Android -- PackageManagerService初始化分析

来源:互联网 发布:nginx负载均衡session 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 10:49

Android -- PackageManagerService初始化分析







    public static PackageManagerService main(Context context, Installer installer,            boolean factoryTest, boolean onlyCore) {        // Self-check for initial settings.        PackageManagerServiceCompilerMapping.checkProperties();        PackageManagerService m = new PackageManagerService(context, installer,                factoryTest, onlyCore);        m.enableSystemUserPackages();        ServiceManager.addService("package", m);        return m;    }


   public PackageManagerService(Context context, Installer installer,            boolean factoryTest, boolean onlyCore)


       mContext = context;        mFactoryTest = factoryTest;        mOnlyCore = onlyCore;//是否只处理系统应用,通常为false        mMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();//DisplayMetrics实例存储屏幕显示的信息//添加几种SharedUserId对象到Settings中,sharedUserId属性相同的package可以运行在同一个进程中,或者相互读取资源//Settings可以看做是一个数据动态管理类,它主要会管理packages.xml文件中的信息//PackageManagerService::mPackages以包名为key,以包的实例为value;保存扫描的apk信息        mSettings = new Settings(mPackages);        mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.system", Process.SYSTEM_UID/*系统进程的Uid值*/,                ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM/*系统App的标志*/, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED/*是否具有特权*/);        mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("", RADIO_UID,                ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);        mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.log", LOG_UID,                ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);        mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.nfc", NFC_UID,                ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);        mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.bluetooth", BLUETOOTH_UID,                ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);        mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("", SHELL_UID,                ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);        String separateProcesses = SystemProperties.get("debug.separate_processes");        if (separateProcesses != null && separateProcesses.length() > 0) {            if ("*".equals(separateProcesses)) {                mDefParseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IGNORE_PROCESSES;                mSeparateProcesses = null;                Slog.w(TAG, "Running with debug.separate_processes: * (ALL)");            } else {                mDefParseFlags = 0;                mSeparateProcesses = separateProcesses.split(",");                Slog.w(TAG, "Running with debug.separate_processes: "                        + separateProcesses);            }        } else {            mDefParseFlags = 0;            mSeparateProcesses = null;        }        mInstaller = installer;//应用安装对象,与installd交互        mPackageDexOptimizer = new PackageDexOptimizer(installer, mInstallLock, context,                "*dexopt*");//对应用进行dexopt优化的辅助类        mMoveCallbacks = new MoveCallbacks(FgThread.get().getLooper());        mOnPermissionChangeListeners = new OnPermissionChangeListeners(                FgThread.get().getLooper());        getDefaultDisplayMetrics(context, mMetrics);//初始化DisplayMetrics对象//通过SystemConfig读取系统的feature、permession等配置,并初始化mGlobalGids/mSystemPermissions/mAvailableFeatures等成员        SystemConfig systemConfig = SystemConfig.getInstance();        mGlobalGids = systemConfig.getGlobalGids();        mSystemPermissions = systemConfig.getSystemPermissions();        mAvailableFeatures = systemConfig.getAvailableFeatures();        mProtectedPackages = new ProtectedPackages(mContext);


    // Keys are String (package name), values are Package.  This also serves    // as the lock for the global state.  Methods that must be called with    // this lock held have the prefix "LP".    @GuardedBy("mPackages")    final ArrayMap<String, PackageParser.Package> mPackages =            new ArrayMap<String, PackageParser.Package>();



    Settings(Object lock) {        this(Environment.getDataDirectory(), lock);    }    Settings(File dataDir, Object lock) {        mLock = lock;        mRuntimePermissionsPersistence = new RuntimePermissionPersistence(mLock);        mSystemDir = new File(dataDir, "system");        mSystemDir.mkdirs();        FileUtils.setPermissions(mSystemDir.toString(),                FileUtils.S_IRWXU|FileUtils.S_IRWXG                |FileUtils.S_IROTH|FileUtils.S_IXOTH,                -1, -1);//系统在改变packages.xml和pacages-stopped.xml内容之前,会先对它们进行备份(backup标识);//如果对文件的写入操作成功,则会删除backup文件,并用写成功后的文件;如果写的时候,发生了异//常,系统再次读取这些文件时,发现备份文件还在,则会读取备份文件的内容;因为这时,原文件可能已经损坏了.        mSettingsFilename = new File(mSystemDir, "packages.xml");//记录系统中所有安装应用的信息,如签名/权限和其他一些基本信息        mBackupSettingsFilename = new File(mSystemDir, "packages-backup.xml");//packages.xml的备份信息        mPackageListFilename = new File(mSystemDir, "packages.list");//保存普通应用的数据目录和uid信息        FileUtils.setPermissions(mPackageListFilename, 0640, SYSTEM_UID, PACKAGE_INFO_GID);        final File kernelDir = new File("/config/sdcardfs");        mKernelMappingFilename = kernelDir.exists() ? kernelDir : null;        // Deprecated: Needed for migration        mStoppedPackagesFilename = new File(mSystemDir, "packages-stopped.xml");//记录系统中被强制停止运行的App信息,如有App被强制停止运行,会将应用的一些信息记录到该文件中        mBackupStoppedPackagesFilename = new File(mSystemDir, "packages-stopped-backup.xml");//packages-stopped.xml的备份信息    }

  1. packages.xml:记录了系统中所有安装应用的基本信息,如果签名、权限等等
  2. packages-backup.xml:packages.xml文件的备份
  3. packages-stopped.xml:记录系统中所有被强制停止运行的应用的信息(如我们在系统设置中,选择某个应用,并将它强制停止)
  4. packages-stopped-back.xml:packages-stopped.xml文件的备份
  5. packages.list:保存了应用的数据目录和UID等信息





//以要添加的sharedUserId属性为key,创建的SharedUserSetting对象为value;保存到Settings::mSharedUsers集合中    SharedUserSetting addSharedUserLPw(String name, int uid, int pkgFlags, int pkgPrivateFlags) {        SharedUserSetting s = mSharedUsers.get(name);        if (s != null) {            if (s.userId == uid) {                return s;            }            PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.ERROR,                    "Adding duplicate shared user, keeping first: " + name);            return null;        }        s = new SharedUserSetting(name, pkgFlags, pkgPrivateFlags);        s.userId = uid;        if (addUserIdLPw(uid, s, name)) {            mSharedUsers.put(name, s);            return s;        }        return null;    }
//Settings::mUserIds和Settings::mOtherUserIds可以让我们通过Uid相关的信息获取某个SharedUserSetting对象;这样获取较HashMap更快    private boolean addUserIdLPw(int uid, Object obj, Object name) {        if (uid > Process.LAST_APPLICATION_UID) {            return false;        }        if (uid >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID) {            int N = mUserIds.size();            final int index = uid - Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID;            while (index >= N) {                mUserIds.add(null);                N++;            }            if (mUserIds.get(index) != null) {                PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.ERROR,                        "Adding duplicate user id: " + uid                        + " name=" + name);                return false;            }            mUserIds.set(index, obj);        } else {            if (mOtherUserIds.get(uid) != null) {                PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.ERROR,                        "Adding duplicate shared id: " + uid                                + " name=" + name);                return false;            }            mOtherUserIds.put(uid, obj);        }        return true;    }





