
来源:互联网 发布:外文文献翻译软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:51



大家不明白贝塞尔的可以来这里逛逛~~ 浅显易懂



/**  * Add a quadratic bezier from the last point, approaching control point  * (x1,y1), and ending at (x2,y2). If no moveTo() call has been made for  * this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0).  *  * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve  * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve  * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve  * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve  */  public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {      isSimplePath = false;      native_quadTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2);  } 


Path mPath = new Path();mPath.moveTo(x0,y0);mPath.quadTo(x1,y1,x2,y2);



/**  * Add a cubic bezier from the last point, approaching control points  * (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), and ending at (x3,y3). If no moveTo() call has been  * made for this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0).  *  * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve  * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve  * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve  * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve  * @param x3 The x-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve  * @param y3 The y-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve  */  public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,                      float x3, float y3) {      isSimplePath = false;      native_cubicTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);  }  

cubicTo()方法从上一个点为起点开始绘制三阶贝塞尔曲线,其中(x1,y1),( x2, y2 )为辅助控制点,(x3,y3)为终点。



拖拽气泡,其实 就是这样的几个状态

  • 1.气泡静止状态 –气泡小球和数字
  • 2.气泡相连 – 两个相连的气泡小球(带黏连效果),和数字
  • 3.气泡分离 – 单个气泡小球的拖动
  • 4.气泡消失 – 爆炸




  • 一个静止的圆O1
  • 一个动的圆O2
  • 互补角和内错角<@



  • 上半边: A—Ar—B, 以Ar为锚点,A和B重点的二阶曲线

  • 下半边: C—Ar—D,以Ar为锚点,C和D重点的二阶曲线




            //画上半弧 B-->A---------------            //A点静坐标计算            float mBubStillAX = mBubStillCenter.x -mBubStillRadius*sinTheta;            float mBubStillAY = mBubStillCenter.y +mBubStillRadius*cosTheta;            //B点动坐标计算            float mBubMoveBX = mBubMoveableCenter.x -mBubMoveableRadius*sinTheta;            float mBubMoveBY = mBubMoveableCenter.y +mBubMoveableRadius*cosTheta;            mBezierPath.moveTo(mBubStillAX,mBubStillAY);            mBezierPath.quadTo(iAnchorX,iAnchorY,mBubMoveBX,mBubMoveBY);


onTouchEvent()中,对touch事件进行自己处理,即return true进行以下几个状态切换.

  • 按下, 如果 当前状态 没有消失, 则计算 当前气泡距离,和 最大允许偏移量 作比较 ,进行状态切换
  • 移动 ,改变动点的位置, 计算两点距离, 改变 静止点的半径,切换状态,并重绘制,调用ondraw
  • 抬起手, 根据 链接 状态, 开始进行 动画

