
来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么查找文件夹 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 18:16



JPEG 是Joint Photographic Experts Group(联合图像专家小组)的缩写,是第一个国际图像压缩标准。

(1)零偏置level offset

对于n=8,即将0~255的值域,通过减去128,转换为值域在-128~127之间的值。这样做的目的是: 使像素的绝对值出现3位10进制的概率大大减少。

(2)8x8 DCT变换





根据这个特点, JPEG算法使用了差分脉冲调制编码(DPCM)技术,对相邻图像块之间量化DC系数的差值DIFF进行编码:


由于经DCT变换后,系数大多数集中在左上角,即低频分量区,因此采用Z字形按频率的高低顺序读出,可以出现很多连零的机会。可以使用游程编码。尤其在最后,如果都是零,给出EOB (End of Block)即可。zigzag扫描如下图:







EG 在文件中以 Segment 的形式组织,它具有以下特点:
均以 0xFF 开始,后跟 1 byte 的 Marker 和 2 byte 的 Segment length(包含表示Length 本身所占用的 2 byte,不含“ 0xFF” + “Marker” 所占用的 2 byte);
采用 Motorola 序(相对于 Intel 序),即保存时高位在前,低位在后;
Data 部分中, 0xFF 后若为 0x00,则跳过此字节不予处理;



FFD8:SOI, Start of Image,图像开始 

FFE0:Application,应用程序保留标记 0
length: 16 byte (2 byte)----00 10
标识符: JFIF (5 byte)----4A 46 49 46 00
Version: 0101 (2 byte)----01 01
Units: 01 (1 byte) X and Y are dots per inch----01
Xdensity: 96 (2 bytes) Horizontal pixel density(水平方向点密度)----00 60
Ydensity:96 (2 bytes) Vertical pixel density(垂直方向点密度)---- 00 60
缩略图水平像素数目: 00 (1 byte)----00
缩略图垂直像素数目: 00 (1 byte)----00
缩略图 24bitRGB 点数目: 缩略图水平像素数目 * 缩略图垂直像素数目 = 00

FFDB:DQT, Define Quantization Table,定义量化表
length: 67 byte (2 byte)----00 43
QT information - precision: 00 (Higher 4 bit) (8 bit)
QT information - index: 00 (Lower 4 bit)----00


FFC0: SOF0 , Start of Frame, 基线离散余弦变换
length: 17 byte (2 byte)----00 11
图像精度(每个数据样本的位数) : 8----08
Image Height: 900 (2 byte)----03 84
Image Width: 1440 (2 byte)----05 A0
颜色分量数: 03( YCrCb) (1 byte)----03
颜色分量 ID: 01 (1 byte) (Y)----01
SampRate_Y_H: 10 (Higher 4 bit)
SampRate_Y_V: 10 (Lower 4 bit)----22
Y QtTableID: 00 (1 byte)----00
颜色分量 ID: 02 (1 byte) (U)----02
SampRate_U_H: 01 (Higher 4 bit)
SampRate_U_V: 01 (Lower 4 bit)----11
U QtTableID: 01 (1 byte)----01
颜色分量 ID: 03 (1 byte) (V)----03
SampRate_V_H: 01 (Higher 4 bit)
SampRate_V_V: 01 (Lower 4 bit)----11
V QtTableID: 01 (1 byte)----01

FFC4: DHT, Define Huffman Table,定义 Huffman 树表
length: 31byte (2 byte)----00 1F
Huffman 表类型: 0 (Higher 4 bit) (DC)
Huffman 表 ID: 0 (Lower 4 bit) (0 号表)----00
HuffmanTableIndex: 0

FFDA: SOS, Start of Scan,扫描开始
length: 12 byte (2 byte)----00 0C
颜色分量 ID: 1 (1 byte) (Y)----01
Y Dc HuffmanTreeIndex: 0 (Higher 4 bit)
Y Ac HuffmanTreeIndex: 0(Lower 4 bit)----00
颜色分量 ID: 2 (1 byte) (U or V)----02
UV Dc HuffmanTreeIndex: 1 (Higher 4 bit)
UV Ac HuffmanTreeIndex: 1 (Lower 4 bit)----11
颜色分量 ID: 3 (1 byte) (U or V)----03
UV Dc HuffmanTreeIndex: 1 (Higher 4 bit)
UV Ac HuffmanTreeIndex: 1(Lower 4 bit)----11
谱选择开始 1 byte---- 固定值 0x00
谱选择结束 1 byte---- 固定值 0x3F
谱选择 1 byte---- 在基本 JPEG 中总为 00


