数据压缩实验五 JPEG原理分析JPEG解码器的调试

来源:互联网 发布:软件职业培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 20:16





(1)零偏置(level offset)
  对于灰度级是2n的像素,通过减去2n-1,将无符号的整数值变成有符号数;对于n=8,即将0~255的值域,通过减去128,转换为值域在-128~127之间的值。这样做的目的是: 使像素的绝对值出现3位10进制的概率大大减少。
(2)8x8 DCT变换
  8×8图像块经过DCT变换之后得到的DC直流系数有两个特点:系数的数值比较大和相邻8×8图像块的DC系数值变化不大:冗余;根据这个特点, JPEG算法使用了差分脉冲调制编码(DPCM)技术,对相邻图像块之间量化DC系数的差值DIFF进行编码:DIFFk=DCKDCK1,再对DIFF进行Huffman编码。
  由于经DCT变换后,系数大多数集中在左上角,即低频分量区,因此采用Z字形按频率的高低顺序读出,可以出现很多连零的机会。可以使用游程编码。尤其在最后,如果都是零,给出EOB (End of Block)即可。zigzag扫描如下图:


  JPEG文件的存储格式有很多种,但最常用的是JFIF格式,即JPEG File Interchange Format。JPEG文件大体可以分为两个部分:





1 .读取文件
2. 解析 Segment Marker
  解析 SOI
  解析 APP0:检查标识“ JFIF”及版本,得到一些参数
  解析 DQT: 得到量化表长度(可能包含多张量化表);
       得到及检查量化表的序号(只能是 0 —— 3);
       得到量化表内容( 64 个数据)
  解析 SOF0:得到每个 sample 的比特数、长宽、颜色分量数
       得到每个颜色分量的 ID、水平采样因子、垂直采样因子、使用的量化表序号(与 DQT 中序号对应)
  解析 DHT:得到 Huffman 表的类型( AC、 DC)、序号,依据数据重建 Huffman 表
  解析 SOS:得到解析每个颜色分量的 DC、 AC 值所使用的 Huffman 表序号(与 DHT中序号对应)
3. 依据每个分量的水平、垂直采样因子计算 MCU 的大小,并得到每个 MCU 中 8*8宏块的个数
4. 对每个 MCU 解码(依照各分量水平、垂直采样因子对 MCU 中每个分量宏块解码)
  对每个宏块进行 Huffman 解码,得到 DCT 系数
  对每个宏块的 DCT 系数进行 IDCT,得到 Y、 Cb、 Cr
  遇到 Segment Marker RST 时,清空之前的 DC DCT 系数
5. 解析到 EOI,解码结束
6. 将 Y、 Cb、 Cr 转化为需要的色彩空间并保存。



struct huffman_table(Huffman码表结构体)

struct huffman_table{  /* Fast look up table, using HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS bits we can have directly the symbol,   * if the symbol is <0, then we need to look into the tree table */  short int lookup[HUFFMAN_HASH_SIZE];//快速查找到权值对应的码字  /* code size: give the number of bits of a symbol is encoded */  unsigned char code_size[HUFFMAN_HASH_SIZE];//码长对应的权值  /* some place to store value that is not encoded in the lookup table   * FIXME: Calculate if 256 value is enough to store all values   */  uint16_t slowtable[16-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS][256];};

struct component (8*8宏块结构体)

<span style="font-weight: normal;">struct component {  unsigned int Hfactor;//水平采样因子  unsigned int Vfactor;//垂直采样因子  float *Q_table; //指向该宏块使用的量化表  struct huffman_table *AC_table;//指向该宏块直流系数的Huffman码表  struct huffman_table *DC_table;//指向该宏块交流系数的Huffman码表  short int previous_DC; /* Previous DC coefficient *///前一个块的DC系数  short int DCT[64]; /* DCT coef *///该块的DCT系数,其中DCT[0]为该块直流,其他为交流#if SANITY_CHECK  unsigned int cid;#endif};</span>

struct jdec_private(文件解码信息结构体)

