Akka(11): 分布式运算:集群-均衡负载

来源:互联网 发布:阿里数据分析师待遇 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 08:19



我们首先示范如何手工进行集群的负载分配:目的很简单:把不同的功能分配给不同的集群节点去运算。先按运算功能把集群节点分类:我们可以通过设定节点角色role来实现。然后需要一类节点(可能是多个节点)作为前端负责承接任务,然后根据任务类型来分配。负责具体运算的节点统称后台节点(backend nodes),负责接收和分配任务的节点统称前端节点(frontend nodes)。在编程过程中唯一需要考虑集群环境的部分就是前端节点需要知道处在所有后台节点上运算Actor的具体地址,即ActorRef。这点需要后台节点Node在加人集群时向前端负责分配任务的Actor报备自己的ActorRef。前端Actor是通过一个后台报备的ActorRef清单来分配任务的。假如我们用加减乘除模拟四项不同的运算功能,用手工形式把每一项功能部署到一个集群节点上,然后用一个前端节点按功能分配运算任务。下面是所有节点共享的消息类型:

package clusterloadbalance.messagesobject Messages {  sealed trait MathOps  case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  sealed trait ClusterMsg  case class RegisterBackendActor(role: String) extends ClusterMsg}


package clusterloadbalance.backendimport akka.actor._import clusterloadbalance.messages.Messages._import scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.cluster._import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcFuctions {  def propsFuncs = Props(new CalcFuctions)  def propsSuper(role: String) = Props(new CalculatorSupervisor(role))}class CalcFuctions extends Actor {  override def receive: Receive = {    case Add(x,y) =>      println(s"$x + $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x+y}")    case Sub(x,y) =>      println(s"$x - $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x - y}")    case Mul(x,y) =>      println(s"$x * $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x * y}")    case Div(x,y) =>        println(s"$x / $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x / y}")  }  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {    println(s"Restarting calculator: ${reason.getMessage}")    super.preRestart(reason, message)  }}class CalculatorSupervisor(mathOps: String) extends Actor {  def decider: PartialFunction[Throwable,SupervisorStrategy.Directive] = {    case _: ArithmeticException => SupervisorStrategy.Resume  }  override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =    OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds){      decider.orElse(SupervisorStrategy.defaultDecider)    }  val calcActor = context.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsFuncs,"calcFunction")  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)  override def preStart(): Unit = {    cluster.subscribe(self,classOf[MemberUp])    super.preStart()  }  override def postStop(): Unit =    cluster.unsubscribe(self)    super.postStop()  override def receive: Receive = {    case MemberUp(m) =>      if (m.hasRole("frontend")) {        context.actorSelection(RootActorPath(m.address)+"/user/frontend") !          RegisterBackendActor(mathOps)      }    case msg@ _ => calcActor.forward(msg)  }}object Calculator {  def create(role: String): Unit = {   //create instances of backend Calculator    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("Backend.akka.cluster.roles = [\""+role+"\"]")      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()).getConfig("Backend")    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",config)    val calcRef = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsSuper(role),"calculator")  }}



package clusterloadbalance.frontendimport akka.actor._import clusterloadbalance.messages.Messages._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcRouter {  def props = Props(new CalcRouter)}class CalcRouter extends Actor {  var nodes: Map[String,ActorRef] = Map()  override def receive: Receive = {    case RegisterBackendActor(role) =>      nodes += (role -> sender())      context.watch(sender())    case add: Add => routeCommand("adder", add)    case sub: Sub => routeCommand("substractor",sub)    case mul: Mul => routeCommand("multiplier",mul)    case div: Div => routeCommand("divider",div)    case Terminated(ref) =>    //remove from register      nodes = nodes.filter { case (_,r) => r != ref}  }  def routeCommand(role: String, ops: MathOps): Unit = {    nodes.get(role) match {      case Some(ref) => ref ! ops      case None =>        println(s"$role not registered!")    }  }}object FrontEnd {  private var router: ActorRef = _  def create = {  //must load this seed-node before any backends    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("Frontend"))    router = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcRouter.props,"frontend")  }  def getRouter = router}



package clusterLoadBalance.demoimport clusterloadbalance.messages.Messages._import clusterloadbalance.backend.Calculatorimport clusterloadbalance.frontend.FrontEndobject LoadBalancerDemo extends App {  FrontEnd.create  Calculator.create("adder")  Calculator.create("substractor")  Calculator.create("multiplier")  Calculator.create("divider")  Thread.sleep(2000)  val router = FrontEnd.getRouter  router ! Add(10,3)  router ! Mul(3,7)  router ! Div(8,2)  router ! Sub(45, 3)  router ! Div(8,0)}


