
来源:互联网 发布:北京外国语大学网络教 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:33


[时间:2016-09] [状态:Open]

ALooper/AHandler机制是模拟的消息循环处理方式,通常有三个主要部分:消息(message,通常包含Handler)、消息队列(queue)、消息处理线程(looper thread)。

1 AHandler接口分析(消息处理类)


// code frome "./frameworks/av/include/media/stagefright/AHandler.h"struct AHandler : public RefBase {    AHandler();    ALooper::handler_id id() const;    sp<ALooper> looper() const;    wp<ALooper> getLooper() const;    wp<AHandler> getHandler() const;protected:    virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) = 0;private:    friend struct AMessage;      // deliverMessage()    friend struct ALooperRoster; // setID()    uint32_t mMessageCounter;    KeyedVector<uint32_t, uint32_t> mMessages;    void setID(ALooper::handler_id id, wp<ALooper> looper);    void deliverMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg);};


2 AMessage接口分析(消息载体)


// code from "./frameworks/av/include/media/stagefright/AMessage.h"struct AMessage : public RefBase {    AMessage();    AMessage(uint32_t what, const sp<const AHandler> &handler); // 代码中常用的构造函数    static sp<AMessage> FromParcel(const Parcel &parcel, size_t maxNestingLevel = 255);    // Write this AMessage to a parcel.    // All items in the AMessage must have types that are recognized by    // FromParcel(); otherwise, TRESPASS error will occur.    void writeToParcel(Parcel *parcel) const;    void setWhat(uint32_t what);    uint32_t what() const;    // 注意这是一个AHandler,通过这个可以获得ALooper对象引用    void setTarget(const sp<const AHandler> &handler);    // 清除所有设置的消息属性参数    void clear();        // 一系列设置/获取 Message 属性的函数。。。    void setInt32/setInt64/setSize/setFloat/setDouble/setPointer/setPointer/setString/setRect/setObject/setBuffer/setMessage(...);    bool findInt32/findInt64/findSize/findFloat/findDouble/findPointer/findString/findObject/findBuffer/findMessage/findRect(...) const;    // 通过这个函数检索下指定名称的消息属性是否存在    bool contains(const char *name) const;    // 投递消息的接口,顾名思义直接投递给构造函数的ALooper,注意支持延时消息,但不支持提前消息,delayUS > 0    status_t post(int64_t delayUs = 0);    // 投递消息并等待执行结束后发送response消息    status_t postAndAwaitResponse(sp<AMessage> *response);    // If this returns true, the sender of this message is synchronously    // awaiting a response and the reply token is consumed from the message    // and stored into replyID. The reply token must be used to send the response    // using "postReply" below.    bool senderAwaitsResponse(sp<AReplyToken> *replyID);    // Posts the message as a response to a reply token.  A reply token can    // only be used once. Returns OK if the response could be posted; otherwise,    // an error.    status_t postReply(const sp<AReplyToken> &replyID);    // 深拷贝    sp<AMessage> dup() const;    // 比较两个消息,并返回差异    sp<AMessage> changesFrom(const sp<const AMessage> &other, bool deep = false) const;    // 获取消息属性存储的个数及特定索引上的消息属性参数    size_t countEntries() const;    const char *getEntryNameAt(size_t index, Type *type) const;protected:    virtual ~AMessage();private:    friend struct ALooper; // deliver()    uint32_t mWhat;    wp<AHandler> mHandler;    wp<ALooper> mLooper;        // 用于ALooper调用的,发送消息的接口    void deliver();};


3 ALooper接口分析(消息处理循环及后台线程)


// code from "./frameworks/av/include/media/stagefright/ALooper.h"struct ALooper : public RefBase {    ALooper();    // Takes effect in a subsequent call to start().    void setName(const char *name);    const char *getName() const;    handler_id registerHandler(const sp<AHandler> &handler);    void unregisterHandler(handler_id handlerID);    status_t start(bool runOnCallingThread = false,            bool canCallJava = false, int32_t priority = PRIORITY_DEFAULT);    status_t stop();    static int64_t GetNowUs();    protected:    virtual ~ALooper();private:    friend struct AMessage;       // post()    AString mName;    struct Event {        int64_t mWhenUs;        sp<AMessage> mMessage;    };    List<Event> mEventQueue;    struct LooperThread;    sp<LooperThread> mThread;    bool mRunningLocally;    // START --- methods used only by AMessage    // posts a message on this looper with the given timeout    void post(const sp<AMessage> &msg, int64_t delayUs);    // creates a reply token to be used with this looper    sp<AReplyToken> createReplyToken();    // waits for a response for the reply token.  If status is OK, the response    // is stored into the supplied variable.  Otherwise, it is unchanged.    status_t awaitResponse(const sp<AReplyToken> &replyToken, sp<AMessage> *response);    // posts a reply for a reply token.  If the reply could be successfully posted,    // it returns OK. Otherwise, it returns an error value.    status_t postReply(const sp<AReplyToken> &replyToken, const sp<AMessage> &msg);    // END --- methods used only by AMessage    bool loop();};


bool ALooper::loop() {    Event event;    {        Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);        if (mThread == NULL && !mRunningLocally) {            return false;        }        // 从mEventQueue取出消息,判断是否需要执行,不需要的话就等待        // 需要的话就调用handler执行,并删除对应消息        if (mEventQueue.empty()) {            mQueueChangedCondition.wait(mLock);            return true;        }        int64_t whenUs = (*mEventQueue.begin()).mWhenUs;        int64_t nowUs = GetNowUs();        if (whenUs > nowUs) {            int64_t delayUs = whenUs - nowUs;            mQueueChangedCondition.waitRelative(mLock, delayUs * 1000ll);            return true;        }        event = *mEventQueue.begin();        mEventQueue.erase(mEventQueue.begin());    }    event.mMessage->deliver();    return true;}

那么消息是通过那个函数添加进来的呢? 这就是友元类AMessage的作用,通过调用ALooper::post接口,将AMessage添加到mEventQueue中。

4 一个调用实例

这里不解释ALooper的初始化过程,有兴趣的可以参考资料Android Native层异步消息处理框架的内容。

void NuPlayer::setVideoSurfaceTextureAsync(        const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> &bufferProducer) {    sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetVideoSurface, this);    if (bufferProducer == NULL) {        msg->setObject("surface", NULL);    } else {        msg->setObject("surface", new Surface(bufferProducer, true /* controlledByApp */));    }    msg->post();}


void NuPlayer::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) {    switch (msg->what()) {        case kWhatSetVideoSurface:        {            sp<RefBase> obj;            CHECK(msg->findObject("surface", &obj));            sp<Surface> surface = static_cast<Surface *>(obj.get());            ALOGD("onSetVideoSurface(%p video decoder)", surface.get());            // Need to check mStarted before calling mSource->getFormat because NuPlayer might            // be in preparing state and it could take long time.            // When mStarted is true, mSource must have been set.            if (mSource == NULL || !mStarted || mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */) == NULL                    // NOTE: mVideoDecoder's mSurface is always non-null                    || (mVideoDecoder != NULL && mVideoDecoder->setVideoSurface(surface) == OK)) {                performSetSurface(surface);                break;            }        }                // ... 省略其他部分代码    }}


