
来源:互联网 发布:销售提成计算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:53


1 包含的类

##1.1 data类

class data():
def __init__(self, classifier):
self.examples = []
self.attributes = []
self.attr_types = []
self.classifier = classifier
self.class_index = None

##1.2 treeNode类
self.attr_split_value = None:
self.parent = parent:
self.upper_child = None:
self.lower_child = None:
self.height = None:

class treeNode():
def __init__(self, is_leaf, classification, attr_split_index, attr_split_value, parent, upper_child, lower_child,
self.is_leaf = True
self.classification = None
self.attr_split = None
self.attr_split_index = None
self.attr_split_value = None
self.parent = parent
self.upper_child = None
self.lower_child = None
self.height = None

2 函数的具体实现

2.1 def read_data(dataset, datafile, datatypes):函数


def read_data(dataset, datafile, datatypes):    print "Reading data..."    f = open(datafile)    original_file = f.read()    #split the data by lines    rowsplit_data = original_file.splitlines()    # split the data by ','    dataset.examples = [rows.split(',') for rows in rowsplit_data]    # list attributes    dataset.attributes = dataset.examples.pop(0)    # create array that indicates whether each attribute is a numerical value or not    attr_type = open(datatypes)    orig_file = attr_type.read()    dataset.attr_types = orig_file.split(',')


f = open(datafile)original_file = f.read()#split the data by linesrowsplit_data = original_file.splitlines()# split the data by ','dataset.examples = [rows.split(',') for rows in rowsplit_data]


# list attributesdataset.attributes = dataset.examples.pop(0)


# create array that indicates whether each attribute is a numerical value or notattr_type = open(datatypes)orig_file = attr_type.read()dataset.attr_types = orig_file.split(',')

2.2 def preprocess2(dataset):函数


#get the class value in the exampleclass_values = [example[dataset.class_index] for example in dataset.examples]class_mode = Counter(class_values)#find the most common one in the calss modeclass_mode = class_mode.most_common(1)[0][0]


ex_0class = filter(lambda x: x[dataset.class_index] == '0', dataset.examples)values_0class = [example[attr_index] for example in ex_0class]#get the example data of 1 of attributes at the index of attr_indexex_1class = filter(lambda x: x[dataset.class_index] == '1', dataset.examples)values_1class = [example[attr_index] for example in ex_1class]

2.3 def compute_tree(dataset, parent_node, classifier):函数


node = treeNode(True, None, None, None, parent_node, None, None, 0)#compute the node heightif (parent_node == None):    node.height = 0else:    node.height = node.parent.height + 1ones = one_count(dataset.examples, dataset.attributes, classifier)if (len(dataset.examples) == ones):    node.classification = 1    node.is_leaf = True    return nodeelif (ones == 0):    node.classification = 0    node.is_leaf = True    return nodeelse:    node.is_leaf = False


attr_to_split = None  # The index of the attribute we will split onmax_gain = 0          # The gain given by the best attributesplit_val = Nonemin_gain = 0.01dataset_entropy = calc_dataset_entropy(dataset, classifier)


if (dataset.attributes[attr_index] != classifier):    local_max_gain = 0    local_split_val = None    attr_value_list = [example[attr_index] for example in                       dataset.examples]  # these are the values we can split on, now we must find the best one    attr_value_list = list(set(attr_value_list))  # remove duplicates from list of all attribute values


if (len(attr_value_list) > 100):    attr_value_list = sorted(attr_value_list)    total = len(attr_value_list)    ten_percentile = int(total / 10)    new_list = []    for x in range(1, 10):        new_list.append(attr_value_list[x * ten_percentile])    attr_value_list = new_list


for val in attr_value_list:    # calculate the gain if we split on this value    # if gain is greater than local_max_gain, save this gain and this value    local_gain = calc_gain(dataset, dataset_entropy, val,                           attr_index)  # calculate the gain if we split on this value    if (local_gain > local_max_gain):        local_max_gain = local_gain        local_split_val = val


if (local_max_gain > max_gain):    max_gain = local_max_gain    split_val = local_split_val    attr_to_split = attr_index


    # attr_to_split is now the best attribute according to our gain metric    if (split_val is None or attr_to_split is None):        print "Something went wrong. Couldn't find an attribute to split on or a split value."    elif (max_gain <= min_gain or node.height > 20):        node.is_leaf = True        node.classification = classify_leaf(dataset, classifier)        return node


    node.attr_split_index = attr_to_split    node.attr_split = dataset.attributes[attr_to_split]    node.attr_split_value = split_val    # currently doing one split per node so only two datasets are created    upper_dataset = data(classifier)    lower_dataset = data(classifier)    upper_dataset.attributes = dataset.attributes    lower_dataset.attributes = dataset.attributes    upper_dataset.attr_types = dataset.attr_types    lower_dataset.attr_types = dataset.attr_types    for example in dataset.examples:        if (attr_to_split is not None and example[attr_to_split] >= split_val):            upper_dataset.examples.append(example)        elif (attr_to_split is not None):            lower_dataset.examples.append(example)    node.upper_child = compute_tree(upper_dataset, node, classifier)    node.lower_child = compute_tree(lower_dataset, node, classifier)    return node