1 .读取文件

2. 解析 Segment Marker
2.1 解析 SOI
2.2 解析 APP0
 检查标识“ JFIF”及版本
 得到一些参数
2.3 解析 DQT
 得到量化表长度(可能包含多张量化表)
 得到量化表的精度
 得到及检查量化表的序号(只能是 0 —— 3)
 得到量化表内容( 64 个数据)
2.4 解析 SOF0
 得到每个 sample 的比特数、长宽、颜色分量数
 得到每个颜色分量的 ID、水平采样因子、垂直采样因子、使用的量化表序号(与 DQT 中序号对应)
2.5 解析 DHT
 得到 Huffman 表的类型( AC、 DC)、序号
 依据数据重建 Huffman 表
2.6 解析 SOS
 得到解析每个颜色分量的 DC、 AC 值所使用的 Huffman 表序号(与 DHT中序号对应)

3.依据每个分量的水平、垂直采样因子计算 MCU 的大小,并得到每个 MCU 中 8*8宏块的个数

4 .对每个 MCU 解码(依照各分量水平、垂直采样因子对 MCU 中每个分量宏块解码)
4.1 对每个宏块进行 Huffman 解码,得到 DCT 系数
4.2 对每个宏块的 DCT 系数进行 IDCT,得到 Y、 Cb、 Cr
4.3 遇到 Segment Marker RST 时,清空之前的 DC DCT 系数

5 .解析到 EOI,解码结束

6.将 Y、 Cb、 Cr 转化为需要的色彩空间并保存。




struct huffman_table(Huffman码表结构体)

struct huffman_table{  /* Fast look up table, using HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS bits we can have directly the symbol,   * if the symbol is <0, then we need to look into the tree table */  short int lookup[HUFFMAN_HASH_SIZE];//快速查找到权值对应的码字  /* code size: give the number of bits of a symbol is encoded */  unsigned char code_size[HUFFMAN_HASH_SIZE];//码长对应的权值  /* some place to store value that is not encoded in the lookup table   * FIXME: Calculate if 256 value is enough to store all values   */  uint16_t slowtable[16-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS][256];};

struct component (8*8宏块结构体)

struct component {  unsigned int Hfactor;//水平采样因子  unsigned int Vfactor;//垂直采样因子  float *Q_table; //指向该宏块使用的量化表  struct huffman_table *AC_table;//指向该宏块直流系数的Huffman码表  struct huffman_table *DC_table;//指向该宏块交流系数的Huffman码表  short int previous_DC; /* Previous DC coefficient *///前一个块的DC系数  short int DCT[64]; /* DCT coef *///该块的DCT系数,其中DCT[0]为该块直流,其他为交流#if SANITY_CHECK  unsigned int cid;#endif};

struct jdec_private(文件解码信息结构体)

struct jdec_private(文件解码信息结构体){  /* Public variables */  uint8_t *components[COMPONENTS];//分别指向YUV分量结构体的指针数组  unsigned int width, height; /* Size of the image *///图像的宽高  unsigned int flags;   /* Private variables */  const unsigned char *stream_begin, *stream_end;//文件流的开始和结束  unsigned int stream_length;//文件流的长度   const unsigned char *stream; /* Pointer to the current stream *///指向当前文件流的指针  unsigned int reservoir, nbits_in_reservoir;   struct component component_infos[COMPONENTS];//  float Q_tables[COMPONENTS][64]; //对YUV进行量化的量化表  struct huffman_table HTDC[HUFFMAN_TABLES]; //DC系数编码的Huffman码表  struct huffman_table HTAC[HUFFMAN_TABLES]; //AC系数编码的Huffman码表  int default_huffman_table_initialized;  int restart_interval;  int restarts_to_go; /* MCUs left in this restart interval */  int last_rst_marker_seen; /* Rst marker is incremented each time *///固定增长   /* Temp space used after the IDCT to store each components */  uint8_t Y[64*4], Cr[64], Cb[64];//反DCT之后存三个分量的数组   jmp_buf jump_state;  /* Internal Pointer use for colorspace conversion, do not modify it !!! */  uint8_t *plane[COMPONENTS]; };