//单例设计模式    public static SystemConfig getInstance() {        synchronized (SystemConfig.class) {            if (sInstance == null) {                sInstance = new SystemConfig();            }            return sInstance;        }    }
    SystemConfig() {//通过readPermissions()读取指定/system/etc/、/oem/etc/等目录下的permission xml文件,解析其中的内容        // Read configuration from system        readPermissions(Environment.buildPath(                Environment.getRootDirectory(), "etc", "sysconfig"), ALLOW_ALL);        // Read configuration from the old permissions dir        readPermissions(Environment.buildPath(                Environment.getRootDirectory(), "etc", "permissions"), ALLOW_ALL);        // Allow ODM to customize system configs around libs, features and apps        int odmPermissionFlag = ALLOW_LIBS | ALLOW_FEATURES | ALLOW_APP_CONFIGS;        readPermissions(Environment.buildPath(                Environment.getOdmDirectory(), "etc", "sysconfig"), odmPermissionFlag);        readPermissions(Environment.buildPath(                Environment.getOdmDirectory(), "etc", "permissions"), odmPermissionFlag);        // Only allow OEM to customize features        readPermissions(Environment.buildPath(                Environment.getOemDirectory(), "etc", "sysconfig"), ALLOW_FEATURES);        readPermissions(Environment.buildPath(                Environment.getOemDirectory(), "etc", "permissions"), ALLOW_FEATURES);    }





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.     You may obtain a copy of the License at         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and     limitations under the License.--><!-- This feature should be defined for devices that support live wallpapers.     There are minimum hardware requirements to be able to support this     feature: robust multiple GL context support, fast enough CPU, enough     RAM to allow the wallpaper to be running all of the time. --><permissions>    <feature name="" /></permissions>


<permissions>    <!-- ================================================================== -->    <!-- ================================================================== -->    <!-- ================================================================== -->    <!-- The following tags are associating low-level group IDs with         permission names.  By specifying such a mapping, you are saying         that any application process granted the given permission will         also be running with the given group ID attached to its process,         so it can perform any filesystem (read, write, execute) operations         allowed for that group. -->    <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" >        <group gid="net_bt_admin" />    </permission>    <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" >        <group gid="net_bt" />    </permission>......    <!-- The following tags are assigning high-level permissions to specific         user IDs.  These are used to allow specific core system users to         perform the given operations with the higher-level framework.  For         example, we give a wide variety of permissions to the shell user         since that is the user the adb shell runs under and developers and         others should have a fairly open environment in which to         interact with the system. -->    <assign-permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" uid="media" />    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" uid="media" />    <assign-permission name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" uid="media" />    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS" uid="media" />    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS" uid="media" />    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" uid="graphics" />    <!-- This is a list of all the libraries available for application         code to link against. -->    <library name="android.test.runner"            file="/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar" />    <library name="javax.obex"            file="/system/framework/javax.obex.jar"/>......</permissions>


  • <permission >标签:把属性name所描述的权限赋予给<group>标签中属性gid所表示的用户组
  • <assign-permission>标签:把属性name所描述的权限赋予给uid属性所表示的用户
  • <library>标签:除framework中动态库以外的,所有系统会自动加载的动态库


    void readPermissions(File libraryDir, int permissionFlag) {        // Read permissions from given directory.        if (!libraryDir.exists() || !libraryDir.isDirectory()) {//只读取存在的目录            if (permissionFlag == ALLOW_ALL) {                Slog.w(TAG, "No directory " + libraryDir + ", skipping");            }            return;        }        if (!libraryDir.canRead()) {//目录不可读,则直接退出            Slog.w(TAG, "Directory " + libraryDir + " cannot be read");            return;        }        // Iterate over the files in the directory and scan .xml files        File platformFile = null;        for (File f : libraryDir.listFiles()) {            // We'll read platform.xml last            if (f.getPath().endsWith("etc/permissions/platform.xml")) {//最后读取platform.xml                platformFile = f;                continue;            }            if (!f.getPath().endsWith(".xml")) {//读取.xml文件                Slog.i(TAG, "Non-xml file " + f + " in " + libraryDir + " directory, ignoring");                continue;            }            if (!f.canRead()) {                Slog.w(TAG, "Permissions library file " + f + " cannot be read");                continue;            }            readPermissionsFromXml(f, permissionFlag);        }        // Read platform permissions last so it will take precedence        if (platformFile != null) {//读取platform.xml            readPermissionsFromXml(platformFile, permissionFlag);        }    }
/**解析的一般的.xml文件中,大多只是定义了feature名称,来描述某个设备应该支持的一些硬件特性,如蓝牙等;**platform.xml中,则定义了一些权限授予、动态库信息.其中,涉及的主要标签有:**<permission>表示把描述的权限赋予<group>中的gid属性表示的用户组.**<assign-permission>表示把描述的属性赋予其属性uid表示的用户.**<library>表示出了framework中的动态库以外,系统将为应用自动加载的动态库.**/    private void readPermissionsFromXml(File permFile, int permissionFlag) {        FileReader permReader = null;        try {            permReader = new FileReader(permFile);        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {            Slog.w(TAG, "Couldn't find or open permissions file " + permFile);            return;        }        final boolean lowRam = ActivityManager.isLowRamDeviceStatic();        try {            XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();            parser.setInput(permReader);            int type;            while (( != parser.START_TAG                       && type != parser.END_DOCUMENT) {                ;            }            if (type != parser.START_TAG) {                throw new XmlPullParserException("No start tag found");            }            if (!parser.getName().equals("permissions") && !parser.getName().equals("config")) {                throw new XmlPullParserException("Unexpected start tag in " + permFile                        + ": found " + parser.getName() + ", expected 'permissions' or 'config'");            }            boolean allowAll = permissionFlag == ALLOW_ALL;            boolean allowLibs = (permissionFlag & ALLOW_LIBS) != 0;            boolean allowFeatures = (permissionFlag & ALLOW_FEATURES) != 0;            boolean allowPermissions = (permissionFlag & ALLOW_PERMISSIONS) != 0;            boolean allowAppConfigs = (permissionFlag & ALLOW_APP_CONFIGS) != 0;            while (true) {                XmlUtils.nextElement(parser);                if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {                    break;                }                String name = parser.getName();                if ("group".equals(name) && allowAll) {//解析<group>标签gid属性的值,得到的值存放在mGlobalGids数组;                    String gidStr = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "gid");                    if (gidStr != null) {                        int gid = android.os.Process.getGidForName(gidStr);                        mGlobalGids = appendInt(mGlobalGids, gid);                    } else {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<group> without gid in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                    }                    XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                    continue;                } else if ("permission".equals(name) && allowPermissions) {//解析<permission>标签,得到的值存放在mPermissions集合中                    String perm = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "name");                    if (perm == null) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<permission> without name in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                        XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                        continue;                    }                    perm = perm.intern();                    readPermission(parser, perm);                } else if ("assign-permission".equals(name) && allowPermissions) {//解析<assign-permission>标签,得到的值存放在mSystemPermissions                    String perm = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "name");                    if (perm == null) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<assign-permission> without name in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                        XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                        continue;                    }                    String uidStr = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "uid");                    if (uidStr == null) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<assign-permission> without uid in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                        XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                        continue;                    }                    int uid = Process.getUidForName(uidStr);                    if (uid < 0) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<assign-permission> with unknown uid \""                                + uidStr + "  in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                        XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                        continue;                    }                    perm = perm.intern();                    ArraySet<String> perms = mSystemPermissions.get(uid);                    if (perms == null) {                        perms = new ArraySet<String>();                        mSystemPermissions.put(uid, perms);                    }                    perms.add(perm);                    XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                } else if ("library".equals(name) && allowLibs) {//解析<library>标签,得到的值存放在mSharedLibraries                    String lname = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "name");                    String lfile = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "file");                    if (lname == null) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<library> without name in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                    } else if (lfile == null) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<library> without file in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                    } else {                        //Log.i(TAG, "Got library " + lname + " in " + lfile);                        mSharedLibraries.put(lname, lfile);                    }                    XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                    continue;                } else if ("feature".equals(name) && allowFeatures) {//解析<feature>标签,得到的值存放在mAvailableFeatures,表示系统的某些特性                    String fname = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "name");                    int fversion = XmlUtils.readIntAttribute(parser, "version", 0);                    boolean allowed;                    if (!lowRam) {                        allowed = true;                    } else {                        String notLowRam = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "notLowRam");                        allowed = !"true".equals(notLowRam);                    }                    if (fname == null) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "<feature> without name in " + permFile + " at "                                + parser.getPositionDescription());                    } else if (allowed) {                        addFeature(fname, fversion);                    }                    XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                    continue;                } /*......*/ else {                    XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                    continue;                }            }        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {            Slog.w(TAG, "Got exception parsing permissions.", e);        } catch (IOException e) {            Slog.w(TAG, "Got exception parsing permissions.", e);        } finally {            IoUtils.closeQuietly(permReader);        }        // Some devices can be field-converted to FBE, so offer to splice in        // those features if not already defined by the static config        if (StorageManager.isFileEncryptedNativeOnly()) {            addFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_FILE_BASED_ENCRYPTION, 0);            addFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_SECURELY_REMOVES_USERS, 0);        }        for (String featureName : mUnavailableFeatures) {            removeFeature(featureName);        }    }

