Linux pulse_audio音频输出demo

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝商城weimeixiaowu 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:11
***  This file is part of PulseAudio.  Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering  Copyright 2006 Pierre Ossman <> for Cendio AB  PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,  or (at your option) any later version.  PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU  General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License  along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.***/#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H#include <config.h>#endif#include <signal.h>#include <string.h>#include <errno.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <assert.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <locale.h>#include <sndfile.h>#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h>#include <pulse/i18n.h>static pa_context *context = NULL;static pa_stream *stream = NULL;static pa_mainloop_api *mainloop_api = NULL;static char *stream_name = NULL, *client_name = NULL, *device = NULL;static int verbose = 0;static pa_volume_t volume = PA_VOLUME_NORM;static SNDFILE* sndfile = NULL;static pa_sample_spec sample_spec = { 0, 0, 0 };static pa_channel_map channel_map;static int channel_map_set = 0;static sf_count_t (*readf_function)(SNDFILE *_sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t frames) = NULL;/* A shortcut for terminating the application */static void quit(int ret) {    assert(mainloop_api);    mainloop_api->quit(mainloop_api, ret);}/* Connection draining complete */static void context_drain_complete(pa_context*c, void *userdata) {    pa_context_disconnect(c);}/* Stream draining complete */static void stream_drain_complete(pa_stream*s, int success, void *userdata) {    pa_operation *o;    if (!success) {        fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to drain stream: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context)));        quit(1);    }    if (verbose)        fprintf(stderr, _("Playback stream drained.\n"));    pa_stream_disconnect(stream);    pa_stream_unref(stream);    stream = NULL;    if (!(o = pa_context_drain(context, context_drain_complete, NULL)))        pa_context_disconnect(context);    else {        pa_operation_unref(o);        if (verbose)            fprintf(stderr, _("Draining connection to server.\n"));    }}/* This is called whenever new data may be written to the stream */static void stream_write_callback(pa_stream *s, size_t length, void *userdata) {    sf_count_t bytes;    void *data;    assert(s && length);    if (!sndfile)        return;    data = pa_xmalloc(length);    if (readf_function) {        size_t k = pa_frame_size(&sample_spec);        if ((bytes = readf_function(sndfile, data, (sf_count_t) (length/k))) > 0)            bytes *= (sf_count_t) k;    } else        bytes = sf_read_raw(sndfile, data, (sf_count_t) length);    if (bytes > 0)        pa_stream_write(s, data, (size_t) bytes, pa_xfree, 0, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE);    else        pa_xfree(data);    if (bytes < (sf_count_t) length) {        sf_close(sndfile);        sndfile = NULL;        pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_drain(s, stream_drain_complete, NULL));    }}/* This routine is called whenever the stream state changes */static void stream_state_callback(pa_stream *s, void *userdata) {    assert(s);    switch (pa_stream_get_state(s)) {        case PA_STREAM_CREATING:        case PA_STREAM_TERMINATED:            break;        case PA_STREAM_READY:            if (verbose)                fprintf(stderr, _("Stream successfully created\n"));            break;        case PA_STREAM_FAILED:        default:            fprintf(stderr, _("Stream errror: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(pa_stream_get_context(s))));            quit(1);    }}/* This is called whenever the context status changes */static void context_state_callback(pa_context *c, void *userdata) {    assert(c);    switch (pa_context_get_state(c)) {        case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING:        case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING:        case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME:            break;        case PA_CONTEXT_READY: {            pa_cvolume cv;            assert(c && !stream);            if (verbose)                fprintf(stderr, _("Connection established.\n"));            stream = pa_stream_new(c, stream_name, &sample_spec, channel_map_set ? &channel_map : NULL);            assert(stream);            pa_stream_set_state_callback(stream, stream_state_callback, NULL);            pa_stream_set_write_callback(stream, stream_write_callback, NULL);            pa_stream_connect_playback(stream, device, NULL, 0, pa_cvolume_set(&cv, sample_spec.channels, volume), NULL);            break;        }        case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED:            quit(0);            break;        case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED:        default:            fprintf(stderr, _("Connection failure: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c)));            quit(1);    }}/* UNIX signal to quit recieved */static void exit_signal_callback(pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_signal_event *e, int sig, void *userdata) {    if (verbose)        fprintf(stderr, _("Got SIGINT, exiting.\n"));    quit(0);}static void help(const char *argv0) {    printf(_("%s [options] [FILE]\n\n"           "  -h, --help                            Show this help\n"           "      --version                         Show version\n\n"           "  -v, --verbose                         Enable verbose operation\n\n"           "  -s, --server=SERVER                   The name of the server to connect to\n"           "  -d, --device=DEVICE                   The name of the sink to connect to\n"           "  -n, --client-name=NAME                How to call this client on the server\n"           "      --stream-name=NAME                How to call this stream on the server\n"           "      --volume=VOLUME                   Specify the initial (linear) volume in range 0...65536\n"             "      --channel-map=CHANNELMAP          Set the channel map to the use\n"),           argv0);}enum {    ARG_VERSION = 256,    ARG_STREAM_NAME,    ARG_VOLUME,    ARG_CHANNELMAP};int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    pa_mainloop* m = NULL;    int ret = 1, r, c;    char *bn, *server = NULL;    const char *filename;    SF_INFO sfinfo;    static const struct option long_options[] = {        {"device",      1, NULL, 'd'},        {"server",      1, NULL, 's'},        {"client-name", 1, NULL, 'n'},        {"stream-name", 1, NULL, ARG_STREAM_NAME},        {"version",     0, NULL, ARG_VERSION},        {"help",        0, NULL, 'h'},        {"verbose",     0, NULL, 'v'},        {"volume",      1, NULL, ARG_VOLUME},        {"channel-map", 1, NULL, ARG_CHANNELMAP},        {NULL,          0, NULL, 0}    };    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");    bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PULSE_LOCALEDIR);    if (!