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  int output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P;//将输出格式初始化为yuv420P  char *output_filename, *input_filename;//定义输入文件和输出文件指针  clock_t start_time, finish_time;  unsigned int duration;  int current_argument;  int benchmark_mode = 0;#if TRACE//TRACE=1,则中间代码会编译,TRACE=0,则会忽略  p_trace=fopen(TRACEFILE,"w");  if (p_trace==NULL)  {  printf("trace file open error!");  }#endif  if (argc < 3)    usage();  current_argument = 1;  while (1)   {     if (strcmp(argv[current_argument], "--benchmark")==0)//字符比较,若输入了基准模式benchmark,则加1       benchmark_mode = 1;     else       break;//否则跳出     current_argument++;   }  if (argc < current_argument+2)    usage();  input_filename = argv[current_argument];//输入文件指针指向第一个文件  if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"yuv420p")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"rgb24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"bgr24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"grey")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY;//确认文件输出格式  /*add by yangyulan*/  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"yuvone")==0)    output_format =TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420one;  /*end by yangyulan*/  else    exitmessage("Bad format: need to be one of yuv420p, rgb24, bgr24, grey,yuvone\n");  output_filename = argv[current_argument+2];//输出文件指针指向第三个文件

 if (benchmark_mode)    load_multiple_times(input_filename, output_filename, output_format);  else    convert_one_image(input_filename, output_filename, output_format);//调用convert函数
int convert_one_image(const char *infilename, const char *outfilename, int output_format){  FILE *fp;//定义了一个文件指针  unsigned int length_of_file;//保存文件大小  unsigned int width, height;//保存图像宽高  unsigned char *buf;//缓冲区  struct jdec_private *jdec;  unsigned char *components[3];//定义三个字符数组  /* 把文件中的数据读如缓存中*/  fp = fopen(infilename, "rb");//以只读的形式读取输入文件  if (fp == NULL)    exitmessage("Cannot open filename\n");  length_of_file = filesize(fp);//得到文件大小  buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(length_of_file + 4);//为存文件数据申请内存  if (buf == NULL)    exitmessage("Not enough memory for loading file\n");  fread(buf, length_of_file, 1, fp);//将文件里面的jpg数据读到buf中  fclose(fp);//关闭文件指针  /* 解压缩*/  jdec = tinyjpeg_init();//初始化解压缩成一块表和数组的结构体  if (jdec == NULL)    exitmessage("Not enough memory to alloc the structure need for decompressing\n");  if (tinyjpeg_parse_header(jdec, buf, length_of_file)<0)//tinyjpeg_parse_header函数在tinyjpeg.c中    exitmessage(tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec));  /* Get the size of the image */  tinyjpeg_get_size(jdec, &width, &height);//获取图像的大小  snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Decoding JPEG image...\n");  if (tinyjpeg_decode(jdec, output_format) < 0)    exitmessage(tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec));  /*    * Get address for each plane (not only max 3 planes is supported), and   * depending of the output mode, only some components will be filled    * RGB: 1 plane, YUV420P: 3 planes, GREY: 1 plane   */  tinyjpeg_get_components(jdec, components);  /* 按所要求的个数输出文件*/  switch (output_format)   {    case TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24:    case TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24:      write_tga(outfilename, output_format, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P:      write_yuv(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY:      write_pgm(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;   }  /* Only called this if the buffers were allocated by tinyjpeg_decode() */  tinyjpeg_free(jdec);  /* else called just free(jdec); */  free(buf);  return 0;



 if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"yuv420p")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"rgb24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"bgr24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"grey")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY;//确认文件输出格式
  /* Save it */  switch (output_format)   {    case TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24:    case TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24:      write_tga(outfilename, output_format, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P:      write_yuv(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY:      write_pgm(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;   }
static void write_yuv(const char *filename, int width, int height, unsigned char **components){FILE *F; char temp[1024]; snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename); F = fopen(temp, "ab"); fwrite(components[0], width, height, F); fclose(F); snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename); F = fopen(temp, "ab");  fwrite(components[1], width*height/4, 1, F); fclose(F); snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename); F = fopen(temp, "ab"); fwrite(components[2], width*height/4, 1, F); fclose(F); printf("ok");}