struct jdec_private(文件解码信息结构体){  /* Public variables */  uint8_t *components[COMPONENTS];//分别指向YUV分量结构体的指针数组  unsigned int width, height; /* Size of the image *///图像的宽高  unsigned int flags;  /* Private variables */  const unsigned char *stream_begin, *stream_end;//文件流的开始和结束  unsigned int stream_length;//文件流的长度  const unsigned char *stream; /* Pointer to the current stream *///指向当前文件流的指针  unsigned int reservoir, nbits_in_reservoir;  struct component component_infos[COMPONENTS];//  float Q_tables[COMPONENTS][64]; //对YUV进行量化的量化表  struct huffman_table HTDC[HUFFMAN_TABLES]; //DC系数编码的Huffman码表  struct huffman_table HTAC[HUFFMAN_TABLES]; //AC系数编码的Huffman码表  int default_huffman_table_initialized;  int restart_interval;  int restarts_to_go; /* MCUs left in this restart interval */  int last_rst_marker_seen; /* Rst marker is incremented each time *///固定增长  /* Temp space used after the IDCT to store each components */  uint8_t Y[64*4], Cr[64], Cb[64];//反DCT之后存三个分量的数组  jmp_buf jump_state;  /* Internal Pointer use for colorspace conversion, do not modify it !!! */  uint8_t *plane[COMPONENTS];};



int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  int output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P;//将输出格式初始化为yuv420P  char *output_filename, *input_filename;//定义输入文件和输出文件指针  clock_t start_time, finish_time;  unsigned int duration;  int current_argument;  int benchmark_mode = 0;#if TRACE//TRACE=1,则中间代码会编译,TRACE=0,则会忽略  p_trace=fopen(TRACEFILE,"w");  if (p_trace==NULL)  {      printf("trace file open error!");  }#endif  if (argc < 3)    usage();  current_argument = 1;  while (1)   {     if (strcmp(argv[current_argument], "--benchmark")==0)//字符比较,若输入了基准模式benchmark,则加1       benchmark_mode = 1;     else       break;//否则跳出     current_argument++;   }  if (argc < current_argument+2)    usage();  input_filename = argv[current_argument];//输入文件指针指向第一个文件  if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"yuv420p")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"rgb24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"bgr24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"grey")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY;//确认文件输出格式  /*add by yangyulan*/  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"yuvone")==0)    output_format =TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420one;  /*end by yangyulan*/  else    exitmessage("Bad format: need to be one of yuv420p, rgb24, bgr24, grey,yuvone\n");  output_filename = argv[current_argument+2];//输出文件指针指向第三个文件


 if (benchmark_mode)    load_multiple_times(input_filename, output_filename, output_format);  else    convert_one_image(input_filename, output_filename, output_format);//调用convert函数


int convert_one_image(const char *infilename, const char *outfilename, int output_format){  FILE *fp;//定义了一个文件指针  unsigned int length_of_file;//保存文件大小  unsigned int width, height;//保存图像宽高  unsigned char *buf;//缓冲区  struct jdec_private *jdec;  unsigned char *components[3];//定义三个字符数组  /* 把文件中的数据读如缓存中*/  fp = fopen(infilename, "rb");//以只读的形式读取输入文件  if (fp == NULL)    exitmessage("Cannot open filename\n");  length_of_file = filesize(fp);//得到文件大小  buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(length_of_file + 4);//为存文件数据申请内存  if (buf == NULL)    exitmessage("Not enough memory for loading file\n");  fread(buf, length_of_file, 1, fp);//将文件里面的jpg数据读到buf中  fclose(fp);//关闭文件指针  /* 解压缩*/  jdec = tinyjpeg_init();//初始化解压缩成一块表和数组的结构体  if (jdec == NULL)    exitmessage("Not enough memory to alloc the structure need for decompressing\n");  if (<strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">tinyjpeg_parse_header(jdec, buf, length_of_file</span></strong>)<0)//tinyjpeg_parse_header函数在tinyjpeg.c中    exitmessage(tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec));  /* Get the size of the image */  tinyjpeg_get_size(jdec, &width, &height);//获取图像的大小  snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Decoding JPEG image...\n");  if (<strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">tinyjpeg_decode</span></strong>(jdec, output_format) < 0)    exitmessage(tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec));  /*    * Get address for each plane (not only max 3 planes is supported), and   * depending of the output mode, only some components will be filled    * RGB: 1 plane, YUV420P: 3 planes, GREY: 1 plane   */  tinyjpeg_get_components(jdec, components);  /* 按所要求的个数输出文件*/  switch (output_format)   {    case TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24:    case TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24:      write_tga(outfilename, output_format, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P:      write_yuv(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY:      write_pgm(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;   }  /* Only called this if the buffers were allocated by tinyjpeg_decode() */  tinyjpeg_free(jdec);  /* else called just free(jdec); */  free(buf);  return 0;}  