Frontend {  akka {    actor {      provider = "cluster"    }    remote {      log-remote-lifecycle-events = off      netty.tcp {        hostname = ""        port = 2551      }    }    cluster {      roles = [frontend]      seed-nodes = [        "akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@"]      auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s    }  }}Backend {  akka{    actor {      provider = "cluster"    }    remote {      log-remote-lifecycle-events = off      netty.tcp {        hostname = ""        port = 0      }    }    cluster {      roles = [backend]      seed-nodes = [        "akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@"]      auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s    }  }}


...3 * 7 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1800460396] with result=2110 + 3 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#1046049287] with result=138 / 2 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-2008880936] with result=445 - 3 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#367851617] with result=42[WARN] [06/30/2017 09:12:39.465] [calcClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-20] [akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction] / by zero



package clusterrouter.messagesimport akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter._object Messages {  class MathOps(hashKey: String) extends Serializable with ConsistentHashable {    override def consistentHashKey: Any = hashKey  }  case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("adder")  case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("substractor")  case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("multiplier")  case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("divider")}


package clusterrouter.backendimport akka.actor._import clusterrouter.messages.Messages._import scala.concurrent.duration._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcFuctions {  def propsFuncs = Props(new CalcFuctions)  def propsSuper = Props(new CalculatorSupervisor)}class CalcFuctions extends Actor {  override def receive: Receive = {    case Add(x,y) =>      println(s"$x + $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x+y}")    case Sub(x,y) =>      println(s"$x - $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x - y}")    case Mul(x,y) =>      println(s"$x * $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x * y}")    case Div(x,y) =>        println(s"$x / $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x / y}")  }  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {    println(s"Restarting calculator: ${reason.getMessage}")    super.preRestart(reason, message)  }}class CalculatorSupervisor extends Actor {  def decider: PartialFunction[Throwable,SupervisorStrategy.Directive] = {    case _: ArithmeticException => SupervisorStrategy.Resume  }  override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =    OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds){      decider.orElse(SupervisorStrategy.defaultDecider)    }  val calcActor = context.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsFuncs,"calcFunction")  override def receive: Receive = {    case msg@ _ => calcActor.forward(msg)  }}object Calculator {  def create(port: Int): Unit = {   //create instances of backend Calculator    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [backend]")        .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port"))      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load())    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",config)    val calcRef = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsSuper,"calculator")  }}



package clusterrouter.frontendimport akka.actor._import akka.routing.FromConfigimport com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcRouter {  def props = Props(new CalcRouter)}class CalcRouter extends Actor {  // This router is used both with lookup and deploy of routees. If you  // have a router with only lookup of routees you can use Props.empty  // instead of Props[CalculatorSupervisor].  val calcRouter = context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(Props.empty),    name = "calcRouter")  override def receive: Receive = {    case msg@ _ => calcRouter forward msg  }}object FrontEnd {  private var router: ActorRef = _  def create = {  //must load this seed-node before any backends    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",ConfigFactory.load("hashing"))    router = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcRouter.props,"frontend")  }  def getRouter = router}


include "application"akka.cluster.roles = [frontend]akka.actor.deployment {  /frontend/calcRouter {    router = consistent-hashing-group    routees.paths = ["/user/calculator"]    cluster {      enabled = on      allow-local-routees = on      use-role = backend    }  }}


akka {  actor {    provider = cluster  }  remote {    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off    netty.tcp {      hostname = ""      port = 0    }  }  cluster {    seed-nodes = [      "akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@"]    # auto downing is NOT safe for production deployments.    # you may want to use it during development, read more about it in the docs.    auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s  }}


package clusterLoadBalance.demoimport clusterrouter.messages.Messages._import clusterrouter.backend.Calculatorimport clusterrouter.frontend.FrontEndobject LoadBalancerDemo extends App {  Calculator.create(2551)   //seed-node  Calculator.create(0)      //backend node  Calculator.create(0)  Calculator.create(0)  Calculator.create(0)  Calculator.create(0)  Thread.sleep(2000)  FrontEnd.create  Thread.sleep(2000)  val router = FrontEnd.getRouter  router ! Add(10,3)  router ! Mul(3,7)  router ! Div(8,2)  router ! Sub(45, 3)  router ! Div(8,0)  Thread.sleep(2000)  router ! Add(10,3)  router ! Mul(3,7)  router ! Div(8,2)  router ! Sub(45, 3)  router ! Div(8,0)}