  • <group>标签gid属性的值会存放在mGlobalGids数组中;
  • <permission>标签,解析得到的值会存放在mPermissions集合中;
  • <assign-permission>标签解析得到的值会存放在mSystemPermissions中;
  • <library>标签解析得到的值会存放在mSharedLibraries中;


    // Group-ids that are given to all packages as read from etc/permissions/*.xml.    int[] mGlobalGids;    // These are the built-in uid -> permission mappings that were read from the    // system configuration files.    final SparseArray<ArraySet<String>> mSystemPermissions = new SparseArray<>();    // These are the built-in shared libraries that were read from the    // system configuration files.  Keys are the library names; strings are the    // paths to the libraries.    final ArrayMap<String, String> mSharedLibraries  = new ArrayMap<>();    // These are the features this devices supports that were read from the    // system configuration files.    final ArrayMap<String, FeatureInfo> mAvailableFeatures = new ArrayMap<>();

  • PackageManagerService::mGlobalGids存储SystemConfig::mGlobalGids的信息
  • PackageManagerService::mSystemPermissions存储SystemConfig::mSystemPermissions的信息
  • PackageManagerService::mAvailableFeatures存储SystemConfig::mAvailableFeatures的信息



            mHandlerThread = new ServiceThread(TAG,                    Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, true /*allowIo*/);            mHandlerThread.start();            mHandler = new PackageHandler(mHandlerThread.getLooper());            mProcessLoggingHandler = new ProcessLoggingHandler();            Watchdog.getInstance().addThread(mHandler, WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT);            mDefaultPermissionPolicy = new DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy(this);//为data/目录下的某些子目录生成File实例            File dataDir = Environment.getDataDirectory();            mAppInstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app"); // data/app 存放第三方应用            mAppLib32InstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app-lib");             mEphemeralInstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app-ephemeral");            mAsecInternalPath = new File(dataDir, "app-asec").getPath();            mDrmAppPrivateInstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app-private"); // data/app-private 存放drm保护的应用            sUserManager = new UserManagerService(context, this, mPackages);            // Propagate permission configuration in to package manager.            //获取SystemConfig中解析到的<permission>标签标识的permission信息,保存到Settings::mPermissions            ArrayMap<String, SystemConfig.PermissionEntry> permConfig                    = systemConfig.getPermissions();            for (int i=0; i<permConfig.size(); i++) {                SystemConfig.PermissionEntry perm = permConfig.valueAt(i);                BasePermission bp = mSettings.mPermissions.get(;                if (bp == null) {                    bp = new BasePermission(, "android", BasePermission.TYPE_BUILTIN);                    mSettings.mPermissions.put(, bp);                }                if (perm.gids != null) {                    bp.setGids(perm.gids, perm.perUser);                }            }//得到除framework之外的系统中的共享库列表,从SystemConfig获取解析到的数据            ArrayMap<String, String> libConfig = systemConfig.getSharedLibraries();            for (int i=0; i<libConfig.size(); i++) {                mSharedLibraries.put(libConfig.keyAt(i),                        new SharedLibraryEntry(libConfig.valueAt(i), null));            }            mFoundPolicyFile = SELinuxMMAC.readInstallPolicy();//读取packages.xml的内容,并对mSettings::mPackages等成员进行赋值;packages.xml文件中的内容是上一次扫描apk目录的结果//当前这一次扫描的结果是保存在PackageManagerService::mPackages列表中//对比上次扫描的结果来检查本次扫描到的应用中是否有被升级包覆盖的系统应用,如果有则从PackageManagerService::mPackages中移除;//这样,PackageManagerService::mPackages的记录就和mSettings::mPackages的一致了//系统最终会将本次apk扫描的结果重新写入packages.xml中            mFirstBoot = !mSettings.readLPw(sUserManager.getUsers(false));            // Clean up orphaned packages for which the code path doesn't exist            // and they are an update to a system app - caused by bug/32321269            final int packageSettingCount = mSettings.mPackages.size();            for (int i = packageSettingCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {//清理那些代码路径不存在的异常package                PackageSetting ps = mSettings.mPackages.valueAt(i);                if (!isExternal(ps) && (ps.codePath == null || !ps.codePath.exists())                        && mSettings.getDisabledSystemPkgLPr( != null) {                    mSettings.mPackages.removeAt(i);                    mSettings.enableSystemPackageLPw(;                }            }            if (mFirstBoot) {                requestCopyPreoptedFiles();            }//设置模块来代替framework-res.apk中缺省的ResolverActivity            String customResolverActivity = Resources.getSystem().getString(                    R.string.config_customResolverActivity);            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(customResolverActivity)) {                customResolverActivity = null;            } else {                mCustomResolverComponentName = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(                        customResolverActivity);            }            long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();//记录开始扫描时间            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_SYSTEM_SCAN_START,                    startTime);            // Set flag to monitor and not change apk file paths when            // scanning install directories.            final int scanFlags = SCAN_NO_PATHS | SCAN_DEFER_DEX | SCAN_BOOTING | SCAN_INITIAL;//设置扫描模式            final String bootClassPath = System.getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH");//需要系统提前加载的一些jar            final String systemServerClassPath = System.getenv("SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH");            if (bootClassPath == null) {                Slog.w(TAG, "No BOOTCLASSPATH found!");            }            if (systemServerClassPath == null) {                Slog.w(TAG, "No SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH found!");            }            final List<String> allInstructionSets = InstructionSets.getAllInstructionSets();            final String[] dexCodeInstructionSets =                    getDexCodeInstructionSets(                            allInstructionSets.toArray(new String[allInstructionSets.size()]));            /**             * Ensure all external libraries have had dexopt run on them.             */            if (mSharedLibraries.size() > 0) {//遍历所有系统共享库路径,确保它们进行过dexopt优化                // NOTE: For now, we're compiling these system "shared libraries"                // (and framework jars) into all available architectures. It's possible                // to compile them only when we come across an app that uses them (there's                // already logic for that in scanPackageLI) but that adds some complexity.                for (String dexCodeInstructionSet : dexCodeInstructionSets) {                    for (SharedLibraryEntry libEntry : mSharedLibraries.values()) {                        final String lib = libEntry.path;                        if (lib == null) {                            continue;                        }                        try {                            // Shared libraries do not have profiles so we perform a full                            // AOT compilation (if needed).                            int dexoptNeeded = DexFile.getDexOptNeeded(                                    lib, dexCodeInstructionSet,                                    getCompilerFilterForReason(REASON_SHARED_APK),                                    false /* newProfile */);                            if (dexoptNeeded != DexFile.NO_DEXOPT_NEEDED) {                                mInstaller.dexopt(lib, Process.SYSTEM_UID, dexCodeInstructionSet,                                        dexoptNeeded, DEXOPT_PUBLIC /*dexFlags*/,                                        getCompilerFilterForReason(REASON_SHARED_APK),                                        StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL,                                        SKIP_SHARED_LIBRARY_CHECK);                            }                        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {                            Slog.w(TAG, "Library not found: " + lib);                        } catch (IOException | InstallerException e) {                            Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot dexopt " + lib + "; is it an APK or JAR? "                                    + e.getMessage());                        }                    }                }            }            File frameworkDir = new File(Environment.getRootDirectory(), "framework");// /system/framework/目录下有framework-res.apk            final VersionInfo ver = mSettings.getInternalVersion();            mIsUpgrade = !Build.FINGERPRINT.equals(ver.fingerprint);            // when upgrading from pre-M, promote system app permissions from install to runtime            mPromoteSystemApps =                    mIsUpgrade && ver.sdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1;            // When upgrading from pre-N, we need to handle package extraction like first boot,            // as there is no profiling data available.            mIsPreNUpgrade = mIsUpgrade && ver.sdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.N;            mIsPreNMR1Upgrade = mIsUpgrade && ver.sdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1;            // save off the names of pre-existing system packages prior to scanning; we don't            // want to automatically grant runtime permissions for new system apps            if (mPromoteSystemApps) {//是否需要提升权限                Iterator<PackageSetting> pkgSettingIter = mSettings.mPackages.values().iterator();                while (pkgSettingIter.hasNext()) {                    PackageSetting ps =;                    if (isSystemApp(ps)) {                        mExistingSystemPackages.add(;//遍历Settings::mPackages集合,将系统APP加入到PackageManagerService::mExistingSystemPackages                    }                }            }



