                                     and not                                            (a.product_name = b.product_name                                         and a.product_category = b.product_category))) t                             order by coalesce(a_product_code, 999999999999), b_product_code limit 999999999999;                            -- 装载新增产品数量无事实事实表    insert into tds.product_count_factselect a.product_sk, b.date_sk   from tds.product_dim a, tds.date_dim b  where a.version = 1   and a.effective_date = v_pre_date       and a.effective_date = b.date;     -- 装载销售订单事实表                      insert into sales_order_fact                      select a.order_number,                             customer_sk,                             product_sk,                  e.date_sk,                           e.year * 100 + e.month,                                order_amount,                         quantity,                     f.date_sk,                 g.sales_order_attribute_sk,               h.customer_zip_code_sk,                   i.shipping_zip_code_sk,             a.order_status                  from rds.sales_order a,                            v_customer_dim_his c,                             v_product_dim_his d,                             date_dim e,                      date_dim f,                   sales_order_attribute_dim g,                v_customer_zip_code_dim h,                   v_shipping_zip_code_dim i,                   rds.customer j,               rds.cdc_time k           where a.customer_number = c.customer_number                         and a.status_date >= c.effective_date                       and a.status_date < c.expiry_date                          and a.product_code = d.product_code                         and a.status_date >= d.effective_date                       and a.status_date < d.expiry_date                          and date(a.status_date) = e.date                   and date(a.request_delivery_date) = f.date             and a.verification_ind = g.verification_ind                 and a.credit_check_flag = g.credit_check_flag                 and a.new_customer_ind = g.new_customer_ind                 and a.web_order_flag = g.web_order_flag            and a.customer_number = j.customer_number               and j.customer_zip_code = h.customer_zip_code           and j.shipping_zip_code = i.shipping_zip_code            and a.entry_date >= k.last_load and a.entry_date < k.current_load;                                          -- 重载PA客户维度                  truncate table pa_customer_dim;                    insert into pa_customer_dim                    select distinct a.*                        from customer_dim a,                 sales_order_fact b,                 v_customer_zip_code_dim c              where c.customer_state = 'pa'              and b.customer_zip_code_sk = c.customer_zip_code_sk             and a.customer_sk = b.customer_sk;                   -- 分析tds模式的表                    analyze customer_dim;                    analyze product_dim;                    analyze sales_order_fact;         analyze pa_customer_dim;                            -- 更新时间戳表的last_load字段                      truncate table rds.cdc_time;                    insert into rds.cdc_time select v_cur_date, v_cur_date;                                end;                  $$                  language plpgsql;


        修改源数据库的product表数据,把产品编码为1的产品名称改为‘Regular Hard Disk Drive’,并新增一个产品‘High End Hard Disk Drive’(产品编码为5)。执行下面的脚本完成此修改。
use source;        update product set product_name = 'Regular Hard Disk Drive' where product_code=1;    insert into product values (5, 'High End Hard Disk Drive', 'Storage');        commit;

select c.product_sk psk,         c.product_code pc,         b.product_launch_date_sk plsk,         b.product_launch_date pld    from product_count_fact a,         product_launch_date_dim b,         product_dim c   where a.product_launch_date_sk = b.product_launch_date_sk     and a.product_sk = c.product_sk   order by pc, pld;

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