 if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"yuv420p")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"rgb24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"bgr24")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24;  else if (strcmp(argv[current_argument+1],"grey")==0)    output_format = TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY;//确认文件输出格式


  /* Save it */  switch (output_format)   {    case TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24:    case TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24:      write_tga(outfilename, output_format, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P:      write_yuv(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;    case TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY:      write_pgm(outfilename, width, height, components);      break;   }


static void write_yuv(const char *filename, int width, int height, unsigned char **components){ FILE *F; char temp[1024]; snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename); F = fopen(temp, "ab"); fwrite(components[0], width, height, F); fclose(F); snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename); F = fopen(temp, "ab");  fwrite(components[1], width*height/4, 1, F); fclose(F); snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename); F = fopen(temp, "ab"); fwrite(components[2], width*height/4, 1, F); fclose(F); printf("ok");}

2.解析 Segment Marker(tinyjpeg_parse_header中)


int tinyjpeg_parse_header(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size){  int ret;  /* Identify the file */  //解析SOI:  if ((buf[0] != 0xFF) || (buf[1] != SOI))//文件开头是0xFF,D8即SOI文件开始标志,开始不是FFD8则报错    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Not a JPG file ?\n");  priv->stream_begin = buf+2;//没错则将文件流的开始向后移两个字节  priv->stream_length = size-2;//将剩余长度也减两个字节  priv->stream_end = priv->stream_begin + priv->stream_length;//定位到文件最后  ret = <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">parse_JFIF</span></strong>(priv, priv->stream_begin);  return ret;}
static int parse_JFIF(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)//解析JFIF{  int chuck_len;  int marker;  int sos_marker_found = 0;  int dht_marker_found = 0;  const unsigned char *next_chunck;  /* Parse marker */  while (!sos_marker_found)//循环一直读到扫描开始,即编码数据块   {     if (*stream++ != 0xff)       goto bogus_jpeg_format;     /* Skip any padding ff byte (this is normal) */     while (*stream == 0xff)       stream++;     marker = *stream++;//E0赋值给marker,E0==APP0     chuck_len = be16_to_cpu(stream);     next_chunck = stream + chuck_len;     switch (marker)      {       case SOF:     if (<strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">parse_SOF</span></strong>(priv, stream) < 0)       return -1;     break;       case DQT:     if (<strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">parse_DQT</span></strong>(priv, stream) < 0)       return -1;     break;       case SOS:     if (<span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>parse_SOS</strong></span>(priv, stream) < 0)       return -1;     sos_marker_found = 1;     break;       case DHT:     if (<span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>parse_DHT</strong></span>(priv, stream) < 0)       return -1;     dht_marker_found = 1;     break;       case DRI:     if (parse_DRI(priv, stream) < 0)       return -1;     break;       default:#if TRACE    fprintf(p_trace,"> Unknown marker %2.2x\n", marker);    fflush(p_trace);#endif     break;      }     stream = next_chunck;//跳到下一个数据块,再判断   }  if (!dht_marker_found) {#if TRACE      fprintf(p_trace,"No Huffman table loaded, using the default one\n");      fflush(p_trace);#endif    build_default_huffman_tables(priv);  }#ifdef SANITY_CHECK  if (   (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor < priv->component_infos[cCb].Hfactor)      || (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor < priv->component_infos[cCr].Hfactor))    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Horizontal sampling factor for Y should be greater than horitontal sampling factor for Cb or Cr\n");  if (   (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor < priv->component_infos[cCb].Vfactor)      || (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor < priv->component_infos[cCr].Vfactor))    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Vertical sampling factor for Y should be greater than vertical sampling factor for Cb or Cr\n");  if (   (priv->component_infos[cCb].Hfactor!=1)       || (priv->component_infos[cCr].Hfactor!=1)      || (priv->component_infos[cCb].Vfactor!=1)      || (priv->component_infos[cCr].Vfactor!=1))    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Sampling other than 1x1 for Cr and Cb is not supported");#endif  return 0;bogus_jpeg_format:#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"Bogus jpeg format\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return -1;}