//读取packages.xml的内容,并对mSettings::mPackages等成员进行赋值;packages.xml文件中的内容是上一次扫描apk目录的结果//当前这一次扫描的结果是保存在PackageManagerService::mPackages列表中//对比上次扫描的结果来检查本次扫描到的应用中是否有被升级包覆盖的系统应用,如果有则从PackageManagerService::mPackages中移除;//这样,PackageManagerService::mPackages的记录就和mSettings::mPackages的一致了//系统最终会将本次apk扫描的结果重新写入packages.xml中mFirstBoot = !mSettings.readLPw(sUserManager.getUsers(false));



{        FileInputStream str = null;        if (mBackupSettingsFilename.exists()) {//备份文件的检查工作,这一机制前面介绍过            try {                str = new FileInputStream(mBackupSettingsFilename);                mReadMessages.append("Reading from backup settings file\n");                PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.INFO,                        "Need to read from backup settings file");                if (mSettingsFilename.exists()) {                    // If both the backup and settings file exist, we                    // ignore the settings since it might have been                    // corrupted.                    Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Cleaning up settings file "                            + mSettingsFilename);                    mSettingsFilename.delete();                }            } catch ( e) {                // We'll try for the normal settings file.            }        }        ......        try {            if (str == null) {                if (!mSettingsFilename.exists()) {                    mReadMessages.append("No settings file found\n");                    PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.INFO,                            "No settings file; creating initial state");                    // It's enough to just touch version details to create them                    // with default values                    findOrCreateVersion(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL);                    findOrCreateVersion(StorageManager.UUID_PRIMARY_PHYSICAL);                    return false;                }                str = new FileInputStream(mSettingsFilename);            }            XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();            parser.setInput(str,;            int type;            while ((type = != XmlPullParser.START_TAG                    && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {                ;            }            if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {                mReadMessages.append("No start tag found in settings file\n");                PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.WARN,                        "No start tag found in package manager settings");      ,                        "No start tag found in package manager settings");                return false;            }            int outerDepth = parser.getDepth();            while ((type = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT                    && (type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > outerDepth)) {                if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG || type == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {                    continue;                }                String tagName = parser.getName();                if (tagName.equals("package")) {//解析<package>标签                    readPackageLPw(parser);                } else if (tagName.equals("permissions")) {                    readPermissionsLPw(mPermissions, parser);                } else if (tagName.equals("permission-trees")) {                    readPermissionsLPw(mPermissionTrees, parser);                } else if (tagName.equals("shared-user")) {                    readSharedUserLPw(parser);                } else if (tagName.equals("preferred-packages")) {                    // no longer used.                } else if (tagName.equals("preferred-activities")) {                    // Upgrading from old single-user implementation;                    // these are the preferred activities for user 0.                    readPreferredActivitiesLPw(parser, 0);                } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_PERSISTENT_PREFERRED_ACTIVITIES)) {                    // TODO: check whether this is okay! as it is very                    // similar to how preferred-activities are treated                    readPersistentPreferredActivitiesLPw(parser, 0);                } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_CROSS_PROFILE_INTENT_FILTERS)) {                    // TODO: check whether this is okay! as it is very                    // similar to how preferred-activities are treated                    readCrossProfileIntentFiltersLPw(parser, 0);                } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_DEFAULT_BROWSER)) {                    readDefaultAppsLPw(parser, 0);                } else if (tagName.equals("updated-package")) {//解析<updated-package>标签                    readDisabledSysPackageLPw(parser);                } else if (tagName.equals("cleaning-package")) {//解析<cleaning-package>标签                    String name = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_NAME);                    String userStr = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_USER);                    String codeStr = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_CODE);                    if (name != null) {                        int userId = UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM;                        boolean andCode = true;                        try {                            if (userStr != null) {                                userId = Integer.parseInt(userStr);                            }                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                        }                        if (codeStr != null) {                            andCode = Boolean.parseBoolean(codeStr);                        }                        addPackageToCleanLPw(new PackageCleanItem(userId, name, andCode));                    }                } else if (tagName.equals("renamed-package")) {//解析<renamed-package>标签                    String nname = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "new");                    String oname = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "old");                    if (nname != null && oname != null) {                        mRenamedPackages.put(nname, oname);                    }                } /*......*/{                    Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Unknown element under <packages>: "                            + parser.getName());                    XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                }            }            str.close();        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {            mReadMessages.append("Error reading: " + e.toString());            PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.ERROR, "Error reading settings: " + e);  , "Error reading package manager settings", e);        } catch ( e) {            mReadMessages.append("Error reading: " + e.toString());            PackageManagerService.reportSettingsProblem(Log.ERROR, "Error reading settings: " + e);  , "Error reading package manager settings", e);        }        ......        return true;    }

