
来源:互联网 发布:幽灵行动未来战士java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/10 19:56
function miffile(filename,var,width,depth)%       function miffile(filename,var,width,depth)%       It creates a 'mif' file called filename,which be written with var.%       The 'mif' file is a kind of file formats which is uesed in Altera's%       EDA tool,like maxplus II ,quartus II,to initialize the memory%       models,just like cam,rom,ram.%       Using this function,you can easily produce the 'mif' file written%       with all kinds of your data.%       If the size of 'var' is shorter than 'depth',0 will be written for the%       lefts.If the size of 'var' is greater than 'depth',than only 'depth' former%       data of 'var' will be written;%       the radix of address and data is hex%       filename --the name of the file to be created,eg,"a.mif",string;%       var ----the data to be writed to the file, can be 3D or less ,int or other fittable;%       width --the word size of the data,width>=1,int;%       depth --the number of the data to be writed,int;%%       because matlab read the matrix is colum first,if you want to write%       the 'var' data in row first mode, just set var to var';%%       example:%             a=uint8(rand(16,16)*256);%             miffile('randnum.mif',a,8,256);if(nargin~=4) %% be tired to do more inupts check!    error('Need 4 parameters! Use help miffile for help!');end,   fh=fopen(filename,'w+');fprintf(fh,'--Created by xxxx.\r\n');fprintf(fh,'--xxxxx@126.com.\r\n');fprintf(fh,'--%s.\r\n',datestr(now));fprintf(fh,'WIDTH=%d;\r\n',width);fprintf(fh,'DEPTH=%d;\r\n',depth);fprintf(fh,'ADDRESS_RADIX=HEX;\r\n');fprintf(fh,'DATA_RADIX=HEX;\r\n');fprintf(fh,'CONTENT BEGIN\r\n');%%%%%%%%%%%%var=rem(var,2^width);%% clip to fit the width;[sx,sy,sz]=size(var);%% can only fit 3D or less;value=var(1,1,1);sametotal=1;idepth=0;addrlen=1;temp=16;while(temp<depth) %�cide the length of addr       temp=temp*16;       addrlen=addrlen+1;end,datalen=1;while(temp<width) %�cide the length of data       temp=temp*16;       datalen=datalen+1;end,for k=1:sz,    for j=1:sy,        for i=1:sx,            if(~((i==1 ) &&( j==1) &&( k==1)))               if(idepth<depth),                  idepth=idepth+1;                if(value==var(i,j,k))                    sametotal=sametotal+1;                    continue;                else                                           if(sametotal==1)                           fprintf(fh,['\t%' num2str(addrlen) 'X:%' num2str(datalen) 'X;\r\n'],idepth-1,value);                        else                           fprintf(fh,['\t[%' num2str(addrlen) 'X..%' num2str(addrlen) 'X]:%' num2str(datalen) 'X;\r\n'],idepth-sametotal,idepth-1,value);                        end,                       sametotal=1;                       value=var(i,j,k);                end,                    else                 break;                               end,            end,        end,    end,end,if(idepth<depth)             if(sametotal==1)               fprintf(fh,['\t%' num2str(addrlen) 'X:%' num2str(datalen) 'X;\r\n'],idepth,value);              else                 fprintf(fh,['\t[%' num2str(addrlen) 'X..%' num2str(addrlen) 'X]:%' num2str(datalen) 'X;\r\n'],idepth-sametotal+1,idepth,value);              end,end,if(idepth<depth-1)    if(idepth==(depth-2))        fprintf(fh,['\t%' num2str(addrlen) 'X:%' num2str(datalen) 'X;\r\n'],idepth+1,0);    else        fprintf(fh,['\t[%' num2str(addrlen) 'X..%' num2str(addrlen) 'X]:%' num2str(datalen) 'X;\r\n'],idepth+1,depth-1,0);    end,end,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%fprintf(fh,'END;\r\n');               fclose(fh);