4.绘制不同 OnDraw


  • 1当 当前状态 != 消失, 则, 画 移动的气泡 和文字
  • 2.相连的气泡状态,绘制贝塞尔曲线
  • 3.boom,爆炸状态, 爆炸效果动画




/** * 仿QQ拖拽气泡 * Created by chenchangjun on 17/5/25. * */public class DragBuubbleView extends View {    public Context mContext;    /**     * state  根据 ontouch事件进行判断,     */    private final int STATE_DEFAULT = 0;//  1.气泡静止状态 --气泡小球和数字    private final int STATE_CONECTED = 1;//2.气泡相连 -- 两个相连的气泡小球(带黏连效果),和数字    private final int STATE_APART = 2;//3.气泡分离 -- 单个气泡小球的拖动    private final int STATE_DISMISS = 3;//4.气泡消失 -- 爆炸    //default values;    private float default_radius;    private int default_bubble_color;    private String default_bubble_text;    private int default_bubble_textColor;    private float default_bubble_textSize;    private float default_bubble_radius;    private float bubble_radius;//小球半径    private int bubble_color;//小球颜色    private String bubble_text;//小球显示字    private int bubble_textColor; //字体颜色    private float bubble_textSize;//字体大小    /**     * 静止气泡和动态气泡相关     */    private float mBubStillRadius;//不动气泡的半径    private float mBubMoveableRadius;//可动气泡的半径    private PointF mBubStillCenter;//不动气泡的圆心    private PointF mBubMoveableCenter;//可动气泡的圆心    private Paint mBubblePaint;//气泡的画笔    /**     * 贝塞尔曲线path相关     */    private Path mBezierPath;    private Paint mTextPaint;    private Rect mTextRect;    private Paint mBurstPaint;    private Rect mBurstRect;    private int current_state = STATE_DEFAULT;//当前状态    private float bubbleDistance; //气泡间距    private float maxDistance; //气泡最大间距    private float MOVE_OFFSET = 0;//允许你的 手指触摸偏移量    private Bitmap[] burstBitmapsArray;//气泡爆炸bitmap数组    private boolean isBurstAnimStart = false; //是否执行 气泡爆炸    private int curDrawableIndex; //当前气泡爆炸图片index    //气泡爆炸的图片id数组    private int[] burstDrawablesArray = {R.drawable.burst_1, R.drawable.burst_2            , R.drawable.burst_3, R.drawable.burst_4, R.drawable.burst_5};    private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        this.mContext = context;        if (attrs != null) {            TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.DragBubbleView);            bubble_radius = typedArray.getDimension(R.styleable.DragBubbleView_bubble_radius, default_bubble_radius);            bubble_color = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.DragBubbleView_bubble_color, default_bubble_color);            bubble_textSize = typedArray.getDimension(R.styleable.DragBubbleView_bubble_textSize, default_bubble_textSize);            bubble_textColor = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.DragBubbleView_bubble_textColor, default_bubble_textColor);            bubble_text = typedArray.getString(R.styleable.DragBubbleView_bubble_text);            typedArray.recycle();        }        mBubStillRadius = bubble_radius;        mBubMoveableRadius = mBubStillRadius;        maxDistance = 8 * bubble_radius;        MOVE_OFFSET = maxDistance / 4;        //气泡画笔        mBubblePaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);        mBubblePaint.setColor(bubble_color);        mBubblePaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        mBezierPath = new Path();        //文字画笔        mTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);        mTextPaint.setColor(bubble_textColor);        mTextPaint.setTextSize(bubble_textSize);        mTextRect = new Rect();        //爆炸画笔        mBurstPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);        mBurstPaint.setFilterBitmap(true);        mBurstRect = new Rect();        burstBitmapsArray = new Bitmap[burstDrawablesArray.length];        for (int i = 0; i < burstDrawablesArray.length; i++) {            //将气泡爆炸的drawable转为bitmap            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), burstDrawablesArray[i]);            burstBitmapsArray[i] = bitmap;        }    }    private void initView(int w, int h) {        //设置两气泡圆心初始坐标        if (mBubStillCenter == null) {            mBubStillCenter = new PointF(w / 2, h / 2);        } else {            mBubStillCenter.set(w / 2, h / 2);        }        //设置动点坐标        if (mBubMoveableCenter == null) {            mBubMoveableCenter = new PointF(w / 2, h / 2);        } else {            mBubMoveableCenter.set(w / 2, h / 2);        }        current_state = STATE_DEFAULT;    }    @Override    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {        super.onDraw(canvas);        //当 当前状态 != 消失, 则, 画  移动的气泡 和文字        if (current_state != STATE_DISMISS) {            canvas.drawCircle(mBubMoveableCenter.x,mBubMoveableCenter.y,                    mBubMoveableRadius,mBubblePaint);            mTextPaint.getTextBounds(bubble_text, 0, bubble_text.length(), mTextRect);            canvas.drawText(bubble_text, mBubMoveableCenter.x - mTextRect.width() / 2, mBubMoveableCenter.y + mTextRect.height() / 2, mTextPaint);        }        //2.相连的气泡状态,绘制贝塞尔曲线        if (current_state == STATE_CONECTED) {            //1.静止气泡            canvas.drawCircle(mBubStillCenter.x, mBubStillCenter.y, mBubStillRadius, mBubblePaint);            //重置path状态            mBezierPath.reset();            //2.相连曲线---贝塞尔曲线            //计算控制点坐标---两个球圆心的中点.            