  • <package>:标签package记录了一个应用的基本信息、签名和权限等内容
  • <updated-package>:开头介绍的系统APP升级的情况,会用<updated-package>标签记录这种被覆盖的系统应用的信息;它的内容和<package>类似
  • <cleaning-package>:该标签用来记录那些已经删除,但数据目录还暂时保留的应用的信息
  • <renamed-package>:对于开头介绍的APP升级的情况,还有一种特殊的例子。通常应用的包名都用"package"属性来指定,同时系统应用也可以使用"original-package"来指定原始包名的名称。这就有可能一个APK指定了两个包名,那我们真实看到的包名是什么呢?如果安装的设备中不存在和原始包名相同的系统应用,这时看到的包名将是"package"属性指定的名称。如果设备上存在低版本的,而且包名和原始包名相同的应用,这样虽然最后运行的还是新安装的应用,但是,我们看到的应用的名称将还是原始的包名。因为,这样也构成了升级关系。而在packages.xml中,就使用<renamed-package>标签来记录APK改名的情况



    <package name="com.test.launcher" codePath="/data/app/com.test.launcher-1.apk" nativeLibraryPath="/data/app-lib/com.test.launcher-1" flags="1621703" ft="15c5c664810" it="15c5c64f270" ut="15c5c664e24" version="3" userId="10018">         <sigs count="1">       <cert index="4" key="30504061......51ed779c239ac8d" />     </sigs>        <signing-keyset identifier="1" />    </package>......    <updated-package name="com.test.launcher" codePath="/system/app/Launcher.apk" ft="15c3e937088" it="15c5c64f270" ut="15c5c64f270" version="1" nativeLibraryPath="/data/app-lib/Launcher" userId="10018">        <perms>            <item name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />            <item name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />            <item name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />            <item name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />            <item name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />            <item name="android.permission.INTERNET" />        </perms>    </updated-package>


  • //packages.xml中<package>标签所标识的应用;以包名为键,信息的代码封装PackageSetting实例为值    final ArrayMap<String, PackageSetting> mPackages = new ArrayMap<>();
  •     // List of replaced system applications    //packages.xml中<updated-package>标签所标识的应用;以包名为键,信息的代码封装PackageSetting实例为值    private final ArrayMap<String, PackageSetting> mDisabledSysPackages =        new ArrayMap<String, PackageSetting>();
  •     // Packages that have been uninstalled and still need their external    // storage data deleted.    //packages.xml中<cleaning-package>标签所标识的应用;那些已经删除,但数据目录还暂时保留的应用信息;PackageCleanItem也是一个数剧封装类    final ArrayList<PackageCleanItem> mPackagesToBeCleaned = new ArrayList<PackageCleanItem>();
  •     // Packages that have been renamed since they were first installed.    // Keys are the new names of the packages, values are the original    // names.  The packages appear everwhere else under their original    // names.    //packages.xml中<renamed-package>标签所标识的应用;记录系统中改名应用的新旧包名;以new name为键,old name为值    final ArrayMap<String, String> mRenamedPackages = new ArrayMap<String, String>();