2.解析 Segment Marker(tinyjpeg_parse_header中)


int tinyjpeg_parse_header(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size){  int ret;  /* Identify the file */  if ((buf[0] != 0xFF) || (buf[1] != SOI))//文件开头是0xFF,D8即SOI文件开始标志,开始不是FFD8则报错    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Not a JPG file ?\n");  priv->stream_begin = buf+2;//没错则将文件流的开始向后移两个字节  priv->stream_length = size-2;//将剩余长度也减两个字节  priv->stream_end = priv->stream_begin + priv->stream_length;//定位到文件最后  ret = parse_JFIF(priv, priv->stream_begin);  return ret;}


static int parse_JFIF(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)//解析JFIF{  int chuck_len;  int marker;  int sos_marker_found = 0;  int dht_marker_found = 0;  const unsigned char *next_chunck;  /* Parse marker */  while (!sos_marker_found)//循环一直读到扫描开始,即编码数据块   {     if (*stream++ != 0xff)       goto bogus_jpeg_format;     /* Skip any padding ff byte (this is normal) */     while (*stream == 0xff)       stream++;     marker = *stream++;//E0赋值给marker,E0==APP0     chuck_len = be16_to_cpu(stream);     next_chunck = stream + chuck_len;     switch (marker)      {       case SOF: if (parse_SOF(priv, stream) < 0)   return -1; break;       case DQT: if (parse_DQT(priv, stream) < 0)   return -1; break;       case SOS: if (parse_SOS(priv, stream) < 0)   return -1; sos_marker_found = 1; break;       case DHT: if (parse_DHT(priv, stream) < 0)   return -1; dht_marker_found = 1; break;       case DRI: if (parse_DRI(priv, stream) < 0)   return -1; break;       default:#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"> Unknown marker %2.2x\n", marker);fflush(p_trace);#endif break;      }     stream = next_chunck;//跳到下一个数据块,再判断   }  if (!dht_marker_found) {#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"No Huffman table loaded, using the default one\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif    build_default_huffman_tables(priv);  }#ifdef SANITY_CHECK  if (   (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor < priv->component_infos[cCb].Hfactor)      || (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor < priv->component_infos[cCr].Hfactor))    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Horizontal sampling factor for Y should be greater than horitontal sampling factor for Cb or Cr\n");  if (   (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor < priv->component_infos[cCb].Vfactor)      || (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor < priv->component_infos[cCr].Vfactor))    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Vertical sampling factor for Y should be greater than vertical sampling factor for Cb or Cr\n");  if (   (priv->component_infos[cCb].Hfactor!=1)       || (priv->component_infos[cCr].Hfactor!=1)      || (priv->component_infos[cCb].Vfactor!=1)      || (priv->component_infos[cCr].Vfactor!=1))    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Sampling other than 1x1 for Cr and Cb is not supported");#endif  return 0;bogus_jpeg_format:#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"Bogus jpeg format\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return -1;}
parse SOI:
 if ((buf[0] != 0xFF) || (buf[1] != SOI))//文件开头是0xFF,D8即SOI文件开始标志,开始不是FFD8则报错    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Not a JPG file ?\n");


得到及检查量化表的序号(只能是 0 —— 3)
得到量化表内容( 64 个数据)
//解析量化表static int parse_DQT(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream){  int qi;  /*add by yangyulan*/  /*end by yangyulan*/  float *table;//定义了用于指向量化表的指针  const unsigned char *dqt_block_end;//指向量化表的结束地址#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> DQT marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  dqt_block_end = stream + be16_to_cpu(stream);//量化块结束的位置  stream += 2;/* Skip length */  //跳过两字节的存储长度,如00 43  while (stream < dqt_block_end)//当还在表内   {     qi = *stream++;//将量化表中的值逐个赋给qi#if SANITY_CHECK     if (qi>>4)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"16 bits quantization table is not supported\n");     if (qi>4)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"No more 4 quantization table is supported (got %d)\n", qi);#endif     table = priv->Q_tables[qi];//初始化量化表     build_quantization_table(table, stream);//得到量化表内容,将文档数据流赋值给量化表     stream += 64;//指向下一块   }


