
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝美日心情狐狸美妆 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:43



    //使用0xffffffff初始化随机数生成器    RNG rng(0xffffffff)


    //产生0-100的随机整数    //uniform:均匀分布    int min = 0;    int max = 100;    rng.uniform(min, max);


static Scalar RandomColor(RNG rng){    return(Scalar(rng.uniform(0,255),rng.uniform(0,255),rng.uniform(0,255)));}


int DrawingRandomLine(Mat& image, char windowName[], RNG rng){    if(!{        cout << "more parameters are required!!!" << endl;        return(-1);    }    int lineType = 8;    Point X,Y;    for(int i=0; i<100; i++){        //使用rng.uniform获取1-500的随机整数        X.x = rng.uniform(1,500);        X.y = rng.uniform(1,500);        Y.x = rng.uniform(1,500);        Y.y = rng.uniform(1,500);        //RandomColor(rng):随机产生颜色        line(image, X, Y, RandomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);        imshow(windowName, image);        //waitKey(DELAY)等待键盘输入,并延迟        if(waitKey(DELAY)>=0){            return(-1);        }    }    return(0);}


int DrawingText(Mat& image, char windowName[], RNG rng){    int lineType = 8;    Point org;    for(int i=0; i<100; i++){        org.x = rng.uniform(1,500);        org.y = rng.uniform(1,500);        /*        putText参数解释        image:绘制画板        “OpenCV Forever”:绘制的文字信息        org:绘制的文字的左上角坐标        rng.uniform(0,8):字体类型        rng.uniform(1,5):文字缩放比例        RandomColor(rng):字体颜色        rng.uniform(1,10):字体粗细        lineType:画线类型        */        putText(image, "OpenCV Forever", org, rng.uniform(0,8), rng.uniform(1,5), RandomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);        imshow(windowName, image);        if(waitKey(DELAY)>=0){            return(-1);        }    }    waitKey(0);    return(0);}


#include "CommonInclude.h"#define DELAY 10static Scalar RandomColor(RNG rng){    return(Scalar(rng.uniform(0,255),rng.uniform(0,255),rng.uniform(0,255)));}int DrawingRandomLine(Mat& image, char windowName[], RNG rng){    if(!{        cout << "more parameters are required!!!" << endl;        return(-1);    }    int lineType = 8;    Point X,Y;    for(int i=0; i<100; i++){        //使用rng.uniform获取1-500的随机整数        X.x = rng.uniform(1,500);        X.y = rng.uniform(1,500);        Y.x = rng.uniform(1,500);        Y.y = rng.uniform(1,500);        line(image, X, Y, RandomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);        imshow(windowName, image);        //waitKey(DELAY)等待键盘输入,并延迟        if(waitKey(DELAY)>=0){            return(-1);        }    }    return(0);}int DrawingText(Mat& image, char windowName[], RNG rng){    int lineType = 8;    Point org;    for(int i=0; i<100; i++){        org.x = rng.uniform(1,500);        org.y = rng.uniform(1,500);        /*        putText参数解释        image:绘制画板        “OpenCV Forever”:绘制的文字信息        org:绘制的文字的左上角坐标        rng.uniform(0,8):字体类型        rng.uniform(1,5):文字缩放比例        RandomColor(rng):字体颜色        rng.uniform(1,10):字体粗细        lineType:画线类型        */        putText(image, "OpenCV Forever", org, rng.uniform(0,8), rng.uniform(1,5), RandomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);        imshow(windowName, image);        if(waitKey(DELAY)>=0){            return(-1);        }    }    waitKey(0);    return(0);}int main(int argc, char** argv){    int imageX;    int cReturn;    char windowName[] = "RandomDrawing";    cout << "Input size of image:";    cin >> imageX;    Mat image = Mat::zeros(imageX,imageX,CV_8UC3);    //实例化一个随机数生成器    RNG rng(0xFFFFFFFF);    cReturn = DrawingRandomLine(image, windowName, rng);    if(cReturn == -1){        cout << "end of the function!!!" << endl;        return(-1);    }    cReturn = DrawingText(image, windowName, rng);    if(cReturn == -1){        cout << "end of the function!!!" << endl;        return(-1);    }       return(0);}


#ifndef COMMON_INCLUDE#define COMMON_INCLUDE#include<iostream>#include<opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include<opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>using namespace std;using namespace cv;#endif


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