Kotlin Reference (八) 可见性修饰符, data class,object Claz

来源:互联网 发布:观看仙侠学院 网络电影 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 02:00

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可见性修饰符(visibility modifiers)

Classes, objects, interfaces, constructors, functions, properties and their setters can have visibility modifiers.
Getters always have the same visibility as the property.
There are four visibility modifiers in Kotlin: private , protected , internal and public .
The default visibility, used if there is no explicit modifier, is public .

fun baz() {} //default public, it will be visible everywhereprivate class Bar {}  //private , it will only be visible inside the file containing the declarationinternal fun Bas() {} //internal , it is visible everywhere in the same module(an IntelliJ IDEA module; a Maven or Gradle project; a set of files compiled with one invocation of the Ant task)//protected class Bz  //protected is not available for top-level declarations.class Human {//or interface//    — private     // this class only visible//    — protected   // same as private + visible in subclasses too//    — internal    // 在module中 任何能访问该类的client//    — public      // 任何能访问该类的client}class C private constructor(a: Int) {} //the primary constructor visible this class onlyinternal class D /*internal or public*/ constructor(a: Int) {} //constructor: visible internalfun local() {//    public val c = 10    /*    Local variables, 不具有可见性修饰语     */}


使用data class声明class

data class 特性:

  1. 所有声明在主构造函数中的属性都会派生出相应的get/set(set需要属性为var)

    equals() ,hashCode()
    toString() of the form “User(name=John, age=42)” ,
    copy() ,比如下面的 Human类的默认实现就是:fun copy(id: Int = this.id) = Human(id)


  2. data class 声明时,前面不能有 abstract, open, sealed or inner

  3. 必须声明主构造函数,且至少有一个参数

data class 示例

open class Human(id: Int) {    override fun toString(): String {        return "Human"    }}data class User(val id: Int, val name: String, var age: Int): Human(id) {    var weight: Float = 0.0f    constructor(id: Int, weight: Float) : this(id, "", 18) {        this.weight = weight    }//    override fun toString(): String {//        return "User"//    }}



var u = User(1, "stone", 28) //id=1, name="stone", age=28u = User(2, 1.0f) //id=2, name="", age=18u.copy()u.copy(2)u.copy(2, "stone2")u.copy(2, "stone2", 27)




如下,使用object 声明一个ObjClass类:

object ObjClass {    const val const5 = 4    fun staticMethod() {}}

会成一个ObjClass的单例类,对于属性类似data class,会自动生成相应的getter、setter;成员的访问,类似java中的static形式;即[className].member