8 / 2 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#1669565820] with result=43 * 7 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1532934391] with result=2110 + 3 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#904088130] with result=1345 - 3 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1532934391] with result=42[WARN] [07/02/2017 17:35:03.381] [calcClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-20] [akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction] / by zero[INFO] [07/02/2017 17:35:05.076] [calcClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://calcClusterSystem)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@] - Leader is moving node [akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@] to [Up]10 + 3 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#904088130] with result=133 * 7 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1532934391] with result=218 / 2 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#1669565820] with result=445 - 3 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1532934391] with result=42[WARN] [07/02/2017 17:35:05.374] [calcClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-17] [akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction] / by zero



include "application"akka.cluster.min-nr-of-members = 3akka.cluster.role {  frontend.min-nr-of-members = 1  backend.min-nr-of-members = 2}akka.actor.deployment {  /frontend/adaptive/calcRouter {    # Router type provided by metrics extension.    router = cluster-metrics-adaptive-group    # Router parameter specific for metrics extension.    # metrics-selector = heap    # metrics-selector = load    # metrics-selector = cpu    metrics-selector = mix    #    nr-of-instances = 100    routees.paths = ["/user/calculator"]    cluster {      enabled = on      use-role = backend      allow-local-routees = off    }  }}


package clusterLoadBalance.demoimport clusterrouter.messages.Messages._import clusterrouter.backend.Calculatorimport clusterrouter.frontend.CalcRouterimport com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryimport scala.util.Randomimport scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.actor._import akka.cluster._class RouterRunner extends Actor {  val jobs = List(Add,Sub,Mul,Div)  import context.dispatcher  val calcRouter = context.actorOf(CalcRouter.props,"adaptive")  context.system.scheduler.schedule(3.seconds, 3.seconds, self, "DoRandomMath")  override def receive: Receive = {    case  _ => calcRouter ! anyMathJob  }  def anyMathJob: MathOps =    jobs(Random.nextInt(4))(Random.nextInt(100), Random.nextInt(100))}object AdaptiveRouterDemo extends App {  Calculator.create(2551)   //seed-node  Calculator.create(0)      //backend node  Thread.sleep(2000)  val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [frontend]").    withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("adaptive"))  val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",config)  //#registerOnUp  Cluster(calcSystem) registerOnMemberUp {    val _ = calcSystem.actorOf(Props[RouterRunner],"frontend")  }  //#registerOnUp  //val _ = calcSystem.actorOf(Props[RouterRunner],"frontend")}


...12 * 9 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1771471734] with result=10827 + 74 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1512057504] with result=10178 + 37 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1512057504] with result=11577 * 33 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1771471734] with result=254132 - 19 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1512057504] with result=1365 * 46 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1771471734] with result=299068 - 99 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1771471734] with result=-3197 + 18 carried out by Actor[akka://calcClusterSystem/user/calculator/calcFunction#-1771471734] with result=115...





name := "cluster-load-balance"version := "1.0"scalaVersion := "2.11.8"libraryDependencies ++= {  val akkaVersion = "2.5.3"  Seq(    "com.typesafe.akka"       %%  "akka-actor"   % akkaVersion,    "com.typesafe.akka"       %%  "akka-cluster"   % akkaVersion  )}


Frontend {  akka {    actor {      provider = "cluster"    }    remote {      log-remote-lifecycle-events = off      netty.tcp {        hostname = ""        port = 2551      }    }    cluster {      roles = [frontend]      seed-nodes = [        "akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@"]      auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s    }  }}Backend {  akka{    actor {      provider = "cluster"    }    remote {      log-remote-lifecycle-events = off      netty.tcp {        hostname = ""        port = 0      }    }    cluster {      roles = [backend]      seed-nodes = [        "akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@"]      auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s    }  }}


package clusterloadbalance.messagesobject Messages {  sealed trait MathOps  case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps  sealed trait ClusterMsg  case class RegisterBackendActor(role: String) extends ClusterMsg}