2.4 def classify_leaf(dataset, classifier):函数


def classify_leaf(dataset, classifier):    ones = one_count(dataset.examples, dataset.attributes, classifier)    total = len(dataset.examples)    zeroes = total - ones    if (ones >= zeroes):        return 1    else:        return 0

2.5 def calc_dataset_entropy(dataset, classifier):函数




def calc_dataset_entropy(dataset, classifier):    ones = one_count(dataset.examples, dataset.attributes, classifier)    total_examples = len(dataset.examples);    entropy = 0    p = ones / total_examples    if (p != 0):        entropy += p * math.log(p, 2)    p = (total_examples - ones) / total_examples    if (p != 0):        entropy += p * math.log(p, 2)    entropy = -entropy    return entropy

2.6 def calc_gain(dataset, entropy, val, attr_index):函数




def calc_gain(dataset, entropy, val, attr_index):    classifier = dataset.attributes[attr_index]    attr_entropy = 0    total_examples = len(dataset.examples);    gain_upper_dataset = data(classifier)    gain_lower_dataset = data(classifier)    gain_upper_dataset.attributes = dataset.attributes    gain_lower_dataset.attributes = dataset.attributes    gain_upper_dataset.attr_types = dataset.attr_types    gain_lower_dataset.attr_types = dataset.attr_types    for example in dataset.examples:        if (example[attr_index] >= val):            gain_upper_dataset.examples.append(example)        elif (example[attr_index] < val):            gain_lower_dataset.examples.append(example)    if (len(gain_upper_dataset.examples) == 0 or len(            gain_lower_dataset.examples) == 0):  # Splitting didn't actually split (we tried to split on the max or min of the attribute's range)        return -1    attr_entropy += calc_dataset_entropy(gain_upper_dataset, classifier) * len(        gain_upper_dataset.examples) / total_examples    attr_entropy += calc_dataset_entropy(gain_lower_dataset, classifier) * len(        gain_lower_dataset.examples) / total_examples    return entropy - attr_entropy

2.7 def one_count(instances, attributes, classifier):函数


def one_count(instances, attributes, classifier):    count = 0    class_index = None    # find index of classifier    for a in range(len(attributes)):        if attributes[a] == classifier:            class_index = a        else:            class_index = len(attributes) - 1    for i in instances:        if i[class_index] == "1":            count += 1    return count

2.8 def prune_tree(root, node, dataset, best_score):函数


def prune_tree(root, node, dataset, best_score):    # if node is a leaf    if (node.is_leaf == True):        # get its classification        classification = node.classification        # run validate_tree on a tree with the nodes parent as a leaf with its classification        node.parent.is_leaf = True        node.parent.classification = node.classification        if (node.height < 20):            new_score = validate_tree(root, dataset)        else:            new_score = 0        # if its better, change it        if (new_score >= best_score):            return new_score        else:            node.parent.is_leaf = False            node.parent.classification = None            return best_score    # if its not a leaf    else:        # prune tree(node.upper_child)        new_score = prune_tree(root, node.upper_child, dataset, best_score)        # if its now a leaf, return        if (node.is_leaf == True):            return new_score        # prune tree(node.lower_child)        new_score = prune_tree(root, node.lower_child, dataset, new_score)        # if its now a leaf, return        if (node.is_leaf == True):            return new_score        return new_score

2.9 def validate_tree(node, dataset):函数


def validate_tree(node, dataset):    total = len(dataset.examples)    correct = 0    for example in dataset.examples:        # validate example        correct += validate_example(node, example)    return correct / total

2.10 def validate_example(node, example):函数


def validate_example(node, example):    if (node.is_leaf == True):        projected = node.classification        actual = int(example[-1])        if (projected == actual):            return 1        else:            return 0    value = example[node.attr_split_index]    if (value >= node.attr_split_value):        return validate_example(node.upper_child, example)    else:        return validate_example(node.lower_child, example)

2.11 def test_example(example, node, class_index):函数


def test_example(example, node, class_index):    if (node.is_leaf == True):        return node.classification    else:        if (example[node.attr_split_index] >= node.attr_split_value):            return test_example(example, node.upper_child, class_index)        else:            return test_example(example, node.lower_child, class_index)