(bn = strrchr(argv[0], '/')))        bn = argv[0];    else        bn++;    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:s:n:hv", long_options, NULL)) != -1) {        switch (c) {            case 'h' :                help(bn);                ret = 0;                goto quit;            case ARG_VERSION:                printf(_("paplay %s\nCompiled with libpulse %s\n"                        "Linked with libpulse %s\n"), PACKAGE_VERSION, pa_get_headers_version(), pa_get_library_version());                ret = 0;                goto quit;            case 'd':                pa_xfree(device);                device = pa_xstrdup(optarg);                break;            case 's':                pa_xfree(server);                server = pa_xstrdup(optarg);                break;            case 'n':                pa_xfree(client_name);                client_name = pa_xstrdup(optarg);                break;            case ARG_STREAM_NAME:                pa_xfree(stream_name);                stream_name = pa_xstrdup(optarg);                break;            case 'v':                verbose = 1;                break;            case ARG_VOLUME: {                int v = atoi(optarg);                volume = v < 0 ? 0U : (pa_volume_t) v;                break;            }            case ARG_CHANNELMAP:                if (!pa_channel_map_parse(&channel_map, optarg)) {                    fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid channel map\n"));                    goto quit;                }                channel_map_set = 1;                break;            default:                goto quit;        }    }    filename = optind < argc ? argv[optind] : "STDIN";    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo));    if (optind < argc)        sndfile = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);    else        sndfile = sf_open_fd(STDIN_FILENO, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 0);    if (!sndfile) {        fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to open file '%s'\n"), filename);        goto quit;    }    sample_spec.rate = (uint32_t) sfinfo.samplerate;    sample_spec.channels = (uint8_t) sfinfo.channels;    readf_function = NULL;    switch (sfinfo.format & 0xFF) {        case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16:        case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8:        case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8:            sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE;            readf_function = (sf_count_t (*)(SNDFILE *_sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t frames)) sf_readf_short;            break;        case SF_FORMAT_ULAW:            sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_ULAW;            break;        case SF_FORMAT_ALAW:            sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_ALAW;            break;        case SF_FORMAT_FLOAT:        case SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE:        default:            sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE;            readf_function = (sf_count_t (*)(SNDFILE *_sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t frames)) sf_readf_float;            break;    }    assert(pa_sample_spec_valid(&sample_spec));    if (channel_map_set && channel_map.channels != sample_spec.channels) {        fprintf(stderr, _("Channel map doesn't match file.\n"));        goto quit;    }    if (!client_name) {        client_name = pa_locale_to_utf8(bn);        if (!client_name)            client_name = pa_utf8_filter(bn);    }    if (!stream_name) {        const char *n;        n = sf_get_string(sndfile, SF_STR_TITLE);        if (!n)            n = filename;        stream_name = pa_locale_to_utf8(n);        if (!stream_name)            stream_name = pa_utf8_filter(n);    }    if (verbose) {        char t[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX];        pa_sample_spec_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &sample_spec);        fprintf(stderr, _("Using sample spec '%s'\n"), t);    }    /* Set up a new main loop */    if (!(m = pa_mainloop_new())) {        fprintf(stderr, _("pa_mainloop_new() failed.\n"));        goto quit;    }    mainloop_api = pa_mainloop_get_api(m);    r = pa_signal_init(mainloop_api);    assert(r == 0);    pa_signal_new(SIGINT, exit_signal_callback, NULL);#ifdef SIGPIPE    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);#endif    /* Create a new connection context */    if (!(context = pa_context_new(mainloop_api, client_name))) {        fprintf(stderr, _("pa_context_new() failed.\n"));        goto quit;    }    pa_context_set_state_callback(context, context_state_callback, NULL);    /* Connect the context */    if (pa_context_connect(context, server, 0, NULL) < 0) {        fprintf(stderr, _("pa_context_connect() failed: %s"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context)));        goto quit;    }    /* Run the main loop */    if (pa_mainloop_run(m, &ret) < 0) {        fprintf(stderr, _("pa_mainloop_run() failed.\n"));        goto quit;    }quit:    if (stream)        pa_stream_unref(stream);    if (context)        pa_context_unref(context);    if (m) {        pa_signal_done();        pa_mainloop_free(m);    }    pa_xfree(server);    pa_xfree(device);    pa_xfree(client_name);    pa_xfree(stream_name);    if (sndfile)        sf_close(sndfile);    return ret;}1  安装git clone git:// 安装pulseaduio库