Problem B: 驾驶员与汽车

来源:互联网 发布:网络兼职可靠的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 20:19

Problem B: 驾驶员与汽车



1. Automobile:抽象类,具有数据成员double speed,纯虚函数virtual void run() const = 0。

2. 六种车型,即小型车Benz、Buick;中型车Zhongba、Beiqi;以及大型车Dayu、Jianghuai。它们都是Automobile的子类。

3. Driver类,具有string name和char type两个数据成员,前者是司机的名字,后者是司机持有的驾照类型(A、B或C)。提供Drive(Automobile *)方法,根据驾照类型判定该司机是否可以驾驶指定的汽车。









#include <iostream>#include <typeinfo>#include <string>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;class Automobile {protected:    double speed;public:    Automobile(double s) : speed(s) {}    virtual void run() const = 0;    virtual ~Automobile() {        cout << "An automobile is erased!" << endl;    }};class Benz : public Automobile {public:    Benz(double speed) : Automobile(speed) {}    ~Benz() {        cout << "A Benz is erased!" << endl;    }    void run() const {        cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);        cout << "Benz at speed of "<<speed<<"km/h." << endl;    }};class Buick : public Automobile {public:    Buick(double speed) : Automobile(speed) {}    ~Buick() {        cout << "A Buick is erased!" << endl;    }    void run() const {        cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);        cout << "Buick at speed of "<<speed<<"km/h." << endl;    }};class Zhongba : public Automobile {public:    Zhongba(double speed) : Automobile(speed) {}    ~Zhongba() {        cout << "A Zhongba is erased!" << endl;    }    void run() const {        cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);        cout << "Zhongba at speed of "<<speed<<"km/h." << endl;    }};class Beiqi : public Automobile {public:    Beiqi(double speed) : Automobile(speed) {}    ~Beiqi() {        cout << "A Beiqi is erased!" << endl;    }    void run() const {        cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);        cout << "Beiqi at speed of "<<speed<<"km/h." << endl;    }};class Dayu : public Automobile {public:    Dayu(double speed) : Automobile(speed) {}    ~Dayu() {        cout << "A Dayu is erased!" << endl;    }    void run() const {        cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);        cout << "Dayu at speed of "<<speed<<"km/h." << endl;    }};class Jianghuai : public Automobile {public:    Jianghuai(double speed) : Automobile(speed) {}    ~Jianghuai() {        cout << "A Jianghuai is erased!" << endl;    }    void run() const {        cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);        cout << "Jianghuai at speed of "<<speed<<"km/h." << endl;    }};class Driver {private:    string name;    char type;public:    Driver(string s, char c) : name(s), type(c) {}    void Drive(Automobile *);};void Driver::Drive(Automobile *automobile){    switch (type)    {    case 'A':        cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" can drive ";        automobile->run();        break;    case 'B':        if (typeid(*automobile) == typeid(Dayu) || typeid(*automobile) == typeid(Jianghuai))            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" cannot drive large bus."<<endl;        else        {            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" can drive ";            automobile->run();        }        break;    case 'C':        if (typeid(*automobile) != typeid(Benz) && typeid(*automobile) != typeid(Buick))            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" cannot drive bus."<<endl;        else        {            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" can drive ";            automobile->run();        }        break;    }}int main(){    string name;    char type;    double speed;    char automobileType;    int cases;    Automobile *automobile;    cin>>cases;    for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++)    {        cin>>name>>type>>automobileType>>speed;        Driver driver(name, type);        switch (automobileType)        {        case 'a':            automobile = new Benz(speed);            break;        case 'b':            automobile = new Buick(speed);            break;        case 'c':            automobile = new Zhongba(speed);            break;        case 'd':            automobile = new Beiqi(speed);            break;        case 'e':            automobile = new Dayu(speed);            break;        case 'f':            automobile = new Jianghuai(speed);            break;        }        driver.Drive(automobile);        delete automobile;    }    return 0;}