   // Collect vendor overlay packages.            // (Do this before scanning any apps.)            // For security and version matching reason, only consider            // overlay packages if they reside in VENDOR_OVERLAY_DIR.            File vendorOverlayDir = new File(VENDOR_OVERLAY_DIR);            scanDirTracedLI(vendorOverlayDir, mDefParseFlags                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR                    | PackageParser.PARSE_TRUSTED_OVERLAY, scanFlags | SCAN_TRUSTED_OVERLAY, 0);//扫描/vendor/overlay/录下的APK            // Find base frameworks (resource packages without code).            scanDirTracedLI(frameworkDir, mDefParseFlags                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED,                    scanFlags | SCAN_NO_DEX, 0);            // Collected privileged system packages.            final File privilegedAppDir = new File(Environment.getRootDirectory(), "priv-app");//扫描指/system/priv-app/目录下的APK            scanDirTracedLI(privilegedAppDir, mDefParseFlags                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED, scanFlags, 0);            // Collect ordinary system packages.            final File systemAppDir = new File(Environment.getRootDirectory(), "app");//扫描/system/app/目录下的APK            scanDirTracedLI(systemAppDir, mDefParseFlags                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);            // Collect all vendor packages.            File vendorAppDir = new File("/vendor/app");            try {                vendorAppDir = vendorAppDir.getCanonicalFile();            } catch (IOException e) {                // failed to look up canonical path, continue with original one            }            scanDirTracedLI(vendorAppDir, mDefParseFlags                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);//扫描/vendro/app/目录下的APK            // Collect all OEM packages.            final File oemAppDir = new File(Environment.getOemDirectory(), "app");            scanDirTracedLI(oemAppDir, mDefParseFlags                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);//扫描/oem/app/目录下的APK            // Prune any system packages that no longer exist.            //系统应用升级是这样的,/system/app/下面的预置的应用还会保存;升级后的apk会被安装在/data/app/目录下            //即一个系统应用被升级后,系统中实际是存在两个不同版本的该应用的apk文件的:/system/app/目录下的被保存,可以用来还原该应用(如果恢复出厂)            ///data/app/下安装的应用(版本较新的那个应用),则是用户实际使用的更新过的应用            final List<String> possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps = new ArrayList<String>();//记录可能有升级包的应用,具体指/data/app/下的版本较新的应用            if (!mOnlyCore) {                Iterator<PackageSetting> psit = mSettings.mPackages.values().iterator();                while (psit.hasNext()) {                    PackageSetting ps =;                    /*                     * If this is not a system app, it can't be a                     * disable system app.                     */                    if ((ps.pkgFlags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) {                        continue;                    }//忽略普通应用/非系统应用                    /*                     * If the package is scanned, it's not erased.                     */                    final PackageParser.Package scannedPkg = mPackages.get(;//PackageManagerService::mPackages                    if (scannedPkg != null) {                        /*                         * If the system app is both scanned and in the                         * disabled packages list, then it must have been                         * added via OTA. Remove it from the currently                         * scanned package so the previously user-installed                         * application can be scanned.                         */                        //如果扫描的应用是带升级包的系统应用,则需要将它从PackageManagerService::mPackages中移除;并插入到mExpectingBetter列表中                        if (mSettings.isDisabledSystemPackageLPr( {//mDisabledSysPackages记录packages.xml中<updated-package>标签所标识的应用                            logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "Expecting better updated system app for "                                    + + "; removing system app.  Last known codePath="                                    + ps.codePathString + ", installStatus=" + ps.installStatus                                    + ", versionCode=" + ps.versionCode + "; scanned versionCode="                                    + scannedPkg.mVersionCode);                            removePackageLI(scannedPkg, true);                            mExpectingBetter.put(, ps.codePath);//mExpectingBetter列表中保存的是带有升级包的系统应用,升级包即指/data/app/下的版本较新的应用                        }                        continue;//忽略PackageSetting::ps代表的已经存在于PackageManagerService::mPackages列表中的包                    }//至此,说明PackageSetting::ps代表的应用不在PackageManagerService::mPackages中                    if (!mSettings.isDisabledSystemPackageLPr( {//如果该应用不是<updated-package>标签标识的应用,则说明它可能是残留在packages.xml中的,可能会有数据目录需要删除                        psit.remove();                        logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "System package " +                                + " no longer exists; it's data will be wiped");                        // Actual deletion of code and data will be handled by later                        // reconciliation step                    } else {//至此,说明PackageSetting::ps代表的应用不在系统目录下,但是它被<updated-package>标签标识,则添加到possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps列表                        final PackageSetting disabledPs = mSettings.getDisabledSystemPkgLPr(;                        if (disabledPs.codePath == null || !disabledPs.codePath.exists()) {                            possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps.add(;                        }                    }                }            }            //look for any incomplete package installations            //删除那些没有安装成功的包的数据            ArrayList<PackageSetting> deletePkgsList = mSettings.getListOfIncompleteInstallPackagesLPr();            for (int i = 0; i < deletePkgsList.size(); i++) {                // Actual deletion of code and data will be handled by later                // reconciliation step                final String packageName = deletePkgsList.get(i).name;                logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "Cleaning up incompletely installed app: " + packageName);                synchronized (mPackages) {                    mSettings.removePackageLPw(packageName);                }            }            //delete tmp files            deleteTempPackageFiles();//删除零时文件            // Remove any shared userIDs that have no associated packages            mSettings.pruneSharedUsersLPw();//把mSettings中没有雨任何apk关联的SharedUserSetting对象删除            if (!mOnlyCore) { //扫描非系统应用,即/data/app/和/data/priv-app/等目录下的应用                EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_DATA_SCAN_START,                        SystemClock.uptimeMillis());                scanDirTracedLI(mAppInstallDir, 0, scanFlags | SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN, 0);//扫描/data/app/目录下的APK                scanDirTracedLI(mDrmAppPrivateInstallDir, mDefParseFlags                        | PackageParser.PARSE_FORWARD_LOCK,                        scanFlags | SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN, 0);//扫描/data/app-private/目录下的APK                scanDirLI(mEphemeralInstallDir, mDefParseFlags                        | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_EPHEMERAL,                        scanFlags | SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN, 0);//扫描/data/app-ephemeral/目录下的APK                /**                 * Remove disable package settings for any updated system                 * apps that were removed via an OTA. If they're not a                 * previously-updated app, remove them completely.                 * Otherwise, just revoke their system-level permissions.                 */                //possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps列表中存储的是文件不在系统目录下,但是被<updated-package>标签标识的应用;                //扫描完/data/目录后,遍历该列表是为了处理文件是否在data目录下的情形                for (String deletedAppName : possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps) {                    PackageParser.Package deletedPkg = mPackages.get(deletedAppName);                    mSettings.removeDisabledSystemPackageLPw(deletedAppName);                    String msg;                    if (deletedPkg == null) {//用户安装目录下没有该文件,说明肯定是残留的应用信息,需要清除它的遗留数据                        msg = "Updated system package " + deletedAppName                                + " no longer exists; it's data will be wiped";                        // Actual deletion of code and data will be handled by later                        // reconciliation step                    } else {//用户安装目录有该文件, 则说明系统目录下的文件被删除了,因此需要去掉该应用的系统属性标志,以普通的应用模式运行                        msg = "Updated system app + " + deletedAppName                                + " no longer present; removing system privileges for "                                + deletedAppName;                        deletedPkg.applicationInfo.flags &= ~ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM;                        PackageSetting deletedPs = mSettings.mPackages.get(deletedAppName);                        deletedPs.pkgFlags &= ~ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM;                    }                    logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, msg);                }                /**                 * Make sure all system apps that we expected to appear on                 * the userdata partition actually showed up. If they never                 * appeared, crawl back and revive the system version.                 */                for (int i = 0; i < mExpectingBetter.size(); i++) {                    final String packageName = mExpectingBetter.keyAt(i);                    if (!mPackages.containsKey(packageName)) {//往mExpectingBetter列表中添加元素时,会在PakcageManagerService::mPackages相应地移除它                        final File scanFile = mExpectingBetter.valueAt(i);                        logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "Expected better " + packageName                                + " but never showed up; reverting to system");//处理的应用必须是在以下几个系统目录下;否则不处理                        int reparseFlags = mDefParseFlags;                        if (FileUtils.contains(privilegedAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED;                        } else if (FileUtils.contains(systemAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR;                        } else if (FileUtils.contains(vendorAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR;                        } else if (FileUtils.contains(oemAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR;                        } else {                            Slog.e(TAG, "Ignoring unexpected fallback path " + scanFile);                            continue;                        }                        mSettings.enableSystemPackageLPw(packageName);                        try {//扫描并处理应用                            scanPackageTracedLI(scanFile, reparseFlags, scanFlags, 0, null);                        } catch (PackageManagerException e) {                            Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to parse original system package: "                                    + e.getMessage());                        }                    }                }            }            mExpectingBetter.clear();

  • 调用PackageManagerService::scanDirTracedLI()函数扫描某个目录下存在的所有APK,并解析它的信息;处理过后,各Package的信息会保存到PackageManagerService::mPacages中
  • 处理升过级的系统APK