package clusterloadbalance.backendimport akka.actor._import clusterloadbalance.messages.Messages._import scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.cluster._import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcFuctions {  def propsFuncs = Props(new CalcFuctions)  def propsSuper(role: String) = Props(new CalculatorSupervisor(role))}class CalcFuctions extends Actor {  override def receive: Receive = {    case Add(x,y) =>      println(s"$x + $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x+y}")    case Sub(x,y) =>      println(s"$x - $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x - y}")    case Mul(x,y) =>      println(s"$x * $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x * y}")    case Div(x,y) =>        println(s"$x / $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x / y}")  }  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {    println(s"Restarting calculator: ${reason.getMessage}")    super.preRestart(reason, message)  }}class CalculatorSupervisor(mathOps: String) extends Actor {  def decider: PartialFunction[Throwable,SupervisorStrategy.Directive] = {    case _: ArithmeticException => SupervisorStrategy.Resume  }  override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =    OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds){      decider.orElse(SupervisorStrategy.defaultDecider)    }  val calcActor = context.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsFuncs,"calcFunction")  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)  override def preStart(): Unit = {    cluster.subscribe(self,classOf[MemberUp])    super.preStart()  }  override def postStop(): Unit =    cluster.unsubscribe(self)    super.postStop()  override def receive: Receive = {    case MemberUp(m) =>      if (m.hasRole("frontend")) {        context.actorSelection(RootActorPath(m.address)+"/user/frontend") !          RegisterBackendActor(mathOps)      }    case msg@ _ => calcActor.forward(msg)  }}object Calculator {  def create(role: String): Unit = {   //create instances of backend Calculator    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("Backend.akka.cluster.roles = ["+role+"]")      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()).getConfig("Backend")    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",config)    val calcRef = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsSuper(role),"calculator")  }}


package clusterloadbalance.frontendimport akka.actor._import clusterloadbalance.messages.Messages._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcRouter {  def props = Props(new CalcRouter)}class CalcRouter extends Actor {  var nodes: Map[String,ActorRef] = Map()  override def receive: Receive = {    case RegisterBackendActor(role) =>      nodes += (role -> sender())      context.watch(sender())    case add: Add => routeCommand("adder", add)    case sub: Sub => routeCommand("substractor",sub)    case mul: Mul => routeCommand("multiplier",mul)    case div: Div => routeCommand("divider",div)    case Terminated(ref) =>    //remove from register      nodes = nodes.filter { case (_,r) => r != ref}  }  def routeCommand(role: String, ops: MathOps): Unit = {    nodes.get(role) match {      case Some(ref) => ref ! ops      case None =>        println(s"$role not registered!")    }  }}object FrontEnd {  private var router: ActorRef = _  def create = {  //must load this seed-node before any backends    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("Frontend"))    router = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcRouter.props,"frontend")  }  def getRouter = router}


package clusterLoadBalance.demoimport clusterloadbalance.messages.Messages._import clusterloadbalance.backend.Calculatorimport clusterloadbalance.frontend.FrontEndobject LoadBalancerDemo extends App {  FrontEnd.create  Calculator.create("adder")  Calculator.create("substractor")  Calculator.create("multiplier")  Calculator.create("divider")  Thread.sleep(2000)  val router = FrontEnd.getRouter  router ! Add(10,3)  router ! Mul(3,7)  router ! Div(8,2)  router ! Sub(45, 3)  router ! Div(8,0)  }



name := "cluster-router-demo"version := "1.0"scalaVersion := "2.11.9"sbtVersion := "0.13.7"resolvers += "Akka Snapshot Repository" at "http://repo.akka.io/snapshots/"val akkaVersion = "2.5.3"libraryDependencies ++= Seq(  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaVersion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote" % akkaVersion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster" % akkaVersion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-metrics" % akkaVersion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % akkaVersion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-multi-node-testkit" % akkaVersion)


akka {  actor {    provider = cluster  }  remote {    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off    netty.tcp {      hostname = ""      port = 0    }  }  cluster {    seed-nodes = [      "akka.tcp://calcClusterSystem@"]    # auto downing is NOT safe for production deployments.    # you may want to use it during development, read more about it in the docs.    auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s  }}include "application"akka.cluster.roles = [frontend]akka.actor.deployment {  /frontend/calcRouter {    router = consistent-hashing-group    routees.paths = ["/user/calculator"]    cluster {      enabled = on      allow-local-routees = on      use-role = backend    }  }}include "application"akka.cluster.min-nr-of-members = 3akka.cluster.role {  frontend.min-nr-of-members = 1  backend.min-nr-of-members = 2}akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = offakka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = offakka.log-dead-letters = offakka.actor.deployment {  /frontend/adaptive/calcRouter {    # Router type provided by metrics extension.    router = cluster-metrics-adaptive-group    # Router parameter specific for metrics extension.    # metrics-selector = heap    # metrics-selector = load    # metrics-selector = cpu    metrics-selector = mix    #    nr-of-instances = 100    routees.paths = ["/user/calculator"]    cluster {      enabled = on      use-role = backend      allow-local-routees = off    }  }}


