
来源:互联网 发布:智人 美洲 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 05:04

        EdcterminalDao.xml当中写的是sql语句,这部分需要手写。id写的是方法名,也就是在dao,service中即将调用的方法名,resultType中写的是方法的返回值类型。接下来是要查询的字段,这些字段都要用AS与其所创建的entity相对应,下来就是以变更记录表为主表,与其它表进行左连接,where后面当然是查询条件,后面写什么取决你要显示哪部分内容,这里 r.type = '2' 表示只显示Terminal变更的记录。






<select id="getEdcTerminal" resultType="ExportTerminal">   SELECT   b.manager AS "manager",   b.telephone AS "telephone",   b.address_chn AS "addressChn",   b.org_acq_id AS "orgAcqId",   i.firm AS "firm",   i.model AS "model",   A.merchant_id AS "merchantId",   A.terminal_id AS "terminalId",   A.terminal_stat AS "terminalStat",   p.ic_in AS "icIn",   p.term_enc_tp AS "termEncTp",   p.term_enc_md AS "termEncMd",   p.term_pri_enc_key_len AS "termPriEncKeyLen",   p.pik_len AS "pikLen",   p.mak_len AS "makLen",   p.mac_algo AS "macAlgo",   p.current_enc_key_index AS "currentEncKeyIndex",   p.para_download_in AS "paraDownloadIn",   p.tms_para_download_in AS "tmsParaDownloadIn",   p.pub_key_download_in AS "pubKeyDownloadIn",   p.ic_para_download_in AS "icParaDownloadIn",   p.emv_para_download_in AS "emvParaDownloadIn",   p.pan_blkbill_download_in AS "panBlkbillDownloadIn",   p.dial_tp AS "dialTp",   p.conn_md AS "connMd",   p.dft_trans_curr_cd AS "dftTransCurrCd",   p.term_place_addr AS "termPlaceAddr",   p.pos_sn AS "posSn",   p.term_seq_id AS "termSeqId",   p.cntry_cd AS "cntryCd",   p.open_dt AS "openDt",   p.close_dt AS "closeDt",   r.aud_detail AS "audDetail"   FROM   audit_record r   LEFT JOIN merchant_base b ON r.merchant_id=b.merchant_id   LEFT JOIN edc_terminal A ON A.terminal_id=r.terminal_id   LEFT JOIN terminal_param p ON P.terminal_id=A.terminal_id   LEFT JOIN pos_sn_info i ON i.pos_sn = P.pos_sn   WHERE   r.TYPE = '2'   and  r.aud_date= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd' )   <if test="connMd != null and connMd != ''">      AND TRIM(p.conn_md) = #{connMd}   </if></select>

/** *  终端变更记录导出entity */public class ExportTerminal extends DataEntity<ExportTerminal> {    private String telephone;    private String addressChn;    private String firm;    private String model;    private String orgAcqId;    private String manager;    private  String merchantId;    private  String terminalId;    private  String terminalStat;    private  String icIn;    private  String termEncTp;    private  String termEncMd;    private  String termPriEncKeyLen;    private  String pikLen;    private  String makLen;    private  String macAlgo;    private  String paraDownloadIn;    private  String tmsParaDownloadIn;    private  String pubKeyDownloadIn;    private  String icParaDownloadIn;    private  String emvParaDownloadIn;    private  String panBlkbillDownloadIn;    private  String dialTp;    private  String dftTransCurrCd;    private  String openDt;    private  String closeDt;    private  String audDetail;    public String getAudDetail() {        return audDetail;    }    public void setAudDetail(String audDetail) {        this.audDetail = audDetail;    }    public String getTelephone() {        return telephone;    }    public void setTelephone(String telephone) {        this.telephone = telephone;    }
public List<ExportTerminal> getEdcTerminal(EdcTerminal edcTerminal);

   @Autowired   private EdcTerminalDao edcTerminalDao;public EdcTerminal get(String id) {   return super.get(id);}   public List<ExportTerminal> getEdcTerminal(EdcTerminal edcTerminal) {return edcTerminalDao.getEdcTerminal(edcTerminal);}