            //扫描系统应用目录                    // Prune any system packages that no longer exist.            //系统应用升级是这样的,/system/app/下面的预置的应用还会保存;升级后的apk会被安装在/data/app/目录下            //即一个系统应用被升级后,系统中实际是存在两个不同版本的该应用的apk文件的:/system/app/目录下的被保存,可以用来还原该应用(如果恢复出厂)            ///data/app/下安装的应用(版本较新的那个应用),则是用户实际使用的更新过的应用            final List<String> possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps = new ArrayList<String>();//记录可能有升级包的应用,具体指/data/app/下的版本较新的应用            if (!mOnlyCore) {                Iterator<PackageSetting> psit = mSettings.mPackages.values().iterator();                while (psit.hasNext()) {                    PackageSetting ps =;                    /*                     * If this is not a system app, it can't be a                     * disable system app.                     */                    if ((ps.pkgFlags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) {                        continue;                    }//忽略普通应用/非系统应用                    /*                     * If the package is scanned, it's not erased.                     */                    final PackageParser.Package scannedPkg = mPackages.get(;//PackageManagerService::mPackages                    if (scannedPkg != null) {                        /*                         * If the system app is both scanned and in the                         * disabled packages list, then it must have been                         * added via OTA. Remove it from the currently                         * scanned package so the previously user-installed                         * application can be scanned.                         */                        //如果扫描的应用是带升级包的系统应用,则需要将它从PackageManagerService::mPackages中移除;并插入到mExpectingBetter列表中                        if (mSettings.isDisabledSystemPackageLPr( {//mDisabledSysPackages记录packages.xml中<updated-package>标签所标识的应用                            logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "Expecting better updated system app for "                                    + + "; removing system app.  Last known codePath="                                    + ps.codePathString + ", installStatus=" + ps.installStatus                                    + ", versionCode=" + ps.versionCode + "; scanned versionCode="                                    + scannedPkg.mVersionCode);                            removePackageLI(scannedPkg, true);                            mExpectingBetter.put(, ps.codePath);//mExpectingBetter列表中保存的是带有升级包的系统应用,升级包即指/data/app/下的版本较新的应用                        }                        continue;//忽略PackageSetting::ps代表的已经存在于PackageManagerService::mPackages列表中的包                    }//至此,说明PackageSetting::ps代表的应用不在PackageManagerService::mPackages中                    if (!mSettings.isDisabledSystemPackageLPr( {//如果该应用不是<updated-package>标签标识的应用,则说明它可能是残留在packages.xml中的,可能会有数据目录需要删除                        psit.remove();                        logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "System package " +                                + " no longer exists; it's data will be wiped");                        // Actual deletion of code and data will be handled by later                        // reconciliation step                    } else {//至此,说明PackageSetting::ps代表的应用不在系统目录下,但是它被<updated-package>标签标识,则添加到possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps列表                        final PackageSetting disabledPs = mSettings.getDisabledSystemPkgLPr(;                        if (disabledPs.codePath == null || !disabledPs.codePath.exists()) {                            possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps.add(;                        }                    }                }            }                             //look for any incomplete package installations            //删除那些没有安装成功的包的数据            ArrayList<PackageSetting> deletePkgsList = mSettings.getListOfIncompleteInstallPackagesLPr();            for (int i = 0; i < deletePkgsList.size(); i++) {                // Actual deletion of code and data will be handled by later                // reconciliation step                final String packageName = deletePkgsList.get(i).name;                logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "Cleaning up incompletely installed app: " + packageName);                synchronized (mPackages) {                    mSettings.removePackageLPw(packageName);                }            }             //扫描普通应用目录               /**                 * Remove disable package settings for any updated system                 * apps that were removed via an OTA. If they're not a                 * previously-updated app, remove them completely.                 * Otherwise, just revoke their system-level permissions.                 */                //possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps列表中存储的是文件不在系统目录下,但是被<updated-package>标签标识的应用;                //扫描完/data/目录后,遍历该列表是为了该应用文件是否在data目录下的情形                for (String deletedAppName : possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps) {                    PackageParser.Package deletedPkg = mPackages.get(deletedAppName);                    mSettings.removeDisabledSystemPackageLPw(deletedAppName);                    String msg;                    if (deletedPkg == null) {//用户安装目录下没有该文件,说明肯定是残留的应用信息,需要清除它的遗留数据                        msg = "Updated system package " + deletedAppName                                + " no longer exists; it's data will be wiped";                        // Actual deletion of code and data will be handled by later                        // reconciliation step                    } else {//用户安装目录有该文件, 则说明系统目录下的文件被删除了,因此需要去掉该应用的系统属性标志,以普通的应用模式运行                        msg = "Updated system app + " + deletedAppName                                + " no longer present; removing system privileges for "                                + deletedAppName;                        deletedPkg.applicationInfo.flags &= ~ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM;                        PackageSetting deletedPs = mSettings.mPackages.get(deletedAppName);                        deletedPs.pkgFlags &= ~ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM;                    }                    logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, msg);                }                /**                 * Make sure all system apps that we expected to appear on                 * the userdata partition actually showed up. If they never                 * appeared, crawl back and revive the system version.                 */                for (int i = 0; i < mExpectingBetter.size(); i++) {                    final String packageName = mExpectingBetter.keyAt(i);                    if (!mPackages.containsKey(packageName)) {//往mExpectingBetter列表中添加元素时,会在PakcageManagerService::mPackages相应地移除它                        final File scanFile = mExpectingBetter.valueAt(i);                        logCriticalInfo(Log.WARN, "Expected better " + packageName                                + " but never showed up; reverting to system");        //处理的应用必须是在以下几个系统目录下;否则不处理                        int reparseFlags = mDefParseFlags;                        if (FileUtils.contains(privilegedAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED;                        } else if (FileUtils.contains(systemAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR;                        } else if (FileUtils.contains(vendorAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR;                        } else if (FileUtils.contains(oemAppDir, scanFile)) {                            reparseFlags = PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM                                    | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR;                        } else {                            Slog.e(TAG, "Ignoring unexpected fallback path " + scanFile);                            continue;                        }                        mSettings.enableSystemPackageLPw(packageName);                        try {//扫描并处理应用                            scanPackageTracedLI(scanFile, reparseFlags, scanFlags, 0, null);                        } catch (PackageManagerException e) {                            Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to parse original system package: "                                    + e.getMessage());                        }                    }                }            }            mExpectingBetter.clear();

  1. 代码中的possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps集合保存的是那些系统APK目录中已经不存在该APK的文件,但该APK又在packages.xml中被<updated-package>标识的应用。
  2. 代码中的mExpectingBetter集合保存的是那些带有升级包的系统APK;这里升级包指的就是/data/等非系统APK目录下该APK的较新版本。


  1. 遍历possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps集合,如果该集合中存储的某个APK也不在非系统APK目录中,那说明这个APK就没有文件存在于系统中,则需要删除它有关的所有信息;否则,表明它有APK文件存在于非系统APK目录,那我们需要清除它的系统标志,让它以普通APK的模式运行;
  2. 遍历mExpectingBetter集合,处理所有已经升过级的系统APK,并调用scanPackageTracedLI()对它的非系统APK目录下的新版本APK进行扫描处理;处理完成后,清空该集合;