static void build_quantization_table(float *qtable, const unsigned char *ref_table){  int i, j;  static const double aanscalefactor[8] = {//比例因子     1.0, 1.387039845, 1.306562965, 1.175875602,     1.0, 0.785694958, 0.541196100, 0.275899379  };  const unsigned char *zz = zigzag;//zigzag为之字形扫描顺序系数  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {     for (j=0; j<8; j++) {       *qtable++ = ref_table[*zz++] * aanscalefactor[i] * aanscalefactor[j];     }   }}


static const unsigned char zigzag[64] = //定义之字形扫描顺序{   0,  1,  5,  6, 14, 15, 27, 28,   2,  4,  7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42,   3,  8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43,   9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53,  10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54,  20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60,  21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61,  35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63};


/*add by yangyulan*/  /*for--print DQT into qfile.txt*/  qfile=fopen("q_file.txt","ab");  fputs("量化表",qfile);  fputc(10,qfile);  for( i=0;i<8;i++)  {  for(j=0;j<8;j++)  {fprintf(qfile,"%f",*table);table++;  }  fputc(10,qfile);    }    fclose(qfile);  /*end by yangyulan*/


得到每个 sample 的比特数、长宽、颜色分量数;得到每个颜色分量的 ID、水平采样因子、垂直采样因子、使用的量化表序号(与 DQT 中序号对应)。

static int parse_SOF(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)//基线余弦变换{  int i, width, height, nr_components, cid, sampling_factor;  int Q_table;  struct component *c;#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> SOF marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  print_SOF(stream);//打印SOF,即获得图像宽高和图像精度,并打印出来  height = be16_to_cpu(stream+3);//获得图像高度  width  = be16_to_cpu(stream+5);//获得图像宽度  nr_components = stream[7];//获得图像精度#if SANITY_CHECK  if (stream[2] != 8)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Precision other than 8 is not supported\n");  if (width>JPEG_MAX_WIDTH || height>JPEG_MAX_HEIGHT)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Width and Height (%dx%d) seems suspicious\n", width, height);  if (nr_components != 3)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We only support YUV images\n");  if (height%16)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Height need to be a multiple of 16 (current height is %d)\n", height);  if (width%16)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Width need to be a multiple of 16 (current Width is %d)\n", width);#endif  stream += 8;//分别解析YUV分量  for (i=0; i<nr_components; i++) {     cid = *stream++;//该分量ID     sampling_factor = *stream++;//该分量的采样率     Q_table = *stream++;//该分量的量化表     c = &priv->component_infos[i];//指向该分量的结构体指针#if SANITY_CHECK     c->cid = cid;     if (Q_table >= COMPONENTS)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Bad Quantization table index (got %d, max allowed %d)\n", Q_table, COMPONENTS-1);#endif     c->Vfactor = sampling_factor&0xf;//该分量的垂直采样率     c->Hfactor = sampling_factor>>4;//水平采样率     c->Q_table = priv->Q_tables[Q_table];//该分量使用的量化表#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Component:%d  factor:%dx%d  Quantization table:%d\n",           cid, c->Hfactor, c->Hfactor, Q_table ); fflush(p_trace);#endif  }  priv->width = width;//宽高的信息  priv->height = height;#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"< SOF marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return 0;}

