jQuery: Installation, Overview, and Getting Started

来源:互联网 发布:类似惠头条的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:26

Overview of jQuery

jQuery is the Single-Most Popular JavaScript Library
Ajax utilities
General: .ajax(),(…).load(…)
Shortcuts: .get,.post, .getJSONDOMsearchandmanipulationutilities(“p.myStyle”).addClass(“extraStyle”).show();
Cross-browser event model
Assigns handlers programmatically, hides browser differences
General JavaScript utilities
Functions operating on strings and arrays
Rich GUIs
jQuery UI provides widgets, fancier effects, drag/drop
Simple animation
Not as extensive as Scriptaculous, but easy to use

Downloading and Using jQuery
Interactive Testing and Practice

Manipulating the DOM with jQuery: Basics

One of the main uses of jQuery is to find and modify elements in the DOM (Document Object Model)

To be continued….