
来源:互联网 发布:网络服务提供商与数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:27


#include<stdio.h>const int maxn=1e5;struct student{    char num[10];       /*学号*/    char name[15];      /*姓名*/    int cgrade;         /*C语言成绩*/    int mgrade;         /*数学成绩*/    int egrade;         /*英语成绩*/    int total;          /*总分*/    float ave;          /*平均分*/    int mingci;         /*名次*/    struct student *next;};void print() {    printf("           The students' Grade Management System\n");    for(int i=0;i<25;i++) printf("*");    printf("Mune");    for(int i=0;i<25;i++) printf("*");    printf("\n");    printf("*   1 input record\t\t2 delete record      *\n");    printf("*   3 search record\t\t4 modify record      *\n");    printf("*   5 insert record\t\t6 count record       *\n");    printf("*   7 sort record\t\t8 save record        *\n");    printf("*   9 display record\t\t0 quit record        *\n");}struct student *inputs(struct student*head) {    struct student *p=NULL,*pr=head;    p=(struct student*) malloc(sizeof(struct student));    if(p==NULL) {        printf("No enough memory to allocate!\n");        exit(0);    }    if(head==NULL) head=p;    else {        while(pr->next!=NULL) pr=pr->next;        pr->next=p;    }    printf("Input student information:\n");    printf("Please input student's number:");    scanf("%s",&p->num);    printf("Please input student's name:");    scanf("%s",&p->name);    printf("Please input student's C launage grade:");    scanf("%d",&p->cgrade);    printf("Please input student's Math grade:");    scanf("%d",&p->mgrade);    printf("Please input student's English grade:");    scanf("%d",&p->egrade);    printf("Please input student's rank:");    scanf("%d",&p->mingci);    p->total=p->cgrade+p->mgrade+p->egrade;    p->ave=(double)p->total/3.0;    //printf("%d %d %d\n",p->cgrade,p->mgrade,p->egrade);    p->next=NULL;    printf("You have input the student's information successful!\n");    return head;}struct student *deletes(struct student*head) {    printf("Please input the student's name which you want to delect:");    char delect_name[15];    scanf("%s",&delect_name);    struct student *p=head,*pr=NULL;    if(head==NULL) {        printf("Student's information is empty!\n");        return (head);    }    while(strcmp(delect_name,p->name)&&p->next!=NULL) {        pr=p;        p=p->next;    }    if(strcmp(delect_name,p->name)==0) {        if(p==head) head=p->next;        else pr->next=p->next;        free(p);        printf("The student information has been deleted\n");    }    else printf("This student has not been found!\n");    return head;}void searchs(struct student*head) {    printf("Please input the student's name which you want to search:");    char search_name[15];    scanf("%s",&search_name);    struct student *p=head;    if(head==NULL) {        printf("Student's information is empty!\n");        return head;    }    while(strcmp(search_name,p->name)==0&&p->next!=NULL) {        p=p->next;    }    if(strcmp(search_name,p->name)==0) {        printf("The student's number is%s\n",p->num);        printf("The student's number C language grade is %d\n",p->cgrade);        printf("The student's number Math grade is %d\n",p->mgrade);        printf("The student's number English grade is %d\n",p->egrade);        printf("The student's number total grade is %d\n",p->total);        printf("The student's number average grade is %f\n",p->ave);        printf("The student's number rank is %d\n",p->mingci);    }    else printf("This student has not been found!\n");    return head;}struct student *modifys(struct student*head) {     printf("Please input the student's name which you want to modify:");    char modify_name[15];    scanf("%s",&modify_name);    struct student *p=head,*pr=NULL;    if(head==NULL) {        printf("Student's information is empty!\n");        return (head);    }    while(strcmp(modify_name,p->name)&&p->next!=NULL) {        p=p->next;    }    if(strcmp(modify_name,p->name)==0) {        printf("Please input the information you want to modify:");        printf("\n1.number\t2.name\n");        printf("3.C language grade\t4.Math grade\n");        printf("5.English grade\t6.rank\n");        int modify_number;        scanf("%d",&modify_number);        if(modify_number==1) {            printf("Please input the new number:");            char new_number[20];            scanf("%s",&new_number);            strcpy(p->num,new_number);            //p->num=new_number;            printf("The student's information modify successful\n");        }        else if(modify_number==2) {            printf("Please input the new name:");            char new_name[20];            scanf("%s",&new_name);            strcpy(p->name,new_name);            //p->name=new_name;            printf("The student's information modify successful\n");        }        else if(modify_number==3) {            printf("Please input the new C language grade:");            int new_grade;            scanf("%d",&new_grade);            p->cgrade=new_grade;            p->total=p->cgrade+p->mgrade+p->egrade;            p->ave=(double)p->total/3.0;            printf("The student's information modify successful\n");        }        else if(modify_number==4) {            printf("Please input the new Math grade:");            int new_grade;            scanf("%d",&new_grade);            p->mgrade=new_grade;            p->total=p->cgrade+p->mgrade+p->egrade;            p->ave=(double)p->total/3.0;            printf("The student's information modify successful\n");        }        else if(modify_number==5) {            printf("Please input the new English grade:");            int new_grade;            scanf("%d",&new_grade);            p->egrade=new_grade;            p->total=p->cgrade+p->mgrade+p->egrade;            p->ave=(double)p->total/3.0;            printf("The student's information modify successful\n");        }        else if(modify_number==6) {            printf("Please input the new rank:");            int new_rank;            scanf("%d",&new_rank);            p->mingci=new_rank;            printf("The student's information modify successful\n");        }    }    else printf("This student has not been found!