int iAnchorX = (int) ((mBubStillCenter.x + mBubMoveableCenter.x) / 2);            int iAnchorY = (int) ((mBubStillCenter.y + mBubMoveableCenter.y) / 2);            //计算 三角函数            float cosTheta = (mBubStillCenter.x - mBubMoveableCenter.x)/bubbleDistance;            float sinTheta = (mBubStillCenter.y - mBubMoveableCenter.y)/bubbleDistance;            //画上半弧 B-->A---------------            //A点静坐标计算            float mBubStillAX = mBubStillCenter.x -mBubStillRadius*sinTheta;            float mBubStillAY = mBubStillCenter.y +mBubStillRadius*cosTheta;            //B点动坐标计算            float mBubMoveBX = mBubMoveableCenter.x -mBubMoveableRadius*sinTheta;            float mBubMoveBY = mBubMoveableCenter.y +mBubMoveableRadius*cosTheta;            mBezierPath.moveTo(mBubStillAX,mBubStillAY);            mBezierPath.quadTo(iAnchorX,iAnchorY,mBubMoveBX,mBubMoveBY);            //画下半弧 C-->D-------------            //C点动坐标计算            float mBubMoveCX = mBubMoveableCenter.x +mBubMoveableRadius*sinTheta;            float mBubMoveCY = mBubMoveableCenter.y -mBubMoveableRadius*cosTheta;            //D点静坐标计算            float mBubStillDX = mBubStillCenter.x +mBubStillRadius*sinTheta;            float mBubStillDY = mBubStillCenter.y -mBubStillRadius*cosTheta;            mBezierPath.lineTo(mBubMoveCX,mBubMoveCY);            mBezierPath.quadTo(iAnchorX,iAnchorY,mBubStillDX,mBubStillDY);            //释放资源,并画----------            mBezierPath.close();            canvas.drawPath(mBezierPath,mBubblePaint);        }        //boom,爆炸状态, 爆炸效果动画        if(isBurstAnimStart){            mBurstRect.set((int)(mBubMoveableCenter.x - mBubMoveableRadius),                    (int)(mBubMoveableCenter.y - mBubMoveableRadius),                    (int)(mBubMoveableCenter.x + mBubMoveableRadius),                    (int)(mBubMoveableCenter.y + mBubMoveableRadius));            canvas.drawBitmap(burstBitmapsArray[curDrawableIndex],null,                    mBurstRect,mBubblePaint); }    }    /**     * 重置状态     */    public void reset(){        initView(getWidth(),getHeight());        invalidate();    }    /**     * 开始气泡 重置状态 的动画     */    private void startBubbleRestAnim() {        ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofObject(new PointFEvaluator(),                new PointF(mBubMoveableCenter.x,mBubMoveableCenter.y),                new PointF(mBubStillCenter.x,mBubStillCenter.y));        anim.setDuration(200);        anim.setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator(5f));        anim.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {            @Override            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {                mBubMoveableCenter = (PointF) animation.getAnimatedValue();                invalidate();            }        });        anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {            @Override            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {                current_state= STATE_DEFAULT;            }        });        anim.start();    }    @Override    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);        initView(w, h);    }    @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {        switch (event.getAction()){            //按下, 如果 当前状态 没有消失, 则计算 当前气泡距离,和 最大允许偏移量 作比较 ,进行状态切换            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:            if(current_state!=STATE_DISMISS){                bubbleDistance=(float) Math.hypot(event.getX()-mBubStillCenter.x,event.getY()-mBubStillCenter.y);                if (bubbleDistance<bubble_radius+MOVE_OFFSET){                    current_state=STATE_CONECTED;                }else {                    current_state=STATE_DEFAULT;                }            }                break;            //移动 ,改变动点的位置, 计算两点距离, 改变 静止点的半径,切换状态,并重绘制,调用ondraw            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:            {                if(current_state != STATE_DEFAULT){                    mBubMoveableCenter.x = event.getX();                    mBubMoveableCenter.y = event.getY();                    bubbleDistance = (float) Math.hypot(event.getX() - mBubStillCenter.x,                            event.getY() - mBubStillCenter.y);                    if(current_state == STATE_CONECTED){                        // 减去MOVE_OFFSET是为了让不动气泡半径到一个较小值时就直接消失                        // 或者说是进入分离状态                     if(bubbleDistance < maxDistance - MOVE_OFFSET){                            mBubStillRadius = bubble_radius - bubbleDistance / 8;                        }else{                            current_state = STATE_APART;                        }                    }                    invalidate();                }            }            break;            //抬起手, 根据 链接 状态, 开始进行 动画            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:            {                if(current_state == STATE_CONECTED){                    startBubbleRestAnim();                }else if(current_state == STATE_APART){                    if(bubbleDistance < 2 * bubble_radius){                        startBubbleRestAnim();                    }else{                        startBubbleBurstAnim();                    }                }            }            break;        }        return true;    }    /**     * 气泡消失动画     */    private void startBubbleBurstAnim() {        //气泡改为消失状态        current_state = STATE_DISMISS;        isBurstAnimStart = true;        //做一个int型属性动画,从0~mBurstDrawablesArray.length结束        ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, burstDrawablesArray.length);        anim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());        anim.setDuration(500);        anim.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {            @Override            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {                //设置当前绘制的爆炸图片index                curDrawableIndex = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();                invalidate();            }        });        anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {            @Override            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {                //修改动画执行标志                isBurstAnimStart = false;            }        });        anim.start();    }    public DragBuubbleView(Context context) {        super(context);        init(context, null);    }    public DragBuubbleView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {        super(context, attrs);        init(context, attrs);    }    public DragBuubbleView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);        init(context, attrs);    }    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)    public DragBuubbleView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);        init(context, attrs);    }}