2.12 def print_tree(node):函数


def print_tree(node):    if (node.is_leaf == True):        for x in range(node.height):            print "\t",        print "Classification: " + str(node.classification)        return    for x in range(node.height):        print "\t",    print "Split index: " + str(node.attr_split)    for x in range(node.height):        print "\t",    print "Split value: " + str(node.attr_split_value)    print_tree(node.upper_child)    print_tree(node.lower_child)

2.13 def print_disjunctive(node, dataset, dnf_string):函数

通过disjunctive normal form格式输出决策树。

def print_disjunctive(node, dataset, dnf_string):    if (node.parent == None):        dnf_string = "( "    if (node.is_leaf == True):        if (node.classification == 1):            dnf_string = dnf_string[:-3]            dnf_string += ") ^ "            print dnf_string,        else:            return    else:        upper = dnf_string + str(dataset.attributes[node.attr_split_index]) + " >= " + str(            node.attr_split_value) + " V "        print_disjunctive(node.upper_child, dataset, upper)        lower = dnf_string + str(dataset.attributes[node.attr_split_index]) + " < " + str(node.attr_split_value) + " V "        print_disjunctive(node.lower_child, dataset, lower)        return

3 运行一个决策树的实例

如上图为运行结果:运行代码如下所示,设置的运行参数为:../data/btrain.csv -v ../data/bvalidate.csv -p -t ../data/btest.csv

import sysimport astimport csvfrom com.DecisionTree.DecisionTree import *################################################### main function, organize data and execute functions based on input# need to account for missing data##################################################def main():    #get the parameter of the args    args = str(sys.argv)    args = ast.literal_eval(args)    print args    # get the length of the parameter    if (len(args) < 2):        print "You have input less than the minimum number of arguments. Go back and read README.txt and do it right next time!"    #judge the type of the file    elif (args[1][-4:] != ".csv"):        print "Your training file (second argument) must be a .csv!"    else:        datafile = args[1]        #instantiation a dataset class number        dataset = data("")        #judge the data type of the types        if ("-d" in args):            datatypes = args[args.index("-d") + 1]        else:            datatypes = '../data/datatypes.csv'        #read data from datafile        read_data(dataset, datafile, datatypes)        arg3 = args[2]        #choose the attributes as classifier        if (arg3 in dataset.attributes):            classifier = arg3        else:            classifier = dataset.attributes[-1]        #dataset.classifier = 'Winner'        dataset.classifier = classifier        # find index of classifier default the index is the end of the attribustes        for a in range(len(dataset.attributes)):            if dataset.attributes[a] == dataset.classifier:                dataset.class_index = a            else:                dataset.class_index = range(len(dataset.attributes))[-1]        unprocessed = copy.deepcopy(dataset)        #preprocess the data        preprocess2(dataset)        print "Computing tree..."        root = compute_tree(dataset, None, classifier)        if ("-s" in args):            print_disjunctive(root, dataset, "")            print "\n"        if ("-v" in args):            datavalidate = args[args.index("-v") + 1]            print "Validating tree..."            validateset = data(classifier)            read_data(validateset, datavalidate, datatypes)            for a in range(len(dataset.attributes)):                if validateset.attributes[a] == validateset.classifier:                    validateset.class_index = a                else:                    validateset.class_index = range(len(validateset.attributes))[-1]            preprocess2(validateset)            best_score = validate_tree(root, validateset)            all_ex_score = copy.deepcopy(best_score)            print "Initial (pre-pruning) validation set score: " + str(100 * best_score) + "%"        if ("-p" in args):            if ("-v" not in args):                print "Error: You must validate if you want to prune"            else:                post_prune_accuracy = 100 * prune_tree(root, root, validateset, best_score)                print "Post-pruning score on validation set: " + str(post_prune_accuracy) + "%"        if ("-t" in args):            datatest = args[args.index("-t") + 1]            testset = data(classifier)            read_data(testset, datatest, datatypes)            for a in range(len(dataset.attributes)):                if testset.attributes[a] == testset.classifier:                    testset.class_index = a                else:                    testset.class_index = range(len(testset.attributes))[-1]            print "Testing model on " + str(datatest)            for example in testset.examples:                example[testset.class_index] = '0'            testset.examples[0][testset.class_index] = '1'            testset.examples[1][testset.class_index] = '1'            testset.examples[2][testset.class_index] = '?'            preprocess2(testset)            b = open('results.csv', 'w')            a = csv.writer(b)            for example in testset.examples:                example[testset.class_index] = test_example(example, root, testset.class_index)            saveset = testset            saveset.examples = [saveset.attributes] + saveset.examples            a.writerows(saveset.examples)            b.close()            print "Testing complete. Results outputted to results.csv"if __name__ == '__main__':    main()