//解析量化表static int parse_DQT(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream){  int qi;  /*add by yangyulan*/  /*end by yangyulan*/  float *table;//定义了用于指向量化表的指针  const unsigned char *dqt_block_end;//指向量化表的结束地址#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> DQT marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  dqt_block_end = stream + be16_to_cpu(stream);//量化块结束的位置  stream += 2;  /* Skip length */  //跳过两字节的存储长度,如00 43  while (stream < dqt_block_end)//当还在表内   {     qi = *stream++;//将量化表中的值逐个赋给qi#if SANITY_CHECK     if (qi>>4)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"16 bits quantization table is not supported\n");     if (qi>4)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"No more 4 quantization table is supported (got %d)\n", qi);#endif     table = priv->Q_tables[qi];//初始化量化表     build_quantization_table(table, stream);//得到量化表内容,将文档数据流赋值给量化表     stream += 64;//指向下一块   }


static void build_quantization_table(float *qtable, const unsigned char *ref_table){  int i, j;  static const double aanscalefactor[8] = {//比例因子     1.0, 1.387039845, 1.306562965, 1.175875602,     1.0, 0.785694958, 0.541196100, 0.275899379  };  const unsigned char *zz = zigzag;//zigzag为之字形扫描顺序系数  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {     for (j=0; j<8; j++) {       *qtable++ = ref_table[*zz++] * aanscalefactor[i] * aanscalefactor[j];     }   }}


static const unsigned char zigzag[64] = //定义之字形扫描顺序{   0,  1,  5,  6, 14, 15, 27, 28,   2,  4,  7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42,   3,  8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43,   9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53,  10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54,  20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60,  21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61,  35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63};


static int parse_SOF(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)//基线余弦变换{  int i, width, height, nr_components, cid, sampling_factor;  int Q_table;  struct component *c;#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> SOF marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  print_SOF(stream);//打印SOF,即获得图像宽高和图像精度,并打印出来  height = be16_to_cpu(stream+3);//获得图像高度  width  = be16_to_cpu(stream+5);//获得图像宽度  nr_components = stream[7];//获得图像精度#if SANITY_CHECK  if (stream[2] != 8)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Precision other than 8 is not supported\n");  if (width>JPEG_MAX_WIDTH || height>JPEG_MAX_HEIGHT)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Width and Height (%dx%d) seems suspicious\n", width, height);  if (nr_components != 3)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We only support YUV images\n");  if (height%16)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Height need to be a multiple of 16 (current height is %d)\n", height);  if (width%16)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Width need to be a multiple of 16 (current Width is %d)\n", width);#endif  stream += 8;//分别解析YUV分量  for (i=0; i<nr_components; i++) {     cid = *stream++;//该分量ID     sampling_factor = *stream++;//该分量的采样率     Q_table = *stream++;//该分量的量化表     c = &priv->component_infos[i];//指向该分量的结构体指针#if SANITY_CHECK     c->cid = cid;     if (Q_table >= COMPONENTS)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Bad Quantization table index (got %d, max allowed %d)\n", Q_table, COMPONENTS-1);#endif     c->Vfactor = sampling_factor&0xf;//该分量的垂直采样率     c->Hfactor = sampling_factor>>4;//水平采样率     c->Q_table = priv->Q_tables[Q_table];//该分量使用的量化表#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Component:%d  factor:%dx%d  Quantization table:%d\n",           cid, c->Hfactor, c->Hfactor, Q_table );     fflush(p_trace);#endif  }  priv->width = width;//宽高的信息  priv->height = height;#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"< SOF marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return 0;}