解析DHT的函数 parse_DHT:得到 Huffman 表的类型( AC、 DC)、序号

static int parse_DHT(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)//解析Huffman码表{  unsigned int count, i;  unsigned char huff_bits[17];//码长从1到16的数目数组  int length, index;  /*add by yangyulan*/  FILE *hufftable;  hufftable=fopen("huffmantable_file.txt","ab");   /*end by yangyulan*/  length = be16_to_cpu(stream) - 2;//得到码长(可能包含多张表)  stream += 2;/* Skip length */#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> DHT marker (length=%d)\n", length);  fflush(p_trace);#endif  while (length>0) {//如果码长大于0     index = *stream++;//把该块赋值给index     /* We need to calculate the number of bytes 'vals' will takes */     huff_bits[0] = 0;//码长为0的为0个,下标与码长相对应     count = 0;//总码字数     for (i=1; i<17; i++) {huff_bits[i] = *stream++;//各码长的个数分别赋值count += huff_bits[i];//总的码字数     }#if SANITY_CHECK     if (count >= HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"No more than %d bytes is allowed to describe a huffman table", HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE);     if ( (index &0xf) >= HUFFMAN_TABLES)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"No more than %d Huffman tables is supported (got %d)\n", HUFFMAN_TABLES, index&0xf);#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count); fflush(p_trace); /*add by yangyulan*/ fprintf(hufftable,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count); fflush(hufftable); /*end by yangyulan*/ #endif#endif     if (index & 0xf0 )//高位为1则为AC表 {  build_huffman_table(huff_bits, stream, &priv->HTAC[index&0xf]); }           else//否则为DC表 { build_huffman_table(huff_bits, stream, &priv->HTDC[index&0xf]); }           length -= 1;     length -= 16;     length -= count;     stream += count;  }#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"< DHT marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return 0;}

build_huffman_table:依据数据重建 Huffman 表 

static void build_huffman_table(const unsigned char *bits, const unsigned char *vals, struct huffman_table *table)//创建码表{  unsigned int i, j, code, code_size, val, nbits;  unsigned char huffsize[HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE+1], *hz;  unsigned int huffcode[HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE+1], *hc;  int next_free_entry;  /*add by yangyulan*/FILE *hufftable; hufftable=fopen("huffmantable_file.txt","ab");   /*end by yangyulan*/  /*   * Build a temp array    *   huffsize[X] => numbers of bits to write vals[X]   */  hz = huffsize;  for (i=1; i<=16; i++)//码长为1~16   {     for (j=1; j<=bits[i]; j++)//码长为1~16的个数       *hz++ = i;//第1~bits[1]的码长都为1...   }  *hz = 0;//最后码长赋为0   memset(table->lookup, 0xff, sizeof(table->lookup));  for (i=0; i<(16-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS); i++)    table->slowtable[i][0] = 0;//都初始化为0  /* Build a temp array   *   huffcode[X] => code used to write vals[X]   */  code = 0;  hc = huffcode;//指向码字  hz = huffsize;//重新指向  nbits = *hz;//从第一个开始,码长赋值  while (*hz)//码长大于0 时   {     while (*hz == nbits)//码长未改变时      {*hc++ = code++;//码字加1hz++;//指向下一个码字      }     code <<= 1;//否则码字加1补0     nbits++;   }  /*   * Build the lookup table, and the slowtable if needed.   */  next_free_entry = -1;  for (i=0; huffsize[i]; i++)//当各码长码字数不为0 时   {     val = vals[i];//vals[i]表示i码长码字个数     code = huffcode[i];//码字     code_size = huffsize[i];///码长#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"val=%2.2x code=%8.8x codesize=%2.2d\n", val, code, code_size); fflush(p_trace); /*add by yangyulan*/  fprintf(hufftable,"val=%2.2x code=%8.8x codesize=%2.2d\n", val, code, code_size);  fflush(hufftable); /*end by yangyulan*/    #endif      table->code_size[val] = code_size;     if (code_size <= HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS)      {/* * Good: val can be put in the lookup table, so fill all value of this * column with value val  */int repeat = 1UL<<(HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS - code_size);code <<= HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS - code_size;while ( repeat-- )  table->lookup[code++] = val;      }     else      {/* Perhaps sorting the array will be an optimization */uint16_t *slowtable = table->slowtable[code_size-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS-1];while(slowtable[0])  slowtable+=2;slowtable[0] = code;slowtable[1] = val;slowtable[2] = 0;/* TODO: NEED TO CHECK FOR AN OVERFLOW OF THE TABLE */      }   }}


#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count); fflush(p_trace); /*add by yangyulan*/ fprintf(hufftable,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count); fflush(hufftable); /*end by yangyulan*/ #endif