package clusterrouter.messagesimport akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter._object Messages {  class MathOps(hashKey: String) extends Serializable with ConsistentHashable {    override def consistentHashKey: Any = hashKey  }  case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("adder")  case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("substractor")  case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("multiplier")  case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends MathOps("divider")}


package clusterrouter.backendimport akka.actor._import clusterrouter.messages.Messages._import scala.concurrent.duration._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcFuctions {  def propsFuncs = Props(new CalcFuctions)  def propsSuper = Props(new CalculatorSupervisor)}class CalcFuctions extends Actor {  override def receive: Receive = {    case Add(x,y) =>      println(s"$x + $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x+y}")    case Sub(x,y) =>      println(s"$x - $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x - y}")    case Mul(x,y) =>      println(s"$x * $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x * y}")    case Div(x,y) =>        println(s"$x / $y carried out by ${self} with result=${x / y}")  }  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {    println(s"Restarting calculator: ${reason.getMessage}")    super.preRestart(reason, message)  }}class CalculatorSupervisor extends Actor {  def decider: PartialFunction[Throwable,SupervisorStrategy.Directive] = {    case _: ArithmeticException => SupervisorStrategy.Resume  }  override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =    OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds){      decider.orElse(SupervisorStrategy.defaultDecider)    }  val calcActor = context.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsFuncs,"calcFunction")  override def receive: Receive = {    case msg@ _ => calcActor.forward(msg)  }}object Calculator {  def create(port: Int): Unit = {   //create instances of backend Calculator    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [backend]")        .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port"))      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("adaptive"))    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",config)    val calcRef = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcFuctions.propsSuper,"calculator")  }}


package clusterrouter.frontendimport akka.actor._import akka.routing.FromConfigimport com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject CalcRouter {  def props = Props(new CalcRouter)}class CalcRouter extends Actor {  // This router is used both with lookup and deploy of routees. If you  // have a router with only lookup of routees you can use Props.empty  // instead of Props[CalculatorSupervisor].  val calcRouter = context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(Props.empty),    name = "calcRouter")  override def receive: Receive = {    case msg@ _ => calcRouter forward msg  }}object FrontEnd {  private var router: ActorRef = _  def create = {  //must load this seed-node before any backends    val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",ConfigFactory.load("hashing"))    router = calcSystem.actorOf(CalcRouter.props,"frontend")  }  def getRouter = router}


package clusterrouter.demoimport clusterrouter.messages.Messages._import clusterrouter.backend.Calculatorimport clusterrouter.frontend.FrontEndobject LoadBalancerDemo extends App {  Calculator.create(2551)   //seed-node  Calculator.create(0)      //backend node  Calculator.create(0)  Calculator.create(0)  Calculator.create(0)  Calculator.create(0)  Thread.sleep(2000)  FrontEnd.create  Thread.sleep(2000)  val router = FrontEnd.getRouter  router ! Add(10,3)  router ! Mul(3,7)  router ! Div(8,2)  router ! Sub(45, 3)  router ! Div(8,0)  Thread.sleep(2000)  router ! Add(10,3)  router ! Mul(3,7)  router ! Div(8,2)  router ! Sub(45, 3)  router ! Div(8,0)}


package clusterrouter.demoimport clusterrouter.messages.Messages._import clusterrouter.backend.Calculatorimport clusterrouter.frontend.CalcRouterimport com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryimport scala.util.Randomimport scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.actor._import akka.cluster._class RouterRunner extends Actor {  val jobs = List(Add,Sub,Mul,Div)  import context.dispatcher  val calcRouter = context.actorOf(CalcRouter.props,"adaptive")  context.system.scheduler.schedule(3.seconds, 3.seconds, self, "DoRandomMath")  override def receive: Receive = {    case  _ => calcRouter ! anyMathJob  }  def anyMathJob: MathOps =    jobs(Random.nextInt(4))(Random.nextInt(100), Random.nextInt(100))}object AdaptiveRouterDemo extends App {  Calculator.create(2551)   //seed-node  Calculator.create(0)      //backend node  Thread.sleep(2000)  val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [frontend]").    withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("adaptive"))  val calcSystem = ActorSystem("calcClusterSystem",config)  //#registerOnUp  Cluster(calcSystem) registerOnMemberUp {    val _ = calcSystem.actorOf(Props[RouterRunner],"frontend")  }  //#registerOnUp  //val _ = calcSystem.actorOf(Props[RouterRunner],"frontend")}