static int parse_DHT(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)//解析Huffman码表{  unsigned int count, i;  unsigned char huff_bits[17];//码长从1到16的数目数组  int length, index;  /*add by yangyulan*/  FILE *hufftable;  hufftable=fopen("huffmantable_file.txt","ab");   /*end by yangyulan*/  length = be16_to_cpu(stream) - 2;//得到码长(可能包含多张表)  stream += 2;  /* Skip length */#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> DHT marker (length=%d)\n", length);  fflush(p_trace);#endif  while (length>0) {//如果码长大于0     index = *stream++;//把该块赋值给index     /* We need to calculate the number of bytes 'vals' will takes */     huff_bits[0] = 0;//码长为0的为0个,下标与码长相对应     count = 0;//总码字数     for (i=1; i<17; i++) {    huff_bits[i] = *stream++;//各码长的个数分别赋值    count += huff_bits[i];//总的码字数     }#if SANITY_CHECK     if (count >= HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"No more than %d bytes is allowed to describe a huffman table", HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE);     if ( (index &0xf) >= HUFFMAN_TABLES)       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"No more than %d Huffman tables is supported (got %d)\n", HUFFMAN_TABLES, index&0xf);#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count);     fflush(p_trace);     /*add by yangyulan*/     fprintf(hufftable,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count);     fflush(hufftable);     /*end by yangyulan*/#endif#endif     if (index & 0xf0 )//高位为1则为AC表     {           build_huffman_table(huff_bits, stream, &priv->HTAC[index&0xf]);     }     else//否则为DC表     {         build_huffman_table(huff_bits, stream, &priv->HTDC[index&0xf]);     }     length -= 1;     length -= 16;     length -= count;     stream += count;  }#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"< DHT marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return 0;}

重建 Huffman 表 :

static void build_huffman_table(const unsigned char *bits, const unsigned char *vals, struct huffman_table *table)//创建码表{  unsigned int i, j, code, code_size, val, nbits;  unsigned char huffsize[HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE+1], *hz;  unsigned int huffcode[HUFFMAN_BITS_SIZE+1], *hc;  int next_free_entry;  /*add by yangyulan*/    FILE *hufftable;     hufftable=fopen("huffmantable_file.txt","ab");   /*end by yangyulan*/  /*   * Build a temp array    *   huffsize[X] => numbers of bits to write vals[X]   */  hz = huffsize;  for (i=1; i<=16; i++)//码长为1~16   {     for (j=1; j<=bits[i]; j++)//码长为1~16的个数       *hz++ = i;//第1~bits[1]的码长都为1...   }  *hz = 0;//最后码长赋为0  memset(table->lookup, 0xff, sizeof(table->lookup));  for (i=0; i<(16-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS); i++)    table->slowtable[i][0] = 0;//都初始化为0  /* Build a temp array   *   huffcode[X] => code used to write vals[X]   */  code = 0;  hc = huffcode;//指向码字  hz = huffsize;//重新指向  nbits = *hz;//从第一个开始,码长赋值  while (*hz)//码长大于0 时   {     while (*hz == nbits)//码长未改变时      {    *hc++ = code++;//码字加1    hz++;//指向下一个码字      }     code <<= 1;//否则码字加1补0     nbits++;   }  /*   * Build the lookup table, and the slowtable if needed.   */  next_free_entry = -1;  for (i=0; huffsize[i]; i++)//当各码长码字数不为0 时   {     val = vals[i];//vals[i]表示i码长码字个数     code = huffcode[i];//码字     code_size = huffsize[i];///码长    #if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"val=%2.2x code=%8.8x codesize=%2.2d\n", val, code, code_size);     fflush(p_trace);     /*add by yangyulan*/      fprintf(hufftable,"val=%2.2x code=%8.8x codesize=%2.2d\n", val, code, code_size);      fflush(hufftable);     /*end by yangyulan*/    #endif     table->code_size[val] = code_size;     if (code_size <= HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS)      {    /*     * Good: val can be put in the lookup table, so fill all value of this     * column with value val      */    int repeat = 1UL<<(HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS - code_size);    code <<= HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS - code_size;    while ( repeat-- )      table->lookup[code++] = val;      }     else      {    /* Perhaps sorting the array will be an optimization */    uint16_t *slowtable = table->slowtable[code_size-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS-1];    while(slowtable[0])      slowtable+=2;    slowtable[0] = code;    slowtable[1] = val;    slowtable[2] = 0;    /* TODO: NEED TO CHECK FOR AN OVERFLOW OF THE TABLE */      }   }}


