
来源:互联网 发布:dwg文件查看器 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 19:28

HGraph是一个method的控制流图。包含a list of basic blocks。

 328   ArenaAllocator* const arena_;//该图所在的arena 329  330   // List of blocks in insertion order.以插入顺序形成的基本块表 331   GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> blocks_; 332  333   // List of blocks to perform a reverse post order tree traversal.形成倒序树型遍历的基本块表 334   GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> reverse_post_order_; 335  336   // List of blocks to perform a linear order tree traversal.形成线性树型遍历的基本快表 337   GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> linear_order_; 338  339   HBasicBlock* entry_block_;//入口块 340   HBasicBlock* exit_block_;//出口块 341  342   // The maximum number of virtual registers arguments passed to a HInvoke in this graph.       //在该图中传递给HInvoke的虚拟寄存器参数的最大值。 343   uint16_t maximum_number_of_out_vregs_; 344  345   // The number of virtual registers in this method. Contains the parameters.     //本方法中的虚拟寄存器的数量。包括参数。 346   uint16_t number_of_vregs_; 347  348   // The number of virtual registers used by parameters of this method.     //本方法的参数所使用的虚拟寄存器的数量 349   uint16_t number_of_in_vregs_; 350  351   // Number of vreg size slots that the temporaries use (used in baseline compiler).     //临时使用的vreg size slots的数量(在baseline compiler中使用,即无优化的编译器) 352   size_t temporaries_vreg_slots_; 353  354   // Has bounds checks. We can totally skip BCE if it's false.     //边界检查。如果这一项是false的话,可以跳过BCE。 355   bool has_bounds_checks_; 356  357   // Indicates whether the graph should be compiled in a way that 358   // ensures full debuggability. If false, we can apply more 359   // aggressive optimizations that may limit the level of debugging.     //该变量表明是否该图应该以一种保证完全debuggability的方式进行编译。如果false,就可以采取更多aggressive的优化措施,这些优化可能会限制debugging的级别。 360   const bool debuggable_; 361  362   // The current id to assign to a newly added instruction. See HInstruction.id_.     //分配给新添加的instruction的当前的id。参见HInstruction.id_ 363   int32_t current_instruction_id_; 364  365   // The dex file from which the method is from.     //该method来自的dexfile 366   const DexFile& dex_file_; 367  368   // The method index in the dex file.     //dexfile中的method index 369   const uint32_t method_idx_; 370  371   const InstructionSet instruction_set_;//该图中包含的指令集 372  373   // Cached constants. 缓存好的常量,包括int/float/long/double这四种类型 374   HNullConstant* cached_null_constant_; 375   ArenaSafeMap<int32_t, HIntConstant*> cached_int_constants_; 376   ArenaSafeMap<int32_t, HFloatConstant*> cached_float_constants_; 377   ArenaSafeMap<int64_t, HLongConstant*> cached_long_constants_; 378   ArenaSafeMap<int64_t, HDoubleConstant*> cached_double_constants_; 379  380   friend class SsaBuilder;           // For caching constants. 381   friend class SsaLivenessAnalysis;  // For the linear order.

其中Arena allocator is a well known technique. An arbitrary sized memory block is preallocated at some point of execution. A pointer is maintained to track the next allocation position within the block. Subsequent allocations simply move that pointer to the next allocation position. The entire block is deallocated at once eliminating the need of individual deallocations.

273  private:274   static constexpr size_t kAlignment = 8;275 276   void UpdateBytesAllocated();277 278   ArenaPool* pool_;279   uint8_t* begin_;280   uint8_t* end_;281   uint8_t* ptr_;282   Arena* arena_head_;283   bool running_on_valgrind_;284 285   template <typename U>286   friend class ArenaAllocatorAdapter;


 758  private: 759   HGraph* graph_; 760   GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> predecessors_; 761   GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> successors_; 762   HInstructionList instructions_; 763   HInstructionList phis_; 764   HLoopInformation* loop_information_; 765   HBasicBlock* dominator_; 766   GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> dominated_blocks_; 767   int block_id_; 768   // //该块中第一个instruction的dex program counter。 769   const uint32_t dex_pc_; 770   size_t lifetime_start_; 771   size_t lifetime_end_; 772   bool is_catch_block_;


 655   HBasicBlock* SplitAfter(HInstruction* cursor);/*在HInstruction* cursor后将该block分为两个块。返回新创建的块。注意:该method只会更新raw block information,如predecessors,successors,dominators以及instruction list。并不会对graph,reverse post order,loop information造成更新,也不保证两个blocks是consistent的(例如以一个control flow instruction结束)。*/ 656  662   void MergeWithInlined(HBasicBlock* other);/*将块other整合到this block后,所以other的successor和dominated 块都变为this块的successor和dominated块。注意:并不会对graph,reverse post order,loop information造成更新,也不保证两个blocks是consistent的(例如以一个control flow instruction结束)。*/ 663  669   void ReplaceWith(HBasicBlock* other);/*用other来代替this块。this块的predecessors,successors以及dominated块都被移到other块下。注意:并不会对graph,reverse post order,loop information造成更新,也不保证两个blocks是consistent的(例如以一个control flow instruction结束)。*/ 670  675   void MergeWith(HBasicBlock* other);/*将块other整合到this block后,该method会对loops,reverse post order,对predecessors/successors/dominators的链接都会进行更新,且this和other必须是相邻的,比如this是other的唯一的predecessor,other是this唯一的successor。*/ 676  681   void DisconnectAndDelete();/*将this与所有的predecessors/successors/dominators都断连,将它从所有的loops中移除掉,乃至从整个图中移除掉。该块不可以dominate其他块。predecessors和successors被安全的更新。*/741   bool Dominates(HBasicBlock* block) const;/*返回是否this块dominate作为参数被传递的那个块block。即this块总在block块之前被执行*/

对应dalvik的调用方法指令: invoke-virtual、invoke-direct、invoke-super。
invoke-static 是类静态方法的调用,编译时,静态确定的;
invoke-virtual 虚方法调用,调用的方法运行时确认实际调用,和实例引用的实际对象有关,动态确认的,一般是带有修饰符protected或public的方法,不是private,static或者final,也不是constructor的方法。
invoke-direct 没有被覆盖方法的调用,即不用动态根据实例所引用的调用,编译时,静态确认的,一般是private或方法(constructor);
invoke-super 直接调用父类的虚方法,编译时,静态确认的。
invoke-interface 调用接口方法,调用的方法运行时确认实际调用,即会在运行时才确定一个实现此接口的对象。
invoke-direct {v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->()V # 调用 StringBuilder 构造函数
invoke-static {}, Landroid/os/Environment;->getExternalStorageDirectory()Ljava/io/File; #静态方法
invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; #public方法
