【面试题】Java String常量相等(==)问题

来源:互联网 发布:软件安全测试方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:00


以下三个结果分别输出(true or false)?别小看它,很多程序员因为上面问题出过生产bug

String s3 = "s";String s4 = "s";System.out.println(s3==s4);---String s5 = "hello";String s6 = "he"+"llo";System.out.println(s5==s6);---Integer i = 2017;Integer j = 2017;System.out.println(i==j);---String s1 = new String("s");String s2 = new String("s");System.out.println(s1==s2);System.out.println(s1.intern()==s2.intern());


String s3 = "s";String s4 = "s";System.out.println(s3==s4);   //true---String s5 = "hello";String s6 = "he"+"llo";System.out.println(s5==s6);   //true---Integer i = 2017;Integer j = 2017;System.out.println(i==j);   //false---String s1 = new String("s");String s2 = new String("s");System.out.println(s1==s2);   //falseSystem.out.println(s1.intern()==s2.intern());   //true


  1. 看看Integer的源代码就知道Integer 把-128-127之间的每个值建立了缓存池,所以Integer i =127,Integer j =127,他们是true,超出就是false。可以参考我的这篇文章: 【Java】Integer变量相等(==)比较问题

  2. String s = “s” 是常量池中创建一个对象”s”,所以是true。而String s = new String(”s”)在堆上面分配内存创建一个String对象,栈放了对象引用。如下图:


String 的intern()方法的官方解释如下:

/**  * Returns an interned string equal to this string. The VM maintains an internal set of  * unique strings. All string literals found in loaded classes'  * constant pools are automatically interned. Manually-interned strings are only weakly  * referenced, so calling {@code intern} won't lead to unwanted retention.  *  * <p>Interning is typically used because it guarantees that for interned strings  * {@code a} and {@code b}, {@code a.equals(b)} can be simplified to  * {@code a == b}. (This is not true of non-interned strings.)  *  * <p>Many applications find it simpler and more convenient to use an explicit  * {@link java.util.HashMap} to implement their own pools.  */ public native String intern();



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