static int parse_SOS(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream){  unsigned int i, cid, table;  unsigned int nr_components = stream[2];//获得分量数#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"> SOS marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif#if SANITY_CHECK  if (nr_components != 3)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We only support YCbCr image\n");#endif  stream += 3;//指向Y分量ID  for (i=0;i<nr_components;i++) {     cid = *stream++;//ID赋值给cid     table = *stream++;//对应的量化和Huffman码表#if SANITY_CHECK     if ((table&0xf)>=4)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We do not support more than 2 AC Huffman table\n");     if ((table>>4)>=4)    snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"We do not support more than 2 DC Huffman table\n");     if (cid != priv->component_infos[i].cid)        snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"SOS cid order (%d:%d) isn't compatible with the SOF marker (%d:%d)\n",          i, cid, i, priv->component_infos[i].cid);#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"ComponentId:%d  tableAC:%d tableDC:%d\n", cid, table&0xf, table>>4);     fflush(p_trace);#endif#endif     priv->component_infos[i].AC_table = &priv->HTAC[table&0xf];//得到每个颜色分量的ACHuffman码表     priv->component_infos[i].DC_table = &priv->HTDC[table>>4];//得到每个颜色分量的DCHuffman码表  }  priv->stream = stream+3;//指向熵编码数据流的开始#if TRACE  fprintf(p_trace,"< SOS marker\n");  fflush(p_trace);#endif  return 0;}

3.依据每个分量的水平、垂直采样因子计算 MCU 的大小,得到每个 MCU 中 8*8宏块个数

 xstride_by_mcu = ystride_by_mcu = 8;//初始化为4:4:4的情况,即MCU的宽和高都为8像素  if ((priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor | priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor) == 1) {//Y分量的垂直和水平采样因子相等     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[0];//每个MCU就包括1个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[0];#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 1x1 sampling\n");     fflush(p_trace);#endif  } else if (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor == 1) {//如果水平采样因子为1,垂直为2,     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[1];//每个MCU 包含2个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[1];     ystride_by_mcu = 16;//一个MCU的高为16像素#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 1x2 sampling (not supported)\n");     fflush(p_trace);#endif  } else if (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor == 2) {//如果水平采样因子为2,垂直为2,     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[3];//每个MCU 包含4个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[3];     xstride_by_mcu = 16;//一个mcu的宽为16像素     ystride_by_mcu = 16;//一个mcu的高为16像素#if TRACE      fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 2x2 sampling\n");     fflush(p_trace);#endif  } else {//如果水平采样因子为2,垂直为1     decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[2];//每个MCU 包含2个Y分量     convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[2];     xstride_by_mcu = 16;//一个mcu的宽为16#if TRACE     fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 2x1 sampling\n");     fflush(p_trace);#endif  }

4.对每个 MCU 解码(依照各分量水平、垂直采样因子对 MCU 中每个分量宏块解码)