\n");    return head;}struct student *inserts(struct student*head) {    printf("Please input the name do you want do insert:");    char insert_name[20];    scanf("%s",&insert_name);    printf("Please input the name do you want to insert the %s after:",insert_name);    char after_name[20];    scanf("%s",&after_name);    struct student *p=NULL,*pr=head,*temp=NULL;    p=(struct student*) malloc(sizeof(struct student));    if(head==NULL) {        printf("Student's information is empty!\n");        return (head);    }    printf("Input student information:\n");    printf("Please input student's number:");    scanf("%s",&p->num);    printf("Please input student's name:");    scanf("%s",&p->name);    printf("Please input student's C launage grade:");    scanf("%d",&p->cgrade);    printf("Please input student's Math grade:");    scanf("%d",&p->mgrade);    printf("Please input student's English grade:");    scanf("%d",&p->egrade);    printf("Please input student's rank:");    scanf("%d",&p->mingci);    p->total=p->cgrade+p->mgrade+p->egrade;    p->ave=(double)p->total/3.0;    p->next=NULL;    printf("You have input the student's information successful!\n");    while(strcmp(after_name,pr->name)!=0&&pr->next!=NULL) {        pr=pr->next;    }    if(strcmp(after_name,pr->name)==0) {        p->next=pr->next;        pr->next=p;    }    else printf("This student has not been found!\n");    return head;}void counts(struct student*head) {    struct student *p=head;    if(head==NULL) {        printf("student's information is empty!\n");        return (head);    }    int cgrades=0,mgrades=0,egrades=0;    while(p!=NULL) {        cgrades+=p->cgrade;        mgrades+=p->mgrade;        egrades+=p->egrade;        p=p->next;    }    printf("The all students C language grade is %d\n",cgrades);    printf("The all students Math grade is %d\n",mgrades);    printf("The all students English grade is %d\n",egrades);}struct student *sorts(struct student*head) {    struct student *f=NULL,*t=NULL, *max, *pr=NULL, *p;    while(head!=NULL) {        for(p=head,max=head;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next)            if(p->next->cgrade>max->cgrade) {                    pr=p;max=p->next;          }          if(f==NULL) {            f=max;t=max;          }          else{               t->next = max;t = max;          }               if (max==head)               head = head->next;               else               pr->next = max->next;    }   t->next = NULL;   printf("You sort the students' information with C language grade\n");   return f;}void saves(struct student*head) {    FILE *w =fopen("output.txt","w");    struct student *p=head;    while(p) {       fprintf(w,"The student's number:%s\n",p->num);       fprintf(w,"The student's name:%s\n",p->name);       fprintf(w,"The student's C language grade:%d\n",p->cgrade);       fprintf(w,"The student's Math grade:%d\n",p->mgrade);       fprintf(w,"The student's English grade:%d\n",p->egrade);       fprintf(w,"The student's total grade:%d\n",p->total);       fprintf(w,"The student's average grade:%f\n",p->ave);       fprintf(w,"The student's rank :%d\n\n\n",p->mingci);       p=p->next;    }    fclose(w);    printf("Save the students's information successfully!\n");}void displays(struct student*head) {    struct student *p=head;    if(head==NULL) {        printf("student's information is empty!\n");        return (head);    }    while(p!=NULL) {        printf("The students number is:%s\n",p->num);        printf("The students name is:%s\n",p->name);        printf("The students C language grade is:%d\n",p->cgrade);        printf("The students Math grade is:%d\n",p->mgrade);        printf("The students English grade is:%d\n",p->egrade);        printf("The students sum grade is:%d\n",p->total);        printf("The students average grade is:%f\n",p->ave);        printf("The students rank  is:%d\n\n\n",p->mingci);        p=p->next;    }}void release(struct student*head) {    struct student *p=head,*pr=NULL;    while(p!=NULL) {        pr=p;        p=p->next;        free(pr);    }}int main(){    print();    int x;    struct student *head=NULL;    while(scanf("%d",&x)&&x) {        if(x>9) printf("please input the number from 0 to 9");        else {            if(x==1) head=inputs(head);            if(x==2) head=deletes(head);            if(x==3) searchs(head);            if(x==4) head=modifys(head);            if(x==5) head=inserts(head);            if(x==6) counts(head);            if(x==7) head=sorts(head);            if(x==8) saves(head);            if(x==9) displays(head);        }    }    release(head);    printf("You had quit The students' Grade Management System\n");    return 0;}