得到解析每个颜色分量的 DC、 AC 值所使用的 Huffman 表序号(与 DHT中序号对应)
static int parse_SOS(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream){  unsigned int i, cid, table;  unsigned int nr_components = stream[2];//获得分量数#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> SOS marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif#if SANITY_CHECK  if (nr_components != 3)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We only support YCbCr image\n");#endif  stream += 3;//指向Y分量ID  for (i=0;i<nr_components;i++) {     cid = *stream++;//ID赋值给cid     table = *stream++;//对应的量化和Huffman码表#if SANITY_CHECK     if ((table&0xf)>=4)snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We do not support more than 2 AC Huffman table\n");     if ((table>>4)>=4)snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We do not support more than 2 DC Huffman table\n");     if (cid != priv->component_infos[i].cid)        snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"SOS cid order (%d:%d) isn't compatible with the SOF marker (%d:%d)\n",      i, cid, i, priv->component_infos[i].cid);#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"ComponentId:%d  tableAC:%d tableDC:%d\n", cid, table&0xf, table>>4); fflush(p_trace);#endif#endif     priv->component_infos[i].AC_table = &priv->HTAC[table&0xf];//得到每个颜色分量的ACHuffman码表     priv->component_infos[i].DC_table = &priv->HTDC[table>>4];//得到每个颜色分量的DCHuffman码表  }  priv->stream = stream+3;//指向熵编码数据流的开始#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"< SOS marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return 0;}

3.依据每个分量的水平、垂直采样因子计算 MCU 的大小,并得到每个 MCU 中 8*8宏块的个数

 xstride_by_mcu = ystride_by_mcu = 8;//初始化为4:4:4的情况,即MCU的宽和高都为8像素  if ((priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor | priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor) == 1) {//Y分量的垂直和水平采样因子相等     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[0];//每个MCU就包括1个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[0];#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 1x1 sampling\n"); fflush(p_trace);#endif  } else if (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor == 1) {//如果水平采样因子为1,垂直为2,     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[1];//每个MCU 包含2个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[1];     ystride_by_mcu = 16;//一个MCU的高为16像素#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 1x2 sampling (not supported)\n"); fflush(p_trace);#endif  } else if (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor == 2) {//如果水平采样因子为2,垂直为2,     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[3];//每个MCU 包含4个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[3];     xstride_by_mcu = 16;//一个mcu的宽为16像素     ystride_by_mcu = 16;//一个mcu的高为16像素#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 2x2 sampling\n"); fflush(p_trace);#endif  } else {//如果水平采样因子为2,垂直为1     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[2];//每个MCU 包含2个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[2];     xstride_by_mcu = 16;//一个mcu的宽为16#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 2x1 sampling\n"); fflush(p_trace);#endif  }

4.对每个 MCU 解码(依照各分量水平、垂直采样因子对 MCU 中每个分量宏块解码)

对每个宏块进行 Huffman 解码,得到 DCT 系数
对每个宏块的 DCT 系数进行 IDCT,得到 Y、 Cb、 Cr
遇到 Segment Marker RST 时,清空之前的 DC DCT 系数
/* * Decode all the 3 components for 1x1  */static void decode_MCU_1x1_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);    // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 1x1 directly in 1 color */static void decode_MCU_1x1_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv)//采样格式为1:1:1{  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);    // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 2x1 *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x1_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv)//采样格式为2:1:1{  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 2x1 *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x1_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);}/* * Decode a 2x2 *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  |---+---| *  | 3 | 4 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x2_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 2x2 directly in GREY format (8bits) *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  |---+---| *  | 3 | 4 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x2_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);}/* * Decode a 1x2 mcu *  .---. *  | 1 | *  |---| *  | 2 | *  `---' */static void decode_MCU_1x2_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64, 8);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 1x2 mcu *  .---. *  | 1 | *  |---| *  | 2 | *  `---' */static void decode_MCU_1x2_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64, 8);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);}