/* * Decode all the 3 components for 1x1  */static void decode_MCU_1x1_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 1x1 directly in 1 color */static void decode_MCU_1x1_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv)//采样格式为1:1:1{  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 2x1 *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x1_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv)//采样格式为2:1:1{  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 2x1 *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x1_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);}/* * Decode a 2x2 *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  |---+---| *  | 3 | 4 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x2_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 2x2 directly in GREY format (8bits) *  .-------. *  | 1 | 2 | *  |---+---| *  | 3 | 4 | *  `-------' */static void decode_MCU_2x2_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+8, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2, 16);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64*2+8, 16);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);}/* * Decode a 1x2 mcu *  .---. *  | 1 | *  |---| *  | 2 | *  `---' */static void decode_MCU_1x2_3planes(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64, 8);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCb], priv->Cb, 8);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cCr], priv->Cr, 8);}/* * Decode a 1x2 mcu *  .---. *  | 1 | *  |---| *  | 2 | *  `---' */static void decode_MCU_1x2_1plane(struct jdec_private *priv){  // Y  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y, 8);  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cY);  IDCT(&priv->component_infos[cY], priv->Y+64, 8);  // Cb  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCb);  // Cr  process_Huffman_data_unit(priv, cCr);}


static void process_Huffman_data_unit(struct jdec_private *priv, int component){  unsigned char j;  unsigned int huff_code;  unsigned char size_val, count_0;  struct component *c = &priv->component_infos[component];  short int DCT[64];  /* 初始化DCT系数表*/  memset(DCT, 0, sizeof(DCT));  /* DC系数解码*/  huff_code = get_next_huffman_code(priv, c->DC_table);  //trace("+ %x\n", huff_code);  if (huff_code) {     get_nbits(priv->reservoir, priv->nbits_in_reservoir, priv->stream, huff_code, DCT[0]);// 查表的 DC DCT 系数(残值)<span style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"><br style="orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; widows: 2;"></span>     DCT[0] += c->previous_DC;     c->previous_DC = DCT[0];// DC 系数采用差分编码, 恢复原值<span style="font-family:宋体;color:#008000;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; text-align: -webkit-auto;"><br style="orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; widows: 2;"></span></span>  } else {     DCT[0] = c->previous_DC;  }  /* AC系数解码 */  j = 1;  while (j<64)   {     huff_code = get_next_huffman_code(priv, c->AC_table);     //trace("- %x\n", huff_code);     size_val = huff_code & 0xF;// Amplitude 幅度     count_0 = huff_code >> 4;// 零游程长度     if (size_val == 0)// 0 不是一个有效的 Amplitude 值,这里做零游程标志      { /* 零游程 */    if (count_0 == 0)      break;    /* EOB found, go out */    else if (count_0 == 0xF)      j += 16;  /* skip 16 zeros */      }     else      {    j += count_0;   /* 忽略零游程 */    if (__unlikely(j >= 64))//出错了     {       snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string), "Bad huffman data (buffer overflow)");       break;     }    get_nbits(priv->reservoir, priv->nbits_in_reservoir, priv->stream, size_val, DCT[j]);// 查表得到 AC DCT 系数    j++;      }   }  for (j = 0; j < 64; j++)    c->DCT[j] = DCT[zigzag[j]];}     

5.解完所有 MCU,解码结束

for (y=0; y < priv->height/ystride_by_mcu; y++) // 行循环{//trace("Decoding row %d\n", y);    priv->plane[0] = priv->components[0] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[0]);    priv->plane[1] = priv->components[1] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[1]);    priv->plane[2] = priv->components[2] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[2]);    for (x=0; x < priv->width; x+=xstride_by_mcu) // 列循环    {        decode_MCU(priv); // 解码( Huffman 解码 + IDCT)        convert_to_pixfmt(priv);        priv->plane[0] += bytes_per_mcu[0];        priv->plane[1] += bytes_per_mcu[1];        priv->plane[2] += bytes_per_mcu[2];        if (priv->restarts_to_go>0)        {            priv->restarts_to_go--;            if (priv->restarts_to_go == 0)            {                priv->stream -= (priv->nbits_in_reservoir/8);                resync(priv); // 清空 preDC(所有颜色分量)                if (find_next_rst_marker(priv) < 0) // 查找 RST 标记                return -1;            }        }    }}








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