@RequiresPermissions("tranbase:createUnionFile:view")@RequestMapping(value = {"terminalTxtD"})public String exportExcel(EdcTerminal edcTerminal,HttpServletResponse res, HttpServletRequest req) {   List<ExportTerminal> list = edcTerminalService.getEdcTerminal(edcTerminal);   res.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=UTF-8");   res.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");   try {      String headName = "TerminalRegisterReport";      String path = req.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("") + "/reportTemp/TerminalRegisterReport.xls"; // excel模板      InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(path));      HSSFWorkbook work = new HSSFWorkbook(in);      HSSFSheet sheet = work.getSheetAt(0);             // 得到excel的第1sheet      HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 1);                //设置表头和制表时间      HSSFCellStyle style = work.createCellStyle();      style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER);      HSSFFont font = work.createFont();      style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER);      style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER);      font.setFontName("宋体");      font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12);                // 设置字体大小      style.setFont(font);      int startRow = 1;                                 //表头往上多少行,开始循环填数据行数,从0开始      ExportTerminal edc = null;      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {         edc = list.get(i);         if (edc != null) {            row = sheet.createRow(startRow + i);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 0,  edc.getAudDetail(),style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 1, edc.getMerchantId(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 2, edc.getTerminalId(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 3, edc.getOrgAcqId(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 4, edc.getOrgAcqId(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 5, edc.getOrgAcqId(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 6, "00", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 7, edc.getTerminalStat() == null ? "" : edc.getTerminalStat(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 8, "110109", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 9, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 10, edc.getIcIn() == null ? "" : edc.getIcIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 12, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 15, "1.1E+29", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 20, edc.getTermEncTp() == null ? "" : edc.getTermEncTp(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 21, edc.getTermEncMd() == null ? "" : edc.getTermEncMd(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 22, edc.getTermPriEncKeyLen() == null ? "" : edc.getTermPriEncKeyLen(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 23, edc.getPikLen() == null ? "" : edc.getPikLen(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 24, edc.getMakLen() == null ? "" : edc.getMakLen(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 25, edc.getMacAlgo() == null ? "" : edc.getMacAlgo(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 28, "需要", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 29, "需要", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 34, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 35, "0", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 36, edc.getParaDownloadIn() == null ? "" : edc.getParaDownloadIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 37, edc.getTmsParaDownloadIn() == null ? "" : edc.getTmsParaDownloadIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 38, edc.getPubKeyDownloadIn() == null ? "" : edc.getPubKeyDownloadIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 39, edc.getIcParaDownloadIn() == null ? "" : edc.getIcParaDownloadIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 40, edc.getEmvParaDownloadIn() == null ? "" : edc.getEmvParaDownloadIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 41, edc.getPanBlkbillDownloadIn() == null ? "" : edc.getPanBlkbillDownloadIn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 43, edc.getDialTp() == null ? "" : edc.getDialTp(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 44, "P", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 46, edc.getDftTransCurrCd() == null ? "" : edc.getDftTransCurrCd(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 47, edc.getManager() == null ? "" : edc.getManager(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 48, edc.getTelephone() == null ? "" : edc.getTelephone(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 49, edc.getAddressChn() == null ? "" : edc.getAddressChn(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 74, "156", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 75, edc.getOpenDt() == null ? "" : edc.getOpenDt(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 76, edc.getCloseDt() == null ? "" : edc.getCloseDt(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 111, edc.getFirm() == null ? "" : edc.getFirm(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 112, edc.getModel() == null ? "" : edc.getModel(), style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 114, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 115, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 116, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 117, "1", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 118, "0", style);            POIUtils.createCell(row, (short) 119, "处理", style);         }      }      sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(list.size() + startRow, (short) (0), list.size() + startRow, (short) (8)));      /**************************** 输出流 *****************************************/      OutputStream os = res.getOutputStream();// 取得输出流      res.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(headName, "UTF-8") + ".xls");      work.write(os);      if (in != null) {         in.close();      }      os.close();   } catch(Exception e){      e.printStackTrace();   }   return null;}