static void process_Huffman_data_unit(struct jdec_private *priv, int component){  unsigned char j;  unsigned int huff_code;  unsigned char size_val, count_0;  struct component *c = &priv->component_infos[component];  short int DCT[64];  /* 初始化DCT系数表*/  memset(DCT, 0, sizeof(DCT));  /* DC系数解码*/  huff_code = get_next_huffman_code(priv, c->DC_table);  //trace("+ %x\n", huff_code);  if (huff_code) {     get_nbits(priv->reservoir, priv->nbits_in_reservoir, priv->stream, huff_code, DCT[0]);// 查表的 DC DCT 系数(残值)
     DCT[0] += c->previous_DC;     c->previous_DC = DCT[0];// DC 系数采用差分编码, 恢复原值
} else { DCT[0] = c->previous_DC; } /* AC系数解码 */ j = 1; while (j<64) { huff_code = get_next_huffman_code(priv, c->AC_table); //trace("- %x\n", huff_code); size_val = huff_code & 0xF;// Amplitude 幅度 count_0 = huff_code >> 4;// 零游程长度 if (size_val == 0)// 0 不是一个有效的 Amplitude 值,这里做零游程标志 { /* 零游程 */if (count_0 == 0) break;/* EOB found, go out */else if (count_0 == 0xF) j += 16;/* skip 16 zeros */ } else {j += count_0;/* 忽略零游程 */if (__unlikely(j >= 64))//出错了 { snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string), "Bad huffman data (buffer overflow)"); break; }get_nbits(priv->reservoir, priv->nbits_in_reservoir, priv->stream, size_val, DCT[j]);// 查表得到 AC DCT 系数j++; } } for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) c->DCT[j] = DCT[zigzag[j]];}

5.解完所有 MCU,解码结束

for (y=0; y < priv->height/ystride_by_mcu; y++) // 行循环{//trace("Decoding row %d\n", y);priv->plane[0] = priv->components[0] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[0]);priv->plane[1] = priv->components[1] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[1]);priv->plane[2] = priv->components[2] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[2]);for (x=0; x < priv->width; x+=xstride_by_mcu) // 列循环{decode_MCU(priv); // 解码( Huffman 解码 + IDCT)convert_to_pixfmt(priv);priv->plane[0] += bytes_per_mcu[0];priv->plane[1] += bytes_per_mcu[1];priv->plane[2] += bytes_per_mcu[2];if (priv->restarts_to_go>0){priv->restarts_to_go--;if (priv->restarts_to_go == 0){priv->stream -= (priv->nbits_in_reservoir/8);resync(priv); // 清空 preDC(所有颜色分量)if (find_next_rst_marker(priv) < 0) // 查找 RST 标记return -1;}}}}


  /*add by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/  int  *dcimg,*acimg;  unsigned char *dcimg_ch,*acimg_ch;  /*end by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/
  /*add by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/  FILE *DCimg=fopen("DCimage.yuv","wb");  FILE *ACimg=fopen("ACimage.yuv","wb");    static int ida=0; int acmax, dcmax, acmin, dcmin;  /*end by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/
/*add by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/priv->dcimg = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*priv->width * priv->height/64);//每个8*8的块只有一个直流系数    priv->acimg = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*priv->width * priv->height / 64);//priv->dcimg_ch = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*priv->width * priv->height/64);    priv->acimg_ch = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*priv->width * priv->height / 64);//  /*end by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/
/*add by yangyulan*/if(ida<priv->width*priv->height/64){priv->dcimg[ida] = priv->component_infos[cY].DCT[0];priv->acimg[ida] = priv->component_infos[cY].DCT[1];ida++;}/*end by yangyulan*/
/*add by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/    acmax = priv->acimg[0];  acmin = priv->acimg[0];  dcmax = priv->dcimg[0];  dcmin = priv->dcimg[0];  for (ida = 0; ida < priv->width*priv->height / 64; ida++)  {      if (priv->acimg[ida] >=acmax)          acmax = priv->acimg[ida];      if (priv->dcimg[ida] >= dcmax)          dcmax = priv->dcimg[ida];      if (priv->acimg[ida] <= acmin)          acmin = priv->acimg[ida];      if (priv->dcimg[ida] <=dcmin)          dcmin = priv->dcimg[ida];  }  for (ida = 0; ida < priv->width*priv->height / 64; ida++)  {      priv->acimg_ch[ida] = (unsigned char)(255 *(priv->acimg[ida]-acmin)/ (acmax - acmin));  }  for (ida= 0; ida < priv->width*priv->height / 64; ida++)  {      priv->dcimg_ch[ida] =(unsigned char)(255 *(priv->dcimg[ida]-dcmin)/ (dcmax - dcmin));  }fwrite(priv->dcimg_ch, 1, priv->width*priv->height / 64, DCimg);    fwrite(priv->acimg_ch, 1, priv->width*priv->height / 64, ACimg);  /*end by yangyulan for DCimage and ACimage*/








压缩率       图像细节低最高从上表可以看出,图像压缩得越厉害,蚊子噪声越明显。