// Resolve the storage manager.            mStorageManagerPackage = getStorageManagerPackageName();            // Resolve protected action filters. Only the setup wizard is allowed to            // have a high priority filter for these actions.            mSetupWizardPackage = getSetupWizardPackageName();//处理开机向导,获取它的包名            if (mProtectedFilters.size() > 0) {                if (DEBUG_FILTERS && mSetupWizardPackage == null) {                    Slog.i(TAG, "No setup wizard;"                        + " All protected intents capped to priority 0");                }                for (ActivityIntentInfo filter : mProtectedFilters) {                    if ( {                        if (DEBUG_FILTERS) {                            Slog.i(TAG, "Found setup wizard;"                                + " allow priority " + filter.getPriority() + ";"                                + " package: " +                                + " activity: " + filter.activity.className                                + " priority: " + filter.getPriority());                        }                        // skip setup wizard; allow it to keep the high priority filter                        continue;                    }                    Slog.w(TAG, "Protected action; cap priority to 0;"                            + " package: " +                            + " activity: " + filter.activity.className                            + " origPrio: " + filter.getPriority());                    filter.setPriority(0);                }            }            mDeferProtectedFilters = false;            mProtectedFilters.clear();            // Now that we know all of the shared libraries, update all clients to have            // the correct library paths.            updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw();//更新所有动态库的路径            for (SharedUserSetting setting : mSettings.getAllSharedUsersLPw()) {                // NOTE: We ignore potential failures here during a system scan (like                // the rest of the commands above) because there's precious little we                // can do about it. A settings error is reported, though.                adjustCpuAbisForSharedUserLPw(setting.packages, null /* scanned package */,                        false /* boot complete */);            }            // Now that we know all the packages we are keeping,            // read and update their last usage times.  ;  ;            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_SCAN_END,                    SystemClock.uptimeMillis());            Slog.i(TAG, "Time to scan packages: "                    + ((SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-startTime)/1000f)                    + " seconds");            // If the platform SDK has changed since the last time we booted,            // we need to re-grant app permission to catch any new ones that            // appear.  This is really a hack, and means that apps can in some            // cases get permissions that the user didn't initially explicitly            // allow...  it would be nice to have some better way to handle            // this situation.            //如果前后平台的SDK版本发生了变化,可能permission的定义也发生了变化;这里需要重新赋予应用权限            int updateFlags = UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL;            if (ver.sdkVersion != mSdkVersion) {                Slog.i(TAG, "Platform changed from " + ver.sdkVersion + " to "                        + mSdkVersion + "; regranting permissions for internal storage");                updateFlags |= UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_PKG | UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_ALL;            }            updatePermissionsLPw(null, null, StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL, updateFlags);            ver.sdkVersion = mSdkVersion;            // If this is the first boot or an update from pre-M, and it is a normal            // boot, then we need to initialize the default preferred apps across            // all defined users.            if (!onlyCore && (mPromoteSystemApps || mFirstBoot)) {                for (UserInfo user : sUserManager.getUsers(true)) {                    mSettings.applyDefaultPreferredAppsLPw(this,;                    applyFactoryDefaultBrowserLPw(;                    primeDomainVerificationsLPw(;                }            }            // Prepare storage for system user really early during boot,            // since core system apps like SettingsProvider and SystemUI            // can't wait for user to start            final int storageFlags;            if (StorageManager.isFileEncryptedNativeOrEmulated()) {                storageFlags = StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_DE;            } else {                storageFlags = StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_DE | StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_CE;            }            reconcileAppsDataLI(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM,                    storageFlags);            // If this is first boot after an OTA, and a normal boot, then            // we need to clear code cache directories.            // Note that we do *not* clear the application profiles. These remain valid            // across OTAs and are used to drive profile verification (post OTA) and            // profile compilation (without waiting to collect a fresh set of profiles).            if (mIsUpgrade && !onlyCore) {                Slog.i(TAG, "Build fingerprint changed; clearing code caches");                for (int i = 0; i < mSettings.mPackages.size(); i++) {                    final PackageSetting ps = mSettings.mPackages.valueAt(i);                    if (Objects.equals(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL, ps.volumeUuid)) {                        // No apps are running this early, so no need to freeze                        clearAppDataLIF(ps.pkg, UserHandle.USER_ALL,                                StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_DE | StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_CE                                        | Installer.FLAG_CLEAR_CODE_CACHE_ONLY);                    }                }                ver.fingerprint = Build.FINGERPRINT;            }            checkDefaultBrowser();            // clear only after permissions and other defaults have been updated            mExistingSystemPackages.clear();            mPromoteSystemApps = false;            // All the changes are done during package scanning.            ver.databaseVersion = Settings.CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION;            // can downgrade to reader            mSettings.writeLPr();//将本次apk的扫描结果写入到packagex.xml中,供下一次对比            // Perform dexopt on all apps that mark themselves as coreApps. We do this pretty            // early on (before the package manager declares itself as early) because other            // components in the system server might ask for package contexts for these apps.            //            // Note that "onlyCore" in this context means the system is encrypted or encrypting            // (i.e, that the data partition is unavailable).            if ((isFirstBoot() || isUpgrade() || VMRuntime.didPruneDalvikCache()) && !onlyCore) {                long start = System.nanoTime();                List<PackageParser.Package> coreApps = new ArrayList<>();                for (PackageParser.Package pkg : mPackages.values()) {                    if (pkg.coreApp) {                        coreApps.add(pkg);                    }                }                int[] stats = performDexOptUpgrade(coreApps, false,                        getCompilerFilterForReason(REASON_CORE_APP));                final int elapsedTimeSeconds =                        (int) TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(System.nanoTime() - start);                MetricsLogger.histogram(mContext, "opt_coreapps_time_s", elapsedTimeSeconds);                if (DEBUG_DEXOPT) {                    Slog.i(TAG, "Dex-opt core apps took : " + elapsedTimeSeconds + " seconds (" +                            stats[0] + ", " + stats[1] + ", " + stats[2] + ")");                }                // TODO: Should we log these stats to tron too ?                // MetricsLogger.histogram(mContext, "opt_coreapps_num_dexopted", stats[0]);                // MetricsLogger.histogram(mContext, "opt_coreapps_num_skipped", stats[1]);                // MetricsLogger.histogram(mContext, "opt_coreapps_num_failed", stats[2]);                // MetricsLogger.histogram(mContext, "opt_coreapps_num_total", coreApps.size());            }            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_READY,                    SystemClock.uptimeMillis());            if (!mOnlyCore) {                mRequiredVerifierPackage = getRequiredButNotReallyRequiredVerifierLPr();                mRequiredInstallerPackage = getRequiredInstallerLPr();                mRequiredUninstallerPackage = getRequiredUninstallerLPr();                mIntentFilterVerifierComponent = getIntentFilterVerifierComponentNameLPr();                mIntentFilterVerifier = new IntentVerifierProxy(mContext,                        mIntentFilterVerifierComponent);                mServicesSystemSharedLibraryPackageName = getRequiredSharedLibraryLPr(                        PackageManager.SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARY_SERVICES);                mSharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName = getRequiredSharedLibraryLPr(                        PackageManager.SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARY_SHARED);            } else {                mRequiredVerifierPackage = null;                mRequiredInstallerPackage = null;                mRequiredUninstallerPackage = null;                mIntentFilterVerifierComponent = null;                mIntentFilterVerifier = null;                mServicesSystemSharedLibraryPackageName = null;                mSharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName = null;            }            mInstallerService = new PackageInstallerService(context, this);//创建PackageInstallerService实例            final ComponentName ephemeralResolverComponent = getEphemeralResolverLPr();            final ComponentName ephemeralInstallerComponent = getEphemeralInstallerLPr();            // both the installer and resolver must be present to enable ephemeral            if (ephemeralInstallerComponent != null && ephemeralResolverComponent != null) {                if (DEBUG_EPHEMERAL) {                    Slog.i(TAG, "Ephemeral activated; resolver: " + ephemeralResolverComponent                            + " installer:" + ephemeralInstallerComponent);                }                mEphemeralResolverComponent = ephemeralResolverComponent;                mEphemeralInstallerComponent = ephemeralInstallerComponent;                setUpEphemeralInstallerActivityLP(mEphemeralInstallerComponent);                mEphemeralResolverConnection =                        new EphemeralResolverConnection(mContext, mEphemeralResolverComponent);            } else {                if (DEBUG_EPHEMERAL) {                    final String missingComponent =                            (ephemeralResolverComponent == null)                            ? (ephemeralInstallerComponent == null)                                    ? "resolver and installer"                                    : "resolver"                            : "installer";                    Slog.i(TAG, "Ephemeral deactivated; missing " + missingComponent);                }                mEphemeralResolverComponent = null;                mEphemeralInstallerComponent = null;                mEphemeralResolverConnection = null;            }            mEphemeralApplicationRegistry = new EphemeralApplicationRegistry(this);        } // synchronized (mPackages)        } // synchronized (mInstallLock)        // Now after opening every single application zip, make sure they        // are all flushed.  Not really needed, but keeps things nice and        // tidy.        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();//启动垃圾回收        // The initial scanning above does many calls into installd while        // holding the mPackages lock, but we're mostly interested in yelling        // once we have a booted system.        mInstaller.setWarnIfHeld(mPackages);        // Expose private service for system components to use.        LocalServices.addService(PackageManagerInternal.class, new PackageManagerInternalImpl());   

