Problem A: 驾驶员与汽车

来源:互联网 发布:用友软件培训视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 22:57

Problem A: 驾驶员与汽车

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1. Automobile:抽象类,具有数据成员double speed,纯虚函数virtual void run() const = 0。

2. 六种车型,即小型车Benz、Buick;中型车Zhongba、Beiqi;以及大型车Dayu、Jianghuai。它们都是Automobile的子类。

3. Driver类,具有string name和char type两个数据成员,前者是司机的名字,后者是司机持有的驾照类型(A、B或C)。提供Drive(Automobile *)方法,根据驾照类型判定该司机是否可以驾驶指定的汽车。






Sample Input

4zhangsan C a 100.33lisi C d 100.33wangwu B f 100.33Tom A e 300.00

Sample Output

Driver zhangsan can drive Benz at speed of 100.33km/h.A Benz is erased!An automobile is erased!Driver lisi cannot drive bus.A Beiqi is erased!An automobile is erased!Driver wangwu cannot drive large bus.A Jianghuai is erased!An automobile is erased!Driver Tom can drive Dayu at speed of 300.00km/h.A Dayu is erased!An automobile is erased!




#include<iostream>#include <typeinfo>#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<cctype>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<sstream>#include<iomanip>using namespace std;class Automobile{public:    double speed;    Automobile(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    virtual void run()const = 0;    virtual ~Automobile(){cout<<"An automobile is erased!"<<endl;}};class Benz:public Automobile{public:    double speed;    Benz(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    void run()const{cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<"Benz at speed of "<<setprecision(2)<<speed<<"km/h."<<endl;}    virtual ~Benz(){cout<<"A Benz is erased!"<<endl;}};class Buick:public Automobile{public:    double speed;    Buick(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    void run()const{cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<"Buick at speed of "<<setprecision(2)<<speed<<"km/h."<<endl;}    virtual ~Buick(){cout<<"A Buick is erased!"<<endl;}};class Zhongba:public Automobile{public:    double speed;    Zhongba(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    void run()const{cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<"Zhongba at speed of "<<setprecision(2)<<speed<<"km/h."<<endl;}    virtual ~Zhongba(){cout<<"A Zhongba is erased!"<<endl;}};class Beiqi:public Automobile{public:    double speed;    Beiqi(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    void run()const{cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<"Beiqi at speed of "<<setprecision(2)<<speed<<"km/h."<<endl;}    virtual ~Beiqi(){cout<<"A Beiqi is erased!"<<endl;}};class Dayu:public Automobile{public:    double speed;    Dayu(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    void run()const{cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<"Dayu at speed of "<<setprecision(2)<<speed<<"km/h."<<endl;}    virtual ~Dayu(){cout<<"A Dayu is erased!"<<endl;}};class Jianghuai:public Automobile{public:    double speed;    Jianghuai(double speed=0):speed(speed){}    void run()const{cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<"Jianghuai at speed of "<<setprecision(2)<<speed<<"km/h."<<endl;}    virtual ~Jianghuai(){cout<<"A Jianghuai is erased!"<<endl;}};class Driver{public:    string name;    char type;    void Drive(Automobile *);    Driver(string name,char type):name(name),type(type){}    ~Driver(){}};void Driver::Drive(Automobile *automobile){    switch (type)    {    case 'A':        cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" can drive ";        automobile->run();        break;    case 'B':        if (typeid(*automobile) == typeid(Dayu) || typeid(*automobile) == typeid(Jianghuai))            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" cannot drive large bus."<<endl;        else        {            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" can drive ";            automobile->run();        }        break;    case 'C':        if (typeid(*automobile) != typeid(Benz) && typeid(*automobile) != typeid(Buick))            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" cannot drive bus."<<endl;        else        {            cout<<"Driver "<<name<<" can drive ";            automobile->run();        }        break;    }}int main(){    string name;    char type;    double speed;    char automobileType;    int cases;    Automobile *automobile;    cin>>cases;    for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++)    {        cin>>name>>type>>automobileType>>speed;        Driver driver(name, type);        switch (automobileType)        {        case 'a':            automobile = new Benz(speed);            break;        case 'b':            automobile = new Buick(speed);            break;        case 'c':            automobile = new Zhongba(speed);            break;        case 'd':            automobile = new Beiqi(speed);            break;        case 'e':            automobile = new Dayu(speed);            break;        case 'f':            automobile = new Jianghuai(speed);            break;        }        driver.Drive(automobile);        delete automobile;    }    return 0;}

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